Heads Review - Issue 4 - September 2024

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Head’s Introduction

We are looking forward to welcoming double Olympic Bronze medallist, Amber Anning, back to Roedean on Monday. It will be so inspiring for our students to hear from an Old Roedeanian about her journey to the Paris Games, and about her commitment and dedication to her sport. When she was at School, Amber was clearly a talent – her name is on the Honours' Boards in Centenary Hall many times and her records are in our Sports Day booklet each year – and her incredibly hard work and focus in training has allowed that talent as a teenager to develop into two Olympic Bronze medals, and hopefully even more success in the future!

Seeing our Roedean artists’ work exhibited in the OXO Tower last night made me so proud. It really was wonderful, and I am delighted that we are expecting many visitors over the next three days. Congratulations to all those whose work is displayed, and I am very grateful to the Art Department, both for putting up the exhibition, but, more importantly, for inspiring their students to produce such astonishing pieces – I am in no doubt that they are also very proud!

Year 9 enjoyed their Street Dance workshop with JP, and I am sure that the Year 7s will love their Samba drumming workshop on Tuesday. It is always great fun, and the Year 6s from St Mark’s will also have a session. The Year 7s will showcase what they have learnt at 4:15, in front of their parents, who will then have a chance to mingle and meet the Tutors and each other. I am sure it will be a lovely evening.

I wish you all a lovely weekend, and good luck to the Year 11 Geographers who set off this morning for their fieldwork trip – I hope it goes well and that the weather is kind.

Charlotte Kicks Off a New Journey: Stepping Up at Finland's 180th IIC

Year 9 Street Dance Workshop with JP Omari

Roedean's London Art Exhibition at the Oxo Tower

U15A Netball Cup vs Brighton College

Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Kaitlin (Yr13) – for a fascinating Academic Lecture on 'The Application and Efficacy of Acupuncture in Wildlife Medicine: Therapeutic Interventions in Exotic Species'. Thank you so much! [Ms Ibanez Barcelo]

Iris (Yr7) – for looking out for a friend on a fieldtrip with a random act of kindness [Mr Bond]

Molly (Yr10), Alicia (Yr11), and Mancy (Yr13) – for sharing their experiences of learning languages in this week's Chapel services, to mark European Day of Languages [Mr Sampieri]

Candis (Yr12) – for singing such a beautiful piece by Clara Schumann in this week's Chapel [Dr Barrand]

Coco Wins Merit in Global Essay Competition

Well done to Coco (Yr10), who entered the John Locke Essay Competition. Her essay was entitled 'Is there a life after death?', and she has been awarded a Merit, an honour which is only achieved by the top 10% of entries.

Coco wrote: 'I entered the competition because of my passion for writing essays and discovering interesting topics relevant to philosophy and science. I thought it seemed like a great opportunity for me to challenge myself and see the full potential of my writing abilities. I was excited to engage deeply with a such a thought-provoking and controversial topic.'

The John Locke Essay Competition is a global essay contest, organised by the John Locke


Institute, which encourages young people to cultivate the characteristics of a good writer. The competition collaborates with senior academics drawn from the University of Oxford and Princeton in America.

Congratulations, Coco!

9 Street Dance Workshop with JP Omari

This week, our Year 9 students took part in an energetic Street Dance Workshop with JP Omari, pushing their physical limits with dynamic moves and sequences. The challenging session tested their strength, coordination, and endurance, but every student rose to the challenge – well done, Year 9!

Dr Barrand
Miss Abaza

Come and watch students and staff play their favourite songs –tickets are free but book here:


Charlotte Kicks Off a New Journey: Stepping Up at Finland's 180th IIC

Charlotte (Yr11) recently had the opportunity to attend the 180th International Instructors' Course (IIC) in Taekwon-Do.

The event, held in the beautiful city of Tampere in the south of Finland, is conducted by the International Taekwon-Do Federation's Technical Committee. The aim is to ensure that those involved in the teaching of Taekwon-Do are equipped with the very highest level of knowledge, and, as such, it is an honour to attend such an event.

