Head's Weekly Review - 14 February 19 - Issue 19

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14 February 2020 - Issue 6



Roedean in Iceland!

Head’s Introduction

Wishing everyone a happy Valentine’s Day and a happy half-term break! This week has seen high winds at Roedean from Storm Ciara and the beginnings of Storm Dennis, yet the half-term trips to America for skiing and to Iceland set off undaunted. These will be wonderful experiences and I am sure that all our students and staff will have a fantastic time. The week began with an exciting and vibrant Roedean House Dance Competition. Each House demonstrated some innovative and crowdpleasing dancing, with a combination of skill, technique, enthusiasm, and joy. Well done to all our House dancers and House dance captains, and congratulations to House 2 for winning the overall prize. We also saw three groups perform the scripted part of the GCSE coursework in front of two examiners and a brilliant and supportive audience. The pieces were highly accomplished and very entertaining, and they showed a depth of understanding and real technical skills. Well done to all the performers. I hope everyone enjoyed the Good Schools Guide review which captured the wonderfully vibrant and varied life of the School. In between the storms, we enjoyed a few days of glorious sunshine, and this was when we welcomed a visitor from Tatler magazine for their school reviews. She was very impressed with everything she saw, from the Houses and lessons to the Farm and the St Mark’s Reading Buddies. Everyone, once again, was keen to chat to her and talk about life at Roedean. I am grateful to my colleagues and the students who looked after her and toured her around to showcase the many wonderful aspects of Roedean life. We were also very fortunate to welcome Kate Richardson-Walsh, one of our Sports Ambassadors, to Roedean on Wednesday. Kate spoke to Year 7 for PSHE, and she also gave a disarmingly candid open lecture at lunchtime about being an LGBT woman in sport – she really is an outstanding role model. Looking ahead to next half of term, highlights in the first two weeks back will surely be the 'Name that Tune' Gala Concert, World Book Day, and our festival to mark International Women’s Day, with over 15 inspirational female speakers coming to Roedean. Congratulations on an excellent first half of term, and I wish you all a wonderful half term holiday.

Chinese Culture Lesson at St Mark’s Leila (Yr13), Camille (Yr11) and Anne-Sophie (Yr11) made a visit to St Mark's Primary School last Friday to deliver a special lesson on Chinese culture to the Year 2 class. First, they taught the eager students about the Chinese Zodiac, including how the animals earned their places for each year. Next, they taught the students how to make a traditional Chinese greeting and answered questions about their homeland. Finally, they taught them how to

write a traditional 'best wishes' message in Chinese. The St Mark's students have been studying Chinese culture in their lessons and were very excited to listen to three experts on the subject! The teachers and students were very grateful and appreciated their 'Chinese gift', a traditional red envelope to hold their unique greetings. GWI


14 February 2020 - Issue 6

Spanish Trip to see La Casa de Bernarda Alba Last Friday afternoon, seven A Level Spanish students headed up to the Cervantes Theatre in London to see the all-female production of La Casa de Bernarda Alba by Federico García Lorca... all of which was in Spanish! However, we ended up having no problem understanding the valuable message of the piece, thanks to the authentic characters created by ten incredibly convincing actresses.

After the show, we found that we had even less trouble in understanding the menu of the homely Tapas bar, Mesón Don Felipe, which left us going home content and full to the brim! We would like to say a huge thank you to Miss Ibáñez and Mrs Wilson for making this trip possible – we are thoroughly looking forward to the next one! Eden (Yr12)

Kate Richardson-Walsh: LGBT in Sport We are very lucky to have Olympic Hockey Gold Medallists Kate and Helen Richardson-Walsh as our Sports Ambassadors at Roedean. Earlier this month, they shared their love story as part of Team GB’s ‘Stronger Together’ campaign ahead of Tokyo’s Olympic Games this Summer, and on Wednesday, Kate came to visit Roedean as part of our programme of events for LGBT+ History Month. She spoke to Year 7 as part of their PSHE curriculum, about her experiences as a woman, and as someone in a same sex relationship, in the world of sport. She was careful to contextualise these experiences and to frame them within an awareness of diversity and intersectionality, recognising that, though sometimes life has had challenges, she has had it easier than some others.

