The end of the Autumn term is always exciting and busy, and this penultimate week of term has certainly kept us on our toes. The last few days have been dominated by high winds and heavy rain, and I am disappointed that this has meant that our annual Christmas Fair tomorrow will not be able to go ahead. Not only have our students been building up to the Fair for weeks, but the Parents’ Guild has committed many hours of planning and preparation to their flagship fundraising event – I am very grateful to them for this. I hope that our replacement event on Monday afternoon will mean that much of this work was still worthwhile.
The brilliant Gala Concert was just a week ago, and it was such a pleasure to see so many musicians on stage, performing exciting and ambitious repertoire, from ABBA and the Cranberries to Debussy and Humperdinck. Congratulations on an astonishingly impressive show go to Mr Rous and Ms Bartlette, along with the whole Music Department and all our musicians, and, of course, to the excellent Theatre Team – well done!
Thank you to Mr Halsey and Mr Bond, who led a large group of Year 10 and 11s to Tunbridge Wells last night to go ice-skating with Tonbridge School – by all accounts, everyone had a lovely time, and I am grateful to the tutors who supported this social. Thank you also to Miss Carragher and her team ahead of this evening’s highly-anticipated Sixth Form Snow Ball –I hope it goes well!
The Prefects have been very busy in recent weeks, and I am really impressed with what they have achieved: while also focusing on their studies and university applications, Ingrid has organised a Christmas Candy Cane sale which has raised over £1000, Ella has run Roedean’s Got Talent, and a whole team of Prefects are rehearsing and directing the teachers for this year’s Staff Panto next week, Peter Pan. I know that they are also doing so many other things, but these are just a few highlights – thank you, and well done!
I am nervous of mentioning today’s Staff-Student Hockey match (!), but well done to everyone involved! I am very much looking forward to next week’s Carol Services and other festive events, and I wish you all a restful, albeit wet and windy, weekend!
Roedean’s Got Talent!
Staff vs Student Hockey
A Night of Dreams and Nightmares: A Mesmerising Musical
Roedean's in the Top 20 Cricketing Schools for Girls – Again!
Unsung heroes in the spotlight
Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.
Chloe (Yr11) – for supporting my Year 10 Mathematics lesson and providing help on a new topic [Mr Halsey]
Natalie (Yr12) – for playing her own Piano transcription of the song 'When I think Upon Christmas' in this week's Chapel services so beautifully [Mr Rous]
Merla and Mairi (Yr13) – for giving up so much of their free time to have small group meetings and check in with every single Year 8 student [Miss Bamford]
Lennie (Yr11) – for organising a charity film night, to raise funds for RISE [Mr Wilson]
Galina (Yr13) and her team of Elves – for decorating the Chapel Christmas Tree with such understated beauty [Dr Barrand]
CapMusic Brings Joy and Melodies to the Brighton Area
On Wednesday, CapMusic brought joy to the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital in Brighton, by performing in the atrium for staff and children alike. Their heartfelt melodies helped support the Rocking Horse Charity, raising funds for a meaningful cause.
We had some lovely feedback from Rockinghorse: 'The carol singing was lovely. The sound travelled so nicely through the atrium and across the different levels (there were children and parents listening on the different levels, as well as on the level they were singing on), and staff, parents, and patients really loved it. There were some little patients dancing, and it made the day of some very tired parents – please let the group know how much of a difference it made to a dreary Wednesday afternoon!'
Afterwards, they headed straight to the Somerset Centre to serenade the residents, spreading cheer to yet another audience.
Well done to CapMusic for brightening so many lives in just one afternoon!
Ms Bartlette
Florence (Yr7) – for being brave and supporting her family during an emergency! [Miss Bamford]
Beth’s Grade 7 Singing Distinction
Lara (Yr8) – for continuously being helpful to both Dr Turner and to me, often without being asked! [Miss Bamford]
Congratulations to Beth (Yr10), who recently took her Grade 7 Singing exam – she is delighted to have scored 95/100 and been awarded a Distinction.
Matilda and Joy (Yr9) – for their contributions to this week's Chapel services [Mrs Walker]
Roedean Mission – Supporting Young Lives
As a school, Roedean takes huge pride in its community and charity initiatives, and values its role as a pillar in the community. Nothing highlights this more than the Old Roedeanian Charity, The Roedean Mission, which is run by a committee of Sixth Form Students and staff. Rarely discussed or publicised, The Roedean Mission awards funds to local and national charities and NGOs three times a year.