The Grandmasters conducting the course were very generous with their time and knowledge, helping to instil future generations with both the tools and passion to help spread TaekwonDo around the world.

The sport requires mental strength as well as plenty of hard physical activity to challenge the body. Charlotte adopted the Finnish approach to recovery by taking advantage of the sauna and ice-lake swimming.

This is an incredible opportunity and we are all so very impressed with Charlotte – well done!

Mr Halsey

Clara’s the Young Person’s Calf-Handling Winner

Congratulations to Clara (Yr12), who was awarded the West Grinstead Ploughing Match Cup for Overall Winner of Young Persons Calf-Handling last Saturday. Then, on Sunday, she completed the Aspire River Arun 7k race

in just over 90 minutes, raising money for a spinal injuries charity – that's a great swim, and a brilliant cause too. Well done, Clara!

Dr Barrand

House Drama 2024

Gone In 60 Seconds IG60 House Drama Plays! Well done to all the students who participated in House Drama last Friday. The brief was concise this year, as the students had to create two 60-second plays, with the starter sentences '... how I got my superhero power' and secondly 'the trouble with having my superpower is...'!

Each House rose to the occasion as they all created plays that contained witty dialogue, excellent ensemble skills, and dynamic physical theatre.

House 2 were the overall winners, as the judges, Ms Stephens and our new Senior Theatre Technician, Mr Paton, both agreed that they were really creative with their excellent use of space and intriguing superpower of Flatpack Assembling!

House Fajita, or rather House 4, created electrifying plays that allowed them to use the full range of their vocal skills, and House 3 really used the idea of the super hero having a big smile – they won an award for excellent physical skills acting. Finally, although House 1 overran and nearly created a 120-second play, they really had written some sharp dialogue – we loved the line about the Wifi!

The Drama department was so proud of your creativity, and engaging use of dramatic skills, using split scene, narration, and physical theatre. Special thanks go to our new LAMDA teacher, Ms Rodriguez Trujillo, who suggested the concept. Finally, thanks to all the House staff for getting involved, and to the students who came to support – you were a brilliant audience, making this a wonderfully entertaining event. It was a great team effort all round!

Ms Woodbridge

Cakes for the European Day of Languages

The MFL Department celebrated the European Day of Languages with a very successful cake sale, raising an impressive £113! All proceeds will go to Project 125 Moldova.

A huge thank you goes to our talented bakers for their fantastic contributions.

Congratulations to Lydia (Yr12) and Anna (Yr9) for winning Best Looking Cake, to Hunny, Melissa, Lilia, Juliana (Yr11), and Harrie (Yr7) for Most Creative Cake, and Jocelyn, Nicole (Yr12), and Jess (Yr8) for Tastiest Cake. Well done, everyone!

Here is a message left by our star bakers: 'This cake is more than just a dessert, it is an affectionate tribute to multioculturalism and a dual enjoyment of taste and vision'.

Mr Sampieri

Chapel – The Joy of Learning Languages

Mr Sampieri – Good morning, everyone! Today we come together to celebrate a special occasion— The European Day of Languages an initiative launched in 2001 by the Council of Europe promoting the richness and the importance of the many languages and cultures that exist around us on 26 September. In our school alone, we are blessed with over 47 nationalities, each bringing their own unique traditions, stories, and languages to our community. We will now hear from several students about how languages have impacted their lives.

Molly (Yr10)

When I joined Roedean in Year 7, I started learning both French and Spanish. Before that, I only knew a small amount of French and had never studied Spanish. I had only ever grown up speaking English, so learning another two was a very new, and exciting experience for me. As I grew up through the School, I started to enjoy languages more and more. At the start of Year 8, I decided to learn Greek, for fun. So at this point, I was learning the basics of three new languages.

