Head's Weekly Review - 1 May 20 - Issue 26

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1 May 2020 - Issue 2



Head’s Introduction Today is the first day of May, and the new month makes it seem a very long time since our school corridors were bustling with students. But, although our community is physically in many different places, I have been impressed again this week by the strength of the spirit which binds us together. Whether it is in lessons, engaging with co-curricular enrichment, throwing yourselves into tutor-group activities, or setting each other challenges, our sense of togetherness in these strange times is remarkable – well done! We know from the outstanding example of Captain Tom Moore, who has now raised nearly £33million, that comparatively simple acts can have incredibly wide-reaching consequences. He has become a symbol of community mindedness, and I am delighted to hear lots of stories of many of you helping those around you who need support, delivering food, raising money by running 5K, or donating materials needed by the NHS. I am proud that Roedean turned blue this week to show our support and gratitude for all those who are risking their own safety to battle against the Coronavirus – thank you to Mr Wailes who masterminded this. I am also pleased that what our school community is doing has been shared four times on the local news this week: Dr Barrand was interviewed on BBC Radio Sussex, Miss Markey spoke about some musical collaborations on the same station, Mrs Dunlop spoke about a street project on the television on BBC South East, and the School turned blue was on yesterday’s ITV Meridian news. I am sure you will all be as proud as I am of what our school community is doing. Well done to you all – enjoy the weekend, and good luck for next week!

Galina’s been accepted into the National Youth Music Theatre Reflections on the remote Co-curricular Programme The results are in for Roedean Sport's Sock-Throwing Tournament

1 May 2020 - Issue 2


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

5K Running for Heroes

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Florence and Eleanor (Yr13), Eden (Yr12) and Darcey (Yr11) for the time, effort and enthusiasm they committed to produce the Chapel video this week [TKE]

Charlotte (Yr10) for helping her elderly neighbours who are struggling to get out to the supermarket [MSM]

Lila (Yr9) for opting into the preGCSE Year 9 lessons, despite not doing GCSE PE, demonstrating her love of learning and thirst for knowledge [KWA]

Amelia (Yr9) for organising the 2.6k challenge with her hockey team and raising money for the NHS [KWA]

Wish I were there... House 1 Maria (Yr9) was out for a walk this weekend, and took this picture, the same walk. Strangely, I was in the very same place a few days later – she was so close, but so far at the same time…! Well done for staying active, and we love the House 1 green sunglasses! CLE

Congratulations to all those in Year 10 who have been taking the opportunity to improve their fitness and to give back to their communities with their 5K runs! Brilliant! NSH week ge of thanks this to receive a messa unty ul Co erf x nd sse wo Su l s ya wa It re Matron at Ro Ca al e: itic nc Cr ere a , diff cy l g a rea from Lu nations are makin Hospital – our do

tions r your generous dona ‘Thank you so much fo yal Sussex County. Katie e Ro to Critical Care at th with us and passed on the g in rk es! Eaves has been wo ly like the walkie talki lar icu rt pa e W . ns tio dona ty and and despite the anxie It is a very busy time under at the moment it is all stresses that we are ople are thinking about us pe at th e staff so lovely to know helping. I know all th raise e ar d an to and the NHS d it has really helped find comfort in this anr spirits. ou hool for ressful time at the sc I am sure it’s also a st with the uncertainty that the staff and students you are all safe and well.’ at continues so I hope th

Roedean Donations to the Royal Sussex We are incredibly proud that we have been able to support the NHS locally – Mr Wailes is on-site and has overseen the collection and donation of so many items of PPE from around the School:

1000 x Pair of Gloves 400 x Surgical Face Masks 60 x Radios 4 x Chargers 800 x Disposable Aprons 80 x Full Face Masks Day Use 4 x Full Face Masks Continue Use 100 x Science Safety Glasses 60 x Science Safety Googles 28 x Re-Usable Body Aprons 522 x face guards, made by Mr