The funds allocated are selected by a small committee of Sixth Form students, who carefully consider each application. The only stipulation is that the funds must go to charities which support children under the age of 16. The process is highly rewarding and a fantastic way to nurture a philanthropic doctrine into the Roedean students. Hopefully, it is a conviction which they will carry into their future lives and careers.
The first meeting of the academic year was chaired by Hannah (Yr13), who led the team of students with direction and clarity. It was also the first for the new Year 12. After careful consideration, the following donations were awarded:
Grove Adventure Playground: funds were awarded to help maintain the playground which supports vulnerable children and young people through the provision of a highly-valued inner city recreational play space in Lambeth
Sparks Success: funds were awarded to support their work to empower and support disadvantaged young people in their
community in Salford – this is done through a variety of programmes and activities
Liquid Listening: funds were awarded to help enhance the health and wellbeing of disabled children and young people in the Wokingham area
Wellspring Counselling: funds were awarded to help fund the free Young People Counselling service offered in a variety of community-based venues
Open Door Society: funds were awarded to pay for the purchase of shoes for disadvantaged children
Helping Disabilities: funds were awarded to help the service of the free loan of specialist equipment and toys to disabled children
Food Lifeline: funds was awarded to help provide food parcels for disadvantaged children
The students are extremely proud to be involved in such a process. They were thrilled to know that the funds they had allocated would make such a huge difference to local and often disadvantaged children. Hannah explained, ‘Meeting as the Roedean Mission Fund is always a really rewarding way to help out different charities around the country, from those advocating for resources for schoolchildren in poverty, to others that are focused on bettering youth counselling services. As Chair for the Mission Fund, it was great to be able to help out both familiar and new charities, and ensure that our money was going to a variety of organisations supporting different causes. We even got to see some pictures that were kindly sent to us by a charity we have previously helped, which really drove home the impact we can have!'.
Well done to all involved.
Chapel – the Impact of Christmas
This week's Chapel services have been led by Mrs Walker, our Lay Chaplain, and Joy and Matilda in Year 9.
'Today’s Chapel, keeping with the theme of this term, which is impact, is The Impact of Christmas. For many Christian believers, Christmas is a time to further honour the birth of Jesus Christ, His life, and His teachings.
Those teachings included loving God and your neighbour as yourself, forgiving those who have wronged you, and doing good and supporting those in need. These are a few of the key principles within a Christian life.
Throughout this year we have heard from our Head, Mrs Green, who has spoken about girls and women in other countries, who, even as we speak, do not have the opportunity or the right to have their voices heard and to express themselves to others, nor to read nor to learn.
Here at Roedean, many of us are abounding in opportunities, education, life expectancy, and
support, unlike many girls and women around the world.
In the coming weeks and as you settle into the holidays, each day try to do an act of kindness – why? Because we can. Make breakfast, say thank you, smile, let someone go in front of you in a line, listen to your siblings when they are speaking. Small acts have a great impact.
As we approach the Christmas season, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of gifts, decorations, and holiday festivities. But today, I want us to pause and reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas, and why it is so much more than just presents under a tree.
The story of Christmas highlights themes of humility, love, and grace – which is Jesus Christ. Jesus was born in a humble manger, symbolising God’s willingness to enter the world in the simplest and most accessible way to connect His immense love with all people.
Christmas is the holiday that marks the start of
Mr Wilson
many miracles performed, many people saved, and much more, through the life of Christ.
It is also a reminder of the impact of sharing love with family and friends, that showing kindness to those in need, and being a source of joy to others, can have a huge impact on humanity. So, as you prepare for the holidays, I encourage you to think beyond the gifts you want to receive. Think back to over two thousand years ago, where Christmas all began. Think about why it is celebrated across the world, and why it is so important to Christians. Whatever your faith, think about how you can bring light to someone else’s life – whether it’s through a kind word, a helping hand, or simply spending time with someone who might feel lonely. These moments of reflection, love, and compassion are what make Christmas truly meaningful.
Let this season be a reminder that the greatest gifts are not found in stores, but in the love and hope we share with one another. That is the real experience of Christmas.'
A Night of Dreams and Nightmares: A Mesmerising Musical
The scene was set from the very first moment of entering the bar, with a skeleton playing the violin, despite only having one hand, perfectly introducing the theme of this term’s Gala Concert of 'Dreams and Nightmares'.
