Heads Weekly Review - 10th June 22 - Issue 6

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10 June 2022 – Issue 6



Head’s Introduction

After many weeks of training and preparation, the tides look set for our sea-swimmers to set off on their relay to France next week. This team includes students from Years 8 to 12, and is a huge but exciting challenge. I am grateful to all those who have worked with the girls on this, and to Dr Hobbs and Miss Wakeling, who have made this possible. The whole School community is right behind the team, and we wish them the very best of luck, and good weather, for this remarkable adventure.

Cross-Channel Swim for Charity Betty's Art Foundation Project

It is also fantastic that the swimmers would like to use this event to raise funds for our Ukrainian Bursary Appeal, and this coincides with six Ukrainian refugees starting an orientation programme next week, ahead of joining Roedean in September. The six students, who will be joining in the Sixth Form and in Key Stage 3, are very excited about coming to School, and I know that everyone will welcome them warmly into our community. If you would like to donate to this appeal, there are more details in this review of how you can support our swimmers in this charitable and humanitarian endeavour. It was our pleasure to host sixty pupils in Year 5 to Roedean for Rockpools Day yesterday. They certainly looked the part, decked out in their brightly coloured T-shirts and their Roedean sunglasses! They enjoyed a series of activities on the fields in the morning, before going down through our ‘secret’ tunnel to the rockpools, to search for crabs and anemones. They obviously had a wonderful time, and I would like to thank the Admissions Department and all our staff for hosting such a brilliant event! On Wednesday, 65 students in Year 10 from six local schools in the state sector joined 20 of our students for the Roedean Academy. This programme of academic enrichment, designed to bring together like-minded students from across the city, began with an introductory session in the Theatre. It was great to see how keen the students were to engage in discourse and debate from the very start, and I have no doubt that the rest of the sessions over the next few weeks will be a great success. I am grateful to Dr Barrand for setting this up with our partner schools, and to all my colleagues for running such engaging and challenging sessions. Well done to all those in Years 13 and 11, who have completed more A Level and GCSE exams this week, and good luck for next week. Good luck to those in Years 9 and 10 completing their assessed expedition for Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver – I hope it goes well! And I wish you all a great weekend.

Rockpools Day U13A Tennis Team 1 Point Shy of the Sussex Cup Final

10 June 2022 – Issue 6


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Language and Culture Ambassadors Would you like to be a Language and Culture Ambassador? If so, I look forward to hearing from you. Ms Ibanez-Barcelo

Sylva, Sarah, Georgia, and Jemima (Yr12) – for sharing their experiences of following their passions with the Roedean Academy students [Dr Barrand]

Sarah, Helen, Otti, Janice (Yr12) and Romy (Yr7) – for speaking so well in Chapel [Mrs Walker] Iras (Yr12) – for giving up her study period at short notice to take a tour, without hesitation [Mrs Diplos]

Daisy (Yr8) – for playing the piano so beautifully in Chapel – she heard a piece by a Ukrainian composer on the radio, and bought the music to learn to play it! [Ms Bartlette]

Staff Mr Campleman – for always helping and assisting us all in the PE Department [Miss Adeyemi]

Congratulations to the following who have won Golden Tickets this week: Page 2

Yr 8 – Alice Yr 7 – Catherine [Mrs Chamberlain]

[Miss Beadle]

Yr 9 – Saffron [Mrs Haining]


10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Cross-Channel Swim for Charity

Sea Swimming for the Jubilee

My team members and I are really excited about our Channel swim next week. We are also really keen that this is an opportunity to help raise funds for charity, and so when Mrs Chaston mentioned that the School will soon be launching an appeal to help provide 110% bursaries to Ukrainian pupils, it felt like the perfect fit. We really hope that our swim can help raise money to support our future fellow Roedeanians.