Wailes from Theatre supplies Page 2


1 May 2020 - Issue 2

Lucy’s Delivering Lunches Every Day Well done to Lucy (Yr11) who delivers meals every day during her lunch break on behalf of the House of Friendship. She delivers a hot, homemade meal to people who are unable to leave their home or are considered vulnerable. Lucy says:

is as it gives me ‘I really enjoy doing th day, a nice ch a sense of purpose ea d a chance to an , wn to walk around my ring these strange help those in need du

Galina’s been accepted into the NYMT Congratulations to Galina (Yr8), who has been accepted into the National Youth Music Theatre., where she will be playing Clarinet, Bass Clarinet and E♭ Clarinet in the band of 7 for a new musical called ‘Henrietta!’ Galina said, ‘I went to the first read-through on a zoom call last weekend and what’s especially exciting is that the musical isn’t entirely finished yet – it is still being written! The writers and composer are so nice and the music is absolutely beautiful! I am getting to know everyone through social media in this strange time, because of

Virtual Maths Stars Congratulations to all of the following for their tremendous work in Maths under new working conditions – they have been nominated by their teachers as stars of the month:

Year 7

Year 8


for great remote independence

course we aren’t meeting in person. There was a video message put on one of the groups for the musical from some NYMT alumni, which included Sheridan Smith, Natalie Paris and Grace Mouat (both from ‘Six the Musical’), Matt Lucas, and many other inspirational people. I am really excited about this amazing opportunity and I’m really hoping that it is going to go ahead as planned in August.’ Well done, Galina!

A Sentence to Pull the Street Together With so much negative news flying around, Mrs Dunlop has tried to put a smile on some more faces and perhaps bring some sense of hope to her street too. She had the idea of every house putting a few words in their front window to make a sentence – and yesterday, her ‘street sentence’ idea was aired on BBC South East! Mrs Dunlop said, ‘It’s given everyone on our street such a boost in these odd times.’ Maybe this is something the wider Roedean community might pick up and try on their street..?!

O nose

for fabulous efforts with prep


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Miss Bamford for setting up great weekly challenges, accompanied with great weekly commentary [KWA]

Mr Wailes for turning the School blue as part of the NHS Clap, and for overseeing the distribution of supplies to the NHS [TKE]

Mrs Robins for overseeing the programme for the children of key workers through the holidays and now [TKE]

Mr Campleman for keeping all the staff fit with his weekly fitness session [KWA]

Year 9 Helen and Daisy

for making such a great start at Roedean

Year 10 Anita

for perseverance with tricky questions

Year 11 Milly

for her great work-ethic

Year 12 Hollie

for making a great start to Further Maths

Miss Abaza, Miss Hammond, Miss Hawkins, and Miss Cheesman for their exceptional support and guidance to their Year 7 Tutees [JC]

Year 13 Mint

for continued hard work in isolation

MWE Page 3


Co-curricular Reflections Curating a co-curricular programme is a really exciting part of my job. I get to work with skilled, creative, and passionate colleagues to provide a wide variety of activities that we believe the pupils will find engaging, stretching, and exciting. When the school closed, I knew that Roedean’s holistic education would continue – it is central to our community – but I wasn’t entirely sure how. This week, we have seen that Roedean’s community has risen to the challenge and offered a dazzling programme from live Cook-Alongs to Bingo to Juggling Club to Historical Fiction Discussion groups to Beginners’ Irish Dancing to Textiles and more besides. A virtual ‘walk around’ the activities at 2.30pm is a real pleasure, and I cannot wait to see what more the pupils are able to achieve! HBO

By Darcey P

Well done to Rosa and Samira (Yr7) who came joint first in 7D's THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT


Miss Hammond




Emily’s Amazing Origami

Emily started the right-hand sculpture in-house, and we have seen it develop over a number of months. She has now finished it – well done!

Year 12 Bake-Off! Year 12 had a Bake-Off, and look at the amazing results: some of the highlights are Amy's amazing rainbow cake, and Ava’s Pavlova – well done! CC

We spoke with her this week, and she showed us other creations she has made during lock-down – we are very proud of her. EHA

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1 May 2020 - Issue 2

1 May 2020 - Issue 2


Year 12 Quiz Congratulations to Holly, Hollie, and Amy for winning both the Band round and the Geography round of the Year 12 quiz on Wednesday! Now here’s a challenge from Year 12 – how many band names can you find in the picture below? Answers to Miss Carragher (cc@roedean.co.uk) by Monday 4 May. Have fun!