The concert opened with the uplifting ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman, featuring no fewer than five soloists: Kate, Leanna, Kyra, Shermane, and Galina. We then turned to the full orchestra for a change from dreams to nightmares, with Saint-Saëns’ haunting 'Danse Macabre', setting the tone with strings and percussion that conjured a world of shadowy dances and unsettling nightmares, including Natalie taking on the unenviable role of representing Death on her Fiddle, which she performed with a commitment of tone and virtuosity.
The Year 7 and 8 singers delighted the audience with their rendition of 'I have a Dream' and 'Any Dream Will Do', followed by the Junior Orchestra developing the dreams theme further with two sleepy Lullabies. Well done to all of those students who were performing in their first concert. Another change back into darker themes saw the String Orchestra perform 'Jack’s Lament' from The Nightmare Before Christmas, beautifully arranged for strings by a local composer. The performers captured the menacing side of the theme brilliantly.
‘Time’ from Inception, performed by the orchestra, was incredibly moving and created an unsettling atmosphere. One of the finest pieces of the evening was the Orchestra's rendition of ‘Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune’ by Debussy. This is a piece normally reserved for professional orchestras. With a number of solos for wind and brass, the students delivered a beautiful and atmospheric performance of this impressionistic piece. Well done!
While in with the theme, but moving away from orchestral pieces, we were also lucky enough to have three band performances, including drums and guitars, with the first band shrouded in mystery behind a curtain. We had ‘Dreams’ by the Cranberries, and ‘Monsters Under the Bed’ by the small band, and ‘Music for a Darkened Theatre’ from the full band, featuring our very own Mrs Andrew. with solos from Ella – all three pieces were great!
The Senior Singers never disappoint. With ‘Dreamer’, their harmonies perfectly captured the theme of leaving disappointments and heartaches behind, perfectly supported by the soloists Ellen, Bernice, Charlie, and Galina. Their second piece was ‘Lullabye’ by Billy Joel, and their final performance of the night of ‘Mr Sandman’ was absolutely stunning, with a welcome touch of peacefulness.
The highlight of the night was the final captivating piece from the opera Hänsel und Gretel, with a phenomenal operatic section by Candis, and charming cameos from Hansel and Gretel, performed by Esme and Jemima, in Year 9. The Choir and Orchestra teamed up to bring Engelbert Humperdinck’s beloved opera to life, showcasing incredible vocal talent and dynamic orchestral accompaniment. The spellbinding melodies of Hansel and Gretel’s adventure into the woods, created a perfect balance of charm and darkness, leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.
All in all, the 'Dreams and Nightmares' concert was a dream performance, filled with symphonic surprises and a perfect balance of light and dark. It was a night where music brought every listener into a new world, making it a truly unforgettable experience. Well done to all the talented students who took part, the Technical Team who helped put it all together, and our Music Department!'
Ms Holmes and Ms Walker (Concert Groupies!)
Roedean’s Got Talent!
The Christmas Roedean’s Got Talent was a talent show at its very best! We all know that many of our students are incredibly talented, but this event, run by Ella and the Prefects, brought together students from across the School, showcasing singers, ballerinas, bands, K-Pop dancers, and even puppets!
The audience enjoyed performances from RGT/Open Mic regulars, such as Sam, Sihu, Jamie, and Alfie, but it was also great to see some Year 7s taking to the stage – well done! There were four dance pieces, including a lovely ballet piece by Tracy with fantastic grands jetés, and Emilia and Xena’s piece from Avenue Q, complete with puppets was outstanding!
All the performances were all great, but my personal highlights were Sam and Jamie’s rendition of Justin Bieber’s Mistletoe, and the K-Pop dance from Kate, Mackenzie, and Charlotte.
Well done to everyone involved!
Dr Barrand
Year 10 Historians at the Old Operating Theatre
Last week, the Year 10 History GCSE students had the opportunity to visit the Old Operating Theatre of old St Thomas' Hospital, near London Bridge. Our students were treated to an informative and entertaining talk by the museum staff, which included Lola bravely volunteering to have her leg cut off in the Victorian manner. We also navigated the London Underground, and had a chance to visit Covent Garden and soak up the Christmassy atmosphere!
Ms Benton-Stace
This week in Boarding…
House 1 turned their weekly quiz night into some festive fun, with questions relating to Christmas! The girls had fun creating mini pizzas, using crumpets as a base, with plenty of cheese and salami for toppings! Bingo night rolled around, and the competition was on to reach a full house first!
House 2 have been busy decorating their Christmas tree... and using kitchen utensils to create the perfect fluffed tree branch – who knew! The girls have enjoyed planning for the upcoming Christmas decorating competition, and took a well-deserved break to play musical chairs!