'I took part in a Jubilee sea swim on the last Friday of last half term and I couldn’t have asked for a better way to round off that stressful exam week. The water was clear, and the tide was low, what more could we ask for. We managed to complete our qualifying swim for our channel crossing, and we couldn’t have asked for better conditions or better company. We had Miss Bamford and Miss Hammond accompanying us on the paddle board, and Miss Wakeling in the water with us. I loved every freezing minute of it!'

When Ukraine was invaded, I, along with the whole student body, felt shock, horror and disbelief, but, most of all, we felt so helpless as we watched the atrocities unfold. I wondered what we could do, as a school community, blessed as we are with such beautiful, peaceful surroundings – along with fellow prefects, I initiated the sunflower appeal to raise funds for refugees fleeing to Moldova, as we have a Moldovan student here at the School. And now, as Head Girl, I know I speak for all the students when I say that we are so happy at the prospect of welcoming Ukrainian pupils to Roedean in September. We hope that, with time in our nurturing community, they will eventually find some peace and joy returning to their lives, after experiencing such traumatic experiences in their childhood years. Please do consider sponsoring our swim and helping to kick start the appeal. You can donate via our JustGiving page: justgiving.com/campaign/roedeanukrainianbursaryappeal or contact Mrs Chaston on glc@roedean.co.uk or 01273 667398. Jemima (Head Girl)

Our Sea-Swimmers Are Ready to Swim the Channel! We are so excited for our team of 6 sea-swimmers, who will be setting off from Dover next week to be the first team from a UK girls' school to swim the Channel to France in a relay. This is a huge undertaking, and the team – made up of students from Years 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 – spent the whole of last week training, following a special programme with our Director of Sport, Miss Wakeling, along with other members of the Sports Department. The training included a night swim, swimming during the tide change, and battling against strong waves. During the Channel swim, each member of the team will swim on rotation for an hour, covering a minimum of 28 miles. We couldn't be more proud of this resilient, determined group of swimmers, and we look forward to reporting back next week with news of how they get on!

Dr Hobbs and Miss Wakeling

Outline of the Swim: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Start at Dover aiming for Cap Gris Nez 28 miles minimum Tide and weather dependant, should complete it in 12-14 hours May swim all in the dark / mixture of dark and light / just light Water at 14 degrees in June 6 pupil swimmers max Swimmers swim one hour each in pre-determined rotation Failure to swim 60 mins or in order renders swim ‘unofficial’ Swimming costume, swim hat, goggles only – no wetsuits Swim alongside converted fishing boat with registered pilot Page 3


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10 June 2022 – Issue 6


10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Sea Swimming Training – a Diary Clara (Yr9) – her training diary: 'Over this term, me and five others have been training to swim the Channel in a relay. We have spent Monday and Friday mornings in the sea before school, and also swum on Sundays for a long training session. In the first couple of weeks, we worked on acclimatising. We started at 20 minutes, and built up. On Sundays, we went in twice, with an hour’s break to warm up. To be able to complete the swim, you must be able to swim in all conditions and more than twice. So, over the half term, we had a three-day swimming camp. The first day was really good fun. We swam for an hour and then got dressed, had chips on the beach, and then jumped into a taxi.

The teachers had organised an escape room for us to do: it was great, all of us worked together, without any arguing, which apparently is quite good! However, it was tough, but we managed with 12 seconds to go! Although we really enjoyed it, I think we will stick to swimming! We then went back to the beach for our first night swim. With glow sticks attached to our costumes, and tow floats, we all went in with the aim to swim for 20 minutes. While we were swimming, we could see all the lights from the pier and houses, and it was so pretty.

