Heads Review 2024 - Issue 20

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Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Catherine, Elaine, Constance, Natalie (Yr10) – for helping to build the teacher's shelter for the Off The Fence sleep out, and leaving breakfast for me in my office the next morning [Mrs Howson]

Unsung Staff hero in the spotlight

Miss Harland and Mr Tilbrook – for trouble-shooting a change of venue for Roedean's Got Talent when we realised that there was an unepected issue with power! [Dr Barrand]

Linguistic Legends: Spanish Students Conquer Competitions

Congratulations to Mancy and Olivia (Yr12) for their impressive achievement in the Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators, organised by Queen’s College, Oxford!

Their fantastic joint translation of a Spanish literary text into English earned them well-deserved commendations, standing out among thousands of entries.

We also celebrate Olivia, for winning the Year 12 Spanish Prize in the Poesiae International Poetry Recitation competition earlier in the year, and Evie for taking home the Year 11 Spanish prize too.

These successes highlight the incredible talent and hard work of our linguists, who continue to make our Spanish Department proud both nationally and internationally.

iMuchísimas felicidades a todas!

Year 10 Junior Physics Challenge

Miss Walsh – for offering to run the St Mark's Sports Day in the holidays [Dr Barrand]

Mr Wilson, Mrs Allen, and Dr Barrand – for sleeping out on the school field with Year 10 to raise money for Off The Fence [Mrs Howson]

As part of the British Physics Olympiad, nineteen Year 10 students took part in the Junior Physics Challenge – congratulations to all those who took part. We are delighted to announce that the all participants achieved either Bronze, Silver, or Gold awards.

Particular congratulations go to six students who achieved Gold:

■ Angelina

■ Natalie

■ Constance

■ Zyta

■ Chloe

■ Athena

Congratulations also to the ten students who achieved a Silver Award:

■ Lilia

■ Elane

■ Charlize

■ Anna

■ Claire

■ Anna

■ Jade

■ Felicia

■ Michelle

■ Athena

Very well done!


Ms Ibanez-Barcelo

More Amazing LAMDA Results

Congratulations to all those who took LAMDA exams in the most recent cycle – the results are amazing, and we are delighted for all the students. Special congratulations go to Emma in Year 11, who achieved a Distinction at Grade 8, while also completing her GCSEs!

Mrs Sellers

Year 7

Cindy Grade 3 Acting, with Merit

Dixie Grade 3 Acting, with Distinction

Emma Grade 3 Acting, with Distinction

Heidi Grade 3 Acting, with Distinction

May Grade 3 Acting, with Merit

Sophia Grade 3 Acting, with Distinction

Betsy, Shahdi, Elodie, Lily

Dixie, Beatrice, Matilda, Grace

Grade 3 Group Acting, with Distinction

Grade 3 Group Acting, with Distinction

Zara Grade 3 Verse and Prose, with Merit

Year 8

Esme Grade 4 Acting, with Distinction

Flo Grade 4 Acting, with Distinction

Saffron Grade 4 Acting, with Distinction

Annabelle Grade 4 Musical Theatre, with Distinction

Mia-Rose Grade 4 Musical Theatre, with Distinction

Astrid Grade 4 Verse and Prose, with Distinction

Lily Grade 5 Acting, with Distinction

Lucia Grade 5 Acting, with Distinction

Matilda Grade 5 Acting, with Distinction

Year 9

Gabriella Grade 5 Acting, with Distinction

Lucy Grade 5 Verse and Prose, with Distinction

Bella Grade 6 Acting, with Distinction

Year 10

Anna Grade 4 Verse and Prose, with Distinction

Matilda Grade 6 Acting, with Distinction

Year 11

Emma Grade 8 Musical Theatre, with Distinction

Year 12

Yuki Grade 5 Verse and Prose, with Distinction

The Official Opening of the Library

Although the Library has been open since the start of term, it was wonderful to be able to open it officially on Roedean Day, to show off the wonderful new facility we have at the heart of the School.

It was our pleasure to welcome Old Roedeanian, Juliet Mabey, a well-known publisher, to cut the ribbon. The design blends the old and new brilliantly, ensuring that the space feels modern and bright, with laptops to loan, while also retaining a wide collection of books in paper form, and an atmosphere of academic industry. It is also great to have revealed more of the Honours' Boards, maintaining the School's connection to a long line of Roedeanians.

