Head's Weekly Review - 6 March 20 - Issue 21

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6 March 2020 - Issue 8



Head’s Introduction

Roedean’s Festival Celebrating Inspiring Women

World Book Day

Not even the torrential rain yesterday could dampen our spirits at Roedean as we held our Festival Celebrating Inspiring Women. The sixteen successful women who came to speak fitted the bill completely, and their audiences enjoyed hearing about their experiences. The girls’ feedback has been very positive, and I hope that each one took away a message which will give them confidence and empower them in the future. Giving such a wide choice of talks to the girls was a big undertaking, and I am grateful to my colleagues in all departments in the School for their contribution to making the day run smoothly. Thank you also to Dr Barrand who has worked tirelessly and over months to put together such an ambitious and inspiring programme.

Please see page 4

‘Name That Tune’ Gala Concert

At the end of last week, we enjoyed a simply brilliant ‘Name that Tune’ gala concert. There was such variety in the repertoire, and the evening saw a quarter of the girls in the School performing, which is remarkable. It was also wonderful that some children from St Mark’s and their parents came to the concert – I am sure that they must have been completely inspired by the music they heard. I would like to congratulate our ensemble directors, Ben Rous and Sophia Bartlette, and, of course, our Director of Music, Veronica Fewkes – what a fantastic evening of music! Roedean marked World Book Day on Wednesday this week. There were some amazing book characters walking the corridors, and they certainly featured in our fashion show in the Library with the Year 2 children from St Mark’s. We had author talks on that day from the well-known writer, Melvin Burgess, and from local author, Helen Peters. Judging from the numbers of books they both had to sign, the talks were very well received! Thank you to Ms Boobis and Ms Bailey for masterminding the day.

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A Level Drama

On top of these large-scale events, we have also hosted the SISNA Netball Tournament, and I am delighted that the U13s won the competition which is remarkable – congratulations! The Year 12s have all had very useful workshops in small groups with Victoria Ball, dealing with conflict resolution and how to cope with challenging situations – their feedback has been very positive indeed. Earlier in the week, our students studying Drama at A Level also performed their devised examination pieces and monologues – well done to all six performers. You will have heard, no doubt, of Roedean Council’s decision to close our partner school, Roedean Moira House after two and half years of our committed and passionate work. I have spent two days with colleagues working closely with the very sad and distraught families and children of the School. It is a very sad day for Roedean Moira House and for Roedean too. For me, personally, there is no worse thing in this role, than seeing educational opportunities closed. We will continue to support each and every family to the best of our abilities. I am always so grateful for all that this community does in a week – well done to you all. I hope you all enjoy a lovely weekend, and thank you in advance to everyone who is involved in tomorrow’s Open Day.

Please see page 7

U13 SISNA Victory

Please see page 11

6 March 2020 - Issue 8


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Mia (Yr13) for bravely asking speaker Thea Jourdan a challenging question in a mature and considered way on International Women’s Day [HBO]

Lila, Isla, Niamh, Gracie, Nia, Alissandra (Yr9), Megan, Maddie, Rhea, Anne-Sophie, Priya (Yr11), Eliza, Eloise, Jemima, Kate, Rachael, Maia (Yr12), Clara, Amirah, Rosie, Lara, Eleanor, Constance, Elsie, Siko, Lottie (Yr13), for agreeing to introduce our wonderful speakers on International Women’s Day [RB]

Roedean’s Festival Celebrating Inspiring Women – International Women’s Day

IWD – #EachForEqual

International Women’s Day 2020 was a great success again this year. The sixteen speakers we welcomed to Roedean this year were true inspirations – their talks were challenging, thought-provoking, entertaining, and, most of all, empowering. We are very fortunate to have had such a range of female role-models at Roedean yesterday. Our speakers were very impressed by their interactions with the girls, and particularly by their interesting and considered questions in the sessions.

Aline Cerqueira

I loved Victoria’s talk, it was so interactive, and she made us think about other words for ‘wide-mindedness’ which involved everyone.

It was also wonderful to see who the girls named as their personal inspirations, and the display of the cards is in the Fireplace for all to see.

