Heads Weekly Review - 17th June 22 - Issue 7

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17 June 2022 – Issue 7



Head’s Introduction

What a truly remarkable feat – the first ever Roedean Channel crossing by six Roedean students who swam to France yesterday! Bella, Clara, Liv, Amy, Rose, and Jemima set off to cross the Channel just after 11:00pm on Wednesday, and they stepped on land again near Cap Gris after nearly 14 hours at 12:45 yesterday. The hours of training, and time spent acclimatising to the cold water and building their endurance, laid the foundations for this outstanding achievement. However, all the training in the world could not have prepared them for the reality of setting off on this adventure in the dark water of the open sea under the moonlight. But, as a team which had bonded over time through this shared experience, and brilliantly supported by Dr Hobbs and Miss Wakeling, they did it! Congratulations to the girls, and to their parents and every single person who supported them along the way. I hear they arrived back wanting to do it all again!

Remarkable CrossChannel Swim

New Girls’ Day this week was a lovely day. It was such a pleasure to meet our future families again and to welcome them formally into the Roedean community. While the parents heard from members of staff and visited the Houses, the girls took part in a variety of activities to help them get to know each other ahead of starting in September, culminating in a whole group choir performance. Thank you to the Admissions Department and Miss Allen, and to everyone who worked so hard to make them feel at home on the day. Well done to our Athletes, who have had a very successful week, including winning an enormous trophy at the Brighton and Hove Championships – congratulations! More widely, our students have been training and preparing over recent weeks for Sports Day at the end of next week – this is always a wonderful event which brings together our top athletes with those who are taking part to win valuable points in this final House competition of the year. I am very pleased to hear that 130 students successfully passed their Silver and Bronze Duke of Edinburgh assessed expeditions last weekend. This is a fantastic achievement, and it is excellent that so many of our students are completing this qualification which is so widely recognised. I am also grateful to all of my colleagues involved in the training and preparation for these awards, and in the supervision of the expeditions. Thank you, and well done. I am looking forward to the performances of a Matilda next week, and it will be wonderful to welcome many families to Roedean Day at the end of next week, to enjoy the Art Exhibition, visit academic departments, and cheer on the students at Sports Day. I wish you all a restful weekend. I leave you with a question – after navigating the Channel so admirably, what is the next challenge for Roedean girls?

Athletics: Brighton & Hove Championships

17 June 2022 – Issue 7


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Sporting Stars of the Week

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

This week's winners for PE Stars of the Week are: Year 7 – Evelyn, for her efforts in this week's Aquathon

Khadijah (Yr7) – for jumping in and volunteering to escort Elizabeth, one of our new Ukrainian students, to her Maths lesson, and chatting with her on the way to make her feel welcome [Miss Simpson] Edie (Yr8) – for the patience, kindness, and compassion she shows to her friends and those around her [Miss Simpson]

Year 10 – Eva for being a wicket-taking machine in the U15A team, and Elodie for running the 1500m at the B&H Athletics Championship

Year 8 – Minnie, for beating her PB in the Long Jump three times in two weeks, and Harriet, for winning the junior Aquathon Year 12 – Millie, Emma, Ottavia, and Ellen for all their help in Family Rounders and the Aquathon

Rida (Yr9), and Bonnie and Isabella (Yr7) – for speaking so well and confidently to the parents on New Girls' Day [Miss Allen]

Year 9 – Zella and Ellen for their excellent effort in PE and Games


Mrs Pynn and Mrs Pynn – for helping serve scones and Pimms at the Family Rounders on Saturday [Miss Wakeling]

Congratulations to the following who have won Golden Tickets this week:

Yr 8 – Freya Yr 7 – Coco [Mrs Chamberlain]

Miss Smith and Mrs Waller – for organising a fantastic Hawaiian-themed boarding social [Miss Hart]

Mr Foster – for all his help and encouragement with the Cubes in Space project [Alyssa (Yr12)]