Dr Hobbs

Roedean's Got Talent

Open Mic 24

On Monday evening, on the field in front of the Clubhouse, students from across the Houses gathered to enjoy a festival-style Roedean's Got Talent.

Bathed in sunshine, performers from Year 7 to 13, and some members of staff, had a chance to share singing and dance acts with the audience. Congratulations to everyone who was brave enough to perform – there was a fantastic range of styles and pieces, although Olivia Rodriguez featured quite a lot!

Thanks to the Tech Team – everything ran very smoothly – but particular congratulations go to the Prefects who led the whole event from start to finish – well done to Ella, Fleur, Ingrid, Kate, Onose, Trinity, and Zara. And they raised £192 for Project 125 Moldova too!

Dr Barrand

Sports Day

Sports Day this year was another huge success, with a huge number of girls representing their Houses with spirit and gusto. Well done to everyone involved, and thanks go to the PE Department for running the event, and to the Grounds team for the brilliant set up.

The top performers in each year-group were the following:

■ Year 7 – Valerie

■ Year 8 – Georgia

■ Year 9 – Poppy

■ Year 10 – Megs and Minnie

■ Year 11 – Kelly

The final standings in the House competition were as

Dr Barrand

To view photos from the day, click here: stephenjohnsonphotography.shootproof.com/gallery/roedean/

Tilly (Yr8)

My Head of Year's assemblies –it’s always so fun

Daisy (Yr10)

When my friends made me a cake for my birthday!

Jemima (Yr8)

Disney-themed concert in November as it was such a fun experience, and I really enjoyed it!

Cora (Yr7)

Going to the Nausicaa Aquarium in France on the Year 7 France Trip

Galina (Yr12)

Performing Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 in the Brighton Fringe

Lila (Yr7)

When the lambs were born! –they were so small and cute

Almen (Yr9)

Meeting new friends and successfully completing DofE!

Nisreen (Yr10)

Going on the the Iceland trip with my best friends

Highlights of the Year

Zyta (Yr10)

Performing the Clara Wieck Piano Concerto in the Brighton Fringe concert

Bethany (Yr9)

Meeting my best friend and I have loved every moment of this year with her

Elsa (Yr11)

House Christmas with my fellow House 3 Angels

Alison (Yr12)

Participating in the Brain Day where we got to see a real dissection of a sheep brain

Ellie (Yr9)

Spending time at the Farm, helping with lambing and sheep shearing

Aya (Yr8)

PGL! I loved it so much –it was so much fun and I had such a good time!

Pancake (Yr13)

Throwing paper planes in class for statistical testing

Flo (Yr8)

The 24 hour run –running through the night was really fun

Jasmine (Yr11)

My Head of Year dressed up as a Year 11 student in the Staff Panto

Farah (Yr8)

Winning 23 gold medals in swimming this year

Aishy (Yr11) Chit chats with the Housemistresses

Hailey (Yr7) Farm and Wild Fridays

Gabriella (Yr9)

Nettie (Yr13)

Being Captain of the Cricket team

Carmen (Yr13)

Spending my time in Art room

Martha (Yr11)

Going on the Berlin History trip

Elspeth (Yr11) Russian lessons

Alicia (Yr12)

Waltzing Through Time concert – I thoroughly enjoyed playing a piano duet piece with my new friend

Edelweiss (Yr11)

Hitting some strikes at our Bowling Social

Anna (Yr8)

Being more adventurous with co-curricular activities

Kaia (Yr13)

Performing 'Don't Stop Me

Now' as Elvis with the whole house cheering

Playing Netball in the torrential rain

Hannah (Yr12)

Unexpectedly spending my birthday with the entire year group because of a clash with a social!

Mbali (Yr12)

The boarding water fight

Audrey (Yr10)

The Year 10 Social with Tonbridge

This Summer Term in Boarding...

Boarding has been a buzz of activity this summer term, and we've had some gorgeous sunshine to go with it!

We have had plenty of House Competitions, including a Debating competition, Chess tournament, Language quiz, and the allimportant Sports Day!