Roedean Girls in Apollo Performances Scavenger Hunt for Years 10-11 In this week’s group activity slot on Wednesday, Years 10 and 11 took part in a home scavenger hunt – over 50 teams took part, so it was great fun! There were two parts to the competition. The first involved solving a series of riddles, and the second was to find an item starting with each letter of the alphabet. The items photographed were very imaginative, with some excellent help being provided by family and younger siblings. Points were awarded for originality, speed of responses

(wifi connection definitely inhibited this!), and thinking outside the box!

Congratulations to Niah (Yr11), Dorothea (Yr10), and Amelia (Yr9) who have been part of these brilliant video recordings in support of the NHS – they are brilliant! KM

This week’s winning groups were, Ella and Fleur, Marianna and Mia, Kiera with family help, and a team of Jane, Niah, and Eva. A special mention must go to the excellent staff entries, including Mr Lutwyche, Ms Barling, Ms Bodsworth (the silent assassin), and Mrs Borsberry, with her two little helpers. Prizes and certificates in the post! DRO

Some wonderf ul examples of w ork completed by the girls for Mrs Haini ng's textiles projec t Page 5


1 May 2020 - Issue 2

Roedean’s Online SockThrowing Tournament Moving into week 2 of the tournament, the remaining entrants were still going strong. In Round 2, this time using a smaller target, Amelia (Yr9) managed to improve on her first round score, sinking 15 points against Ella (Yr7) in the second match, Clara (Yr7) scored 10 against Ellen (Yr7); match 3 saw Miss Bodsworth lose very closely to Mr Campleman, by 11-12; and match 4 saw Eloise (Yr7) playing Maria (Yr9) end in a 10-10 draw, but Eloise threw her 20 socks 4 seconds faster, so she went through. In the semi-finals, the competitors were blindfolded! This was a big challenge for the four remaining competitors, but they loved it. Calm and composed, Amelia scored 9 points, against Clara’s 4. In the other semi, Mr Campleman scored 3, but his opponent scored 4, so Eloise made it through to the finals! Congratulations on getting this far in the tournament.

For the Final, the distance increased, and Eloise (Yr7) and Amelia (Yr9) had to throw 5 metres, instead of 4! Fortunately, they were allowed their sight back! Eloise was up first, having been consistently strong throughout the competition, and she managed to score an incredible 7 points. However, Amelia was up for the challenge, and she scored 13, meaning that she won Roedean’s first ever online sports tournament. Congratulations to Amelia, but well done to all 16 competitiors – keep an eye out for tournament number two, and follow us on twitter at @ RoedeanSport to watch all of the video footage throughout this competition! LBA

A Sporting Charity Challenge!

Trick shots

Congratulations to a group of Year 9 girls who have organised a charity challenge at their hockey club. With so many events, particularly the 26-mile long London Marathon being cancelled due to the Coronavirus, many charities are not getting the same support they normally do. Izzy, Nia, Alice, and Amelia joined together to take on the 2.6 challenge and have fun whilst making a difference. Amelia said, 'We thought that this would be a great way to keep fit, have some fun together, despite being in isolation, and to raise some money for an excellent cause.’

We ar e studen seeing gre at exa ts pra mp watch c Lucy's tising their les of Hocke s y prac ports; tice h ere:

The challenge starts with us collectively running 26.2 miles (about 2.4 miles each on Sunday 26 April, then 26 keepie-uppies on hockey sticks on Monday, holding a plank for 26 seconds on Tuesday, 26 squats on Wednesday, 26 netball shots on Thursday, 26 lunges on Friday, and 26 minutes of any aerobic activity to round off the week on Saturday.' If you would like to support the girls, follow this link:

Year 8 have been busy in their PE lessons working on their hand-eye coordination. They were challenged to create a beginner trick shot and one that is more advanced. There were some excellent videos sent in from the girls, some of which can be viewed on our Twitter page, @RoedeanSport. Here is a great example from Roma. Well done year 8, keep up the hard work! LBA

https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bhhcalbatrosses2020 We love the theme of everything being in multiples of 26, to reflect the marathon – keep going girls, we are proud of you! KWA Page 6

1 May 2020 - Issue 2


This video is on ly viewable by students an d staff

Stripes or Spots

Photo Competition Don't forget to ubmit your entries to Miss Boles (jbo@ roedean.co.uk), and the best will be featured in the next Head’s Review – the deadline for entries is Friday 8 May, but you can send them any time.

