Heads Review - 2024 Issue 13

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Head’s Introduction

The Fringe concert last night was wonderful – it was brilliant to see over 100 musicians performing in All Saints Church in Hove, and the six soloists were simply remarkable. Congratulations to Vanessa, Niamh, Galina, Alissandra, Ella, and Zyta, who each performed brilliantly, showcasing the result of exceptional talent and so many hours of practice. The full review of this event will be in next week’s issue – well done and what an experience it must have been for you!

The conditions for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze and Silver practice expeditions were definitely less than ideal, so I am delighted that they overcame them, and came out the other side! Taking the positives, if you can complete that, the real thing next month should be fine – well done to the 140 students involved, and I am grateful to Mrs Finn and Mr Fieldsend, and all of the staff who supported them.

The Roedean Farm has had two new arrivals this week – on Monday evening, the first of our lambs arrived, and a second was born on Thursday. Both are doing well, and they have already created quite a stir!

The Year 11s have had their last lessons of the year, and go on Study Leave today to prepare for their GCSEs. I wish you all the best for your final preparations for your examinations – use your time wisely, ask for support if you need it, and make sure that every day has some balance. Good luck!

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

Roedean Festival Fringe Spectacular

New Arrivals on the Roedean Farm

2024 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Training Expedition Alice's Fantastic Fashion
3 May 2024 – Issue 3

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Charlie, Nisreen, and Sienna (Yr10) – for hosting Isobel, our visitor from Roedean South Africa, this week, and making her feel so welcome [Ms Johannisson]

Beatrice (Yr7) – for playing the theme form the Ladies in Lavendar on the Flute in Chapel – it was lovely [Dr Barrand]

Junior Maths Challenge Success!

The results from the Junior Maths Challenge are in! Well done to everyone who took part – 24 out of 36 students achieved a Bronze, Silver, or Gold certificate, which is an excellent achievement.

Overall, 8 students achieved Silver and 11 Bronze, but particular congratulations go to five students who were awarded Gold: Lara and Isabelle in Year 7, and Katherine, Heli, and

Chapel – Planning and Preparing for Academic Success

Mrs Black led this week's Chapel services, with contributions from some Prefects. As Assistant Head: Academic, and with end of year examinations, and GCSEs and A Levels, upon us, her presentation was about the importance and planning and preparing in order to be successful:

This week, chatting to my Year 9 History class, and hearing all about their adventures (or misadventures) during their practice Duke of Edinburgh hike at the weekend, I have been reminded of the need for excellent preparation.

How many of you have set out on a task, maybe a trip to the beach or a long walk, only to find that you’ve forgotten something really important, sun cream perhaps, or your hat… or waterproof trousers, without which you’ve either had to sit in the shade or get burnt, or… get very wet! We’ve all been there… and it’s not a great feeling.

Packing the right things all comes down to being prepared. As some of you may know, I was, once upon a time, in the Navy. To prepare for serving on warships, I had to undergo an intense period of training. One test was to complete a physical yomp or hike for 5 days across Dartmoor – a wet and windy but beautiful part of England’s south-west. Heavy rucksack, sleeping in the field (Year 9 you were lucky to have a tent!), and

carrying out assessed tasks and mini-challenges along the way. This exercise was daunting, an insurmountable challenge perhaps. Careful packing, careful planning, paying attention to everything I had been taught, leaning on those around me, and helping those behind me – all these were vital to my passing: I’d been trained, I’d practised, and I was prepared.

As we focus our attention (and homework) on revision for exams this term, some of us might be feeling a little daunted by the journey ahead, and wondering how to even start preparing. I would like to invite our new Academic Prefects, Eva, Solari, and Hannah, to offer their own insights about how we might best prepare ourselves academically.

Eva – 'Having just been through my GCSEs last year, I’ve learned that preparation is not about cramming facts into your mind the night before an exam, but having a clear sense of purpose and direction as you lead up to the exam. My tip for you all is to set clear goals, and create a study plan that works for you. Unfortunately, stress is inevitable when it comes to exams, but, by properly managing your time, you can minimise how much you stress unnecessarily. By knowing where you want to go and how you plan to get there, you’ll find the journey less stressful and more rewarding. Remember, try

Alice in Year 8.  Of these, Katherine has been invited to the follow-on Kangaroo round, with a fantastic score of 101.  Lara and Heli sadly missed out by only one point, but they deserve to be proud of what they have achieved.


not to get overwhelmed, and take revision one step at a time.'

Hannah – 'In the whirlwind of exam season which is fast approaching, it’s easy to lose sight of ourselves and become overwhelmed by revision, forgetting to prioritise self-care and physical well-being. Take breaks, look after your body and mind, and don’t forget to prioritise sleep. It’s during these moments of rest and reflection that our minds are refreshed and our motivation is boosted, seeing exams as opportunities for growth and resilience that will help you throughout your life.'