National Boarding Week was recognised with a jam-packed schedule of fun. On Monday, girls participated in a step-challenge, walking down our 'secret' tunnel, and enjoying some well-deserved ice creams! Tuesday had girls making some eco-friendly lip scrub to take home, or gift to a friend. Wednesday became very competitive with a quiz night, organised by our lovely Prefects! Thursday involved a firepit, which was perfect for toasting marshmallows, making s'mores, and singing campfire songs – beautifully accompanied by some budding musicians! Friday film night was enjoyed by many, including day girl friends, with plenty of popcorn to share.

After a busy week, the girls welcomed some rest with facemasks and nail art on Saturday evening. Our Sunday Summer Social brought boarders and day girls together to have fun with LaserZone, friendship bracelets, and, of course, a water fight!

House 1 enjoyed a special evening to celebrate not only a fantastic year of boarding, but also the news of Mrs Hurley's pregnancy, and the wonderful 27 years that Mrs Williams has worked in House 1.

House 2 have enjoyed evenings full of puppy cuddles, doughnuts, and chocolate milkshakes. Year 11s were fuelled during their exam season with some homemade cinnamon rolls. Girls celebrated National Best Friend Day by making friendship bracelets and creating time-capsule letters. These will be opened by a friend in a year's time – what a lovely sentiment! Boarders successfully made homemade sushi from scratch. It turned out looking so professional, and was a very tasty treat. Fresh pizza wheels made the perfect accompaniment to an evening of arts and crafts, and games.

House 3 have taken advantage of the lovely site we are on, and set up a weekly running club. In the recent warmer weather, the girls have enjoyed a well-deserved ice cream afterwards! A few budding entrepreneurs successfully set up a marshmallow business, opening shop during break-times and introducing new flavours every week. The new House 3 hoodies certainly make the girls easy to spot, and they all love matching with their friends. National Rocky Road day was recognised with some homemade chocolate treats, and, on National Cheese Day, boarders

made yummy mac and cheese. The Nintendo Switch has been a popular activity, with plenty of evenings spent on Just Dance, fuelled by tasty toasties. Girls enjoyed celebrating the House 3 Sports Day win – just look at those big smiles and shiny trophies! The House 3 community came together for an end of year party, having balloon races, eating some yummy treats, and saying farewell to their 'good egg' Year 11s.

House 3 and 4 girls had fun at a silent disco, with lots of dancing to their favourite songs! Year 7s from both houses came together, with their day girl friends, and had a lovely evening walking to the marina, playing mini golf, and eating some delicious pizza!

House 4 have continued to enjoy their international evenings, making egg tarts from Hong Kong, chocolate chip cookies from America, and falafel from Egypt. To celebrate National Sherlock Holmes Day, held on the birthday of the author, boarders got stuck into an escape room treasure hunt, searching for clues and solving Roedean-themed riddles. World Bee Day was recognised by planting sunflower seeds, which will help the bees collect nectar. We wonder whose is the tallest...? Baking is a much loved activity, with girls making jam tarts, cupcakes, and a very impressive crepe cake! The girls managed to take some wonderful pictures of a Full Flower Moon, glowing over the sea on a clear night. The House 4 community came together for an end of year party, decorating crowns, celebrating the achievements of the girls over the past year, playing fun party games, eating some yummy treats, and saying farewell to the much-loved Mrs Leckie, who is retiring this summer.

Keswick is a hive of activity on a Tuesday at 9:00pm for bingo night. Each week there are new and exciting prizes up for grabs! Girls got messy making tie-dye bags, trying different methods to create cool patterns with the colours.

Year 13s came together from both Keswick and Lawrence to say farewell and celebrate their time at Roedean with a firepit and marshmallow toasting. We're sure lots of memories will have been shared that night and will be treasured in the future.

Lawrence love a Tuesday evening, making waffles from scratch, and choosing from an array of toppings, including strawberries, cream, chocolate, and more!

We hope you al have a lovely Summer holiday, and we can't wait to see what activities the Houses have in store for us in the new academic year!

Boarding Carnival 2024

On Sunday, the whole boarding community came together to celebrate the final weekend of the academic year. The students enjoyed games of laser tag in a huge inflatable arena, tug-of-war, egg and spoon races, ice-creams, making friendship bracelets, and, probably everyone's favourite activity, soaking the staff with water balloons and buckets of water! It was a lovely way to conclude the year and to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer. Well done to Mancy and Mbali who helped to plan and organise the event.

