Head's Weekly Review - 15 January 21 - Issue 13

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15 January 2021 - Issue 1



Head’s Introduction

Happy New Year, and welcome ‘back’ to Roedean to you all after the Christmas holidays. The UK is again in national lockdown, the School is closed, and many exams have been cancelled - this is an extraordinary situation, but your collective response is incredibly impressive, and I am very proud of the entire school community. Reading your reflections on what 2020 has taught you and your hopes for 2021, some of which are in this review, highlights how positively you have responded to a very difficult situation. It is wonderful to see you all, albeit through screens, and I am sure that you are enjoying being back together and supporting each other – we must always remind ourselves that our Roedean community is incredibly strong, and I am sure that you have felt this in this week’s Assemblies and House meetings, and particularly in First Chapel

today with the whole School together. I hope that you have settled in to remote learning, and the re-start of the Co-Curricular Programme next week will help to balance your days. Well done to all those who applied to Oxbridge. Whether offered a place or not, the endeavour is worthwhile. Congratulations to our two Year 13s, who have been successful in securing offers from Oxford to read Law and Information Engineering. The offers from Cambridge and for many Medical courses have yet to be announced, so we send those girls who had interviews before Christmas very good wishes. It is very pleasing to see the many impressive university offers the girls in Year 13 have received – looking forward to their studies after School next year will provide them with a clear target over the coming months. Well done!

Congratulations, also, to those in Year 12 who took part in the Ritangle Maths Challenge in December – they were in the top 5% of the 900 schools which entered, so this is an outstanding achievement. I am also delighted to read that one of our Year 8 HHH groups has adopted a tiny orphaned chimpanzee in Liberia – this is connected to one of our chosen school charities this year, but this group has decided to adopt Mary Beauty in addition. Well done too to the 32 winners from Roedean in the World Chinese Essay Competition – to be named as a winner in this global competition is remarkable. Well done again for the first two weeks of term, and I wish you all the best for a lovely weekend and next week.

World Chinese Essay Competition

Chimp Adoption

Christmas Gift Bags

15 January 2021 - Issue 1


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

32 Winners in the World Chinese Essay Writing 2020 Congratulations to thirty-two students from Roedean who have been named as winners in the World Chinese Essay Writing competition, which opened for entries in May 2020, and ended in November. This competition is open to students of Chinese throughout the world, including young people in China itself. It is therefore incredibly impressive that Roedean students are among the prize winners – in the UK as a whole, there were 233 winners in total, and 32 were from Roedean. Particular congratulations go to Laurine, whose piece, 心田上的风景 (The scenery of the heart field), was the best, and one of only four Special Prize Winners in the UK. Well done to the following, who won First Prize Awards:

Daisy, Nina, and Asmitha (Yr7), Helen (Yr11), and Kate and Anamika (Yr12) for their contributions to First Chapel [RB] Mrs Chappell and Mrs Townsend (parents) for giving their time and expertise to support our testing programme [RCH]

Chimp Adoption

Kitty – 我的爱好 (My Hobbies)

Michelle – 令人难忘的旅行 (An Unforgettable Trip)

Tina – 杨柳和老太太 (Willow and the old lady)

Anita – 因为爱 (Because of Love)

Tina – 留学 (Learning in the UK)

Kimberly – 给爷爷的一封信 (A Letter to my Grandpa)

One of the Year 8 HHH groups has adopted Mary Beauty, an orphaned chimpanzee at LCRP, the Liberian Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection sanctuary. This is run by Jenny and Jimmy Desmond, and here is the letter they sent: Dear Wonderful Chimp Champs of Roedean School ️ ️ ️


Thank you so much for adopting Mary Beauty, one of the chimpanzees being cared for at Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection's sanctuary in West Africa. We are greatly appreciative of your support for our chimps and LCRP! Every penny goes a long way in securing their care and future! With gratitude, Jenny, Jimmy and The Chimps LCRP is one of Roedean’s School charities this year, and, seeing pictures of baby chimpanzees like these, it is no surprise that the girls want to help and support them! Page 2