When I moved into Year 9, I dropped Spanish to learn Russian. I really enjoyed learning Russian for the first time, learning new vocabulary, three genders and a lot of new and very complex grammar rules. It was daunting at first, learning a whole new alphabet with 33 letters, but as I was guided through the ins and outs of the Cyrillic alphabet, it felt a lot more straightforward.

Come Year 10, I have been learning Greek for two years and I now take both French and Russian for GCSE. I could not be happier with my decision to take two languages for GCSE, and I have really enjoyed my first couple of weeks of learning new, more advanced material.

The more I studied languages, the more I realised that language isn’t just a way of communicating, but a way of understanding one another. Languages also unlock the understanding of other cultures from around the world. Understanding another language can help remove barriers which can form between people. Culture is so closely linked with language that it is impossible to understand one without the other.

Mancy (Yr13)

I currently speak three languages: English, Mandarin, and Cantonese. Growing up in an international environment in Hong Kong, I was exposed to diverse cultures from a young age. This experience highlighted the importance of language in fostering cultural exchange and connecting with others. Speaking these languages interchangeably has enriched my perspective on communication and culture, but has also challenged me in many ways.

One of the challenges I’ve faced when switching between Mandarin and Cantonese is the subtle yet significant differences in pronunciation, tone, and vocabulary. Having to navigate between simplified and traditional characters adds complexity, with simplified used in mainland China and traditional in Hong Kong. This has required proficiency in both writing systems, which has sometimes proved challenging.

I am also deeply passionate about Spanish, which I’ve studied since Year 5 and now pursue at A Level. This past summer, along with two other Year 13 students, I completed a two-week language course in Salamanca, and being able to apply classroom knowledge to real-world scenarios was particularly rewarding. Furthering my language learning journey here at Roedean has broadened my perspective and opened up opportunities, such as entering the Oxford Anthea Bell Prize and the Stephen Spender Prize. These experiences have greatly boosted my confidence and allowed me to flourish academically and personally. The profound impact language has had on my life has inspired me to read Spanish at the degree level, where I hope to continue to further my passion for languages.

We are very fortunate to be part of such a multi-cultural community – the languages we speak represent different experiences, and finding out about lots of cultures helps us to be more tolerant and understanding of others.

Alicia (Yr11)

I was born in England and at the age of two my family and I moved to Bangladesh where my mum was posted. Although, I did not learn to speak Bengali as I attended an English-speaking nursery and school, I was immersed in people speaking the language and English with a Bangladeshi accent. Afterwards, I moved to Nigeria at the age of six, where I picked up an authentic Nigerian accent. But subconsciously I could switch between Nigerian and English accents, depending on whom I was speaking to. Next, I moved to Tunisia, where, although Tunisian Arabic is the language spoken by everyone, French is still spoken by a significant portion of people, especially in the capital city, Tunis. Being surrounded by many French-speaking people, meant I absorbed the language, which then meant that when I started studying French at Roedean, I was already tuned into French. Being exposed to different languages has broadened my understanding of different cultures, and I really appreciate the experience I have had growing up in different places.

Candis (Yr12)

I’m from Hong Kong, and my mother tongue is Cantonese. I also speak English and Mandarin as my second and third language, as they are part of the school curriculum. I started learning German when I joined the School in Year 10. It was a completely new experience for me. At first, I struggled with the pronunciation and sentence structures, but I really enjoyed the challenges faced. Last summer, I did my German GCSE and I am now taking it as one of my A Level subjects. Learning a completely new language makes me realise the similarities and differences between languages, which I find very interesting.

Through learning languages, I am able to have a better understanding about various cultures, as they are closely linked. I believe that learning another language is not only a great skill to have, but it also builds cultural understanding, allowing us to have an insight into other people’s worldviews. By connecting the gap between cultures, it enables us from all around the world bond together.

East and South East Asian Heritage Month at Roedean

September is East and South East Asian Heritage Month. It has been wonderful to see the boarders participating in lots of activities to represent this culture, celebrate occasions together, and share stories of home with each other!