House 3 got crafty, decorating mugs, pencil cases, and more, with Christmas lights, stockings, and snowflakes! Over the weekend, the girls enjoyed a noodle bar, with an array of toppings and sides to make it even more flavoursome! Boarders have taken inspiration from recipes they have seen on TikTok, and they attempted to make the dishes themselves, including a Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie and Oreo sushi!
House 4 turned marshmallows into snowmen, which melted into their delicious hot chocolates, a perfect festive treat! To celebrate Thanksgiving, boarders wrote on autumnal leaves what they were grateful for this year. The girls had a food-filled weekend, with homemade dumplings enjoyed by many, and a delicious hot pot, with more ingredients than you could count on your fingers! With festive season in full swing, House 4 treats are, of course, Christmasthemed, with the girls enjoying Christmas crispy cakes and a beautifully decorated gingerbread house! House 4 dancers were gifted with a little token of appreciation for the hard work and dedication that went into to the House Dance, brilliant choreography!
Keswick spent an evening trying to get the perfect flip, and enjoying some fluffy pancakes! Boarders decorated tote bags with festive designs and favourite animals, creating a great way to carry their books! The girls got creative with Lotus biscuits, creating Christmasthemed designs, and even building a gingerbread house!
Lawrence were treated to a beautiful view of a bright rainbow... which doubled!
Miss Barnett
Hockey vs Lingfield
The U12D team had their final match of the season last week, with their last opportunity to put their training into practice. The team started strongly, with the girls playing down the right, working the width, and making strong tackles throughout. Their patience in attack was excellent, with Deema scoring two of our goals, and Elva nabbing the 3rd.
It was an excellent team effort and a huge well done goes to all the girls involved. A special mention to Sela for stepping in at the last minute. Last game and a 3-0 win is excellent progress for the girls, and they should be really proud of themselves. #proudcoach/HOY!
Miss Bamford
The U13B team won 3-1 at Lingfield in a keenly contested game. Soraya and Indira gave Roedean a 2-0 half-time lead, but Lingfield had some quick, skilful players, who posed a constant threat to the Roedean goal.
They halved the deficit in the second half to create a close finish, and forced numerous short corners, but Indira struck in another to ease the nerves. Roedean were indebted to Cora, who was outstanding in goal, and we had a constant attacking threat in Soraya on the right hand side of midfield.
Mr Smethurst
Last week, the U12Bs played Lingfield, and what a win it was for the team. This was the first match where I would say that everything just gelled and we were playing good hockey.
Tabitha, at right back, is able to slap the ball from 16s, pretty much into the opposition’s D, and this was setting up the midfields/forwards for some opportunities at goal. Lara (CM) and Harrie (CF) were working together as a team in the D, and we managed to get an early goal in the first half. Tabitha then scored from a short corner, blasting the ball in – it bounced off the GK and up into the goal. Kosi was playing RM and Alia was LM – they are both quite defensive players, so were stopping the ball getting down into our D. Nkem was our brick wall at the back, not letting anything get past her or near to the goal. She does a great job of staying calm on the ball and thinking about what to do with it, instead of just hitting it away.
The final goal was an own goal,and it was difficult to see who scored it, but just working together well meant we were getting these chances in the D and pressuring the GK. We had more chances, but they had a very good GK who made some great saves. The final score was 3-0 to Roedean.
■ Player of the Match – Tabitha
■ Coach’s Player – Nkem, for reading the game so well and knowing when to go in for the tackle or hold back, and just being fierce in her tackles, showing no fear!
Mrs Patching-Jones
Hockey vs Christ’s Hospital
2nd XI
The 2nd team is a mixture of Sixth Form and U16s (Year 11s), so, for some, this was their final match playing for Roedean. It was the perfect day for hockey, mild, with low wind. Christ’s Hospital are always a strong, physical team, so we knew this match could be a tough one. It was an even match with regards to possession and both teams had chances. CH were good at taking the ball quickly and having players high up the pitch to pass to, so they were getting it down the pitch quickly. The defence and Michelle, in goal, did a great job of stopping some early goals, and they had a few good chances but were thwarted.
We weren’t tight enough to our players and they had too much space so were getting through us quite easily. However, we made some breaks and had the ball in the D, with little opposition but just couldn’t find the back of the net. It kept on like this throughout the match and they finally scored a goal in the second half. They looked like they had more fight in them and were chasing every ball down, and just more aggressive than us when going for the ball.
