Head's Weekly Review - 23 April 21 - Issue 23

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23 April 2021 – Issue 1



Head’s Introduction

Welcome back to Roedean after the Easter holidays! It is wonderful to see so many students and staff back at School – it is clear that everyone is very happy to be back together. Some students shared their hopes for the summer term in First Chapel, and many focused on the strength of our community, and how pleased they are to be with their friends and actually in the classroom. For a good number of girls, this is the first time they have been able to return this academic year, so there is a real air of positivity. I am very pleased to see the girls taking full advantage of the warmer weather outside, playing sport, relaxing in the sunshine, or simply enjoying the stunning views from our grounds. Yesterday some of our musicians also played in the Cloisters at lunchtime, entertaining the Year 7s. The School looks fantastic, and I am very grateful to our Grounds team – not only do the flower beds and lawns look wonderful, but seeing the fields marked out for cricket and an athletics track really means that the summer is here. I am very pleased that a volunteer Lay Chaplain has started at Roedean this term. Mandy Marshall Taylor met with about twenty Sixth Form students and members of staff yesterday, and they enjoyed discussing in small groups the different beliefs of those in our community. She is interested in finding out the girls’ thoughts about the spiritual life of Roedean, regardless of specific religions or faiths. The Lay Chaplain’s first visit went very well, and she will meet more students and staff next week. Good luck to the 71 girls in Year 9 who are doing a slightly adapted Duke of Edinburgh Bronze practice expedition this weekend – I hope it goes well! Well done to you all for a very good first week, and I wish you all well for next week.

Spring has sprung at Roedean

What wonderful weather to welcome back the students and for cricket practice!


Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Millie (Yr11) for consistently working hard and showing the highest level of tenacity in all subjects [NSH]

23 April 2021 – Issue 1

Sweet Treats for SECAmb Well done to Pippi (Yr8), who made cinnamon buns and Easter treats for a food collection which her road takes to SECAmb (South East Coast Ambulance Service) each week. With so many places shut, it has been difficult for the crews to get food on the hop, so the residents of her street have taken both home-cooked meals and supermarket donations up. They have been taking food regularly for months, but they wanted to go all out for Easter by adding treats, Pippi and her younger sister Willow really enjoyed this. Pippi’s Dad is proud and delighted with their involvement, and said, ‘They really enjoy being in the kitchen, and it is such a great way to show appreciation for the hard work the crew is putting in for the rest of society.’ Congratulations, Pippi!

Bella (Yr7) for consistently showing her appreciation and kindness to pupils and staff [JC]

Onose (Yr9) for reading so well in today’s Chapel [RB]

Tessa (Yr7) for showing noticeable kindness this week to supporting a new pupil settling in [JC]

Global Space Design for Maria Congratulations to Maria (Yr10), who has been accepted onto the above 10-day residential course in July, at Imperial College London, which is open to 15-18 year olds. It is a very prestigious and selective course, and a once-in-alifetime opportunity to participate in workshops, masterclasses, and lectures around the topics of space, technology, engineering, and business.

Shannon, Maya, Holly, Alba, Jaime, and Phoebe (Yr9) for being buddies to new boarding students [JCH]

As well as being an intense academic course, there are tours around Imperial College, and Oxford and Cambridge universities. The challenge involves designing a habitat on another planet, with twelve students from the winning team gaining a chance to compete in the world Global Space Design Challenge in 2022, and potentially win a trip to NASA. What a brilliant opportunity – well done!

Sixth Form Shining Stars Ella, Isis, Mollie, and Melanie (Yr9) for being buddies to new day students [JCH]

Tuhina (Yr12) for bringing us a lovely flower and brightening our day [nominated by Aida]

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Cat (Yr13) for continually cheering me up and making me laugh [nominated by Abby]


23 April 2021 – Issue 1

Roedean’s New Lay Chaplain It was wonderful this week to welcome to Roedean our new volunteer Lay Chaplain, Mandy Marshall Taylor. The focus of this temporary position is to find out more about faith and the spiritual life of the School, and how the entire school community can be supported. This week, Mandy met with nine Sixth Form students, as well as ten members of staff, and she enjoyed the open discussions she had with them all, and they responded very well to her. Here are some of their thoughts following the meeting: ‘Faith is about including everybody, whatever part of the journey they’re on. We discussed having a gathering that is open to questions about God or life, prayer requests and just loving everyone who walks in the door, no strings attached.’ Jemima (Yr12) ‘I felt completely at ease with her – she was so approachable and outgoing, which I think will be a great asset to the community! I think the role of being a chaplain, as well as taking on more of a pastoral role, will be so beneficial to the whole student body, but especially those who are