On the way back, the tide changed and it felt like the tents were moving as it was pushing us back. Once we got back, we found out we were in for 40 minutes. It was a little strange, not being able to see each other, but it was great otherwise. Afterwards, we went home to go to bed ready for the next day. On Monday, we had another mock relay, which gave us the practice of a longer break, but swimming three times. The first pair went in for their hour. We went in two minutes apart, so that we could experience swimming by ourselves. For the third pair, the tide changed, so both ways were very challenging. The next set was also while the tide was changing, so we all had the joy of that. With the two pairs going after you, it gave us two hours to warm up, which mostly meant eating and sleeping. After the final pair completed their last swim, we all went home. On Tuesday, we had a twenty-minute battle against the waves. The aim was to last as long as possible. However, with the current and the waves, there was minimal hope. We made no progress and probably swam about 30 metres. Being dragged under the waves was slightly terrifying at the start, but it became quite fun. By diving under the rippling waves and bobbing over others, we learnt how to deal with rough conditions. We celebrated finishing with hot chocolate by the beach, huddled up in our dry robes. The swim involves six people, who each swim in rotation for an hour. The minimum we will swim is approximately 28 miles. The tide changes mid-swim, which means that we are pushed one way and then the other. This generally means that we will each swim at least two or three times, which gives us five hours between the swims. The aim is that we will start in Dover at Shakespeare Point, and land at Cap Gris Nez near Calais. When we start, we all get on the

AMSP Maths Picnic Winners Congratulations to six victorious students from Roedean who attended a Mathematics competition against other local schools this week. Held at Brighton Girls and run by the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP), the Maths Picnic required students to work in teams of three on a variety of logic and mathematical problems. Our students had a great time building their problem-solving and team-working skills. One of our groups achieved a superb score and beat all other contestants to come first overall in the competition! Well done to all the competitors, and special congratulations go to the winning team of Freya, Martha, and Sihu. Mrs Hopper Page 5

boat and the boat stops close to the shore. The first swimmer gets off and swims to shore, gets out, and then waves, the boat honks, and that begins the official crossing. The middle of the Channel is one of the most used shipping lanes in the world. This means that one or two swimmers might have to swim between two ships. Fortunately, the pilot can monitor our pace to make sure it's safe. During the swim, we could face jellyfish or sometimes a lot of seaweed, but we might get lucky and see seals or dolphins. To change swimmers, we have to get off the ladder swim around the boat and overtake the previous swimmer. As next week is the allotted week for the crossing, we are very excited, but a little nervous. Unfortunately, next week is also a GCSE week, and we have two Year 11s on our team. If the pilot says the best tide is when they have their exams, potentially only four of us could do the swim. So, we all have our fingers crossed that it is on a day that we could all be there. Most of all we are excited to pick up a stone in France and bring it back home to England! We have had great support from the School staff, we have had a lot of fun, worked as a team, and tested ourselves and our resilience. It is an experience we will never forget...'


10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Year 8 Instrumental Project Recital On Tuesday this week, the Year 8 Instrumental Project students gave a wonderful recital in the Chapel. For three students, this was their first performance on the Violin and Viola, having started their music lessons in the pandemic in Year 7. They all did brilliantly, playing confidently, with a beautiful sound, and they showed incredible progress.

variety of instruments, including the French horn, Bassoon, and Trombone, as well as the Trumpet, Violin, and Viola. Why not come along and see them play at the Year 7 recital on 23 June? Ms Bartlette

Well done to in particular to Daisy, who, as well as playing Violin and Viola with her peers, also played a lovely Piano solo piece by Grovlez. Thank you to Mrs Hanson-Laurent for preparing the musicians and leading the concert, and to Mr Rous for his sensitive accompaniment. The Instrumental Project has been running for over ten years now, and has produced some wonderful musicians, who otherwise may not have begun learning an instrument. This year, we have the whole of Year 7 playing a wider

'It was fun, an d it was a challenge in a good way. It was great for mak ing new frien ds.'