Solari – 'It's completely normal to feel a mix of nerves and apprehension. I know there's often a sense of pressure to push ourselves harder during this term, but I would like to stress the importance of also taking time to balance this work with your emotional well-being. Making a conscious effort to cultivate a mindset of positivity over the weeks ahead, where you prioritise self-care, might help you achieve some balance – taking a walk, going for a run, listening to your favourite music and singing along (!), might be just some things that can help – you will know what helps you most.'

Although you might feel like you have an insurmountable task ahead of you, much like I did during my training, having the right mindset to prepare mentally and physically will, I hope, make the insurmountable… well… mountable! As the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu, wrote, ‘A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step…’ Good luck to you all as you start your journey.

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Roedean Festival Fringe Spectacular

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2024 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Training Expedition

This year’s Training Expedition took place in the Ashdown Forest.  The elements were less than favourable, it was wet and chilly for the first two days leading to a quagmire of mud.  Expedition is always challenging, but this was one tough Training Expedition for both our 87 Bronze DofE participants and our 53 Silver participants, and they smashed it!

Bronze participants completed a two-day, one-night, training camp. Silver participants completed a three-day, two-night training camp. All developed their navigation, campcraft, and teamwork skills.

At times, I know, our girls questioned their decision to undertake DofE and, yes, the inclement weather made an already challenging task more challenging – but they did it! They endured and embraced many challenges finding pockets of fun, forging stronger and new friendships along the way. I am incredibly proud of them!

Thank you, Mr Fieldsend, Miss Holmes, Ms Bartlette, Mrs Sturgeon and Ms Orrells, for being an essential part of this Training Expedition.  Without your commitment, this expedition could not have taken place.

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Afternoon of Dance and Year 8 Bollywood Extravaganza

On 14 May, students in Year 8 will be taking part in an exciting and energising Bollywood workshop, which has become an annual tradition in recent years. At the end of the day, they will show off what they have learnt as the finale to the Afternoon of Dance Showcase.

The Afternoon of Dance Showcase will include student choreography of all styles – it is definitely an afternoon not to be missed!

Book your tickets here! https://roedean.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows

A Visitor from Roedean South Africa

It has been our pleasure this week to welcome Isobel from Roedean South Africa to Brighton. She has been visiting the UK, and has spent the last week with us. Emily Manders, who left in 2022, spent some time volunteering at our sister school last year, and Isobel's family hosted her in Johannesburg during this time.

Ms Johannisson returned the favour, and Isobel has been staying with her this week and shadowing Year 10 at Roedean. She has been buddied with Charlie, Nisreen, and Sienna, and has enjoyed her time with us. She described the School as really friendly, and definitely bigger and louder than Roedean South Africa!

Considering that the curriculum is very different, she has found that the style of lessons and teaching are very similar. She feels that our school is perhaps a little less formal in comparison, and our uniform is definitely more comfortable!

Isobel has had a snapshot of lots of areas of school life, including lessons, the Year 12 CAP exhibition, and much more besides. Her plan is to study at university in the UK in due course. Thank you for visiting us, Isobel, and good luck in the future!

Megan and Elodie Make their Mark

Huge congratulations to Megan (Yr11) and Elodie (Yr13), who have been representing Roedean on Brighton and Hove Youth Council all year.

They led on the Make Your Mark consultation, in which over 3600 secondary school students from across Brighton and Hove voted to share the issues that matter most to them.

The results for the city, and for Roedean, are summarised in these images. The top three issues will now inform focus groups for the Youth Council, and their campaigns moving forward. Having young people's voices heard is so important, so this was a brilliant way to make their mark!

Ms Boobis

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Alice's Fantastic Fashion

Congratulations to Alice (Yr12), who has won third place in the Jimmy Choo Academy's annual drawing competition – what an amazing achievement!

Alice was tasked with designing a fashion garment or accessory with sustainability as its core focus. Her accomplished final design drew inspiration from natural forms, such as water lilies and seagrass. She has explored form, texture, and pattern creatively in her elegant green gown, which features a woven corset, layered skirt, and sculptural neckline. She has considered the environment, not only aesthetically, but through her application of fabric knowledge, choosing to create the stunning design in a sustainable bamboo cloth.

Alice now has the fantastic opportunity to attend JCA’s summer course, ‘Recycle, Create and Make Fashion in Mayfair’. During the course, she will be given the chance to explore sustainability in fashion further, creating reimagining garments from recycled pieces.

Well done!

New Arrivals on the Roedean Farm

On Monday evening at about 19:30, the Roedean Farm welcomed a new lamb. The ewe lambed on her own, and did brilliantly. The lamb shows lovely breed characteristics of the pure South Downs. Her Mum is slightly reluctant, but she is taking a top-up bottle, which is good, and not unusual.