Boarders from across all Houses came together in various ways to mark the Mid-Autumn Festival, by making lanterns, going on moonlit walks, and sharing traditional food. The girls made hotpots, dumplings, mooncakes, and more!

House staff reflected on this: 'Ella, Jocelyn, and Ronni (Yr12) popped over to Lawrence House for some Chinese tea and Asian treats that formed part of our Lawrence House celebration of the culture, diversity, and history of East and South East Asian communities. The girls very kindly shared their personal experiences and stories as we sipped the hot fragrant tea.

Emily (Yr9 in House3) has shared a photo of her enjoying a lovely dessert in Hong Kong when she was younger.

Jocelyn, Ella, and Ronni (Yr12 in Keswick) visited Lawrence to share stories of their culture over Chinese tea and Asian treats. The Lawrence

'Jocelyn and Ronni discussed the different languages at Roedean, and how it is common to slip into Cantonese or Mandarin, depending on who they are with. All three girls are fluent in English, and the friends were comfortable speaking English with me, especially as Ella explained to me that she was born in the UK, and feels comfortable speaking English. Ella went on to explain how she had a very different experience of being born in the UK at a time when there were less

people from Hong Kong living in Liverpool. Born in Liverpool in 2008, Ella attended a CofE primary school and the only other Chinese person in the school was her brother!

'Ella also explained to me how her Asian ethnicity was not a culture particularly celebrated when she was very young at her school, although she recalls only ever having positive experiences growing up in the UK, and attending primary school and afterwards a grammar school for her formative education.

'All three ladies said they only ever experience positive interactions and welcome events organised by the School that reflect their history and culture. Ronni mentioned she was surprised that celebrations, for example, Mid Autumn Festival was such a big event, but she is pleased it is! All three girls are looking forward to the fireworks display that Roedean arranges each year to mark the Lunar New Year celebrations.'

Momo (Yr9 in House 4) has shared some wonderful photos of her and her family in traditional dress!

Melissa (Yr11 in House1) has written about how she, and her House, have marked this special month: 'The ODR at House 1 was a bustling hub, filled with colourful paper, glutinous flour, and laughter last weekend. On Friday evening, my friends and I engaged in kneading doughs of various colours, gearing up for a weekend activity of making sweet treats to celebrate the forthcoming Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Full Moon Festival).

As Open Morning came to an end, we continued our 'rice ball' factory in the ODR. While we assembled different flavoured fillings into the wraps from the dough we made the previous evening, some of our Year 7s eagerly got their hands dirty and joined the production line, rolling the pieces of dough into delightful rice balls. On the other side of the table, some of them enthusiastically crafted beautiful paper lanterns, with designs of rabbits, moons, and mooncakes.

The energy in the room surged as some Year 10 students joined us. Through our collaborative efforts, we handcrafted over 200 rice balls to be shared after the House meeting. They were served in sugarcane sweet soup, with three distinct

flavours – the customary red bean paste, the contemporary custard, and an innovative chocolate filling in the rice balls! Surprisingly, the unconventional chocolate paste turned out to be the crowd favourite! After the House meeting, everyone had a great time enjoying the delicious rice balls in various colours, symbolising unity and togetherness.

'Following a weekend filled with busy activities, we looked forward to the arrival of the Full Moon Day last Tuesday. As the evening descended on that day, we ventured outside of the House with the DIY lanterns in our hands. These vibrant lanterns, representing beacons of light for good fortune, illuminated the path leading to the radiant full moon suspended high above in the sky. The lovely evening concluded perfectly with a sharing of delicious mooncakes and moon gazing (賞月 or appreciation of the moon), leaving us with cozy warmth, despite the chilly air.'

Miss Barnett

European Day of Languages

In celebration of the European Day of Languages, sixteen members of staff participated in a survey about the languages they speak. The survey highlighted the linguistic diversity within our School, showcasing a wide range of languages spoken by staff members: these include Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Modern Greek, Swedish, Russian, Japanese, and even some less commonly spoken languages, such as Telugu, Serbo-Croat, and Welsh. A big thank you to all the staff who took part and shared their linguistic talents!