Mr Wilson

Year 7

Rockinghorse Abseil

A huge well done to Soraya (Yr7) who made the following art piece after her abseil down Peavehaven Cliffs for Rockinghorse!
Miss Bamford

Academic Lectures –Summer Term

'It has been fantastic to hear all the Academic Lectures this term! From scientific topics, such as examining whether humans are still evolving, to more humanities-based talks, such as ‘The psychology behind politics and law’, there has certainly been something for everyone to enjoy. The wide variety of themes was inspiring, especially as so many talks were presented by students, which really shows the range of interests present across the school. It was also great to listen to some members of staff give their talks, as they made for very interesting discussions, especially concerning relevant subjects like the upcoming election. I particularly enjoyed listening to Eva’s talk (Yr12) – ‘Exploring representations of Leda and the Swan through Time’ – as it was fascinating to learn about something so far outside of my normal subject area, and it widened my knowledge not only in classics, but also in art history.'

Hannah (Yr12 and Academic Prefect)

Togetherness Day

On Wednesday, Togetherness Day celebrated the inclusive spirit of the Olympic motto and of World Pride with a range of activities focused on participation, community, and belonging.

The morning's lessons were Olympic-themed and some students were shocked and delighted when their lessons were visited by our guest of honour, Team GB Olympic Gold Medal winning hockey player, Helen Richardson-Walsh. What an exciting way to bring learning alive!

Before lunch, everyone got to hear Ms Richardson-Walsh speak passionately and inspiringly about how she came to be an Olympic champion, and the importance of her team, her squad, and her family on that journey.

In the afternoon, everyone spent time meeting their new tutor groups and tutors, and participating in some creative activities, before finishing the day with a Togetherness Tea in the Front Quad. The sun was shining over the beautiful array of rainbow cakes and cookies, sprayed gold and adorned with the iconic Olympic rings, as if to emphasise Helen Richardson-Walsh's closing comments: this is YOUR day in the sun, take your time to shine!


Roedean Futures Festival

On Monday, all of Years 7 to 9 participated in hands-on immersive experiences, targeting a range of different sets of employability skills. We had a live Operating Theatre, a cyber security programming day, an Apprenticestyle entrepreneurship task and a film-making challenge, complete with an 'Oscar' ceremony. It was a fantastic day and we had some super feedback from the providers. Launch Pad, who ran the entrepreneurship, said that Roedean was one of the absolute best groups that she had ever worked with in many years of running similar activities in schools. Congratulations to everyone in this group, who won a range of awards for their hard work, and particularly to Greta, who won an individual prize for her contributions.

Meanwhile, in the One Day Film School, the Oscars went to films called 'Spectacle Stereotypes', 'Unforgiven', and 'Stolen Child'. Well done to all those involved, but especially to 'Spectacle Stereotypes', which has been long listed for the 10 Short Film Awards, with a judging panel headed by Robin Kinsey, Vice President Marketing, Walt Disney Studios EMEA & UK – Marvel, Lucasfilm & 20th Century Studios. Nominations will be announced in November, and we will keep everything crossed for them! Here are some of the students' reflections from the day:

One Day Film School

'I've learned many different ways to film and how to make it look professional in the edit. I would like to work in film when I'm older.'

Perla (Yr7)

'I've learned different camera angles and how to make your film effective and attractive. It's been really fun because you learn the skills and then immediately get to put them into practice and make improvements.'

Hester (Yr7)

Mindstorm Coding

'I really enjoyed learning about cyber security, because it's not something I've looked into very much, but it gave me a greater understanding of how to stay safe online.'

Isabelle (Yr7)

'I have had a lot of fun because... coding! I enjoy coding because you have the power to control everything just with the click of a button.'

Violet (Yr7)

'It was great to have the opportunity to work in a team and focus on creative business ideas.'

Janice (Yr8)

'It prepared us for our future and was really fun to work together.'

Flo (Yr8)

'I feel more prepared to become an entrepreneur.'

Beth (Yr8)

'It was fun and interesting seeing the real size and shape of animal brains. I never thought that a pig's brain would be that tiny.'