However, we never gave up and, even when tired and towards the end of the match, we kept on going for goal but just couldn’t quite get the goals. Well done
'On Saturday, the U14C team played against Christ's Hospital. During the first half, our attack was effective, which led to Georgia scoring our very first goal of the game. In defence, Astrid was very good at turning over the ball, making it hard for Christ's Hospital to win back.
In the second half, Momo was excellent at getting the ball on the right side and into the opposition's D, which led to an excellent goal from Lucia! In defence, Joy was very good at pushing up and turning over the ball, giving Christ's Hospital quite the challenge.'
Written by Georgie
Miss Walsh named Georgie both Player of the Match and Coach's Player.
to defence: Izzy, Jasmine, Mbali, and Tiah, for creating a real solid team at the back and the best defensive performance we have had this term. Aimee and Bea I thought worked super hard, so you'll spend the rest of the time. We had some lovely balls get passed through to our forwards, Alicia, Alice, Solari. Rida and Molly playing midfield were confident on the ball and feeding some great passes in to the forwards. It could have been a 5-0 win for them, but we managed to keep it a fairly even game.
■ Player of the Match – Bea (attacker) and Tiah (defender)
■ Coach’s player – Aimee really worked hard, was focused throughout and fought for everything. She will often turn the ball over with her tackles, then create a chance in the D from it.
'The U15A team played an outstanding match against Christ's Hospital and secured a breath-taking victory. In the first half, the sensational Sorrel opened the scoring with an impressive goal. Positive Poppy showcased her talent by netting an incredible four goals!
In the second half, superb Sophie added two tremendous goals, along with a gorgeous goal from Yan Yan. In the tense final minutes of the game, miraculous Maud stunned the crowd with an outstanding goal, assisted beautifully by fabulous Flo.
Other remarkable players included epic Evelyn, incredible Izzy, and brilliant Bella, who all worked tirelessly in defence. In midfield, intuitive Ines and amazing Amelie seamlessly linked the defence and attack. Last but not least, lovely Lily made several crucial saves, preventing us from getting into trouble. The game ended in an excellent 9-1 victory over Christ's Hospital.'
Written by Maud and Evelyn (Yr10)
U14B Battle in a Tense Game
The U14B team played their final game of the season against Christ’s Hospital. After a few weeks off, it took the girls a little time to get into the rhythm of the match. However, they soon found their feet and were able to practise some of the pressing tactics we had been working on.
The opposition was fast and physical, which disrupted our usual patient style of play. With our defence playing high, Christ’s Hospital capitalised on a quick counterattack, leaving Alma in goal to face speedy forwards. As a result, they scored, putting us 1-0 down at half-time.
After discussing how to play our own game and leverage our strengths, the team took the initiative and dominated possession for the rest of the game. Despite countless chances on goal, numerous turnovers from our pressing, and plenty of short corners, it was Rosa who scored the equaliser with the final touch of the game, much to the relief of the entire team and their coach.
Well done to all the players who have represented the B team this term. The progress you have made has been excellent!
Miss Kirby-Jones
U18 – Sussex Cup vs BHASVIC
The day after the U18As' momentous win in the Sisters in Sport quarter final, we had the first round of the Sussex Cup, in which we drew BHASVIC. It is never an easy match against BHASVIC, so we were just going to use this as practice for our semi-final.
It was a tough match and we set ourself a target that we wanted to reach, which we did – a double figure score! BHASVIC won the match, but we had a good run around and are now looking forward to our next big Sisters in Sport match, as we are through to the semi-final.
■ Player of the Match – Alice
■ Coach’s Player – Elodie, playing centre, for doing lovely drives and dodges, getting in front of her player, and just being super speedy around the court.
Mrs Patching-Jones
1st Team into the Semi Final of the SNS National Vase!
On Tuesday, our 1st team had a highly contested match versus Downe House in the quarter final of the Sisters In Sport National Vase competition.
We got off to a strong start, making multiple turnovers and successfully transitioning them through court. This allowed us to be leading by 7 after the first quarter. Downe House came into the game more in the second quarter, contesting most balls through the mid-court, and making our shooters work hard for the ball. They won the second quarter which narrowed our lead to 4.
Knowing the second half was going to be tough, Roedean dug deep, pushing themselves right up to the final whistle. With crucial turnovers in defence and some calm composed shooting, we secured the win 26-21. Huge congratulations to the squad on the performance they put out, and on securing a spot in the semi-final of the National Vase competition. We cannot wait for the next round!