The MFL Department

We are delighted the House Captains for 2024-2025 –well done to all, and we look forward to seeing how each of you guides your House to glory!

House 1

Melissa (Captain)

Alyssa (Deputy)

House 2

Charlie (Captain)

Athena and Xena (Deputies)

House 3

Chloe (Captain)

Alicia (Deputy)

House Captains 2024-2025 Language Amabassadors

House 4

Nathania (Captain)

Jasmine (Deputy)

Keswick House

Chaya (Captain)

Siyun (Deputy)

Lawrence House

Natalie (Captain)

Jana (Deputy)

We are excited to announce the appointment of our new Language Ambassadors for the coming academic year! These students will play a key role in supporting the MFL Department by promoting cultural diversity, and fostering a love of languages throughout the School. We look forward to seeing the positive impact they will have – congratulations:

Year 10


Molly Sana’a

Year 11

Mary Cartoon

Year 12







Year 13

Hanna Olivia Hannah

Merla Mancy

Roedean's London Art Exhibition at the Oxo Tower

Art is a great strength of the School, and it is wonderful for our students to have their work exhibited in a London Gallery space. Not only do we have students going on to study Art Foundation courses at the top institutions in the country, such as Central St Martin's, but, last year, Carmen gained direct entry onto the hugely-prestigious Fashion course at Kingston – this is very unusual, as most students are required to undertake a Foundation course, and it simply underlines her impressive talent and the preparation she had at Roedean.

At Roedean, highly talented artists have the very unusual opportunity to complete their full A Level in one year in Year 12, and then complete an externally certified Art Foundation Year in Year 13, while still at School. This means that they can apply for direct admission to universities. Following the success of two students in 2023, who achieved A* grades at A Level in Year 12 and then Distinctions in the Foundation, there is one student in Year 12 currently following this same programme.

It was such a pleasure to be at the Private View last night, and to see our students' work, and that of Old Roedeanians, exhibited in a professional gallery – well done!

Dr Barrand

By the time you read this, the Roedean London exhibition will have had its first day open to the public. Here you can see some of the preparations; transporting the work from Roedean up to the Oxo Gallery; revising the layout of the exhibition, and then starting to hang the work.

The work on display is from last year's Year 13 A Level Art, Textiles, and Photography students, alongside some selected ORs, and some of the work is available to purchase.

Art is a great strength of the School, and, following the success of two students in 2023, who left Roedean having already completed

Do pop along and see all the amazing work, between 11:00 and 18:00 on Saturday and Sunday!

These photos are of the exhibition going up –we'll share some from the Private View in next week's Head's Review.

U12B Hockey Tournament

The U12Bs played their first ever hockey tournament as a team on Wednesday. There was some stiff competition in our pool, but it was a good experience to see the level that the other schools are playing at.

Our best match was against Brighton College, which ended in a 0-0 draw. We kept possession in our attacking half for most the match and managed to get the ball in the D a handful of times, almost scoring some goals. We were on it defensively, making sure we were putting pressure on the attacking players and not running back. We were using the space better than in our previous matches, passing the ball out wide, instead of trying to go down the middle.

We came 6th in our group, so played Seaford College, who were in the other group competition, for overall 6th place. It was another good game, and we had some chances at goal and narrowly missed!

Seaford managed to score 2, both good goals, and the match finished a 2-0 win for Seaford.

■ Player of the Match (attacker) – Iris

■ Player of the Match (defender) – Kosi

Coach’s Player of the Tournament – Kosi, who shows no fear when defending, uses her speed to chase down her attacker, and puts the pressure on and often successfully tackles her player.