Maya's Hula Hooping

Joke Corner Year 7 had an interesting time (!) in their social – Orla managed to get locked out of her own house at lunch-time, so had to run to the park in her sliders, and Ellen told a joke:

Maya, who is joining us in January, is unable to swim during lockdown in Thailand and so has come up with a new regime to keep fit, still involving water; a water-filled hula hoop! She encourages us all to keep fit during lockdown. Can anyone match Maya's hula hooping skills? She can't wait to meet everyone in January and hopes you enjoy her video:

We are very grateful for the wonderful feedback the School has received – please do continue to let us know what is going well, as well as what you think we might improve:

C1+ for 4 Sixth Formers in Cambridge Advanced Exam Just before lockdown, 4 Sixth Formers, Leila, Cheryl, Sukie, and Rata, took the Cambridge Advanced exam and they all achieved C1+, which is wonderful. Especially noteworthy is Leila, who achieved full marks in the reading section – well done! IH

Bingo Week 2 WHAT. A. WEEK. The competitiveness only increased with several staff getting involved in the fun. The game started well, with Poppy winning the first two categories. Unfortunately for her, the numbers did not fall and Sophia and Millie both called on the same number. A Roedean first and a brilliant way to end week 2. Congratulations!

Because it wasn't peeling very well!

Feedback from the Roedean Community

Why did the banana go to the doctor’s? ughter ‘My daughter has really enjoyed the u feedback from my da lessons, and found them very interesting ‘I wanted to give yo week of online learning, following the first and engaging, and she feels connected sitive and worked much which has been all po have anticipated. The to her class and her teachers. Teachers could have obviously worked very hard to tailor smoother than she t being able to come back no of t en tm d disappoin their lessons to an online format. The n a few days before, an to school hit her agai t the enormity of the actual lessons themselves, and the sense ou she was feeling sad ab just the first day her of connection with the class and teachers er aft r, ve we ho out situation, is really wonderful! Thank you to everyone!' e was really positive ab sh d an ed lift re we ts iri sp . ed (Year 7 Parent) had work how the online lessons ier; ek and she seems happ It has been a full we focus is really healthy at d having this contact an e also commented on how ‘Thank you for sharing your beautiful Sh this challenging time. ar all of her teachers, she and inspiring online assembly. We truly he nice it was to see and iendly and positive, which are living in extraordinary times.' fr said they were all so as this is a very difficult (Ralf Schmitt, Choir Director, Roedean South Africa) is greatly appreciated for them too. We would n and different situatio azing teachers for their am e e to thank all of th essful ‘I hope you are keeping well und er these lik edible hard work in organising such succ t.’ very strange circumstances. You or incr pp su l fu r the wonder online learning and fo Parent) doing the most incredible job wit are all 10 h virtual ar (Ye learning. My daughter is still ext remely engaged, and enjoying her lessons ‘I wanted to share some feedback co-curricular activities. The tea and chers are you around the remote learning. with being so patient! Miss Beadle is just a congratulate the tutors for their Firstly superstar and so supportive. and setting up the lessons communication Anyway, we just wanted to say that the has been comfortable daughter My well. so video you sent this morning wa s wonderful! day independently, the through work to It brought a huge smile to all of our faces I am schooling when bonus real a is which – thank you – it’s this type of thi ng that working from also and sister younger her makes Roedean such a very spe cial and home. unique school.' (Year 7 Parent) (Year 9 Parent)

Can it get any more exciting next week? Who knows. Tune incontributions to find out. from all parts of the Roedean community. We welcome PHA If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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