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Head’s Introduction

Although Easter was not that long ago, term is fully underway, and I am very impressed by the range of activities our students are undertaking, including Sport, Music, and charitable endeavours.

Our musicians are rehearsing hard for next week’s concert, and I am looking forward to experiencing my first Brighton Festival Fringe concert in the Chapel. The solo performances accompanied by the orchestra promise to be outstanding, and few schools can boast of putting on an opera – I hope that many of you can support our performers next Friday.

The latest set of LAMDA results are remarkable, so I would like to congratulate the students and staff involved on this success. Well done to Niamh in Year 12, who sang with the National Youth Training Choir over Easter, and had the wonderful opportunity to sing in the Royal Albert Hall.

It is such a pleasure to see so many sports going on in the summer sunshine, and the breadth of sporting opportunities is impressive – just this week, there has been Tennis, Athletics, Cricket, Sea-Swimming, Netball, and the new Sailing Club, alongside Sussex Hockey success. Well done to everyone involved.

I enjoyed hearing about this year’s CAP projects in their final exhibition on Wednesday, and it is clear that the Year 12s derive great pleasure, as well as valuable skills, from these partnership activities.

The GCSE written examinations started today, and I hope that the French papers went well. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone taking A Levels and GCSEs over the coming weeks the very best of luck!

I wish you all a great weekend, and hope you enjoy the Bank Holiday.

Roedean Sailing Starts!


U13 Tennis Win vs St Andrew's Prep

Brighton Festival Fringe Concert

Friday May 5th 2023, 7pm Roedean Chapel

Dido & Aeneas

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Sigrid (Yr12) – for a fantastic Academic lecture on 'The Republic': Contextualizing Plato's criticism of democracy'! [Ms Ibanez]

Galina (Yr11) – for playing Gershwin's Prelude so beautifully in Chapel – it was amazing, even more so because it was first published in 1926, the same year in which the first woman swam the Channel, beating the times of all the previous men! [Dr Hobbs]

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