Mrs Williams – for going out of her way to help prepare for New Girls' Day on Tuesday [Miss Hart] Mrs Polawski and the Grounds Team – for making the fields look so wonderful for Practice Sports Day and Family and Friends Rounders [Miss Wakeling]

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[Miss Beadle]

Yr 9 – Clara [Mrs Haining]

Cubes in Space Project – Thanks to Mr Foster Mr Foster has been brilliant in helping us get in touch with the NASA staff, and getting all the equipment and technology needed for our project. It has been quite challenging, but he has done his very best to keep us on track and not give up. We made it through all those setbacks eventually, and we could never have made it on time without his guidance. Thank you! Alyssa (Yr12)


17 June 2022 – Issue 7

Remarkable Cross-Channel Swim Congratulations to Bella, Clara, Liv, Rose, Amy, and Jemima – what an amazing achievement to swim to France on Wednesday and Thursday!

It is brilliant that they have already raised over £7100 for the Ukraine Bursary Appeal.

Understandably, they are still recovering – watch this space next week for their reflections on the experience.

if you would like to sponsor them, here is the link www.justgiving.com/campaign/roedeanukrainianbursaryappeal

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17 June 2022 – Issue 7

Matilda As you will know, we have been rehearsing Matilda this summer term, and we have a cast from Year 7 to 12, so this is a whole school production, with a double cast for some roles. Matilda is a book, film, and musical play. Roald Dahl was one of my favourite authors as a child and I remember how exciting it was to discover that he has written several children’s books, not just Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. And when I realised there was a sequel, I eagerly waited for my reservation of The Great Glass Elevator, pestering the librarian daily. Matilda loves books and she reminds us of the pleasure of reading for fun, escapism, and enrichment. In rehearsal, we have really enjoyed bringing her world to life, recreating classrooms, libraries, and playgrounds to perform the famous ensemble musical numbers, such as Revolting Children and When I Grow Up. We have also discovered that Matilda’s reading is more than escapism, it is a survival tool for her to cope with her cruel parents who would prefer her to watch the telly rather than read. Mrs Woodbridge

Bonnie (Yr7) – Tommy

'As soon as I heard they were putting on Matilda, I just knew I had to audition! I’ve always loved all the songs and dances. I was 5 when I first watched the musical and some of the songs have stuck with me ever since. I have really enjoyed working with the other year groups, I have made many new friends that I have never really seen before. It’s been lots of fun working with everyone and has defiantly been a highlight of the year. I would say I have 100% improved on my dancing! Singing and acting have always been the things I’m more comfortable with, and now I feel I can do more things in dancing. Also remembering everything, I have surprisingly remembered all the songs and dances! Even the ones I’m not in!! Everyone taking part in putting the show on has worked incredibly hard to make it the best it can be. It is a great story for those who have never seen the musical (or read the book) with lots of fun, lots of singing and lots of dancing. Who wouldn’t love that?!'

Amelia (Yr10) – Miss Trunchball

'I really wanted to be in Matilda because it has been one of my favourite musicals since I was really little. The characters are also so much fun to play because of their larger than life personalities and I really wanted the opportunity to do that. I have really enjoyed rehearsals because they give us a great chance to really bring our characters to life over the weeks leading up to the show, it is also really fun to watch other people rehearse their scenes and numbers and see how they improve over time. I have developed my comedic acting skills as Mr Wormwood is both a very mean but also (hopefully!) a very funny character. You should come and see Matilda if you would like to laugh but also cry while enjoying singing, dancing and witty dialogue.'

roedean.ticketsolve.com Matilda has the strength of mind to stand up for people and for making people know when things are not right. In our reflection I would like us to contemplate how we can support one another when someone is feeling isolated or lonely. How we can show kindness to others and ask if anyone needs help if they are in need. Open a door if someone has a heavy load or be more accepting of others differences, embracing difference rather than sticking to what we feel is comfortable. An awkward silence will soon pass and even if it doesn’t the next time will be easier. Matilda also teaches Mrs Honey and the reader to stand up for yourself: Matilda said, ‘Never do anything by halves if you want to get away with it. Be outrageous. Go the whole hog’. Having the courage to be different is a bold choice, and we can always strive towards that goal.

Ella (Yr10) – Ms Honey

'I’ve always enjoyed participating in musical productions and Miss Honey has always been one of my favourite characters that I would love to play. I knew that this would be an unforgettable experience, so I had no doubt when I signed up for the audition. I love how everyone comes together to make the show better, and how people appreciate each other’s ability during rehearsals Other than performing skills, I learnt to work with different year groups and listen to different opinion so that I can improve. People should come as it is the annual musical production so there will be acting, singing, and dancing. It is going to be an amazing production and I promise you are going to love it. We’ve all worked really hard, and it will be great to see you there.' Page 4


17 June 2022 – Issue 7

DofE Bronze & Silver – Everyone Passed the Assessed Expedition 80 Bronze and 50 Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award participants successfully passed the Expedition Section of their Award! Some a little muddy, others a little battered, bruised and blistered, most very tired, some with new-found friendships, and others with a newlyestablished anthem (The Proclaimers – with words a little changed… “Well I have walked 5000 miles and I couldn’t walk another more”), and because (I say this sarcastically) they weren’t carrying enough, a few groups decided to adopt and carry free gooseberry plants the entire way. All of which were given names and, by the end of the weekend, had a persona of their own. Perhaps the heat got to some more than others?! Our girls did us proud! They embraced every challenge with a positive attitude and really did look after and support each other. The success of this expedition is more than simply passing 20 conditions of their Expedition Sectional Award. The bonus and, some would argue the most important success of this weekend, lies in their heady fun, raucous laughing, deepening friendships, and oodles of new memories.

It truly was a cracking weekend; Roedean girls at their best, a beautiful location (Ashdown Forest) and perfect weather conditions. It even led some to declare “Silver next!”, “Gold next!” – so they must have enjoyed it! As staff, we wish to thank all the participants for being an absolute hoot and pleasure to be with. Manners were impeccable, and to feel appreciated goes a long way, so thank you! On behalf of our participants, I would like to thank Mr Fieldsend, Ms Bartlette, Miss Holmes, Mr Halsey, Mr Swapp, Mr Silvey, Mr Barber, Dr Hannan, Mrs Haining, and Miss Orrells for making these Expeditions possible! Congratulations – you did it! Here’s to our next adventure – I can’t wait! Mrs Finn

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Classics trip to the British Museum and National Gallery It felt wonderful to be taking a group of Classicists up to London on 16 June to the British Museum for the first time in over two years. First stop was the 'Feminine Power: From the Divine to the Demonic' exhibition at the British Museum. I urge you to go and see this – it was small, really well curated, and very interesting! Then we were extremely lucky to have Miss Allen's mother, Lesly Fitton OBE, speak to the girls on the restitution of the Elgin Marbles to Greece. She told us how this issue is the longest-standing cultural argument between governments in the world, beginning back in 1983 with Nana Mouskouri, the famous actress and singer, advocating for the Marbles' return. She also told us about many of the surrounding issues, for example, are the Marbles art? In which case, should they be returned as they will not be put back onto the original building? She also included the view of Byron from the 19th century, that the marbles should be left to fall into ruins, a true Romantic. Mrs Fitton certainly offered up no easy solutions, but she piqued our interest hugely, even though the session was super short. We are very grateful to her, and we shall make more plans... these are ideas and arguments shaping our cultural views right now. Next, we headed off on foot to Covent Garden for a lunch stop, where possibly some shopping also took place... Then, we went on to the National Gallery, where the girls had an hour's treasure hunt to find some of the mythological paintings housed in the Gallery. Someone asked what the 'treasure' was... the answer was obviously the paintings... such beauty! We then trained it back to Brighton, exhausted by the heat of this stunning day, but uplifted, and wanting to return. Mrs Miller

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17 June 2022 – Issue 7


New Girls' Day It was our pleasure to welcome those joining Roedean in September to the School, along with their families. Thank you to everyone involved in making the day such a success!

Science Taster Day 22 visiting girls thoroughly enjoyed an exciting STEM day this week which included creating a chemical clock with Dr Staniford in Chemistry, a marble-timer in Physics with Miss Byrne and Mrs Appiah-Kusi, and a coding challenge with Mrs Griffiths. A visit to hear Mr Fieldsend speaking about the farm animals rounded off a really lively day! A massive thank you to Dr Staniford and the teachers across Science and ICT for organising this event, and ensuring each girl left feeling really enthusiastic about Science at Roedean!

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17 June 2022 – Issue 7


17 June 2022 – Issue 7

House 3’s National Photo Day Challenge The House 3 Boarders spent Wednesday evening testing out their goodspirited competitiveness, in a photography challenge, all whilst basking in the late evening sunshine we have been blessed with this week. As a nod to National Photography Day, the girls chose from three categories: ‘At One with Nature’; ‘Sporting Event’; or ‘Life’s a Beach’ (with some very keen photographers entering all three categories). The boarders worked hard, putting their inner creativity to the test, finding the perfect angle and filters, before capturing their entries. Some beautiful photographs were taken of corners of the school grounds which don’t always get the main focus.

It was very interesting to see such a variety of interpretations and reflections on the different categories. Once the photographers were happy with their final shot, they sent their entries to be judged by the House 3 team. It was tough competition, with not much in it, however the winners were as follows: ■ ■ ■

At One with Nature: Eloise, and Kate Sporting Event: Gabriella Life’s a Beach: Lucy

Thank you and well done to all girls who got involved and tried their hand at something which they may not have thought much about before. Miss Wright

A Surprise Visitor in House 4 An opportunistic pigeon made the most of an open window in House 4! The bird laid her eggs, and then continued to fly back and forth, bringing in twigs to make a nest. The girls safely relocated her eggs and twigs outside the window. Well done. Mrs Wilson Page 8


17 June 2022 – Issue 7

Planting in House 4 House 4 girls loved painting a variety of containers before planting their plants! Thank you to Miss O'Neill for leading this activity and donating the plant cuttings which are now thriving and on display in House. Mrs Wilson

Sheep Shearing on the Farm! Just in time for the warmer weather, the sheep on the Farm have been shorn!

Year 7 Musical Showcase Thursday 23 June – Chapel – 4pm Next Thursday, the whole of Year 7 will perform in a Musical Showcase in Chapel. Every student in the year-group has taken part in the instrumental project this year, and they will be playing the instrument they chose back in September. They will perform in small groups, as well as coming together as an Orchestra. There will be a few solos, and they will also be joined for a performance with the Junior Orchestra. This will be an exciting and fun event! Please come and support them – tickets are available from roedean.ticketsolve.com Ms Bartlette Page 9

17 June 2022 – Issue 7


Roedean Hockey Academy Over the last 5 weeks, we have had 25 girls in Years 4-6 attending the Roedean Hockey Academy. This has been run by Mr Borsoi, Mr Perry, Mr Campleman, and Phoebe and Millie (Yr12). The girls covered goal scoring, ball carrying, passing, and match play. It was great to see so many girls getting exposed to some extra hockey and gaining experience of sport at Roedean – they should be congratulated for all of the effort they put into these sessions. Mr Borsoi

U15A Cricket vs Bede's The U15A team played Bede's away on Tuesday on a glorious sunny day.

protecting their wickets, they tried for runs and we lost 5 quick wickets.

Roedean won the toss and, in Ben Stokes fashion, put the opposition in to bat, opting to chase down the runs rather than set a total. With some much improved bowling, the girls finished their 20 overs with 3 wickets and Bede's had 141 runs.

Pearl (17) was able to come in and steady the ship with opener Alice (7), but it wasn't quite enough. Due to time running out, Roedean were unable to finish batting their overs and the win was given to Bede's on run rate and wickets taken. Miss Kirby-Jones

Alice got the opener out caught and bowled, and the other two wickets were taken by Pearl and Eva. The run chase was then on, however the pressure got to the batters and, instead of

Family Rounders Last Saturday, we were able to enjoy family and friends' rounders for the first time since Covid hit. It was great to see that 6 teams entered, and it was set to be a very competitive tournament. In the end, the scores were very close, with 3 teams tied at 9 points in second place: House 3, House 2, and the Roedean team. The overall winners, with 12 points, were the Year 12 team – congratulations!

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Catering provided a delicious afternoon tea for all of us to enjoy in the sun after all our hard work and competition. Thank you to Miss Wakeling and the PE department for helping to organise and umpire the event, so that it could all run smoothly. Also, thank you to everyone who came along, and we hope that the event has inspired you all to get more involved in sports competitions and tournaments throughout the School.

17 June 2022 – Issue 7


Athletics: Brighton & Hove Championships On Monday, our Inters, made up of four Year 10s and one Year 11, and our Juniors, which consisted of one Year 9 and five Year 8s racing up a year, competed at the Brighton and Hove Championships.

The relay teams both secured 1st place with their slick changeovers and rapid legs of the race. As a result, the girls came home with the following 3 trophies, a very impressive hoard:

The girls had another brilliant day, both on the track and in the field, with lots of new PBs made. Minnie kicked us off by improving her Long Jump PB by 50 centimetres in the last 2 weeks, increasing it to 4.21m, which is an amazing score!

the Inters won their age group overall and won an enormous shield

the Juniors secured 3rd place, which is very impressive considering the five Year 8s were racing against the year above

Nia had another phenomenal 800m race, despite being in the middle of her GCSEs. Pearl won her race and improved her 300m time by 1 second, and Solari smashed her 200m!

Roedean also won the relay cup, picking up all available points in the relay performances,

the final trophy was the ‘Jumps Cup’, which combines the scores achieved across High Jump, Long Jump, and Triple Jump

A huge well done to Elodie, who won her Hurdles race, then stepped into the 1500m, despite never running it before, to gain valuable points for the team. Another big well done goes Ruby, who won all 4 events she participated in!

It was an extremely successful afternoon – well done to all involved, you were absolutely brilliant in every event you did! Miss Wakeling

Athletics: Track & Field Cup – Regional Round Last week, the Inter and Junior Girls had their regional round of the National Track and Field Cup. They had an early start as we had to travel up to Kingston for this round!

another great performance in Javelin. The finale of the day was the relay - all season the relay teams have smashed this event and they did not disappoint.

The Juniors (Years 7 & 8) had a strong day in the field, with some outstanding performances from Megs in the High Jump and Aimee in the Javelin. On the track, we had another great race for Molly in the Hurdles event, and Ruby in the 800m.

The Juniors secured 2nd place overall, and the Inters had a strong finish too. We are so proud of all the athletes who gave their all in what turned out to be a very warm day! The combined placing was 4th overall, so we are eagerly waiting to find out if our points were enough to get us through to the next round!

The Inters (Years 9 & 10) started with some brilliant track races. Izzy and Lizzie did extremely well in the 800m, and Ruby A achieved another impressive time in the 100m. In the field, Eloise got a new PB for High Jump, and Orla gave

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 11

U12B Cricket vs Windlesham House The U12Bs continued a fantastic season with a big win against Windlesham House. The girls have been working incredibly hard to improve both their batting and bowling, being more consistent with their striking, and lines and lengths. They move onto the last game against Hurst, which will present a very competitive challenge, but they are ready! Mr Palmer-Goddard

Miss Adeyemi

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