Mbali (Roedean)

really ‘The speakers were irational.’ engaging and insp Joseph (King's)

'It was great to se e some friends we know from ou tside of school coming to Roedea n. It was really fun, it’s sad it’s on ly for three weeks!' Fleur and Claude (Ro

Roedean Academy 2022 This week, we welcomed 65 students from six local state schools across the city to take part in the Roedean Academy with 20 Roedean students in Year 10. The aim of the Academy is to provide an opportunity for students with high academic aspirations to explore intellectual challenges which go beyond the specifications for GCSE examinations. Students came from King's Hove, Blatchington Mill, Dorothy Stringer, PACA, Longhill, and PCS, and it was evident from the very start that they were keen to get involved, meet new people, and engage in intellectual discussion. The Roedean Academy will run for the next two weeks, during which time Roedean staff are offering 26 sessions from which the students can choose. Here are just some of the comments we had following the first session:

out ne w 'I liked lear ni ng wab ld not ou things that I sroom.’ lear n in the cl as Evie (King's):


Page 6

'I was able to com municate with people I wouldn’t norm ally meet on a day-to-d ay basis.' Onose (Roedean)

while ‘I liked learning e teacher having fun – th ke adults.’ treated us all li Trinity (King's)

‘I liked being taught something I had no knowledge of by someone who was so intelligent.’ Nicholas (King's)


10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Physical Theatre Drama Scholar Workshop Yesterday was a fantastic day for our Drama Scholars, as they all were able to participate in a twohour workshop with industry professionals. The Year 10s, 9s and 8s worked with Michelle Edwards, an actor, dancer, and theatre practitioner from Frantic Assembly. She taught them to fly in the air, literally, using techniques that can be seen in West End plays, such as A Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-time and Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. We were also lucky to have two actors from Harry Potter and The Cursed Child who worked with the Year 7s on exploration of text and images. Emma Lowndes and Liz Hill shared their practical knowledge and experiences through a workshop followed by a Q and A at the end. A very exciting day; it was incredible to see the girls being brave and exploring new drama techniques. Mrs Woodbridge

A Right Royal Occasion in Lawrence

Betty's Art Foundation Project Congratulations to Betty, who is one of the students in Year 12 on our Fast-Track A Level programme. They completed an accelerated A Level Art qualification in one year, and they will spend their final year at School completing the Foundation in Art, Design, and Media. They are an outstandingly talented group of students, who have relished the challenge this new course has presented – well done! This impressive Level 3 qualification is traditionally a post-school route into Art education at degree level. The wide variety of Arts degrees which are available make the Foundation year an essential part of the process in deciding what area of specialism the students want to pursue. We are fortunate that the wonderful facilities and expertise across the Roedean Art and Design Technology Departments mean that we are able to meet the students' needs at this higher level. Betty has completed an exciting project focusing on anti-consumerism, which is simply brilliant! Ms Strachan 'My project is called “ByeBuy2022”, which is anti-consumerism, aiming to raise people’s awareness of the problems which result from over-consumption. What inspired me is the experience of packing up and clearing my room at the end of each term as a boarder. I have always been able to find something that I no longer used or needed, and this troubles me a lot and makes me regret clicking the “check out” button impulsively. To begin the project, I researched the history of

consumerism, such as when it first appeared, how it developed, and what problems it has caused nowadays. I did a case study on my friend, who is obsessed with shopping, for more information. After all of my research and interviews, my attention was drawn to online purchasing, which now accounts for the majority of customer behaviour. I finally came up with the idea of sticking eye-catching tape on the delivery box, which adheres to my principle of not creating things that are already in high demand. Furthermore, delivery boxes can now be utilised as mobile propaganda, allowing my message to reach a wider audience. The next step was to develop the designs for the tape, and have them printed by the manufacturer. This was the most exciting aspect, but also the most challenging, because of the default format provided – I had to change the layout a couple of times. Furthermore, I created a website to document my process. At the same time, by including the QR code, which links to this website, in the patterns of the tape, people can access more information about consumerism. Throughout the project, I enjoyed a lot of new experiences, such as building a website for the first time, and how to adapt my design to the format provided. What I enjoy the most about the project is that my designs have finally been made into a real product, and I am so proud to see how a simple idea evolved into a product or event that may make a difference.' https://bzbzbz214.wixsite.com/website Page 7

