Heads Review - 2024 Issue 11

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Head’s Introduction

It’s the summer term, and, although there’s been some rain, and even a spot of hail, we have mostly enjoyed wonderful blue skies and lots of sun this week. It has been great to see our cricketers out in the fields, taking full advantage of our wonderful location, alongside our tennis players.

I am delighted to hear that the two trips over the Easter break were both great successes – the photos of both really do look amazing, and I am grateful to my colleagues who gave up part of their holiday to give the girls these opportunities.

The Prefect Team for the coming academic year, led by Galina and Kaitlin, has been introduced to the School in our First Chapels this week. They all look very smart in their red gowns, and I am looking forward to working closely with them over the next three terms.

There have been some remarkable individual achievements over the holidays, including performing success for Fleur, Ella, Trinity, and Galina, and a remarkable honorary doctorate for a member of our domestic team. In Science and Maths, well done to Kelly who has won one of 50 global Medicine mentorships, and also to those who took part in the British Physics Olympiad and the Pink and Grey Maths Kangaroos. Congratulations!

Good luck to all those taking public examinations this term. The first speaking exams have already taken place, and the written papers also begin in a few weeks. I wish you all the best, and I know that this will be echoed by the whole community.

I hope you all enjoy a restful weekend, and good luck to everyone who is taking part in the MNDA 24-Hour Challenge!

The West End is Calling Fleur and Ella, and Trinity in Matilda

Ski Trip to Austria

MNDA 24-Hour Charity Challenge

The Start of the Cricket Season at Roedean – Glorious Conditions!

19 April 2024 – Issue 1

The West End is Calling Fleur and Ella, and Trinity in Matilda

Congratulations to three of our Performing Arts Scholars in Year 12, who have been busy this Easter Break. Trinity was a brilliant Miss Honey in the Apollo production of Matilda Jnr, while Fleur and Ella, who coincidently, both played Miss Honey in our school production of Matilda, have successfully got through to the next round of a national Musical Theatre competition.

WEST END CALLING is a nationwide competition for aspiring musical theatre performers.

Performers aged 7-21, perform throughout a series of heats, culminating in a Grand Final in London's West End. Ella and Fleur have both got through to the Semi-Final, also in London.

Both Ella and Fleur had an initial audition and got through to the next round, to perform for a Brighton audience. 4 performers from that evening were invited to continue onto the SemiFinal, which will be in a West End Theatre in London, and Ella and Fleur were 2 of them!

An Honorary Doctorate for Ronaldo

Congratulations to Mr Montagnini Junior, one of the Roedean Domestic team, who has had the honour of being awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Psychoanalysis. This title, bestowed by the United Nations, is a testament to his commitment to excellence in his field, and the significance of his work on a global scale.

Ronaldo said, ‘Although I am the school janitor due my foreign conditions, this title represents a significant personal and professional achievement for me. It underscores the importance of continuous learning and dedication to community service, regardless of one's position.’

Congratulations on this incredible achievement – the Roedean community is very proud of you!

A huge number of performers nationwide auditioned initially – it is a great achievement that they have been narrowed down to this next stage and that both Ella and Fleur have got this far into the competition.

If they get through to the Grand Final, they will perform in front of judges, who will consist of Musical Theatre performers – previous judges include Sophie Evans and Tyrone Huntley, and prizes include free show tickets, workshops, and more.

We wish them all the best for their next performance in London.

Good luck girls!

Roedean Festival Fringe Concert

This year's Fringe Festival Concert, the first in the series again, will be an opportunity to see some of the School's most talented musicians, supported by the orchestra and choirs.

Book your tickets now to come and see Roedean's musicians perform Bernstein's Chichester Psalms, Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music, and six amazing solos, accompanied by the orchestra.

Get your tickets here : https://roedean.ticketsolve.com/

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MNDA 24-Hour Charity Challenge

So, Year 8's fantastic charity challenge to raise funds for their chosen charity, MNDA, lasting 24 hours, got off to a fantastic start!

From 13:00 today until the same time tomorrow, Year 8 are racing the rest of the School to be the first to cover 777 kilometres. There is such a positive feel around this event, and good luck to the Year 8 students, who are sleeping in CHall, and walking in one-hour shifts throughout the night!

They have already raised 84% of their £7777 target – that's


If you would like to donate to this worthwhile charity, please follow the link above.

Thank you in advance!

Mr Bond, Mr Wilson, and Dr Barrand

New 125 House Cup

To mark our 125th year on this site, we have introduced a new cup for House points. Over the course of the year, the Houses compete in weekly competitions covering all areas of school life, and these points accrue over time.

Congratulations to House 1, who won the overall 2022-2023 House Competition. Bernice, Lucy, Galina, Mancy and Ingrid received the cup as representatives of House 1. Mancy and Kaitlin, last year's House 1 Captains, also took pride in being photographed with the cup.

Well done!

Mr Wriglesworth

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