Team Highlights:

Lexi (GK) – first time playing in goal for an U12 team, made some brilliant saves, kicking the ball out wide, away from the middle of the D (danger zone)

Tabitha (D) – some great hard hits from 16s and long corners, to get the ball high up the pitch and close to the D

Cara (D) – being more assertive as a defender and going to the player with the ball and trying to tackle – had some 1v1 with defenders and cleared the ball away nicely

Kosi (D) – cleared the ball out of the D numerous times, is great at tackling the ball from her player, and fearless when running out on short corners to the player with the ball

Bethany (RM) – so quick to chase down the ball and then run with it down the line, her speed is a real asset to the team

Lara (CM) – a solid midfielder who never gets tired! – keeps her position on the pitch nicely, making sure she is both attacking and defending when needed, did some lovely passes with Harrie and Bethany to get the ball in the D

Wren (LM) – as a midfielder did some lovely defending, chasing her player down, tackling and gaining possession, then running up the left side of the pitch with the ball, control of the ball is certainly improving

Iris (M/CF) – played particularly well as right midfield, showing great control when dribbling with the ball, then looking for the pass into the D to Harrie/Lara – had some very close shots at goal, missed by centimetres!

Harrie (CF) – so passionate, love to hear her shouting to the team to ‘take the ball quickly’, ‘defend’, etc, – did some lovely passing with Lara and Bethany to get the ball into the D and set up a fair few shots at goal

U12 Sussex Cup Match vs Brighton Girls

'On Monday, the U12A team travelled to Brighton Girls for the first round of the Sussex Cup. This was our first outing as a new team, facing strong competition in an established Brighton Girls squad.

In the first half, Brighton made quite a few turnovers and the score at halftime was 13-1 against us. After some positional changes, we managed to keep a tighter defence and were better at bringing the ball up court.

Valerie and Nkem worked really hard defending the circle, getting loads of tips. The whole team improved in the second half, reading each other’s passes better and getting into the flow. The final score was 19-6 to Brighton Girls.

Brighton Girls nominated Lara and Chloe as their Players of the Match.

Our team has lots of potential, and I can’t wait to see what happens once Netball season starts! Hopefully our hard work will pay off.'

Miss Patching-Jones

U15A Netball Cup vs Brighton College

On Thursday 19 September, the U15A Netball team faced Brighton College in a Cup match.

The game started well, as the team was linking together well, moving the ball down the court smoothly. In the second quarter, both teams made changes to their defensive end. They played a holding shooter, which created difficultly to our circle defence, resulting in fewer turnovers. At the end of that quarter, we were down by 6 goals.

Going into the second half, the team were pumped and ready to make as many turnovers as possible to take the lead again. With a more confident strong drive, the ball was fed into the circle with ease. This helped to close the gap, and we were catching up with Brighton.

The final quarter was very close. Brighton scored, then Roedean did. In the event of a draw, with it being a cup match, it would then immediately go to golden goal. This means that the time is stopped and the teams play till the first goal is scored. Whoever scored first would then be the winning team.

Golden goal started when the ball was over the transverse line about to be played into Roedean’s circle. Izzy was passed the ball, faced the post, and the Brighton College GK stepped in too close, which caused obstruction. As she took the shot, the whistle blew for a contact at the same time as the ball passing though the net, awarding Roedean with an ‘advantage goal’.

In the end, it was an exciting, but nerve-wracking, win for Roedean! The final score was 30-29. Well done to all who played, and thank you to the parents who came to support.

U12B Hockey vs Windlesham/ Handcross

It was another beautiful afternoon for Hockey and the U12B team were looking forward to their first triangular against Handcross and Windlesham House.

Our first match was against Windlesham House, and it took us a while to get into it. We were finding our feet, trying to figure out our positioning. Windlesham had a couple of girls that could hit the ball quite hard and, early on in the first half, managed to get some good goals in against us. We were giving them too much space in the D and letting them get shots off, rather than going to the player and tackling the ball off them.