Orla and Sarah (Yr7)

Dr Gillian Forrester

The chimpanzee talk was so interesting. Leila (Yr13)

Captain Katie Lambert

use Lizzie was great beca e she hadn’t had th d perfect life, but she ha r made the best of he so talents, and she was honest. Eden (Yr12)

Kate was so inspiring - she was really confident and open about diversity in elite sport. Anna (Yr8)

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6 March 2020 - Issue 8


e Ria’s was great becaus e nc die there was lots of au participation, and Forensic Linguistics is ld. such an interesting fie Siko (Yr12)

Janice Barton

Pinky was really entertaining - she mentioned loads of famous people she knew, but in a really low-key and natural way - she was so warm, funny, and genuine

Lady Jillian Ritblat

Maia (Yr12)

ated Hazel was anim out ab e and passionat was it her sculpture t! grea Emma (Yr10)

Pinky was full of enthusiasm and inspired the girls! Natalie was amazing - we want to be her!

Jo Furniss

superNatalie was just on our ed chilled - she seem t lots of level, and she go AI - she in girls interested to engage ty had a real abili ce. the audien Siko (Yr12)

Natalie was so relatable - particularly because she had been Head Girl at Roedean, she really knew how to talk to us. Sophie (Yr9)

Miss Whiteson

Kate Richardon-Walsh

Florence and Lottie (Yr13)

Ria opened my eyes to the world of forensic linguistics - I knew nothing about it before, but it’s really interesting.


Melanie Aram

Olive (Yr10)

Natalie Nzeyimana

Pinky Lilani

t Kate spoke to us abou p jum to t no l being carefu other to conclusions about ink th to y tr people, and to ghts. ou th st beyond our fir t! ea gr s She wa

Dr Ria Perkins

Zion LIghts

Amy (Yr9)

Thea Jourdan

Victoria Ball

Gillian was very engaging - her talk made us think about actual solutions we could help with to solve real world problems. Anastasia (Yr10)



Helen Peters – Author talk and Book Signing On Wednesday, Year 7 and 8 pupils had the chance to hear from author Helen Peters about the time, dedication and research that goes into creating her wonderful books. Focusing on her latest novel, Anna at War, Helen talked the audience through the origins of her idea for the story and why she chose to set it against the backdrop of the Kindertransport mission. Helen then discussed her extensive research and how the writing process takes shape. Helen also discussed how the covers for each of her books are decided. Focusing on Anna at War and Evie’s Ghost, the audience were treated to a rare glimpse of the decision making process, and shown the various stages each cover goes through before the final image is decided upon. The pupils absolutely loved the insight given during these talks, as well learning about the history surrounding the Kindertransport.

St Marks reading buddies and World Book Day Fashion Show Pupils from St Mark’s came up to Roedean on Wednesday to join in with the World Book Day fun. They met with their Year 9 reading buddies and created literary inspired hats and accessories before heading to the library to participate in the World Book Day fashion show. Roedean pupils led the way by showing off their costumes on the Catwalk, before pairing up with St Mark’s pupils to walk the runway again. A lot of fun was had by all and literary themed cakes were provided for everyone involved.

Prizes were given to the following: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Most Original Costume – Agatha (Mrs Danvers) Most Creative Costume – Lydia (The Dictionary) Most Artistic Costume – Rosa (Queen of Hearts) Best Group Costume – Freya, Orla and Erin (The Cat in the Hat) Funniest Costume – Beata (Duck) Best Catwalk Performance – The St Mark’s pupils

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6 March 2020 - Issue 8


6 March 2020 - Issue 8


Melvin Burgess – Author Talk and Book Signing In the afternoon Year 10 and 11 attended a talk by prize winning author Melvin Burgess. Melvin is known for his hard hitting young adult fiction and won the Carnegie Medal for his bestselling novel Junk. His novels have proved very popular in the Library and have been enticing reluctant readers. During the talk Melvin discussed the advent of Young Adult Fiction and how it has now become a genre in itself. Melvin also discussed his latest novel, The Lost Witch, and discussed the origins of the story and his reasons for choosing the theme of witchcraft. Melvin then answered any questions the students had. Many of the students were interested in how he decided on the subject matter for his novels, he revealed they are often inspired by events or encounters in his own life which leads him to wanting to find out more. He offered this bit of advice to Roedean’s many budding writers: 'They say it's wise to write about things you know; I say it is wiser to write about things you want to know'. Melvin finished his visit with a book signing in the library and a chance to answer more of the student’s questions.

Ms Shillito receives book deal in time for World Book Day We are very proud that Ms Shillito has just been given a publishing deal for a childrens' book that she has written whilst on maternity leave! Congratulations!


‘Name That Tune’ Gala Concert The Gala Concert at Roedean Chapel last Friday evening proved, once again, to be one of the highlights of the school year. It showcased the wealth of talent, musical diversity, and incredibly high standards which are synonymous with the School. A packed Chapel, including 20 visitors from St Mark’s Primary, thoroughly enjoyed the pupil-led concert programme, covering a wide range of musical styles inspired by the theme of names. The evening began in great style with the full orchestra performing movements from Kodaly’s opera, Hary Janos, and Greig’s Peer Gynt – the latter receiving rapturous applause from the audience. This was followed by two contrasting performances from the choirs – the beautifully harmonious Eleanor Rigby performed by the senior singers and the dramatic and exhilarating Ballad of Sweeney Todd, performed by the full choir, with its terrifying opening chords on the organ. The string orchestras, with both the junior and senior strings, entertained us with their brilliantly lively renditions of the themes from James Bond, and Wallace and Gromit. The enjoyment on the faces of the pupils playing was clear for all to see. Then came a confident and powerful vocal solo from Eden (Yr12), with Kitty (Yr10) on drums, performing a punchy hip-hop number from the award-winning Hamilton. The first half was rounded off with a medley of songs by the choir from the musical Evita, combining ballads and rhythmic Latin styles, and a beautiful solo by Katarina (Yr12). The second half of the concert opened with the School Band performing some delightful highlights from Mary Poppins, followed by a riotous A to Z journey to ‘name that tune’. Additional fun was had by spotting the notable faces in the brilliant accompanying visuals. A change of atmosphere ensued, with choir and orchestra performing an excerpt from the opera, Hansel and Gretel – it was an extremely demanding piece performed with great style and accomplishment. The audience were soon toe-tapping again to the songs and music of the 1920s from Thoroughly Modern Millie. A wonderful evening’s music making was brought to a close with an uplifting rendition of Hey Jude performed by the orchestra, choir, staff, parents and everyone else in the audience – a whole school community together in song. Well done to all 160 pupils who were involved and demonstrated their skills and sheer enjoyment of music, making it an evening of stunning performances. Thanks are also due to Ms Fewkes, Mr Rous, and Ms Bartlette, who continue to inspire, motivate, and challenge our pupils to such astonishingly high quality. The rousing cheers and applause from the girls as the teachers took their bows is testament to their hard work in creating such a joyful evening – well done! JSC Page 6

6 March 2020 - Issue 8


A Level Drama Performances On Monday, there was an amazing evening of A Level Drama from the Year 12s and 13s. The evening began with a devised piece created by Ava and Holly, called The Snowman, based on the Hans Christian Anderson tale – it explored how grief is a universal theme and how it affects the relationship between two sisters. The students seamlessly employed a range of dramatic acting, physical theatre, and production techniques, supported by Ms Tsaousi and Mr Tompkins, in order to fully explore their practioner Complicité. It was a touching and emotionally beautiful performance. The latter part of the evening involved Connie, Scarlet, Isobel, and Grace, who performed a spellbinding ensemble piece, entitled Find Me, based on the true story of a girl who is treated deplorably by the system and is subsequently

House 3 House 3 held a whole house music quiz on Wednesday evening this week to get the girls together in their teams, swapping knowledge over music. We were very impressed by the number of songs the girls knew and their enthusiasm to get all the songs correct. It was a lovely break in the week to see the girls laughing and joking together.

remanded in Broadmoor, directed by Ms Stephens. This piece was a great display of all the techniques and conventions that the students had acquired on their course, and was a riveting experience. The evening culminated with each student performing their Shakespeare monologues, providing a contrast to the modern text as the students eloquently and expertly conveyed the emotions of the verse. Thank you to all the audience who supported the students that evening, as this is was a major contribution to the success of the evening. SW

6 March 2020 - Issue 8


6 March 2020 - Issue 8

CAP Placements

Origami in House 4!

The Year 12s completed their final offsite CAP placements this week, having spent the Autumn and Spring Terms working with different sectors of our local community.

To celebrate the Leap Year Day 2020, the House 4 girls made origami leaping frogs! To wish our House 4 captain, Camille, a happy birthday, her friends made a very special gift – 1000 origami paper cranes! The ancient Japanese legend says that 1000 origami paper cranes will grant one wish. The cranes represent happiness, good fortune and longevity! Such a perfect and very thoughtful gift

Our students have engaged exceptionally well with the programme, and have shown enthusiasm, commitment, and great maturity throughout their various placements as the quotes below testify: ■■

‘The girls have been so proactive and engaged. It has been a privilege to lead this session.’ (Ms Rose – Deepdene Little Farmers)


‘It has been a real pleasure to have Nour and Zara volunteering at St Vincent's; they have completely understood the role of a volunteer and have completed all the tasks to a very good standard. They have also worked well with myself and the volunteers who are in on a Wednesday afternoon.’ (SVP Charity Shop)


‘I am confident in saying that this year, your girls have been some of the best work experience students we have ever had here at Chailey, and have represented Roedean School in an honourable and fantastic way.’ (Chailey Heritage Foundation)

The photos below highlight the diverse and contrasting nature of the placements and show girls working with young children at the Whitehawk after school project (WASP) this week, and with the residents of the Bernhard Baron Cottage Home. The CAP Programme concludes on18 March with the CAP Exhibition, and we look forward to hearing more about the girls’ experiences. FKE

For our CAP, we have formed a group called Oceans 8 Roedean, and, over the past 19 weeks, we have been working towards winning for Roedean the Plastic-free Schools award, a national award run by Surfers Against Sewage, with over 6000 schools across the country involved. In order to do this, we have gained a heightened appreciation for the seriousness of the plastic issue in our local area, and across the world, through trips to the Beacon Hub and the Green Centre, and watching the highly informative and moving film ‘Albatross’ by Chris Jordan. We have also written to Nestle’s CEO about the plastic used in their packaging, and the MP, Caroline Lucas, about how to reduce the amount of plastic used in Brighton, and we encourage everyone to do adopt the same mind-set. It has been a really enriching experience, and we have especially enjoyed learning so much about sustainability and the protection of the environment, and applying this to our daily lives. Rachael (Yr 12) 17 baskets made by our girls will go on sale for £3.50 each to raise funds for the creative hobbies section of the Bernhard Baron Cottage Homes. The fair is P3 next Wednesday and we are all invited! Mrs Petit

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6 March 2020 - Issue 8

A Cup for Hettie Congratulations to Hettie (Yr7), who was awarded the Doris Waymark Cup at the end of the Junior Piano section this weekend at the Springboard Music competition. The cup is awarded to someone who shows outstanding potential, and the adjudicator, pianist Luis Parés, selected her as the recipient – what an achievement!

‘News of Friends’

Maths Puzzle Solve for the pink area in units squared 1 1 Last week's solution:




Congratulations to OR, Amanda Tipples QC (No. 3, 1979-85), on her appointment as a High Court Judge. Amanda took up her appointment in December 2019 and has been assigned to the Queen’s Bench Division. She will be known as The Honourable Mrs Justice Tipples DBE. After Roedean, Amanda studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, and then Law. Amanda was called to the Bar in 1991 and took silk in 2011. She was appointed as a Recorder in 2009, and a Deputy High Court Judge in 2013. What a remarkable achievement!

