SCOPE OF WORK Name of Company:
Peer Coach Academy Colorado
Project Name:
Recovery Leadership Development
Project Manager:
Rod Rushing
Prepared by:
Rod Rushing
The Scope of Work is the official description of the work that is to be completed during the contract. The Scope of Work must be consistent with the project timeline.
PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION STATEMENT Development, train, and mentor at least 5 recovery community centers located throughout Various counties in Colorado.
TASK LIST Each task has been assigned a number for reference throughout the rest of this document and during the commission of the project. Task No.
Equipment & Services Needed
Enlisting at least 5 counties with recovery support organizations in Colorado
Secure training staff and say $6000.00 deposit for dates trainers and manuals.
Conduct training
Develop communication instruments for monthly brainstorming
Equipment Reporting Head Delivery Date Rod Rushing 01/31/2017
Rod Rushing Rod Rushing
Skype, Microsoft Office 365, accounting software
Allison Harden
Task No.
Name of Key Personnel
Role / Title
Rod Rushing
Team Lead
To inform team of progress of tasks.
Allison Harden
Larry Wall
Leadership Project Reviewer
Finance Director
Generate systems of communication between stakeholders and maintain efficacy of communication. Manage and warehouse all financial transactions from grantor to grantees
Name of Key Contractor
Role / Title
Rod Rushing
Program Director
Training Of Trainers For Each County
Fell Caldawallder
Responsibilities Initial 40 hour RCA training in November. To deliver a TOT training to at least 10 c Trainers for the 5 counties. Additionally there will be two additional curricula delivered with one being directed toward offering families education on recovery support.
Name of Key Partner
Role / Title
Developing Recovery Support Leadership For Colorado Springs
Cathy Plush
Springs leadeship
To align her county information with goals of project
PROBLEM STATEMENT There is an visible lack of recovery support services outside the parameters of 12 step which directly affects the connection of people in need of recovery community connection to maintain long term recovery.
PROJECT GOALS GOAL Recovery coach HOW GOAL WILL BE ACHIEVED 40 hour training of core Recovery Coach training and 8 hours youth mental health first aid facilitated over 4 weekend days in Novvember followed by a 5 day intense training with 2 days of RCA TOT, and 2 separate 3 day training tracks, providing the 60 hours of required education hours required for the Colorado Peer and Family Credential and provide each organization 2 Recovery Coach Trainers with at least 2 curriculums, a built in network within CO, access to supervision and implementation support, ongoing alumni support, and increases the availability of more diversified recovery support opportunities statewide. GOAL Recovery Leadership Growth HOW GOAL WILL BE ACHIEVED The Leadership Intensive project simultaneously positions more individuals toward leadership roles in the Recovery Support discipline of the treatment and recovery continuum. The more Colorado invests in recovery, recovery support, and the more individuals and dedicated energy will focus their sites on RSS which will directly affect outcomes in the continuum. GOAL Recovery support system HOW GOAL WILL BE ACHIEVED Each county will establish a network of recovery support to provide services for the residents of its county. GOAL Self sustaining HOW GOAL WILL BE ACHIEVED Each county will begin to develop knowledge and experience in fundraising and grant writing to support its mission.
Estimated Schedules Project Milestone
Target Date
Project Started
Secured players
Project Completed
Estimated Budget Cost of Project Type
Internal Labor
Rushing Consulting -1800.00 over 3 weeks.
External Labor
Caldawalleder Consulting 8750.00
training space, manuals, snacks, supplies
2000.00 travel expenses for trainers
Ongoing expenses for 1 year- 1000.00 per rmonth for 12 months 60,000 Total:
$60,000.00 $74,000.00
PROJECT APPROACH PLAN Select at least 5 recovery oriented community organizations in various counties in Colorado. These entities will become partners and supporters for each other as development begins. There will be a combined recovery coach trainer training with each site being empowered with 2 trainers to begin developing recovery coaches at their location. Each county team will be encouraged, guided, and expected to create collaboration with recovery support services from many disciplines including mental health peer support, family peer support, drug courts, criminal justice, sober housing, employment services, and education. These relationships will be nurtured and supported to develop a system of recovery support available for its residents. Ideas and activities for fundraising for each center will be conducted simultaneously. By signing below, I verify that I am a representative of the below identified entity and that I have the authority to bind such entity.
Project Approval & Signatures Project Name:
Recovery Leadership Development
Project Manager:
Rod Rushing
Project Approval & Signatures The purpose of this document is to provide a vehicle for documenting the initial planning efforts for the project. It is used to reach a satisfactory level of mutual agreement among the Project Manager, Project Sponsors and Owners with respect to the objectives and scope of the project before significant resources are committed and expenses incurred. I have reviewed the information contained in this Project Scope Statement and agree: Name
Rod Rushing
Team Lead
Allison Harden
Leadership Project Reviewer
Larry Wall
Finance Director
Rod Rushing
Program Director
Fell Caldawallder
Cathy Plush
Springs Leadeship