Head's Weekly Review - 28 June 19 - Issue 34

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28 June 2019 - Issue 11



Head’s Introduction What an amazing week it has been! So much has happened that it’s difficult to believe that the Prize Giving ceremonies for Years 7-10 and Sports Day were less than a week ago. The girls and staff have had a brilliant time, and been involved in an amazing array of activities. It was great for the school community to celebrate and acknowledge the girls’ achievements in the Prize Givings, and I am sure that the girls were very proud. It was wonderful to welcome Wendy Young, from Off the Fence, to Roedean as our guest speaker, and the girls appreciated her advice about learning from life experiences and enjoying the journey. In the afternoon, Sports Day was a great success in the sunshine, and well done to all our competitors for their engagement and spirit. Congratulations to House 3 who won overall and the staff for their success in the Golden Mile. I was incredibly impressed by the talent on display in the Performing Arts Gala on Friday And Roedean’s Got Talent on Monday - both events showcased Music, Drama and Dance from across the year and across the School. I am also delighted that we are continuing to invest in and develop our arts provision through Artemis, Roedean’s Performing Arts School, which will be launched in September. The School Charity Walk on Tuesday was a fantastic example of the school community coming together to support a common goal. I am delighted that this single event raised nearly £5000 for St Mark’s and the PlanUK girls, and over the course of this year we have collectively raised nearly £31,000 for charitable causes - thank you for support, and well done to the girls! It is an absolute delight and a privilege to see the children of St Mark’s enjoying their Secret Garden Library and developing their love of reading. The impact of your gift of this library space and those wonderful books is immeasurable as a love of reading lasts a lifetime. To see the joy of children thrilled that they can borrow books and take them home is worth all your efforts, so thank you again.

On Wednesday and Thursday this week, the girls have been taking part in our Festival with the three strands of Diversity, Sustainability, and Inclusion. For each, there have been workshops, panel discussions, with representatives from a whole range of organisations, including the new Mayor of Brighton and Hove, and a whole range of activities. Congratulations to Ms Boobis for masterminding these outstanding two days, and for ensuring that there was something to challenge and excite every single one of the students. Roedean says farewell today to a number of girls and staff, every one of whom has enriched our community while they have been with us - good luck, and keep in touch to let us know how you are getting on. However, three members of staff have made outstanding contributions to Roedean. Mrs Alison Whitestone has been a key member of the Music Department, teaching a great deal of the academic Music, and her knowledge and expertise, as well as her experience as an A Level examiner, will be missed. Mrs Sarah Ellis, has enjoyed the last two years as ‘just a classroom teacher’ in her own words, but she has also been Deputy Head at Roedean, and her contributions and dedication to the School have been outstanding. Mr Andrew England has taught Chemistry at Roedean for 41 years, which shows remarkable commitment to the School - he has held a number of positions at the School, including Head of Science, and his service has been exceptional. To dedicate a career to teaching, inspiring and supporting young people is worthy of our sincere thanks and congratulations. To dedicate so much of that career to the girls of Roedean is deeply moving. We are incredibly grateful and on behalf of all those you taught and inspired across the years, please accept a huge thank you. We wish you all good luck and very happy retirements. Well done to you all for an excellent year, and I wish you all a well-deserved rest over the summer!

Best Innovation at TeenTech2019 for Mary, Chloe, and Freya Congratulations to Mary, Chloe, and Freya (Yr13) who have won the ‘Best Innovation Model, Prototype, or Product’ category at the 2019 TeenTech Awards, presented at a glitzy awards’ ceremony at the Institute of Engineering and Technology in London. Following a two-week placement at Brighton University last summer along with Melissa and Ishika, the girls embarked upon a project during their final year at school to design a product which can be used to reduce malnutrition in premature babies around the world. The worked on the project every week, and they were visited periodically by a supervisor from the university. As the girls were developing the prototype, they were assisted by two girls in Year 12 and a number from younger years, so we hope that their passion for science will have rubbed off on their peers. A new crop of Year 13 students will take on the baton this summer, and let’s see if they can replicate this brilliant result. The product is a micro-fluidic paper-based analytical device to test the concentrations of key components of breast milk. The girls’ test produces a colorimetric assay which produces accurate and clear results very quickly. Although their product grew out of science and design in a classroom, they hope that might be developed so that it will have a practical application to help premature babies being born in the most difficult of circumstances all over the world. This amazing success highlights the wonderful strength in the Sciences among the girls at Roedean, and the School is incredibly proud of them.