Fishbourne Palace

Badminton versus Burgess Hill

On Monday 2 March, Fishbourne Roman Palace came in and told us about Romans and Celts during the time when the Romans invaded Britain. We were picked to make a Roman snack in small groups. Our group made a cheese and chive dip! We also made olives, seasoned peaches, amazing bread, and had some apple juice (which was representative of wine!). Some of the flavours they used were so crazy and the incredibly vague recipes made it so funny and enjoyable! It was really interesting to learn how people 2000 years ago did many of the same things that we do today. We were very surprised to find the Romans used many of the same ingredients that we use today, such as honey, and spices like cumin and fennel seed, but they used them in completely different ways to make food that we would probably never normally eat.

Our U16 team had a great fixture versus Burgess Hill yesterday. The format was doubles and timed matches of 7 minutes, where each pair would play everyone. In the first round, Roedean were playing some fantastic smashes throughout, making it hard for Burgess Hill to return, enabling us to come away with confident wins. In the later rounds, it was neck and neck as both Roedean and Burgess Hill had close rallies and moved brilliantly around the court. The girls showed great resilience throughout, and started to show some good tactical play. The overall result was a draw, with both sides winning 11 games. A huge well done to all!

The second session was about Roman clothing and jewellery. Some of us got to dress up as rich ladies, farmers, and even slaves! We were taught about how the rich families bought silk from China and it took about a year to even arrive in England! We also learnt that Roman people bought their clothes in large sizes due to the fact that they had to last as long as possible so that they wouldn’t have to buy anymore. We really enjoyed the workshops on Monday, they were really engaging, and we got to get involved in how the Roman Celts dressed and cooked. We absolutely loved Fishbourne Roman Palace coming in and teaching us, in such a fun way, about the Roman times! Lydia F and Ellen B (Yr7)


6 March 2020 - Issue 8

Classical Reading Competition This year saw pupils compete from Roedean, Ardingly, Priory, and Cottesmore. The current health situation curtailed certain schools from attending this time, which was a great shame, but little dampened the enthusiasm and verve displayed by the participants. Particular congratulations to the following girls for their performances: Rosa and Lydia (Yr7) were awarded 1st prize. Fleur and Roma (Yr8) also received 1st prize in their category. Merla and Evie (Yr8) gained the top prize for Greek, with Tilly and Matilda (Yr10) gaining a Highly Commended award, also for Greek. Finally, in the Senior Latin section, Alma (Yr11) was awarded a Highly Commended. As always, it was super to see costumes, props, and liberal interpretations of text on show – Priory never disappoints! Our girls performed well, practice makes perfect, and the most successful participants were well rehearsed. RMI

Alex at the European Youth Championships Alex had four great races at the Viking Race 2020 (European Youth Championships), held in Heerenveen, Netherlands, over the weekend.


500m PB time 45.65 (previously 47.50)


1000m PB time 1:35.53 (previously 1:37.65)

The Viking Race is the largest longtrack speed skating competition in the world for 11 to 16 year olds, and each skater has to reach the required qualification times in order to compete for their respective countries.

Overall, Alex finished in 10th place out of 28 skaters in her category. This is a great result when you consider that the UK does not have a 400m longtrack speed skating rink, and Alex has to travel either to The Hague in the Netherlands or to Inzell & Berlin in Germany in order to train.

Skating for Team GB, Alex skated three 500m races, as well as one 1000m race, over the two days, achieving new PBs in both distances – this means that she has set two new U14 single distance British long track records!

In addition, Alex only has to improve on her new 500m time by just over half a second in order to qualify for Speed Skating’s Junior World Cup series – the qualification time is 44.999sec or less, although she cannot compete in this until she is 15!

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Finally, Alex had the privilege on this occasion of being the flag bearer for the British Team at the Viking Race Opening Ceremony, which was a really great way for her to celebrate turning 13 last week!


SISNA Netball On Wednesday 4 March, we welcomed over 30 teams for the annual U12 & U13 SISNA. The weather was very unkind, but it didn’t dampen spirits of players or staff who all turned out in their squads to battle it out for the top prize! The 2020 SISNA trophy! Lucky for us, we were treated to warming tomato soup and hot chocolate as well as other yummy treats from our wonderful catering team. A big thank you to them for keeping us all warm! The PE department would also like to thank all the Year 9 girls that braved the weather to help with the event, being court runners, time keepers along with other helpful jobs. You were all awesome and we really appreciate all your help!


