Fees for the Academic Year 2024-25 (per term)
All fees include text books and appropriate stationery up to GCSE level.
* A further charge of £1,230 per term is applicable for the Language Pathway Course An additional fee of £1,870 per term is made in respect of boarders entering the Sixth Form directly.
The Fees stated are exclusive of VAT. If there is a change in legislation and VAT becomes chargeable in respect of any of the services the School provides, then the School will inform you of this change and VAT will become payable.
Terms and Conditions
Payment of Fees:
Payment of fees is due in full by the first day of term unless part of the direct debit scheme. Fee accounts are prepared at the end of each term for payment by the start of the following term by bank transfer direct to the School or via Flywire.
Pre-paid Fees Scheme:
The School operates a Pre-paid Fees Scheme, by which parents can pay a lump sum in advance for School fees (minimum one year) thereby receiving a discount at the current rate of 2% (subject to change) A quote can be obtained from the Deputy Finance Manager (jri@roedean.co.uk).
Overdue Fees:
Interest will be payable on accounts not received by the first day of each term. The current rate of interest is Natwest Bank Base Rate plus 4%. We will also recover any administrative fees associated with any debt and pass on the costs of any debt recovery agents that we may instruct.
Registration Fee:
£200 is payable with the application and is non-refundable.
Acceptance Deposit:
Year 7 - 11 Year 12 – 13
Early Entrance Programme (EEP) applicants (11+/13+): 50% deposit payable on acceptance (for UK-based Day and Boarders). This is non-refundable should the student withdraw. The balance of 50% will be payable in line with the standard entry acceptance deadline.
Unless stated otherwise, all deposits are refunded (without interest) after the student has left the School and after all fees and ‘extras’ have been settled. If the student does not take up the accepted place, the deposit is non-refundable.
Bank details:
NatWest Bank plc, Castle Square, Brighton BN1 1ES
The sort code is 60 30 09; the account number is 53541243.
IBAN: GB46NWBK60300953541243
Roedean School will never change its bank account details without informing you first. If you receive any communication stating there has been a change to the School account details, or offering a change in the contractual terms in exchange for upfront fee payments, please report directly to bursary@roedean.co.uk
Charges for Extra Subjects/Activities:
Full details of subjects/activities offered are published separately. Written permission of the parent or guardian is required before a student can be accepted for tuition in an extra subject/activity.
Since payment has to be made to the teachers concerned, subjects/activities may only be terminated at the end of the term, for which half of one term’s notice in writing is required, prior to half term. If a subject/activity is discontinued during a term, the whole of that term’s charge will be payable.
Where students require private academic coaching, this is a matter for a separate written contract between the parents and the School.
Notice of Withdrawal:
Once a place in the School has been accepted, at least one full term’s notice of withdrawal of a student must be given to the Head in writing, irrespective of whether the student has joined the School or not. If the required notice is not given, fees for the next term will be charged. Please see the School's Terms and Conditions.
Requests for changes of status from day to boarding or vice versa, or a change in boarding status categories of full, weekly or flexi, also require a full term’s notice
If a student has been a boarder for the Autumn and Spring Terms, the same fee will be applicable for the Summer Term irrespective of whether there is a change of status to a lower charge category Please see the School's Terms and Conditions.