Congratulations to these girls, who won Second Prize Awards: ■

Rosie, Lyris, Lily, Jessie, Yifan, Betty, Caroline, Olivia, Michelle, Claudia, Lucy, Charlotte

Lastly, the following received Good Practice Awards: ■

Jana, Lea, Emma, Amy, Keqing, Vivian, Yolanda, Elsa, Lareina, Yanka, Christy, Ashley, Helen

Thank you to Mrs Lin Wu, for her huge efforts with all of these students – there is no doubt that the girls’ success is certainly in large part down to her guidance, and we are very proud that Roedean has been awarded ‘The Best Organisation’ in recognition of this. Well done to everyone involved in this success. RB

15 January 2021 - Issue 1

HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW Daisy (Yr7) seemed like a terrible ´At first glance, 2020 silver lining brought en year, but it’s well hidd w interests, hobbies, ne with it a whole host of . Although I can’t say es talents, and experienc d that when the world I enjoyed it, I discovere still shines through. is at its darkest, hope miss things or take I now know never to dis use when they are things for granted beca 2021, I’m looking r taken away from us. Fo come the challenges er ov forward to a chance to d hopefully get back to an of working from home soon.' al norm Kate (Yr12) ´ 2020 has been a year hardships, but also endu of struggles and ra and growth. It taught nce, independence, us that every day should be appreciated, from spending time with family on walks or pla the NHS clap, together ying games, to we have made our communities stronger. It was a difficult year, and we are still in very hard times, but I know 2021 will be the year when we get to hug our loved ones again . and, although times ma We have each other y be hard, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.' Ms Boobis ´ What 2020 has taught me: the value in stillness and slowness; the joy that can be found in a sunrise or a frosty morning; that giving ourselves permission to do things that make us happy is empowering; how to paint a myriad of watercolour birds! My hopes for 2021: that within the togetherness that will return at some point this year, we remember how to enjoy our own company too; to travel, to attend a concert or comedy night, to go to the theatre.'

Amelia (Yr9) ´ 2020 has taught me how quickly, and dramatically, everything can change. It has reminded me how lucky I am to have the support of such wonderful friends, family, and all the staff at Roedean. It has brought into focus how much I miss being with them all, and made me even more determined to embrace every new opportunity and experience in the future.'

‘What 2020 has taught me, and my hopes for 2021’

Helen (Yr11) ´ 2020 was a crazy year with all the pandemic going on, but I made a lot of unforgettable memories that I will treasure for life. I have definitely grown up a lot as I can deal with sudden situations more calmly now – who would have ever thought that I would go to study aboard, but turn out staying in Hong Kong for half of the year with online school. Staying at home for a long time allowed me to spend more time with my family and also do something I have wanted to do for ages which is cooking. I am so grateful that school allowed me to come back home early last term, so that I could celebrate Christmas with my family. But I can’t wait to be back at school, whenever that is.'

Maria (Yr9) ´ Without a doubt, what I have lear ned from 2020 is to really appreciate the litt le things that I feel I previously took for gra nte Things such as being able to meet a d. frie nd, simply having a walk, appreciating nature, and having the freedom to be spontaneo us. Another thing I will never take for granted aga having the ability to make decisions in is having to worry about consequences without . 202 also taught me to be grateful for my 0 has and the health of my family, and to health, appreciate our wonderful NHS.'

Maths Success in the Ritangle Competition – Roedean in the Top 5% Congratulations to our team of Year 12 Mathematicians who entered the annual Ritangle Competition last term. The team, which consisted of Tuhina, Ashley, Marina, Sophia, Bella, Aida, Alyssa, Victoria, Molly, Olivia, Bronwen, and Kristina, had to solve around 25 questions released daily. On 8 December, a final 3-stage challenge was released, which involved decoding the answers to the 25 daily questions, solving 8 more questions, and then decoding all the answers which formed a string of 100+ digits using Polybius squares and keyword ciphers – this took around 5 days of sustained effort by the team. Tuhina said, ‘We were delighted to get to round 3, as only 5% of the 900 schools which entered got to this stage – we are really proud.’ Congratulations!