Then on Wednesday, a second lamb was on the way. The lamb was big and sturdy, and needed some help to be delivered safety. He is doing well, and feeding nicely.

Names for these new members of the Farm community will be decided soon! Thanks to Ms Bartlette, Miss Holmes, Miss Ford-Senior, and Karina from Security who have all had important roles to play in the safe delivery of the lambs.

Mr Fieldsend

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This Week in Boarding...

On Friday, Year 10 boarders got dressed up for their much anticipated social. The girls all looked beautiful and had the most wonderful night, dancing and laughing with friends. On Saturday morning, an impressive number of the Year 9 and 10 adventurous and courageous boarders set off on their Bronze and Silver practice expeditions. The girls left school with excited smiles and heavy bags, and were welcomed back to school by staff and other boarders after a wet and cold few days away, feeling rather tired and muddy ...but very proud. The shopping trip over the weekend was in Horsham – the girls had a brilliant time exploring and enjoying what the Saturday market stalls had to offer.

In House 1, the pro Badminton players worked incredibly well together on Friday in the House Badminton Competition. Well done! On Sunday, the keen Year 9 bakers of the House spent their afternoon making the most incredible sweet and savoury treats for all to enjoy at House meeting.

In House 2, they showed great spirit at House Badminton and many of the girls came to support those playing in the matches. On Saturday, the girls got crafty and made their very own dreamcatchers, fuelled by pick-n-mix. Food is very much the way into a boarder's heart, and, on Monday. the girls made their own Oreo or Strawberry milkshakes – they went down a treat! One of the boarders has been incredibly generous, and made the most amazing muppet versions of our iconic comedy duo in house – so they can always be together, even when apart. On Wednesday, the boarders came flurrying down to the ODR for Tanghulu night, enjoying the popular Chinese street-food snack.

In House 3, they rocked their face paint blue stripes for House Badminton and took to the courts with determination! House 3 always display great team spirit, as was shown in their performance of Avril Lavigne's “Skater Boy” in the first week. They spent some time last week showing gratitude to each other by writing little notes of thanks for National Thank You Day, with yellow-themed snacks. The House 3 boarders are a creative bunch, and have had a great time this week getting messy with painting, crafting, and designing their own cosmetic bags/pencil cases. On Monday, they celebrated International Dance Day with a fun-filled evening of Just Dance and chocolatecovered strawberries – delicious! The girls enjoyed also enjoyed a Mexican treats night and a DIY bubble tea night, always a firm favourite.

In House 4, the boarders did a brilliant job showcasing their talent on stage during House Music in the first week back, with their incredible performance of Phantom of the Opera, complete with rock twists of Evanescence! On Tuesdays, the House 4 boarders love their weekly pancake tradition – the girls have mastered the art of pancake toppings and, this week, got creative, making the most adorable

animal pancakes. They celebrated national Gummy Bear Day by snacking on the delicious sweeties while making their own Gummy Bears out of clay.

In Lawrence House, boarders came together to make homemade pasta from scratch! It turned out perfectly, and the girls enjoyed so much fun and laughter while making the yummy evening snack. Very much in the Italian spirit!

Keswick boarders have been getting greenfingered, inspired by the blue skies and sunshine – it's just what is required for their little sunflower seeds to grow. The real question is… which of the boarders' sunflowers will be the tallest flower before we break up for summer holidays, and so win the prize? Over the weekend, the girls got crafty and created their own decoupage sign to brighten up the entrance and remind everyone which is the coolest house!

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Year 10 Social with Tonbridge

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U12C Cricket Victory vs Brighton Girls Further Success in the Pool for Maisa!

The U12C team played their first cricket fixture of the season against Brighton Girls. The game started with Roedean batting, which gave us time to talk in pairs, discussing tactics, batting communication, and encouragement.

We started strongly, hitting the ball into excellent gaps and then running off them. We also made great decisions on when to run and when to stay. This also improved throughout the game whilst watching others play.

It was then our turn to field. The first ball that was bowled by Hester was a brilliant wicket! This boosted the fielders to work hard and get more players out. Through the rest of the overs, our fielding was fast, which stopped the batters running.

Well done to all the players and it was an excellent win for the week. Roedean finished on 279, and Brighton Girls on 254 runs. Congratulations!

Final Ball Win for U12A Cricket vs Cumnor

The U12A Cricket team played against Cumnor House in their first cricket match of the term, and for some their first ever hardball cricket match.

We lost the toss and were put into bat first. Maddie and Heidi led the team out as Captain and Vice Captain, and they ensured we started well, hitting 29 runs in the 4 overs. Betsy and Isabella kept the runs flowing with a 17 run partnership. The next three pairs also contributed to the score of 287 in our 20 overs. Heidi top-scored with a striking 22 runs, almost off one over! At the change of innings, the bowlers warmed up and set to their objective of bowling straight and limiting the extras. Betsy opened well with great accuracy, and only gave away 3 off the first over. Cora, Heidi, and Isabella continued this trend and slowed the run rate from getting too big with wickets. Cumnor batted well and kept the runs increasing steadily as they approached our total.