The U12A squad were outstanding on Wednesday. Following a few shaky fixtures, their confidence needed a good pick me up, so we warmed up and took to our first game. It was against Burgess Hill, a very strong team with lots of height throughout their squad. It was a tense start with neither teams quick to score... We were struggling to get the goals in, and the weather started to fall harder. But all of a sudden, we upped our game and went a couple of goals up. But Burgess Hill were the stronger team and they pulled away to win the game. After this one set back, the girls then pulled together to go on and win the rest of their games to come second in their group. We now had a semi final place against Great Walstead. A tremendous achievement! The match was being played in terrible conditions but the girls gave it everything and although we just missed out on a place in the final, the girls should be very proud of themselves, as we are very proud of them Congratulations to Polly, Jasmine, Fen, Tildy, Alya, Joanna, Clara, Evie, Oyinda & Liepa.

U13A win SISNA!

Roedean U13A Netball went into SISNA as determined as ever, after narrowly losing in the final to Hurst last year. They started off extremely strongly, winning their first two games in their pool, 19-1 and 8-6. They had a tough match against Ardingly, where they sat back and did not respond to a good Ardingly side, losing 6-4, and they then went on against Seaford, trailing by 5 at half time. The girls got some energy from somewhere and scored 7 goals in a row to take the win. The final match was against Windlesham, where they again performed extremely well, despite the weather getting worse and worse. This put them top of their pool, sending them through to the semifinals against Ashdown House. The girls stormed ahead in this match, winning 8-2, securing them a place in the final. The U13s then came up against a very strong and skilful Copthorne side. With the Copthorne shooters not missing, Roedean realised they had to break down play and get the intercept higher up the court. Roedean managed to get the win by 7-6 against Copthorne, to take the U13 SISNA title. Congratulations, girls – what an amazing achievement and the first Roedean team to win SISNA.

6 March 2020 - Issue 8

6 March 2020 - Issue 8


County Hockey selections Congratulations to the following who have been selected for the county hockey squads: ■■

U17 Squad – Olivia and Esme


U16 Squad – India


U15 Championship – Alice, Amelia (Captain), Marianna (Vice-Captain), and Matilda


U14 Championship – Nia and Issy


U13 Championship – Alice and Talya


U13 Development – Elodie

This is a brilliant achievement for all these girls; being selected is a credit to the girls’ hard work and dedication. The majority of these girls are not only participating for school, but also for clubs as well. It also shows that Roedean hockey is going from strength to strength and has a bright future ahead!

Roedean Rowing at the Copper Box Roedean took both Year 8s and 9s to the National Junior Indoor Rowing Championships, held at the Copper Box, London. This was a fantastic opportunity for the girls, as it allowed them to experience a high-level rowing competition, and be up against some of the top rowers in the country. Our Year 8s did extremely well, where they rowed at a continuously high pace for 3 minutes. Our girls displayed some fantastic stamina throughout. Madeleine came 46th, Elsie 49th, Ellie 115th, Lila 130th, Claudette 168th, Ruby 185th, Liza 210th, and Martha 217th. Next up were our Year 9 girls, where they had to row a total of 4 minutes. This was a tough race, as the pace that the girls set off at was extremely high, but our girls pushed through and did tremendously well: Lila came 37th, Sabrina 110th, and Ruby 157th. A huge well done to all that competed, and you should all be very proud of your achievements. JJ What’s Coming up IN THE


Mon 9 Mar


U12A&B Football vs Burgess Hill Girls (H)

Tue U14A Birley’s Netball Tournament (A) 10 Mar Wed U12A,B,C,D&E and U13A,B,C&D vs 11 Mar Brighton College Prep (H) Thur U14A Netball vs Warden Park (H) 12 Mar Admissions Netball Experience Day Lunchtime Music Concert at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Fri Junior Swimming – The Bath Cup at 13 Mar Olympic Park Sat EXEAT 14 Mar

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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