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Alice (Yr7) ´ 2020 was an interesting year. It taught us to never take things for granted, like going shopping, see family and friends and going on ing holiday in foreign places. It taught us human spirit is a determined one the . importantly, it taught us to alw Most ays look on the bright side and never give am looking forward to a new yea up. I r and a fresh start.'

Iris (Yr7) am ught me that I at ta s a h 0 2 0 2 ´ thought and th braver than I situations like the I can adapt to 021, I hope things 2 pandemic. For normal soon, so that to can get back ack to school again, we can all go b like it was at the e and for it to b . I can’t wait to see ar ye start of the iends again.' all my fr


Christmas Gift Bags On the last day of last term, the girls packed 275 festive gift bags for 6 local organisations supporting those in need – they loved doing it, and it is wonderful that Project Rudolf (supporting local children in care), the Blind Veterans, the children at St Mark’s Primary, Brighton Women’s Centre, the patients at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital, and Food and Friendship (supporting families in food poverty) loved receiving them! We are all very proud of the girls’ generosity! Here is just some of the feedback: Feedback to Year 7 about the donation to Project Rudolph ■

‘Thanks you for supporting project Rudolph. The bags were brilliant, the girls so generous. Once I’d dropped them all off at county hall, the room was so full there was no floor space left!’ – from KNE, Roedean’s link to the project

Feedback to Year 8 from the Blind Veterans: ■

‘What an exceptionally kind gift and lovely thought! Really liked the card.’ – from Jean

'Thank you very very much for your lovely gift. Blessing and good fortune all in 2021.’ – from Rosalie

'It is very kind of Roedean to send us a gift. We appreciated them very much and we had a very tasty Christmas dinner, we hope you did too.’ from Win

‘It’s a lovely idea looking after the old people who couldn't spend Christmas with family. Thank you!’ – from Nancy

Feedback to the Sixth Form from Food and Friendship (Families in Food Poverty) ■

‘Just wanted to say thank you so much for helping to organise the gifts from Roedean for our families. They have been put together so nicely and with so much thought they will certainly give our beneficiaries something to smile about. Please do pass on my thanks to any other staff members involved, and of course, the sixth form and their families. Happy Christmas!’ – from Caroline (Coordinator at Food and Friendship)

Christmas Cakes Across all the Houses, just before we broke up, the girls were very busy icing Christmas Cakes and making beautiful Christmas Cards. We isolated the cakes and cards before delivering them, and these pictured went to Homeridge House in Saltdean – they were delighted to receive them. Ivy distributed to her friends, including Jean and John (pictured), in the warden-assisted home. What a lovely gesture!

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15 January 2021 - Issue 1


Can you knit? Year 12 are about to embark on a ‘Knitting for Premature Babies’ project. The idea behind this is both helping others and ourselves. Knitting is a hugely therapeutic activity, which can give us a really valuable break from screens of all types. We will be knitting a variety of items, ranging from bonding squares to beanie hats and jackets. Bonding squares help to transfer the scent of the mother to the baby and vice versa, and this helps to develop the bond between both while the baby is in hospital. Bonding squares are very easy to knit. The more ambitious knitters might be attempting beanie hats and jackets.

Students’ designs displayed at Glow Wild, Wakehurst Before the end of term, Year 8 and 9 Art Scholars were busy in the Art Department, creating silhouettes to feature on one of artist Michelle Dufaur’s sculptures at Glow Wild, Wakehurst. Dufaur created a withy beech nut which had a light inside it during the lantern trail. The final pieces looked very impressive in situ. Well done!

The photos below show one of the new members of the Roedean community, Sefi, when he was first born in June (15 weeks prematurely) and then when he arrived home in December – what a cheeky smile! We would like to invite all members of the Roedean community and their families to join us in our project. If you are interested, please email Carmel Carragher (cc@roedean.co.uk).