28 June 2019 - Issue 11


Aspiring Stars

& Performing Arts Gala We were delighted to have 2 fantastic performance opportunities to finish off the term and academic year; the Performing Arts Gala and pre-launch of Artemis Performing Arts School on Friday evening and Roedean’s Got Talent on Monday evening.

Our judges were Mr Blond, Mr Chamberlain, Dr Barrand, Sorcha Harris, and Zarbanu Malekshahi, and they had a tough job on their hands but, after some deliberation, they awarded the following prizes:

The Performing Arts Gala featured 75 girls from across all years, who were all invited to perform some highlights of music, dance and drama from the 2018/19 academic year. The evening featured excerpts from both Cabaret and Peter Pan, as well as pieces from the dance showcase, open day performances, staff performances, solo musicians, LAMDA monologues and duologues, students’ own compositions and some brand new performances. It was a fabulous way to celebrate the progression of Performing Arts over the past year and showcase the incredible talent of our girls. Following this we held the pre launch for our brand new performing arts school, launching officially in September. The interest already has been incredible and we are very excited to get this off the ground.


Then Monday saw a totally different event, in which all girls in the school were encouraged to come along and participate, show their skills in different areas and, most importantly, have fun! Roedean’s Got Talent featured 14 fantastic acts ranging from singers to dancers to our very own Spice Boys! This event again featured several students’ own compositions, which is so very impressive and the talent on display was wonderful to see, especially from students who we don’t often see performing on stage.

Pupils’ Choice

WINNER : Bella C & Ananaya R (Yr9)


Highly Commend

HIGHLY COMMENDED : Niah S (Yr10) HIGHLY COMMENDED : Lillie M-P (Yr10) ASPIRING STARS : Dominique L, Niamh A, Maddie M, Olivia P, Grace L, & Sasha S (Yr8) Our girls also got to have say in the Pupils’ Choice Award, and the popular vote went to the following:


Highly Commend

WINNER : Poppy S, Liv B, India B, India H & Sydney O RUNNER UP : Julie L & Eileen D Both events were a wonderful example of the confidence or our girls to get up on a stage and perform in front of their peers, friends and families and also of how supportive our girls are of each other. Congratulations to all the girls who performed in both events.

1st Place

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Runner Up

Highly Commend



Roedean Day On Saturday 22 June, a perfect summer’s day, we were delighted to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of the girls in Years 7-10 in their Prize Giving ceremonies, and welcome back 230 ORs, former staff and their guests, as well as current parents, for Roedean Day. As well as tours of the School for the ORs, there was plenty for our visitors to see, including the Archives in the Blyth, an Art Exhibition in the Art Studios and Old Ref and departmental showcases around the

School. From 12 noon, drinks were served in the Cloisters for the ORs, which was followed by a delicious lunch in the Dining Room, and there was a BBQ on the fields for the parents and students. After lunch, a large group of ORs braved the ‘Tunnel Tour’, while others enjoyed strolling through the grounds to the playing fields, where they enjoyed watching (and participating in!) the School’s Sports Day.

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28 June 2019 - Issue 11

28 June 2019 - Issue 11


Sports Day Sports Day was another huge success this year with every girl from Years 7-10 taking part in their chosen events – an excellent example of the whole school community being involved in a sporting event which highlighted their house and team spirit. There were mascots and face-paints, and lots of girls encouraging others to get involved. Those challenging records and the fantastic wins were brilliant, but it is important to remember that scoring a point for taking part underlines the importance of a combined team effort. Lots of girls threw themselves into a whole range of events, which was brilliant to see. House 3 won overall, but it was really great to see so many involved. Races took place all afternoon with girls competing for their houses in a range of distances. Every event was well supported by the girls and you couldn’t help but get carried away with the cheering. The mascots also had their chance to shine, but House 4 seemed to be at an advantage! The final event of The Golden Mile was again well supported by staff, ORs and parents, but the staff once again took the cup.