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

The Year 7 pupils then had time to ask a range of questions, about hockey, the Olympics, and about the beginnings of Kate and Helen’s love story! Kate then got the chance to observe some of our lessons in action and really enjoyed seeing how they were applicable to real life, as well as careful to engage and excite the pupils in their learning – a very different situation to what she recalls from her own school days. In the afternoon, she also worked with some of our hockey players, particularly in Year 8, enjoying the wonderful sunshine down on our all-weather pitch. One of the highlights of her visit was perhaps Kate’s talk to some of our older pupils on the

Ms Sambrook for, despite all the work she does for Roedean, creating the most amazing biscuits for the Rainbow Fish and Maths Enrichment sessions at Deepdene and always going above and beyond [Admissions Department]

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topic of being an LGBT role model in sport. Here, she widened her inclusive approach to consider the role of LGBT allies, giving the example of Kobe Bryant, who learned from his own homophobic slur and went on to be an ally, calling out the use of homophobic language on Twitter. We then went into a fascinating discussion about the need for change in order to allow transgender competitors to compete. Kate is an inspiration – open, honest, and, perhaps most powerfully, admits that she did not always have an answer. Her message was simple: be the change, and be open to listening to and accepting what, and who, people tell you they love; everything else will follow from that. HBO

14 February 2020 - Issue 6


House 2

House Dance Congratulations to everyone involved in House Dance at the start of the week, and particularly to the House Captains. We were very grateful to Kalpesh for judging the competition, and also for getting everyone, dancers and the audience alike, up to do some Bollywood dancing as an unexpected finale – it was brilliant! SA

Best Charleston

House 1

Best Decade Dance

House 3

Best Performance

House 4

Best Choreography

House 2


House 2

12 points

2nd= House 3

10 points

2nd= House 4

10 points


8 points

House 1

House 3

House 4

House 1

Year 7 Birthdays Birthdays were plentiful this week in 7P and we enjoyed lots of cakes. It was lovely of Daisy to bake a cake for Indigo, Ellen to bake for Poppy, and Daisy to baked a cake for Sophie.

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14 February 2020 - Issue 6

GCSE Practical Exams

Chapel – Valentine’s Day

The GCSE practical exams took place this week; it was a brilliant reflection of the hard work, talent and commitment of all the pupils involved. Each pupil had to perform an extract in front of an audience and an external examiner. This year we also had a lighting design candidate, Jane, who created the silhouette of the human bug (amongst other advanced techniques) in her group extract of Metamorphosis. Other extracts included Top Girls and Girls Like That, with each play allowing the students to practically explore themes such as ambition, segregation, social media and post-feminism.

This week’s Chapel was, not surprisingly, on the theme of love. Thank you to Constance, Tiger, Nour, Lottie, and Leila from the Sixth Form who shared their thoughts alongside Miss Carragher, and also to Heidi and Ashley (Yr9) for playing a beautiful arrangement of Debussy’s Clair de Lune on violin and piano.

The success of the evening was also due to a brilliant audience of Year 10s to 13s, staff and parents who gave up their free time to support the girls, this was hugely appreciated, as, it is not only an exam requirement, but it really adds to the atmosphere. The students’ performances were elevated as they upped their game, making new and insightful discoveries, earning laughs and gasps from the audience. Special thanks to Mr Tompkins and Ms Ray for their technical support. Well done to Mandy, Priya, Jasmine, Julie, Malika, Jane, Rosie, Ella, Annabel and Niah!

Leila spoke about keeping a diary of happy memories, which she can refer to if things are not going well, and through this she has learned to love herself and reinforce positive messages about herself. Here are a few recommendations of books with love as a central theme: CC: There are many classic and modern novels and films that celebrate romantic love. Some have happy endings and some don’t. One of my favourite books is Bird Song by Sebastian Faulks. This book is set in the First World War and two of the main characters are Stephen Wraysford and his love Isabelle. Stephen is a lieutenant in the British Army, and war leaves him feeling depressed and defeated. He is badly injured during a trip into No Man’s Land. Surviving, but despondent, he decides to write to Isabelle. His letter is deeply personal, expresses his fears of death, and the fact that she is his first and only love. The major theme of the book is the nature of war, and the trauma associated with it, but the underlying theme is a love story and the contrast between these two very different sets of emotions makes for a fabulous read. Nour: One of my favourite books is Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda (also known as Love, Simon) by Becky Albertalli. This book is about an American 17-year-old boy named Simon who struggles with coming out as gay to his friends and family. He finds a boy at his school, and they have been emailing each other, seemingly falling in love with one another, but the catch is, their emails are anonymous. Simon goes through his school life trying to balance his life with his friends and family and this mysterious ‘Blue’ that he’s been getting to know. This book will have you crying, laughing, cry-laughing and cringing all at the same time, but that’s the charm of it.