Lawrence House hosted a magnificent tea party in honour of The Queen's Platinum Jubilee. The girls served their Housemistresses Fortnum and Mason tea – it is the Queen's favourite – including a selection of hand-cut pastries and cakes. It was an afternoon tea fit for The Queen! Although Her Majesty wasn't able to visit Lawrence House, she was represented with a life-size flag, and Her Majesty was also 'visible' in various locations around the Main School. Lawrence boarders joined us in raising our teacups in a toast on this joyous and happy occasion. Mrs Diplos


Chapel – New Beginnings This week’s Chapel, led by Mrs Walker, was themed 'The Joy in New Beginnings'! Often when one door closes or a particular journey on the road of life comes to completion, we find that we may experience feelings of stress and fear of the unknown, especially if where we are coming from hasn’t always been easy. As we approach the end of term and the end of the school academic year, for some it will mean the end of school life. The month of May in the United States is Teen Self Esteem Month, the 29th May is International United Nations' Peacekeepers' Day, and, for Christians, last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. Each of these observances recognises the importance of embracing something new, and, with a positive outlook, we can help to empower ourselves and build our self-esteem. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway has helped me to feel less intimidated in new situations and remind myself that I am good enough. The disciples were really scared in the Bible when it talks about Jesus leaving them and that a comforter would come in His place. They didn’t feel secure in knowing that what all they knew and relied upon would be different. However, they were soon able to see they had purpose and strength within them, which raised their self-esteem and faith. They went on to become the Saints we now know of today! Helen: You will all be aware of the current humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Just over 100 days ago, Russia’s President, Putin, invaded the country and large parts of major Ukrainian cities have been destroyed. As a result, many Ukrainians have been forced to flee their country, and it is wonderful that many countries in Europe have opened their boarders to refugee families and welcomed them. In the UK, host families have sponsored Ukrainians, giving them access to their homes and to an education in this country. We are delighted that 6 Ukrainian refugee students will be joining our School in September. They have fled their homes with very little, so it is wonderful that they have been awarded scholarships to allow them to continue their education in safety, and they are all incredibly excited to join our community and start a new chapter in their lives. Over the next three weeks, they will be with us in School, finding out more about Roedean, and meeting lots of you. After everything they have been through, what a fantastic new beginning this will be for them.

Roedean-Lancing Symposium

10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Janice and Ottavia: Showers of Hope by Christine Evangelou “I hope you learn to love yourself, Through a Godly storm, Through the shimmers of love That kissed your crown as you were born. I hope you learn to love, Everything that makes you whole, The trickles of pain That still echo through your veins, And the purpose that kept you going, Rebuilding you, time, and time again. I hope you learn to love, The truth of all you are, Whether others accept it, Or fear it from afar. I hope you learn to love, Everything that makes you, you, Without diluting your presence, Or losing your voice, Just to please others, As you walk so gently through. I hope you learn to love, Your fearless, fiery side, The one that speaks so honestly Without worry of reprise. I hope you live a life, That you so wonderfully deserve, And that you bravely reinvent yourself, As often as your soul thunders and stirs. I hope that you learn to love, Each finality and closed door, So you can find a new beginning, In sparkly showers of hope As your wings electrify, taking flight to soar." Romy: New Beginnings by Catherine Pulsifer “Every day is a chance to begin again. Avoid focusing on the failures of yesterday, And, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.”

Sylva (Yr12) – 'It was really nice to be able to present as part of such a collaborative, engaging evening. All the papers presented in the symposium were so interesting and varied, and they gave us a chance to learn about complex and exciting topics I'd never even heard of before: I've got plenty to go away and research now!'