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The overall results were as follows: 100m Anana Nwuba Cup presented to the fastest 100m athlete who has competed for Roedean this season – Ruby A (Yr7) The Morlock Cup presented to the fastest 800m athlete who has competed for Roedean – Tatum W (Yr10) The Field events trophy presented to the student who has made excellent progress – Amalie SJ (Yr8) The Carter Cup presented to the most improved all round athlete – Pearl P (Yr7) The Golden Mile Relay cup – the Staff Sports Day trophy 1st

House 3


House 2


House 1


House 4


Roedean’s Charity Walk

£4980 already raised

It was absolutely brilliant to see the whole school community walking together to raise money for St Mark’s Primary and the ten girls we support around the world through PlanUK. The walk was for 5 kilometres, but the girls were given the option to walk an additional 5k, and it was fantastic that over half of the girls chose to do this. There was a wonderful atmosphere, and we were lucky that the possible storms had already passed over. The majority enjoyed walking in the amazing countryside around our school, but some were keen to challenge themselves and chose to run. Well done to Talya H (Yr7) who was the first student back for both the 5k and the 10k, well ahead of many other students, and the first members of staff back were Mr Sampieri, closely followed by Mr Woodhouse. Thank you to everyone involved in the organisation, to Mr Fieldsend who planned the routes, to the marshals, the Housemen who manned the tunnel, the Grounds staff, to the Theatre team who provided the PA system, to the Prefects who arranged activities for the St Mark’s Years 5-6 who came to share the atmosphere, and to Catering. However, the biggest thanks of all go to everyone who walked, including some Year 13s, the Admin Staff, and Housemen, and, of course, to everyone who donated so generously to support this event. It really was a brilliant example of a huge team effort – well done! Winners:

Staff placings:

1 Talya H

1 Mr Sampieri

2 Pearl P

2 Mr Woodhouse

3= Elsie F and Holly G

3 Miss Wakeling

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28 June 2019 - Issue 11

28 June 2019 - Issue 11


Experiential Learning and Community Days Ecotecture: Sustain

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28 June 2019 - Issue 11


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Off the Fence

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Page 7

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25 53%


4-4 STAFF -











They are all respectable sportswomen and top athletes and should be incredibly proud of what they have achieved.















£30709 34K MERITS



What an amazing performance and result for our Junior girls at the Town Sports competition yesterday! We had some new PBs, countless first, second and third positions and as a result, the girls won BOTH the Year 7 & 8 girls competition overall!




Junior Town Sports Athletics

I have been extremely impressed with the continued effort and determination of the girls this season and this was the perfect way to round off the season and to congatulate them for their efforts.




28 June 2019 - Issue 11


I would like to thank all the parents for their continued commitment to supporting the girls. It has been uplifting for them to have you cheering them on from the side at each competition and Miss Hammond and I are very thankful for your support. WELL DONE GIRLS!!!! You are all amazing. Have a great summer!

Senior Town Sports Athletics The senior town sports athletics meet took place this week and 17 of our Year 9 and 10 girls went to compete against a number of local Brighton Schools. The standard was of a good standard and thjere were a nmber of county athletes competing so the girls knew that it was going to be a tough challenge from the start. However, I have to say I am so impressed with the girls’ attitude and approach to this as they all put in maximum effort and did the best that they could. We acheived some excellent results and showed great team spirit. Stand-out performances go to: Sophie N – second in 1500m – literally just pipped at the end Tatum W – first in the 800m – great time acheived, she dominated from the start

Athletics Round-Up Pearl P in Year 7 is 10s away from beating Pheobe Thomlinson 800m record which was set in 2010 with a time of 2m 24.90s. Ruby A is 1 second off beating Amber Anning’s Junior 100m record of 12.40s which was set in 2015. Amelia K is 0.75 seconds off beating Veronique Fould’s Junior record in the 75m hurdle race 11.92s. Not only has Tatum beaten the Intermediate 800m record that was set by Phoebe Tomlinson in 2012 with a time of 2m 26.20s with a new record of 2m 24.07s. but when she was a Junior athlete she beat two records. Page 8


