Head's Weekly Review - 22 January 21 - Issue 14

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22 January 2021 - Issue 2



Hell from the farm!

Head’s Introduction When day comes, we step out of the shade, aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.

This message of hope for the future is an extract from The Hill We Climb, a poem by 22-year old Amanda Gorman, read at the American presidential inauguration this week. Its message about the power of perseverance, benevolence, and hope is relevant for society as a whole, as the world faces such all-encompassing challenges. We can all take something from this poem, whatever our situation, and I would encourage every one of our girls to listen to it, if she hasn’t already. This voice for the future is a wise, hopeful, and inclusive voice: ‘victory won’t lie in the blade but in all the bridges we’ve made’. I am grateful to Miss Hindle and all the girls who contributed to today’s Chapel service, which also talks about harnessing the will to create positive outcomes. Congratulations to Gabi (Yr13), who has been awarded Advanced 2 Ballet with Merit. Success at this level is an exceptional achievement at any time, but particularly under the current circumstances when she has had to show incredible courage and perseverance to carry on and succeed. We have been very lucky to see Gabriella dance on many occasions during her time at Roedean, and her fantastic talent is very clear – this achievement is the result of years of dedication and practice, and we are all very proud of her.

I am pleased that the girls have re-started Co-Curricular Activities this week. The range of activities on offer really does mean that there is something for everyone, so I hope that they have added another dimension to the school day. We have launched our second Race Around the World this week – the route takes in every country where the girls live, and I hope that this will help to bring our diverse community together at a time when we are apart. This time, in addition to the girls and staff, we are encouraging parents and ORs to get involved too! Many of you will remember our Guest Speaker at Speech Day in 2018, the wonderfully vibrant broadcaster and musician, Clemency Burton-Hill. Tragically, she suffered a brain haemorrhage one year ago this month; she spent 17 days in a coma, and when she regained consciousness, she was unable to speak or move. She spoke this week on BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour in her first interview in a year, and her message of resilience in the face of adversity is inspiring. The human spirit is amazingly strong, and we all wish her well for her continuing recovery. Good luck to all those who have assessments next week, and to those who are waiting for the results of Cambridge interviews – I wish you all the best. Keep well, and, in these days of endless screens, do try to get out and take some exercise each day. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Gabi – Merit for Advanced 2 Ballet

Lillie singing My Future by Billie Eilish


Race Around the World 2.0

Amanda Gorman: ‘The Hill We Climb’

Key Stage 4 Bake Off

Clemency Burton-Hill: 'Speech was my thing and then I couldn't do it'

22 January 2021 - Issue 2


Unsung heroes in the spotlight

Alice (Yr7) for showing excellent participation, positivity and politeness in her online learning and TEAMS conversations – very well done! [BRI]

Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Lillie (Yr11) for singing so beautifully for Chapel [RB]

Jemima, Tilly, Jemima and Phoebe (Yr11) and Thea, Serena, Aida, Trinity and Jemma (Yr12) for speaking so eloquently in Chapel this week [RB]

Lillie singing My Future by Billie Eilish

Race Around the World 2.0 – for Health and Community Spirit January is traditionally a time when resolutions involve being healthy and taking more exercise. Both could not be more important with the backdrop of the current pandemic. And if these can reinforce the strong bonds in our community, all the better! Following the success of Roedean’s Race Around the World last lockdown, we are taking on a bigger challenge this term – to travel from Brighton to Brighton, visiting each of the 32 countries where our students live. The journey is over 65,000 kilometres. We hope that this might help us all feel close and connected to each other, at a time when we are all forced to be apart from one another.

We invite girls, staff, parents, and ORs to take part – simply log the distances you cover while exercising or just going about your daily business, and let’s see how quickly we can get around the world and back to Brighton!

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‘If the country where you currently live does not appear on the route because you also have a UK address on the school database, please do let us know by emailing Miss Boles on jbo@roedean.co.uk.

Race Around the World 2.0 STUDENT Race Around the World 2.0 STAFF Race Around the World 2.0 PARENT Race Around the World 2.0 OR

There will be a charitable element to the challenge too – given the difficulties many people are going through, we hope to raise funds to go towards a Roedean hardship fund, as well as for our chosen charities (Off the Fence, Liberian Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection, and Beachy Head Chaplaincy). A link to make a donation will be included in the next Head's Review.



Please follow the relevant link to log your distances – as this is like a New Year’s Resolution, you can include distances back to 1 January!










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Key Stage 4 Bake Off Years 10 and 11 took part in a Bake Off this week with the theme of ‘Heroes’ – there were some brilliantly imaginative entries, so well done to everyone who baked. However, the best was this magnificent cake made by Gina (Yr11), who took it to be shared with maternity team at Brighton Hospital.

Gabi – Merit for Advanced 2 Ballet Gabi (Yr13) has achieved a Merit at Advanced 2 in her Royal Academy of Dance examination. This outstanding achievement is the result of a remarkable level of dedication and physical effort, against many odds – she is to be highly commended. As a point of comparison, students in vocational institutions dance for 4-5 hours a day to achieve this standard, and for girls in a highly academic environment to even aspire, never mind be successful at this level, deserves great accolade and recognition.

again in London. In the end, a re-entry was agreed and her training continued. However, the demons were against us, as ten days before her new date, Gabi was sent home to quarantine for two weeks. Fortunately, the Royal Academy of Dance showed empathy towards her situation, and agreed to reschedule her examination for the last day of the Roedean Autumn term. Gabi then returned to School on the last Monday for an intensive four days of training, culminating in her examination in London on the Friday.

However, in this particular instance, this recognition is even more outstanding as it was one thwarted with difficulties. Gabi was due to take the examination at the end of March, but, three days before, the UK went into Lockdown. Following disappointment with the cancellation of her examination at such short notice, and, after a long break from training, the fact that she returned to School in September with the will to continue was gratifying to all.

Throughout the entire saga Gabi has endured the situation with perseverance, determination, and good spirit. She said, ‘I was thrilled to achieve a Merit in my Advanced 2 ballet exam recently – it is a culmination of 13 years of ballet training and 15 exams, 5 of which were vocational. I would like to thank Miss Mitchell and Ms Stidston for their constant support.’

As the term progressed, discussion followed as to filming or entering for the examination

Well done, Gabi – we are all very proud of you! JCM

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22 January 2021 - Issue 2


22 January 2021 - Issue 2

DT – ‘Time to Shine’ Here is a celebration of Year 7 Design and Technology work – The girls worked incredibly hard before Christmas to improve their CAD skills to create imaginative clock designs, which were then manufactured on the laser cutter. The results are great – there are no excuses to be late for lessons now! HQU

Year 9 Bake Off Year 9 took part in a Bake Off last week – the entries were amazing, and here are the winners: 1st – Poppy 2nd – Elodie 3rd – Ella Well done to everyone who entered! JB

One student, Seraphe, took the Bake Off to the next level, actually donating her cake to the NHS, and this is the message she sent with it: ‘Dear NHS doctors, nurses, workers, administrators, and supporting staff, Thank you very much for your unyielding dedication and indispensable efforts in working days and nights to fight against the pandemic disease. You all have helped the sick and needy a lot over the year. During the prolonged battle, when you feel tired and stressed, just relax and remember there are a lot of people supporting you and praying for you. We will overcome the problem, and I believe the society will return to its vibrant state very soon. Stay positive, happy, and healthy. Lastly, may I take this opportunity to express my deepest sincere gratitude to you all again by sending you a homemade cake. Hope you love it! Regards from Seraphe’ Page 4

Elodie: ‘My cake is inspired by David Attenborough and his broadcast of Blue Planet. The cake is split into two parts, one being before global warming, and the other being after global warming at its worse point. I’ve watched many of the natural clips that are voice acted by Attenborough, and they have really moved me and this makes me want to do something about it. He is also a hero in my eyes, because he is making these short films to save the environment and the wonderful nature living in it – he is spreading a powerful message.’


22 January 2021 - Issue 2

Literary Supplement Book Reviews Thanks to two of our Reading Reps, Maria and Abby, for sending in reviews of books they have enjoyed recently. If you would like to share your lockdown reads with the rest of the Roedean community, please email your recommendation or review through to hsh@roedean.co.uk or gba@roedean.co.uk

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder – by Holly Jackson

This book is on the Southern Schools Book Award 2020 Shortlist, and I can definitely see why. This book grips from the first page and never lets go. There are so many twists and turns – it is impossible to know what will happen next. I’m not a very quick reader, but I finished this book in record time! This book follows the story of an A grade girl called Pippa, who decides to investigate the disappearance of Andie Bell as a project in her last year of school. It is so tense and engaging, written in many different forms, including 3rd person chapters, blogs, and transcripts. She puts herself, her family, and her friends in danger, all to try and clear one person’s name, because she can’t accept that he murdered Andie. Read this book… you will not regret it. Maria (Yr10)

The Selection – by Keira Cass I was not expecting ‘The Selection’ to be that good. I thought it’d be quite a middle grade writing style, with boring and cliché characters. However, it was brilliantly written with amazing characters that you connected with through the entire novel. What I liked most about the book was that it was quite fast-paced, so everything built up quickly, where some books drag everything out and it becomes boring. I managed to read this book in 3 hours. And I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t want to sleep, because I wanted to finish it and start on the next journey of ‘The Elite' and see what happens to America (the protagonist). Another positive for me was that this book didn’t just focus on a poor girl and a prince. It focused on their backgrounds, money, love, and thoughts. And we even got to see that, even though Prince Maxon lives in a castle and is a prince, his life isn’t that easy. It gets attacked constantly, and he even has to pick a future wife out of thirty-five girls, which would be hard enough for any man, let alone a teenager. So, yes – if you haven’t read or bought this, then you need to ASAP! Abby (Yr13)

Lockdown Reading Challenge

Collaborative Year 8 Writing

Reading can be a wonderful form of escapism during difficult times, and a recent survey by the Literacy Trust has revealed that we are all reading more during lockdown periods, with more than a quarter of young people saying they are reading more than before.

My Year 8s wrote this collaborative descriptive piece in our lesson this week – we’re studying Gothic Writing, and they wrote one sentence each:

If you would like some inspiration to get you started with reading, have a look at the suggestions below and pick one as starting point – or have a go at all of them! Don’t forget to keep a record of what you have read, and we will add them to our Roedean Reading Tree when we are back in School. Read a book based on a true story

Read a book you have always meant to, but never found the time!

Read a book that has been made into a film

Read aloud to your family

Read a book recommended by a friend

Read a book that was published in 2020

Read a genre of book you don’t normally read

Reread an old favourite

Read a novel that has won a prize (e.g. Booker Prize)

Ask a teacher to recommend a book

Read a biography of someone who inspires you

Read a book written more than 100 years ago

Read a non-fiction book about a subject that interests you

Write a review of a book you have read recently

Listen to an Audiobook

The forest seemed alive with the sound of creaking, whining branches that swayed in the wind. I cautiously looked up towards the almost endless trees that seemed to be trying to reach up towards the anthracite sky, dusted with twinkling stars. The magnetic pearl in the sky glared above me, as I looked over my shoulder to see the city night sky howling my name to bring me back. I began to hurtle over the undergrowth as the pearlescent moon followed my every move. Monstrous trees surrounded me like giants. Then, suddenly, I heard a scream. I sat alone between the desolate trees, the scream ringing through my ears; no matter how far I ran, the screech would not disappear. My head pounded, my body ached and I sat down in the murky undergrowth to catch my breath. The perplexing scream in my head had led me to a vast lake that reflected the moon like a floating crystal ball, almost whispering to me to go no further. I stared into the glistening water, wondering how it went from screams ringing around my head to an ominous silence. Looking up into the once gleaming moon, I saw nothing but lifeless grey clouds. The vicious wind howled at me like a lone wolf separated from its pack. Then, a sloshing sound caught my attention, and I looked down at the lapping tide of the lake. I saw a bench layered thickly with coffee coloured leaves. An ashy smell tickled my throat as I took a breath. I was staring at the lake and suddenly, I could smell something mouldy. The obsidian figure emerged from the lake like smoke rising from a raging fire. I ran, not knowing where my feet were taking me. The wind whistling through my ears, I ran until I could go no further, and my legs were like marshmallow. I collapsed. I think it’s great! RH

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22 January 2021 - Issue 2


Interview with Emma Cunniffe Interview with Emma Cunniffe The Year 11 GCSE Drama students are currently revising The Crucible, so we organised an interview with Emma Cunniffe, who is an established British actor with over 100 IMBD credits who starred in a celebrated production of this play at Regents Park Open Air Theatre. She gave the girls an insight into how a professional production can still make this classic text relevant for a modern audience. Emma played the role of Elizabeth Proctor a while ago, but as she expressed in the Q and A session, the role had a huge impact on her, and she talked us through her process as an actor; this included how she was able to research and accomplish the New England accent, the notes that she was given by the director, Tim Sheedy, and decisions she made for the character’s physicality. The students really benefited from actually meeting a professional actor who had made the role her own. It was also really important to hear that Elizabeth is not a subservient character, but that she is dignified and honourable, even when faced with the reality of losing her husband.

‘Listening to Emma talking about her experiences and the intense emotions she felt when she played the part of Elizabeth Proctor in The Crucible was enlightening and brought the character to life, with all her complexities and inner conflicts. It was as though we were chatting to the real Elizabeth!’ – Jemima ‘Her story about her aprons was a great reminder of how powerful physical images in theatre can be - sometimes a pause can have all the impact details are so important.’ – Bo Ana

Here is some of the girls’ feedback after the interview: 'Talking to her about where she studied and what she studied for sixth form and university really gave me a good perspective into the industry and how many paths you can take in it as she started off as a dancer and went to acting school instead.’ – Charlie

‘​ It was great to hear her talking about how she had to work with other actors and directors. Then how this changed how she wanted to play the role.’ – India SW

Dress-Up Thursdays

Trick Shot Tuesday

The 7R tutor group enjoys Dress-Up Thursdays in tutor time, and each week we have a different theme. We have had food, furniture, and Disney so far!

Roedean’s first week of Trick Shot Tuesday proved to be an exciting one! The task was ‘using only a saucepan and paper, what is the best trick shot you can do?’ The votes came in, and the results are as follows: Favourite

1st – Cherry 2nd – Liepa 3rd – Molly


1st – Alba 2nd – Eloise 3rd – Liepa/Gabriella/Olivia

Check out the highlights from Week 1! It’s not too late to sign up – email Miss Bamford (LBA) to join!

Supporting St Mark’s! As you know, we normally do lots of activities to work with the children at St Mark’s, but this is more difficult in the current situation. One thing they are missing in particular is reading stories – if you have a favourite book from when you were at primary school, and would be happy to video or audio record yourself reading for about 5 minutes, it would be something lovely to share with the children. Please send your videos or recordings to Mr Wilson (gwi@roedean.co.uk) Page 6


Taskmaster As part of the Year 12 Community Activity, we had fun completing some Taskmaster challenges. The girls did amazingly well to complete the unexpected tasks with creativity and style in such short time allowances. The group task of writing a dog-related poem beginning with the letters LABRADOR gave rise to some lovely poems. One of the Year 12 tutors (who wishes to remain anonymous) also felt inspired to join in!

L….ugs aplenty flop idiot A…plomb in lollop-gait; jovial B…ark; insensate sound R…aveling unwound around A… gummy fool, licensed to D…rool when ecstatic, O…f untaught elastic, R…eally. r! by an anonymous year 12 tuto

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22 January 2021 - Issue 2

22 January 2021 - Issue 2



Player of the Month for Jasmine Jasmine (Yr8) was named Magic Netball U13/ U14 Player of the Year at the end of year awards ceremony last month – what a brilliant achievement!

Girls take to their first Zwift Session Our four Year 9 girls did incredibly well in the first Zwift session. Pedalling around the world of Watopia and completing 15-20km is a fantastic achievement! If anyone is keen to get involved and has access to a turbo trainer, please let Miss Cheesman now on sch@roedean.co.uk.

Like all of the girls in her squad, she’s worked so hard over the last year, not daunted by the many restrictions of lockdown. Jasmine is up each morning to do her wall work at 6:30am before School, she trains virtually with her squad 5-6 evenings a week, and, despite injury right at the start of the new season, she has just kept going. Well done – it is so good that all of her hard work has paid off!

Pearl secures a spot in Strava Results – the London Pulse Hub! Week 1 Congratulations to Pearl (Yr9), who has been selected in the London Pulse Hub. She was training and filming most lunch breaks in the run up to the Christmas holidays, to ensure she had all the footage filmed to a sufficiently high standard to submit to London Pulse. It is a super league club, and their hub on average accepts players who are U17, so it is a huge achievement to be offered a place, especially as she is U14. This highlights how much hard work, dedication, and commitment she gives to her Netball, and it is brilliant to see that it has paid off. For now, Pearl is training online with them, alongside Izzy (Yr10). So, Roedean now has two students in the London Pulse Hub, and one, Amelia (Yr10), in the Surrey Storm Hub. Well done, girls!

A huge well done to all those that took part, both Staff and pupils, in the 20:21 Challenge – you all achieved fantastic scores! It is great to see so many of the Roedean Community getting involved and keeping active during these times! Don’t forget to log your distances for the Race Around the World!

Inspiring Conversations –

Patricia Carswell, with Liv and Miss Wakeling Patricia is an Old Roedeanian, who boarded in House 4 from 1975-85. Despite not enjoying sport at School, she has gone on to find a love for rowing and has competed at the World Masters Championships. Liv (Yr13) and Miss Wakeling were able to interview Patricia, and delve deeper into her journey from School to competing at such a high level. To watch the interview, follow this link: https://vimeo.com/503393757/54ca91d95c

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk Page 8

Our winners for last week are: ■

Pupils – Lizzie (Yr9), with a total distance of 4.06km

Staff – Miss Wakeling, who achieved an outstanding 5.03km

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