Additionally, there was an acting masterclass given by Emma Lowndes the previous week. The GCSE and A level students really benefited by having input from a professional and highly successful stage and screen actor; she will also be one of the guest speakers on International Womens Day. The A Level practical exams will be on Monday 2 March at 4.30 -5.00pm then 7.00-8.30pm, with the examiner on site for the latter performance.

Leila: In Chinese Culture, love and affection between men and women is not always frivolous daily dramas and the struggles of psychological games. The concept of love is accompanied by righteousness and chivalry. My favourite story is the story of Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu from the book The Romance of the Condor Heroes. Yang Guo and Xiao Long Nu developed romantic feelings for each other, but their romance was forbidden. Yang Guo was frustrated and swore to become stronger so that he can protect the love of his life. His adventures gradually turned him into a courageous hero and the most powerful martial artist of his time. At the end of the novel, he is reunited with Xiao Long Nu and they spend the rest of their lives in seclusion after receiving praises and blessings from the whole marital art community. Constance: The novel Wuthering Heights is ultimately about passion and the rawness of emotion in a wild and brutal setting. Why this should be thought of as one of the most romantic novels of all time may be difficult to comprehend and what makes this even more astounding is that the author, Emily Brontë, lived a quiet and isolated life where the wildness of the Yorkshire moors outside the vicarage where she lived was her only apparent inspiration. The intensity of the doomed love between Cathy and Heathcliff can be summed up in Heathcliff’s desperation, ‘Do not leave me in this abyss where I cannot find you, I cannot live without my life, I cannot die without my soul.’

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14 February 2020 - Issue 6

'Name that Tune' Gala Concert

House 4

Roedean's musical community comes together to bring you a fascinating concert programme with something of a challenge to the audience. Our 'Name that Tune' Gala Concert presents a programme of musical delights inspired by the connecting theme of names, the second of our pupil-led concert programmes. In a cornucopia of different musical styles, Roedean’s musicians, including all our major groups, will perform uplifting highlights from Evita, Sweeney Todd, Romeo and Juliet, Mary Poppins, Hamilton, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Eleanor Rigby, Hey Jude, plus masterpieces from the world of opera, Hansel and Gretel, Carmen, and Gianni Schicchi to 'name' but a few. There will be something to delight all musical tastes in this gala concert and we warmly invite everyone to attend the performance.

Congratulations to Annabel, our wonderful House 4 Dance Captain; you showed outstanding leadership and choreographed a brilliant dance that the girls thoroughly enjoyed dancing to! Well done to everyone involved, you all worked so hard rehearsing and the dance competition was fantastic!

Maths Feast Last Friday, eight students from Year 10 took part in the Advanced Mathematical Support Programme Maths Feast Competition. Working in two teams, the girls demonstrated excellent team-work, problem-solving, and higher-order thinking over the four rounds. The teams faired very well, with one group achieving the most points of any school in the ‘Merry-goround’. It was an excellent day with the girls solving some very challenging problems. I would like to say a huge well-done to Alma, Ella, Jamie, Lareina, Jasmine, Flo, Olivia, and Selina, who represented the school fantastically, and Mr Orys for also attending the event. We look forward to challenging for the win next year!

House 3 On Wednesday, House 3 boarders took some time to think about their community and consider the girls who may not be able to see their families over the half-term holiday. We also thought about what words of encouragement we could give all girls who may need some extra support at this time. Each boarder wrote down these words on a paper heart which has been placed on our ODR fireplace, enabling all girls to read these when they walk by. Each girl woke up the next morning to a hanging heart filled with chocolate hearts on their door, to remind them of the importance of supporting each other in house and that they each are valued for the special qualities they bring to our community.

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14 February 2020 - Issue 6


Netball As we come to a close on the first half of the Netball season, Roedean has played in over 100 individual games. What an achievement and what a fantastic number of girls playing sport. We have also had Sussex Knockout Cup success with 4 teams still in the competition and fighting for semi-final places. The first masterclass was a great success and Miss Hammond and Miss Bamford have more lined up in the next half term. Keep your eyes peeled for details of how you can join a trip to watch a Superleague Netball match, the highest level of Netball in the UK. We hope you enjoy and restful half term and we can’t wait to get back on the courts when we return. GCR

Netball vs Windlesham House U13A

The U13As had a lovely match against Windlesham House School. It was well contested throughout, with some fantastic play on display from both teams. Roedean played steady netball, patiently feeding the D. Well done to Jamie who was both Coaches’ Player and Players’ Player, and Roma who was Opposition’s Player.