28 June 2019 - Issue 11

Headmaster’s XI vs 1st XI Hockey We had another brilliant staff versus student hockey match this week. At the start of the game, the Roedean 1st team girls came out very quickly, and were very clinical in front of goal – the result was a 4-0 lead at half-time. After a few stern words from the Staff coach, Miss Walker, the staff team made some changes, and they managed to find some holes on the girls’ defence. With 1 quarter to go, the staff were 4-1 down, but then the come-back happened! The staff scored 3 goals in the last 5 minutes, so the final was an honourable 4-4. Congratulations to the 1st team, which included débuts from Alice B, Marianna L, India H, and Charlotte D (Yr9) – the entire team played brilliantly, and we look forward to seeing what amazing things they can achieve next term. ACA

U15A Tennis vs Lingfield

Netball vs Pittville School

Our U15 team had some brilliant matches vs Lingfield. This was the girls’ last match of the season and they gave it their all. The format of the day was to play one set and then move up to play the next seeded pair. Both Roedean and Lingfield were having some brilliant rallies and they were communicating well. Roedean girls demonstrated that they were able to perform some consistent serves considering the weather conditions and were executing their volleys well. All pairs played well and have improved significantly over the year. The overall result was Roedean 10, Lingfield 7. A huge well done to the following girls involved: Delphine C, Hanna F, Louie H, Molly M, Darcey P, Marina C, Serena C, India, B, Charlotte D, Harriet M-H, Jasmine Y, Nicole S, Phoebe H and India H. A special mention to both Delphine C & Hanna F for performing in their last match for Roedean; you have both been an asset to the tennis team so well done!

U14A The U14As won every quarter in the game and demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and talent. They were impressive across the whole court with some excellent interceptions from defence and some great balls into the circle to support the shooters. An enjoyable morning of netball for all involved, well done!

Page 9

U14B The U14B team played exceptionally well against Pittvile school’s touring netball team. Mille J and Phoebe H bounced off each other in attack and their communication paid off as they consistently won each quarter. Phoebe H and Alice B switched between WA and C and Bea S and Ruby L switched between WD and GD to work to the best of their ability. Charlotte D was a force to be reckoned with in defence and she worked hard to keep her attacker out of the D. The girls played as a team and thoroughly enjoyed playing a team they had never played before.

28 June 2019 - Issue 11


‘News of Friends’ OR Christina Symes Solo Art Exhibition

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Christina attended Roedean as an Art Scholar, and since leaving the School she has continued to pursue and grow her practice. In 2017, Christina completed a BA in Fine Art: Painting at Wimbledon College of Arts. During her Degree Show at Wimbledon, she was delighted to be selected as a participant in the Clyde & Co Art Award. The award consisted of the hire of six of her paintings for a year long exhibition in the Clyde & Co London office, pro bono legal support, and a professional development programme. Christina went on to win the Staff Vote out of 38 shortlisted artists, which included a financial award towards the progression of her art practice. She was also awarded an additional Scholarship towards her Masters course. There was an auction of all the work selected, where most of Christina’s paintings sold. Christina has taken part in multiple public exhibitions to date, and last year was shortlisted for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. She has also recently been invited to write articles for the BBC and the Huffington Post, about her art and her mental health advocacy work. Christina is currently completing an MA in Creative Entrepreneurship at University of East Anglia, and preparing for her first solo exhibition, ‘Liberation Through Nature’. The exhibition will include a selection of her original paintings and limited edition prints. It is open to the public from 5th to 10th August 2019 at the Menier Gallery, London. For more information about Christina’s work please see www.christinaartist.com

£450 for Downs View Darcey, Gowri, Niah and Chloe have worked really hard this year to raise £450. Downs View were very grateful and have planned on buying trampolines, footballs and outdoor play equipment with the money!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 10

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