Khadija (Yr9)

'I want to be a paediatrician when I am older, and I found it really useful to have such an interactive, hands-on, experience. With diagrams you just don't get the same understanding.'

Gabriella (Yr9)

'Separating the organs was really interesting because it's a different perspective to see the inside of the animals.'

Lucy (Yr9)

Launch Pad

House Languages Competition

Last week, the MFL department organised the House Languages Competition, that saw enthusiastic participation from students across all four House teams. Created by our dedicated Language Ambassadors in Year 12, Mancy and Hannah, the quiz featured three well-designed and dynamic rounds to pick our Roedean students' linguistic brains.

The first round tested the students' cultural knowledge of various languages. The second round challenged their geographical and language skills, by having them identify the countries from a selection of photos containing language and cultural elements. The final round put their linguistic abilities to the test, with puzzles that required them to say the time in Estonian and write numbers in Danish.

Huge congratulations go to House 4 for their stellar performance and first-place finish, earning a badge to wear proudly on their blazer! House 1 earned a commendable second place, while Houses 2 and 3 tied for third. Well done to all participants for their impressive knowledge and spirited involvement! Thank you again to all staff who came to support and join for this fun event!

And, why don't you have a go at one of our puzzles?

Miss De Jesus

Medical Magic

On Monday, some of our Year 12s hoping to study Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at university joined our Year 9s for Operating Theatre Live. What better way for Hannah and Mairi to celebrate their birthday than with a dissection!!! It certainly made them happy!

Ms Boobis

Five Selected for the Talent Academy Tournament

It is with great pride that we can announce that we have five hockey players who have been selected to represent East Grinstead in the England Hockey Talent Academy (TA) tournament.

The tournament, which will be hosted at Nottingham Hockey Centre at the end of July, brings together all of the 21 Talent Academies across the UK, including Wales U16s. If they are successful at this tournament, the students will then be called up to trial for England U16s/ U18s!

The students who have been selected are:

■ Ellie (Yr12)

■ Elodie (Yr12)

■ Grace (Yr11)

■ Orla (Yr11)

■ Sorrel (Yr 9)

In addition, Bella (Yr10) has been selected as the first reserve. It is a great achievement for the students and the School, as we are the most represented school within the squad.


The Sea Swimming Adventures Continue for Clara and Finya!

Last weekend, Finya and Clara (Yr11) took on Brighton's famous Pier to Pier sea swimming event, racing from the West Pier to the Palace Pier. It is a huge event, with over 500 swimmers also competing for the top spots.

Clara and Finya have been extremely dedicated to Roedean's sea swimming training programme this term, and have kept up additional training outside of school as well. This hard work enabled them to achieve 4th and 5th in the U18 female category, and 18th and 19th overall.

Congratulations to both of them on this very impressive finish; we have no doubt that both swimmers will continue this open water success in the years to come. Huge well done, Finya and Clara!

In Wild Fridays Sailing, it was noticeable how each group grew in water confidence over the course of the programme.  They challenged themselves to have a go, overcoming initial fears to get afloat, and eventually not wanting to come ashore!

We have developed a course for the Friday groups with a Certificate of Achievement for Water Safety Awareness and an Introduction To Dinghy Sailing. Next year, the Wild Fridays Sailing will last a whole term for each group, giving them even more time to develop their skills.

On Saturdays, we had six members, with two more joining us in the last week, for our double celebratory session. Four gained RYA Dinghy Level 1 and 2. In this session, we were all sailing in our own boats, and successfully 'rafted up', coming along side each other to stop next to the safety boat. This demonstrated great boat control and was very exciting as each member sailed to join the raft.

We moved on to racing skills this term, and had our first fixture against Lancing confidently sailing two up with jibs, taking turns to helm in a good breeze.

We sailed several different boats, and have now decided on the Fusion for our school development boat.

There are exciting times ahead for Sailing at Roedean.

Athletics Track and Field Cup Success

The recent county and regional rounds of the Track and Field Cup saw remarkable performances from our Junior and Inter Girls' Athletics teams. Each athlete demonstrated exceptional skill and determination, competing in both track and field events. Their efforts not only highlighted individual talents, but also showcased the strength and unity of our teams, culminating in a successful season.