We had a team talk and my target for them was to not let any more goals in this half. They certainly improved in this half, and there was some lovely play from the attacking players, Lara was hitting the ball out wide to the right, Bethany/Alia were getting onto the ball and driving towards the D, giving us a couple of chances at goal. Defence were more organised also and were proactive at going to the player with the ball, and trying to tackle and disrupt play. Kosi particularly showed no fear and was great at closing her player down fast. No more goals were scored, so it ended 4-0 and we had a much better second half.

Next up was Handcross. This match was much closer and it was a really competitive game – it's great when both teams are evenly matched as they were. We were much more on it in this game. Tabitha in defence was hitting some lovely hard balls up the pitch, and Harrie and Wren were picking them up and taking the ball in. Lara had a few opportunities at goal, but their goalkeeper was quite the brick wall though. Harrie managed to get our only goal of the day, driving with the ball fast into the D, then a nice hard shot and in it went. There were more and more of these chances, and the team deserved a couple more goals for sure! Cara, Kosi and Tabitha were getting better at sticking with their players and going to them with the ball. They had a few chances at goal, but we managed to hold them off. Matilda was being more active in goal in this match, and kicked a few balls away out wide, exactly what we want her to be doing.

■ Handcross’ Player of the Match – Kosi

■ Windlesham's Player of the Match – Bethany

Coach’s player – Lara, for being a solid centre mid and doing some great long balls out wide and forward into the D

Miss Walsh

Isabelle Makes U13 London County Hockey!

After three days of trials up in London, Isabelle (Yr8) has secured her place in the U13 County set up in London! There were 250 girls trialling, and Isabelle's remarkable talents got her a spot in the side.

'I am really looking forward to working with the new team, new players, and new coaches.'

Well done, Isabelle, we are really proud of you!

U13B Hockey vs Ardingly

The U13B team beat Ardingly 6-2 in a game that threw up lots of opportunities to learn – well done!

The first half was end to end, with lots of Roedean possession and lots of dangerous Ardingly counter-attacks. With Ardingly employing an unusual set up from 16s, Roedean took time to adapt, but eventually scored through Phoebe and Indira. A third goal followed quickly after half time, before Ardingly pulled one back, with a rapid counter-attack after clearing a Roedean short corner. Roedean then scored three in quick succession, with Indira ending up with four goals, which heralded a series of positional changes and much confusion in the Roedean team, with players out of position, and some coping better than others!

Well done, and I am looking forward to our next match!

1st Team Netball vs Worthing College

Last Friday, our 1st Netball Team had the first round of the Sisters In Sport competition versus Worthing College.

We knew it would be a tough match, with it being so early in the year and as some of the squad have some injuries, but they performed extremely well. Having not played as a squad before, they worked hard for each other, and linked up through court well.

We had a slow start which allowed Worthing to take a lead, but we built on our performances every quarter, and the final quarter was a draw. Although it was a loss overall, 27-14, it has shown the squad how much potential they have.

We look forward to building on this at training and seeing you smash your next matches. Congratulations to Clara, who was named Opposition's Player, and Izzy who was the Coach's Player.

Sporting stars of the Fortnight!

Congratulations to this week's sporting stars – they have all been named as our sporting stars for this because of their excellent commitment to sport at Roedean.

Year 7

Iris, for excellent progress in PE, and Alia, for fantastic progress and effort in Hockey lessons

Year 8

Shahdi, for fantastic progress and effort in Hocke, and Isabelle, for superb attitude and effort in Hockey

Year 9

Yasmin, for a great attitude and willingness to learn in Hockey, and Sophie, for an excellent attitude and development of captaincy skills in Hockey

Year 10

Maud, for great progress and effort in Hockey, and Amelie, for outstanding effort and attitude in both Netball and Hockey

Year 11

Aimee, for excellent progress and performances in Hockey and Netball, and Romey, for superb improvement in Hockey and Netball

Year 12

Janet, for excellent swimming progress in Games lessons, and Izzy, for fantastic progress and improvement in Netball and Hockey

Year 13

Maya, for outstanding effort in run club during Games, and Victoria, for excellent effort in run club during Games Well done!

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: aws@roedean.co.uk

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