On the afternoon of Tuesday 7 June, we welcomed 30 students from Lancing, who took part in our first Roedean-Lancing Symposium, alongside our Year 12 students. Spread across 6 classrooms, the Symposium was a hub of sparkly discussion and debate, with an impressive level of independent thought and research displayed by all. In total, 60 students delivered 5-minute presentations on an area of research linked to their university preparation, EPQ research, or project work completed during Year 12.

Lauren (Yr12) – 'I really enjoyed listening to students talk about subjects they were passionate about, that usually aren’t taught until at A Level. Everyone’s faces lit up when it was their turn, and, after their speeches, we participated in active discussions led by our teachers. Overall, everyone had lots of fun and learned so much!'

The event ended with a fantastic meal and quiz in the Studios, which were transformed for the evening into a superb dining space.

Jamie (Yr12) – 'The symposium was such an amazing opportunity to research and present my interests in medicine that extended beyond the A Level. It was also fascinating to listen to others talk about their research, as I was able to learn about an extremely broad range of topics that I have never come across before. After the symposium, we enjoyed formal dinner, which had lovely food and desserts, and a quiz. It was a fun experience and a great way to end the evening!

Building on our Oxbridge partnership with Lancing College, this was a wonderful opportunity for the Sixth Formers from both schools to get together, after the constraints of the pandemic, to discuss academic issues, as well as to socialise. We look forward to being involved in further events with Lancing and other schools next academic year! Dr Hannan Page 8

10 June 2022 – Issue 6


New Books in the library – Summer reads! The Pact – by Sharon Bolton

A golden summer, and six talented friends are looking forward to the brightest of futures – until a daredevil game goes horribly wrong, and a woman and two children are killed. 18 year-old Megan takes the blame, leaving the others free to get on with their lives. In return, they each agree to a 'favour', payable on her release from prison.

Miss You – by Kate Ebelen

Tess and Gus are meant to be. They just haven't met properly yet. And perhaps they never will… Tess is in Florence for a final, idyllic holiday before university. Gus and his parents are also on holiday in Florence – and, for one day, the paths of these two eighteen year-olds will criss-cross before they each return to England.

The Beloved Girls – by Harriet Evans

Two young girls. One hot, long, sultry summer. And a rambling old English manor house where nothing is as it seems… A successful London barrister, Catherine Christophe, goes missing the day before her wedding anniversary. The clue to her disappearance, it seems, lies buried thirty years in the past.

Not a Happy Family – by Shari Lapena

In the quiet, wealthy enclave of Brecken Hill, an older couple are murdered hours after a tense Easter dinner with their three adult children. Who, of course, are devastated. Or are they? They each stand to inherit millions. They were never a happy family, thanks to their vindictive father and neglectful mother, but perhaps one of them is more disturbed than anyone knew.


The Heatwave – by Kate Riordan

In Provence, under a sweltering sun, Sylvie returns to the crumbling family home of La Reverie with her youngest daughter Emma. Yet every corner of the house is haunted by the memories of Elodie, her first child – memories she has tried to forget, but whose long-ago death the villagers certainly haven't.

We would love you to join us for this fabulous show? Wednesday 22 June – 7pm Thursday 23 June – 1pm Friday 24 June – 7pm Saturday 25 June – 11am

Tell Me Your Lies – by Kate Ruby

Lily Appleby will do anything to protect the people she loves. She's made ruthless choices to make sure their secrets stay buried, and she's not going to stop now. When her party-animal daughter, Rachel, spins out of control, Lily hires a renowned therapist and healer to help her. Amber is the skilled and intuitive confidante that Rachel desperately needs. But, as Rachel falls increasingly under Amber's spell, she begins to turn against her parents, and Lily grows suspicious.

The Maidens – by Alex Micahelides

From the author of the global number one bestselling debut, The Silent Patient, comes a spellbinding literary thriller which weaves together Greek mythology, psychology, and murder.



Duke of Edinburgh Qualifying Expeditions

Tue 14

New Girls’ Day

Thur 16

Evening Recital of Summer Music

Wed 22 – Sat 25

Matilda Performances Roedean Day

Love and Marriage – by Monica Ali

Yasmin Ghorami has a lot to be grateful for: a loving family, a fledgling career in medicine, and a charming, handsome fiancée, fellow doctor, Joe Sangster. But, as the wedding day draws closer and Yasmin's parents get to know Joe's firebrand feminist mother, both families must confront the unravelling of long-held secrets, lies, and betrayals. Page 9

Wed 29

Speech Day Leavers’ Ball

JULY Fri 1

Last Day of Term


10 June 2022 – Issue 6

Rockpools Day 65 visiting girls spent a fantastic day getting to know Roedean on Thursday, during our much-anticipated Roedean Rockpools Day. Our Year 7 and Year 9 helpers did a fabulous job of making sure our visitors had a great day, which involved taking part in the fun (but challenging!) team-building activities, organised by our Sports Department, then into the Theatre for a talk by Mrs Borsberry about the biodiversity found down at the seafront, before heading down through the secret tunnel to the seafront, for a 1.5 hour exploration of the rockpools. Plenty of crabs and fish were found, and even starfish!

The day finished with an exciting Physics challenge overseen by Dr Staniford and Miss Byrne, who led the whole group through a competition to see who could design the best paper aeroplane for distance and 'tricks'. Special thanks go to Mrs Borsberry, the Physics Department, the PE Department, Admissions, and all the fabulous group leaders who looked after each group so well, as well as the Year 7 and 9 helpers, Estates, and our very special Catering Team, for all going the extra mile in ensuring that this event will be remembered by our visitors for a long time!

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10 June 2022 – Issue 6

10 June 2022 – Issue 6



Jasmine named as Pulse Mascot for the Superleague Finals! Congratulations to Jasmine (Yr9), who attended the Vitality Netball Superleague 3rd/4th place play-off and Grand Final at the Copper Box on Sunday. Jasmine had the amazing opportunity to be the Mascot/Ball Carrier for London Pulse during their match against Team Bath (in the 3rd/4th play-off), as well as meet the London Pulse Team and have a VIP 'behind the scenes' experience. You might have even caught her on Sky Sports if you tuned in! – great work, Jasmine. Miss Bamford

U13A Tennis Team 1 Point Shy of the Sussex Cup Final The U13A & B team were eager to do well in the Sussex Cup Tournament at Bede's on the last day of last half term. The A team had their toughest match first up, and narrowly lost to St Andrew's Prep. They then refocused and played some brilliant Tennis in the remaining group stages, to finish second in the pool. In the Quarter-finals, they played Brighton College in a tough-fought match and managed to edge out our fellow Brighton school, to get into the semis. Pay-back was on the cards, as they were playing St. Andrew's Prep next and were excited to do their best to beat them. They played out of their socks and fell 1 point short of getting into the final against Bede's – it was a superb effort by the 4 girls! The B team had a tough pool, and they were beaten by both Bede's and Burgess Hill. After the pool stage, they went on a hot streak and won all of their remaining games against the other schools, playing some brilliant doubles tennis and working incredibly hard. Well done!

Mr Campleman

Good Luck Netballers!

U13B Cricket vs Windlesham House

A huge 'good luck' the to all girls competing at this weekend's Regional Entry tournament in High Wycombe!

The U13B team cricketers played Windlesham House on Wednesday, in another thrilling game. The Roedean players were put into bat first, and took a little time to warm up, but, when they got underway, there were some really good batting pairs: Alexia, Bobby, and Asmitha were highest scorers. The team posted a score of 281 in the end. The bowling by Roedean was much improved since the start of term, with only 21 extras given away, in comparison to 47 from the opposition.

We hope you all play amazingly and get the place your team deserves – we cannot wait to hear all about it! Miss Hammond

Alice has the best figures, with only 3 runs scored from her over. Lola and Peony were the opposition's MVPs for batting and bowling. Miss Kirby-Jones

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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