The Great 7M Bake Off Well done to all the fantastic cooks in my tutor group – they made some amazing cakes for our baking competition! RH

Winner - most delicious looking

Honorable mention

Winner - most professional

Winner - most creative

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15 January 2021 - Issue 1

15 January 2021 - Issue 1



Strava Challenges

Join Roedean Strava Account Video:

Keeping fit and staying active is always important, and it’s made easy with the Roedean Strava account. There are weekly challenges in running, walking, and cycling for pupils and staff. It’s a great way to keep track of your progress, challenge yourself, and compete with others in numerous activities. If you are interested, please contact Miss Cheesman and she will add you to the Co-Curricular Club starting next week and help you to set up your account.

Week 3 Challenge Video:

Since it is 2021 this year, our first challenge to all you Strava enthusiasts is the 20:21 challenge. All you need to do is run, walk, or cycle for 20 minutes and 21 seconds, and record your distance on Strava. For those who haven’t joined just yet, record your distance in any other app, and we will take the submission in. SCH

Virtual Masterclasses with Anna Carter and Natalie Panagarry! We have had a very exciting week in PE, with pupils across the whole school being offered an online session run by either Anna Carter or Natalie Panagarry. Year 7 had a practical session, and Years 10-13 had a tactical analysis and practical session delivered by Anna Carter. Years 8 & 9 both had practical sessions delivered by Natalie Panagarry. All the sessions were amazing and memorable, and we are extremely grateful to both for sharing their knowledge and experiences with the girls this week.

Anna Carter launched the Leeds Rhinos Netball franchise in 2017, as their Director of Netball. She set up camps, hubs, and pathways, and managed to lead them to secure a spot in the Super League for this coming season (when it starts!). Anna left Leeds Rhinos just after they secured this spot, to focus on her own new company, Elite Netball Academy. The focus of her new company is to offer community and developmental netball, supporting young players before they reach the pathway.

Natalie Panagarry is a professional Netballer, who represented England at the 2019 World Cup. She is also the Captain of Super League team, Loughborough Lightning! Natalie has 17 caps for her country, making her Roses debut in 2016, facing the phenomenal Australia. All the girls worked very hard and produced some fantastic answers across the board – well done to everyone involved! ADH

Inspiring Sporting Conversations Roedean is very privileged to have incredible interviews with sporting stars, organised by our Director of Sport, Miss Wakeling, and conducted by our Sport Prefect, Liv (Yr13). The first interview is with Philip Als, who will, later this year, be attempting to complete a treacherous but sad adventure for humankind. In this never completed journey, suitably named ‘The Last First’, will test the mental and physical spirit of each and every member of the expedition. To watch this incredible interview, click this link The Last First - Philip Als Interview.

Anna Carter

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Natalie Panagarry

15 January 2021 - Issue 1



Molly’s Magic Molly is a Netball Scholar in Year 7, and she plays Centre and Wing Attack for Magic Netball Club U12s. At the recent club awards, Molly was awarded ‘most improved player’. Her coach, Kiki, said that she felt this was just the start of Molly’s netball journey, and that she has the potential to go far on the netball court. Well done, Molly!

Ellen’s Q & A with Tamsin Greenway ‘I really enjoyed the Q & A! It was me, a few other girls, and a few coaches. I found out lots of interesting things, and I got to ask Tamsin a few questions. One of the things I got to ask her was about her shooting technique (because before she was a WA, she was a GA), and she said that your shooting technique could be personal to you, as long as you have the 3 main elements, setting your feet, pushing through your arms, and the follow through. She also told us about how she got into netball, which was when she was in primary school – she did a netball club, and then she just loved playing and kept going with it. She also told us about some of her experiences that hadn’t gone so well (like when she hasn’t been chosen for teams and that sort of thing), and she said that in sport you do have set backs, but if you keep going and keep trying you can succeed. It was a really incredible experience and really inspiring – I learnt a lot and I am very pleased I got to do it! It was also so cool being able to (virtually) talk to Tamsin!’ Ellen (Yr8)

Girl on the River OR Patricia Carswell (No. 4, 1979-85) has a podcast called Girl on the River, and she has shared her latest episode with us. She talks about all things related to women in sport with Sue Anstiss MBE, including a discussion on inspirational PE teachers, how to get young girls interested in sport, and why women’s team sport has been overlooked and underfunded in the past.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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