County Round Highlights

In the county round, the Junior Girls' team exhibited extraordinary performances, with notable achievements in both track and field events. Sophia (Yr7) delivered a standout performance in the Discus, achieving a throw of 13.77 metres. Her powerful and precise technique earned her well-deserved recognition, and set a high standard for her peers. Similarly, Betsy (Yr7) impressed in the Javelin, recording

a throw of 16.70 metres, which contributed significantly to the team's overall score.

On the track, Maddie (Yr7) demonstrated resilience and skill in the Hurdles event for the Junior Girls. Her focus and determination were clear as she navigated each hurdle with precision, reflecting her hard work and commitment to the sport. Additionally, Mabel (Yr7) achieved a personal best (PB) in the 100 metres, showcasing her speed and competitive spirit, and adding valuable points to the team's tally.

The Inter Girls' team also shone brightly throughout the county round, with consistent performances in both disciplines. Their collective efforts and high scores earned them a place in the regional round, highlighting the depth of talent within the team.

Regional Round Success

Building on their success from the county round, the Inter Girls' team excelled in the regional round, competing with enthusiasm and skill. Molly (Yr10) took on the Hurdles, completing the race in an impressive 14.1 seconds.

In the field events, Poppy (Yr9) achieved a personal best in the Long Jump, with a remarkable distance of 4.52 meters. Her PB was a highlight of the day, reflecting her hard work and dedication to improving her technique.

Throughout the regional round, the Inter Girls' teams displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship. Their supportive and spirited approach fostered a positive atmosphere, and it was great that they ended the season on a high!

Miss Hayman

Courageous Channel Crossing Swim Attempt

Dover to France

In the early hours of Tuesday 11 June, six of our intrepid sea swimmers set off on the boat from Dover to attempt to cross the Channel in a relay team. The girls were nervous, but excited, as they waved goodbye to their parents, and our first swimmer Trinity (Yr12) geared herself up with safety lights, as our start time was just after 2:00am. We pulled up as close to the beach as possible, and Trinity jumped out, swam to the beach in the dark and stood clear from the water. The horn went and we knew our Channel crossing attempt had begun! Trinity swam strongly back to the boat and completed a speedy first leg, followed by Katherine (Yr8) who held this fast pace for her hour brilliantly. Farah (Yr8) then got in and demonstrated incredible technique against the swell, with Finya (Yr11) completing the fourth hour with gusto. Our fifth and sixth swimmers, Evelyn (Yr 9) and Maisa (Yr7) both showed excellent determination and resilience, as the swell grew, and winds picked up.

Tricky Conditions

The forecast was that the swell and wind would die down throughout the morning. Unfortunately however, the opposite was the case; the swell began to reach 1.6 metres, and, with 20mph winds, the boat was rocking everywhere. Almost the entire team were battling seasickness, and, despite their brave efforts, as we reached over halfway, it became unsafe to let the crossing continue with how unwell the girls had become. Therefore, about 7 hours and 15 minutes into the crossing, and despite being on track for an excellent time of 11 and a half hours, the decision was made to turn back to Dover. This was hugely disappointing for the team, as they had trained unbelievably hard for the crossing. They had spent the last few months building up their cold-water endurance and were extremely physically fit to take on the challenge, after multiple early morning training sessions each week. However, the conditions and seasickness were outside of the team's control, and all of us as staff could not have been prouder for how they pulled together on the boat and supported one another. It was a valiant effort in difficult conditions, and the girls should be incredibly proud of themselves irrespective of the outcome.

Training this Year

It has been an absolute pleasure training with the girls for the crossing, and running the sea swimming programme has been so rewarding due to the girls’ positive attitudes and wonderful teamwork. We have completed an incredible amount of training, including over 660,000 strokes taken and approximately 550 kilometres swum collectively by our eleven swimmers. The whole team, including those who did not take part in the crossing (Rose (Yr13), Clara (Yr11), Abby (Yr11), Astrid (Yr8), and Matilda (Yr9)), have proven themselves to be an incredible group of brave, determined, and resilient young women, and we hope that this programme has helped them develop a lifelong love of the sea and open water swimming. Thank you all for such a wonderful experience – we are so proud of every single one of you.

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: aws@roedean.co.uk

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