Roedean's in the Top 20 Cricketing Schools for Girls –
We are thrilled to announce that The Cricketer Magazine’s prestigious School Guide 2025 has once again recognised Roedean as a top cricket school for girls in the UK, celebrating our enduring commitment to the sport.
Cricket here has seen significant changes in recent years; two new astroturf wickets have been laid and a third is being planned, while the boundary with Marine Drive is now protected by a newly installed fence, allowing us to host fixtures again for all of our year groups. The past two summers have also seen our girls coached by Pakistan international cricketer, Umar Amin, further accelerating their knowledge and development.
At Roedean, Cricket is more than a game; it’s a tradition, a passion, and a legacy that we are proud to carry from our past into the future.
Miss Hammond
1st Team
2nd XI Hockey vs Hurst
The wind was raging for the final 2nd XI Hockey match of the term. It was a mixed Sixth Form team, including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd team players. This was the last Roedean hockey match ever for the Year 13s, so we wanted to win, obviously!
It was a closely fought match, with possession fairly even between the two teams. We got off to a promising start, and had some early chances. Zara (CM), Holly (RM), and Gabi (LM), were working the ball through the middle nicely and finding the long pass into our forwards, who were outrunning their defenders and getting some nice chances at goal. Saffron at CF got the first goal, and not an easy one at that, as she was surrounded by defenders but slotted it past them. Solari at RF was doing her usual fast drives down the right side with the ball and feeding into the D, which was creating lots of chances for Saffron and Gabi (LM). Gabi was holding a nice position in the D, which led to her scoring the next two goals! And on her birthday as well – the best present ever, in my view! Let's not forget defence, doing an amazing job at keeping the ball in our attacking half. Lydia at sweeper was picking up all the loose balls being passed through the middle of the pitch, and showed confidence and great control on the ball. She was the brick wall we needed to stop the ball getting past the 25 line. In defence, Olivia, Liv, Ellen, and Mbali, were all working their socks off, closing down their players, putting tackles in, and running back when they broke through, to pressure them. They all have lovely hard slaps, so they were getting the ball out from 16s beautifully and through the opposition.
The team did have a few good chances to score, but they either went wide or Fen came out and cleared them away. Rida and Jemima, playing up front, did some lovely passes to the forwards to set up some of the goals. The final ball came from a side-line, passed around the back – Jemima passed the perfect ball into the D to Solari, who smashed it in from the right, from a tough angle, to go right in the corner of the goal. It was epic, and in the final minute too! What a game to finish on – your coaches are all very proud of you.
■ The Players of the Match were Zara (attacker) and Fen (defender)
■ The Coach’s Player was Lydia, for doing her job so well – she stepped into playing sweeper so naturally and made such an impact in that area of the pitch; protecting our D and also getting balls through into their half.
Well done!
Mrs Patching-Jones
Betsy's Tennis Successes Continue...
Betsy had a very exciting Saturday last weekend, playing in an U16s tournament at the National Tennis Centre.
Because the outdoor courts were wet, she got to play inside and, during her first match, Emma Raducanu was training two courts down! (she also had her lunch sitting at a table next to Katie Boulter!).
Betsy played really well and was runner up, playing 3 age-groups up! We look forward to hearing about more successes from Betsy as the season progresses. Well done!
Miss Bamford
Swimming Gala against Mayfield
Last week saw the first Development Gala of the term, providing an exciting opportunity for our swimmers to showcase their progress in technique and speed. A small squad participated and competed in all events, demonstrating their hard work and dedication.
The races were exciting, and the encouragement from everyone involved created a vibrant atmosphere at the pool that was enjoyed by all. Many of the girls were competing for the first time, and were asked to swim strokes they weren't entirely comfortable with, but they embraced the challenge and performed admirably. Well done to everyone!
Miss Kirby-Jones
Sports Stars of the Week
Congratulations to this week's sporting stars:
Well done!
Year 7
Juno, for making good progress in PE and being supportive to her fellow goalkeepers
Year 8
Amara, for consistent performances in Hockey and great improvement
Year 9
Astrid, for fantastic improvement in Hockey and outstnading effort throughout PE lessons
Year 10
Lula, for achieving a great grade in Sport Science this term
Year 11
Gabriella, for diligent effort in Hockey this term
Year 12
Rida, for making great progress in Hockey and for her performance against Christ's Hospital
Year 13
Solari, for an excellent performance against Christ's Hospital in Hockey last weekend
Mr Campleman
We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Head’s Weekly Review, please email: