1 minute read

Miss Orrells Took On The Brighton Marathon

'It was a beautiful sunny day, with a light, cool breeze. Perfect running weather. I gathered on the start line in Preston Park, with over 12,500 other runners to attempt the Brighton Marathon.

I have been training since October, and had run over 280 miles in training before embarking on the 26.2 miles ahead of me on 2 April. A shout out must go to the "Running is Fun Club" team, who have made it fun to train after school, and the Year 11 RISE runners, who kickstarted my training back in October.

Having never run a marathon before, I was nervous but determined. It was an incredible atmosphere, and seeing friends and family along the course was a huge lift each time it felt really hard. It was amazing to wave to colleagues as I ran by Roedean, and be cheered by the students on the water station on the way back to Brighton.

I was met by my family as I crossed the line and felt elated, but also shattered!

Thank you so everyone who has sponsored me, enabling me to raise £486 for Amnesty, a charity that does such important work for human rights, especially in the current climate.

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