AIESEC Bulgaria - Sales Portfolio

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Our Values Activating Leadership Acting Sustainably Demonstrating Integrity Living Diversity Enjoying Participation Striving for Excellence

AIESEC Platform

AIESEC in Bulgaria

Along with international internships and leadership experiences, AIESEC offers to students the chance to participate in virtual global discussions, virtual team work experiences, online knowledge management and hundreds of physical meetings/conferences, learning teams, coaching with top executives and more. The AIESEC platform is a unique environment that enables people to explore and develop their potential and creates the opportunity for development of defined leadership competencies.

+8.300 leadership +7.500 internships +1.700 universities +38.000 members +107 countries +4.000 partners AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

Global Internship Program In our Global Internship Program our partners can employ last year students or fresh graduates from abroad for the duration of 6 weeks to 1,5 years as interns in a cost and time efficient way. The interns can be selected according to specific backgrounds, skills and language knowledge from more than 100 countries over the world.

Key Benefits Customized solution for your hiring needs for specific positions Ideal for short to mid-term projects Cost efficient solution Database: more than 5000 interns for management, 1200 for IT and engineering





Web application management | Sofware devlopment | Programming | System analyses and design | Web development | Database management | Graphic Design Accounting | Finance | International Business | Marketing | Advertising | HR | Project Management | Organizational management

Linguistics | Language education in English or other languages | Bilingual and cross cultural education | International education

Working at non-profit organizations or schools as a volunteer.

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

AIESEC | Employer Branding at Universities Our partners can be involved in our initiatives aimed at positioning themselves as partners of AIESEC at university campuses as well as for the members of AIESEC.

What we Offer Talent Access – AIESEC provides its partners with unique opportunities for direct interactions with talented students with different backgrounds, skills and competencies. Employer Branding – through our network of 7 local offices presented at 15 universities in Bulgaria our partners can build a strong brand among students and AIESEC members with the aim of attracting future employees. Impact on society – by engaging in our activities and events, our partners are demonstrating socially responsible attitude towards youth and take an active role in developing future leaders of the society.

Recruitment Partnership

Key benefits

Every year twice – in autumn and spring - AIESEC runs recruitment for involving new members in the organisation. The national recruitment campaign happens at 14 university campuses. Our partners are positioned on our on-and offline channels as partners of AIESEC to strenghten their brand among university students and participate at our national conferences for new members with presentation and workshops.

• Brand positioning at our national network of 15 universities – reach: 100.000 students • Interaction with new members of AIESEC during workshops • Employer brand building among AIESEC members

Recruitment period: Sept/Oct 2010 and Feb/March 2011 Conference ACT: 19th November, Friday – Varna Delegates profile: 150 new members, 100 leaders Goal: new members educational seminar and leadership and management seminar for the leaders Conference SpringCo: 8th April, Friday – Sofia Delegates profile: 100 new members, 70 leaders Goal: new members educational seminar; management

Our Local Offices University of National and World Economy – Sofia Technical University – Sofia University of Economics – Varna Plovdiv University Academy of Economics – Svishtov Veliko Tarnovo University American University – Blagoevgrad

Partner’s involvment • brand on our online and offline channels of recruitment • giving 10 minutes presentation about the company at 2 national conferences • delivering a 1,5 hour-long workshop at 2 national conferences

Other universities we recruit from Sofia University University of Architecture – Sofia International University – Sofia New Bulgarian University – Sofia(UNWE) Technical University – Varna Technical University – Plovdiv International University College - Dobrich South Western University – Blagoevgrad

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

AIESEC | Employer Branding at Universities Ambassador Program This program gives our partners the opportunity to be present at the campuses of our 7 local offices for strengthening their employer brand. Our partners are engaging in activities organized by AIESEC at the campuses of their choice from 3 to 7 universities. Each local office provides an ambassador, who helps the company with gathering information, promoting and organizing one event each semester.

Key benefits • Access to the national network of AIESEC in Bulgaria – 7 campuses –strenghtening employer brand • One ambassador at each local office helping the company • National coordination of the program for ensuring high quality of events

Possible events Presentation on a given topic Open training, panel discussions on a given topic Class education in a given subject (with previous permit from university) Other events organized by the local office

Facts 3-7 targeted campuses in the program 1 event/semester/campus from the 7 local office campuses with min 30-40 participants Timeline and expectations for the ambassadors will be clarified at the Ambassador Day in August/September

Partner’s involvement • delivering a presentation/seminar/training/class education organized by AIESEC for students on the targeted universities • Aug-Sept: 1 day for ambassadors organized in partner’s headquarters • providing promotion materials for positioning

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

AIESEC Talent We have several projects through which we are cooperating with our partners for developing our members on all stages of the AIESEC Experience.

Leadership Development Program In our Leadership Development Program our partners take part in national conferences aiming at leadership and management skills development. The conference is a platform for current and future leaders of AIESEC to develop their skills for team and organizational management and getting to know their own leadership style.

Key Facts ACT conference - Leadership Development seminar/ 19th Nov. 2010 / Varna SpringCo – Leadership Development seminar / 8th April 2010 / Sofia Participants: 70-100 AIESEC leaders

Key Benefits Long-term positioning for attracting student leaders as employees Interacting with youth leaders, gathering feedback/inputs about company brand

Partner’s Involvment Delivering 2 workshops of 2 hours on specific topics for groups of 15-20 leaders 10 minutes presentation about the company in front of all delegates

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

AIESEC Talent Partnership Launch

Our partners have the possibility to introduce themselves to the members of the organisation and get to know more about AIESEC during our annual conference ACT in November. Our members can get more familiar with the values and business of our partner in order to build a long-term cooperation between AIESEC and our partners.

Key Facts

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Date: ACT conference – 18th November, Thursday, Varna 250 delegates – new members and leaders of AIESEC

Key Benefits

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Getting to know AIESEC through a national conference First interaction with AIESEC members for long-term positioning AIESEC members connect to the company on emotional level

Partner's Involvment • •

Delivering a 30 minutes presentation about the company Brand positioning on the conference (flyers, banner, etc.)

National Awards

At the end of the year 2010/2011 we reward the best performing local offices and teams on different categories. Our partners have the opportunity to give one of the awards of their choice connected to their company values and with this strenghten the brand awareness and personal connection to the company in our members. The conference SpringCo in April 2011 is the event for recognizing the yearly performance of the local offices during the awards ceremony.

Key facts

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Key Benefits

• Unique way of building brand awareness about the company connected to company values and mission • Strengthening engagement of AIESEC members towards the company though common values • Employer brand building

Date: SpringCo – April 2011, Sofia Participants: 200 members and leaders of the organisation Official dinner for awards ceremony

Partner's Involvment •

Presenting and giving the award • Delivering a training/team building with company visit to the winner LC (depending on previous agreement and award type)

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

AIESEC – Connecting Youth and Business As an organisation run by students and recent graduates, AIESEC has the unique role of connecting youth to the world of business. By creating a link between young people and our partners, we enable our members to get to know the business reality and plan their career and our partners to capitalize on the young and innovative mindset and creativity or our members to develop their business.

National Stakeholders’ Event The National Stakeholders’ Event is the newest initiative of AIESEC Bulgaria with the aim of connecting our stakeholders, including our partners, alumni and members. Our stakeholders have the chance to get together and broaden their professional network. The event will be also a platform for the awarding ceremony for our partners, who have been contributing the most to the development of the organisation during the year.

Key Facts Date: 26th January, Sofia Participants: around 100 companies and AIESEC Duration: 1 hour + networking cocktail

Key Benefits Access to the professional network of AIESEC Bulgaria (partners, potential partners, alumni) Getting to know AIESEC opportunities

For Further Information Henrietta Vöröss Vice President of External Relations Mobile: +359 883 354 177 Office: +359 2 987 16 81 E-mail:

AIESEC Bulgaria 10 Narodno Sabranie square, Sofia 1000 | Tel: +359 2 987 16 81 | |

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