Netball vs Mayfield U18A

The 1st team had a tough game on Saturday against a physical Mayfield side. The girls were a few players down and well done to Georgia who stepped up at last minute. The defensive unit, Ella and Demi, played some of the best netball together all season and they are both very deserving of Player of the Match for their relentless hard work and determination!


The U15B had a close game against Mayfield. Roedean demonstrated some fantastic play, using varying channels throughout and shooters were holding and putting up some fab shots. Our defence was strong throughout. Well done to all who played and thank you to Zara for stepping in to play last minute! The final score was Roedean 17, Mayfield 21.


The U16A went out with a depleted team this week, but still worked extremely hard for each other no matter what position they were in. They made numerous turnovers, but unfortunately struggled to get the ball to goal. They improved throughout the game and had some fantastic passages of play. Congratulations to Lara - PP, Esme – CP, and Onate – OP.



The team was looking forward to their game against Mayfield today, but we went into the fixture with the bare minimum of 7, which impacted on our overall performance. The girls really pulled together and played confidently during the second and third quarters. Player of the Match went to Darcey and Coaches’ Player was Gladys, for her relentless efforts in applying what we have practiced this week in the goal circle.


The U13B team had a good, close match – in the first half, both teams were contesting for the ball and Roedean demonstrated some fantastic defensive play. The overall result was 15-7 to Roedean. The girls of the game were Lizzie for her superb shooting throughout and Tabitha for her brilliant defence. Well done! U15B

Area Cup Win vs St Christopher’s The U13As had an extremely tough and competitive cup game against St Christopher's. It was a draw the whole way through, with one team only going up by a maximum of 4 goals at any point, before the other team responded straight away to pull it back to a draw. There was outstanding play from both teams. At the final whistle, it was a draw which led us into extra time (5 minutes each way). After the first 5 minutes, it was still a draw, and Roedean went back on with grit and composure and got the win! Congratulations!



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14 February 2020 - Issue 6


Sophie’s Cross Country Congratulations to Sophie(Yr 10), who has been selected to run for the Sussex team in the National Inter-counties Cross Country on 7 March – what a brilliant achievement. Selection is based on her performance this season and she has done really well – getting up early on a Saturday morning to race in what are usually wet and very muddy conditions is impressive!

Three Wins for Mollie

U12A & B


The U12A squad played a very good game on Wednesday. There was lots of good passing, linked with great movement and some superb shooting from Polly and Liepa. Our defence was again formidable. The team is getting better and better each game – well done!


The U12C team was keen to build on the progress they had made over the last few weeks. With harsh weather conditions, we had a challenge on our hands as the wind whipped across the court! Windlesham put up strong competition, but as errors came from both teams neither could make a clean break and maintain a lead, so the final result was a fair reflection of a close game.


The U12Bs played a short 24-minute game against Windlesham in the Roedean wind. The team was excellent defensively and able to turnover a lot of ball throughout, but unfortunately with some loose passes thrown away in the second half, Windlesham House finished the match at 7-3. Coaches’ girl of the game goes to Hermione, who was excellent in the defensive circle.

Congratulations to Mollie (Yr8) who had a brilliant weekend’s championships – she had a great weekend, making the finals in all the events she entered. Having made the finals, which is no mean feat, she won the 50 metre breaststroke, with a sub-36 in the final, she won the 100m Breaststroke, with a sub-1.20 in the final, meaning she also came 3rd in the U16 Junior Championship for this, and she won the 200m Breaststroke, and came 2nd in the U16 Junior Championship for this. As result of these brilliant swims, Mollie has been chosen for the Marlins’ A team for this weekend’s County Team Relay Championship. We wish her well!



The U13D team played exceptionally well to win against Windlesham today. They transitioned the ball well through the centre third and the feeds into the D were well thought-out. Matilda and Liza had some excellent interceptions in midfield. Jess was Player of the Match for the defence and Alex was Player of the Match for the attack.

Mon 24 Feb

Year 11 Geographers Skype Lecture Junior & Senior Swimming vs Bede’s & Mayfield (H)

Wed 26 Feb

U13A-D Netball vs Burgess Hill Girls (A) U12A-D Netball vs Burgess Hill Girls (H) U12A&B Hockey vs Burgess Hill Girls (H) U13 Lady Taverner’s Indoor Competition (A)

Thur 27 Feb

U18A Netball vs Burgess Hill Girls (H) U16A Netball vs Magic (H) Swimming Gala vs Brighton College (A)

Fri 28 Feb

‘Name That Tune’ Gala Concert

Sat 29 Feb

U18A, U18 Social Team, U16A&B Lancing College (A) U15A-C vs Lancing College (H


We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk


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