The last batting pair required 7 runs to win off their 4 overs, seemingly inevitable... Sophia stepped up to bowl the first over, and took 2 wickets to increase the runs required to 9. Cora then took two more wickets, increasing the runs required to 16 with two overs left.

Maisa then bowled the penultimate over in her first cricket match ever, and went for 10 runs with some good striking of the ball.

In the final over, 6 runs were required, and Heidi was at the start of her mark for her run-up... 2 runs, 1 run, no ball (scores tied), 1 run (Cumnor ahead), dot ball. The last ball was bowled, hit to long on, yes was called and they ran one, Betsy fielded the ball and, to the surprise of everyone watching, Cumnor batters decide to try for a second run. Betsy threw the ball accurately to Heidi at the bowlers' end, and she took the bails off with the batter short of her crease, Roedean won, and this was an exceptional end to the match, with the U12A beating Cumnor House by 3 runs on the last ball.

Top Batter:

■ Heidi – 22 runs

Top Bowler:

■ Sophia – 2 overs, 15 runs, 3 wickets

Mr Campleman

Year 7’s Maisa had yet another set of fantastic results at the South East regional swimming champs in Winchester this past weekend.

She swam in a number of events:

■ 1500m free – she won a bronze medal with 19:40.60

■ 50m back prelims and finals –she won a bronze with 33.67

■ 50m free prelims and finals – she won a bronze, with an amazing timing of 29.67 seconds.

■ 100m free prelims and finals –she finished in 8th position with 1:07.03

■ 200m free prelims and finals –she finished 6th, with 2:23.23

■ 200m back, which she swam again to have a 50m pool timings.

Over the past two weekends, Maisa has participated in 18 races, of which 6 were finals, and she managed to win 4 medals (1 silver for the 200m back and 3 bronze for the 1500m free, 50m back and 50m free). The last race was at 7:00pm on Sunday, 50m free for which Maisa managed to push her way to get her last medal of the day!

She is a motivated and determined individual who always gives 100%! In addition, Maisa has been endurance training with the Roedean Channel Crossing Sea Squad, run by Miss Donovan and me on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, showing that she is not only committed to her targets, but she is a versatile swimmer, capable across all distances.

A huge well done from all of us in the PE Department!

Ms Marek

Miss Walsh
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Cricket vs Hurst

U14C Win

The U14C team had a delightful evening for a cricket match on Monday. We welcomed Hurst to our beautiful pitch with the backdrop of the sea. The girls were in high spirits, ready to put the bowling skill into practice from last week's training session.

Roedean started off in the field, trying to deny runs to the opposing team. Each over was timed which allowed the bowler to just go for it. Hurst finished on 281, which helped us manage our expectations to win the match. The batting pairs worked incredibly well together, communicating and taking the risk to run and score points.

Roedean managed to finish on 294 runs, securing us the win. Well done to everyone who played. Particular congratulations go to Michelle, Gabby, and Faye for stepping in at short notice.


The U14B team played their first game of hardball cricket at Roedean this week, and it became an absolute thriller. Hurst batted first, and scored 269, largely due to some excellent running between the wickets and some lusty boundary hitting.

Roedean bowled accurately and fielded well, though, in future games, we will benefit from getting closer to the batters to prevent singles.


In reply, Roedean accumulated runs gradually, and, with one over to go, needed seven to win. An excellent final over from Hurst restricted us to just three, meaning we fell an agonising three runs short.

Mr Smethurst

Sport Stars of the Week

Congratulations to this week's Sport Stars, and the the Team of the Week, which is the U14C Cricket for their great performance against Hurst.

Year 7

Phoebe, for excellent attitude and all-round effort in PE this term

Year 8

Andrea, for her all-round effort and commitment to PE this term

Another Win for Betsy

Well done to Betsy (Yr7) on another fantastic Tennis win. She played in an U12 grade 4 competition and reached the final, which was played in the pouring rain!

Rain is not the best weather for Tennis, but she fought through it and took home the win. Well done!

Year 9 Fay, for fantastic effort and for stepping in for a Cricket match and playing well

Year 10

Amelie, for fantastic progress in Cricket this term

Year 11

Kelly, for excellent commitment and performances in Athletics this term

Year 12 & 13

Onose, for superb commitment and effort in PE lessons this term

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: aws@roedean.co.uk

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Mr Campleman
13 October 2023 – Issue 6 HEAD’S WEEKLY REVIEW 3 May 2024 – Issue 3 HEAD’S REVIEW

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