christians, and those who may not get the support in their faith at home that they would want. As well as this, I think the boarders, who may not be able to go to their usual churches, will have such a great experience being able to talk to someone on site who genuinely cares about their journey of faith too.’ Alex (Yr13) ‘I really enjoyed speaking with the Lay Chaplain, and hearing about her ideas for what she could bring to Roedean’s spiritual community. It was really nice to speak about what Chapel at Roedean represents for me as a Quaker, and hear about other girls’ thoughts as well. I am really looking forward to seeing where this will go in the near future.’ Lucy (Yr12) Mandy will meet with girls from each year-group over the coming weeks up to half-term, and members of staff also have the opportunity to drop in and meet with her. She is keen to explore the common ground between different faiths with the girls, and this is a very exciting development at Roedean – let’s see where it takes us. RB

Pop-up Performances in the Cloisters On Thursday, we had some pop-up musical performances in the Cloisters, so that music can be heard around the School. Thank you so much to Galina, Amy, Lydia, and Anamika for participating and playing so beautifully. Thanks also to Mr Rous for accompanying, and Mr Tostevin for the technical help. The Year 7s really enjoyed being entertained, and let's hope that the good weather continues! SOB

Year 12 Bath Bombs

Daisy’s big bake for Stand Up To Cancer

Year 12 had a relaxing time making bath bombs before the end of last term. Sprinkles, colouring, and wonderfully scented essential oils helped make some spectacular creations!

On 21 March, Daisy (Yr7) and her family decided to raise some money for Stand Up To Cancer by making and giving out cupcakes. Their goal was £250, and they even managed to raise a little more, £268. Well done, Daisy!

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23 April 2021 – Issue 1

Hope helps out with Lambing Well done to Hope (Yr10), who helped out with lambing on a neighbour’s farm over the Easter holidays, where over 600 lambs were born! She was involved in clearing out the pens each morning and checking the ewes – if the lambs were in the right position to be born naturally, they let nature take its course, but if they were breach, the ewes needed assistance to make sure that they could give birth safely and that the lambs could breathe properly. What an amazing experience to be part of – well done!

Jasmine at Hickstead

Serenaded at Breaktime by Ellen on her Ukulele

Congratulations to Jasmine (Yr7), who proudly represented Roedean at the NSEA Hickstead Elite Showjumping Qualifier show. It was her first showjumping show on her new pony, Boo, and we simply hoped the combination would deliver a nice clear round to put all the training we did over lockdown into action. Jasmine flew through the course beautifully, and placed 5th as an individual out of a strong class of 40 combinations representing various schools in the Southeast region. She only narrowly missed qualifying for the annual schools’ national championship by 1 place in her first ever outing with this pony, so the future is looking bright as she enters more shows. We will watch this space!

Ellen (Yr8) has taught herself the ukulele over the last lockdown, and now has a repertoire of 70 songs! She has been playing to her friends in the sunshine at breaktime! KOR

你好 My name is Cherrie I am in Year 8 and new to House 2 and I love dance and K-pop. star I am so happy to be finally at Roedean and my new house 2 family star

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23 April 2021 – Issue 1

Literary supplement

Summer Reading Selfies! The warm weather is on its way, and what can be better than sitting in the sunshine with a good book! Ms Shillito and Mrs Bailey would love to see your summer reading selfies this term. Please email them through to library@roedean.co.uk. Prizes will be given to the most exciting and inventive locations!

Roedean Reader Awards These awards are a great way of getting you reading a wide range of texts and genres. If you need help with finding books to complete the award, then head to the Library and see Mrs Bailey, who is always happy to help! ■

every page completed gets a MERIT – any teacher can award this once the page has been checked, and initialed and dated by that teacher

10 completed tasks gets a COMMENDATION

a completed booklet also gets a BRONZE, SILVER or GOLD AWARD in Final Chapel and a READING BADGE

Roedean Guide to Research A ‘Roedean Guide to Research’ booklet is now available from the Library. The booklet will give you an overview of using the Library for research. There is also a comprehensive list of online resources and suggestions for further reading. 1-to-1 research consultations are also available with Mrs Bailey, please Email library@roedean. co.uk if you would like to book a session.

New Books in the Library Many Different Kinds of Love – by Michael Rosen Combining stunning new prose poems by one of Britain's bestloved poets and the moving coronavirus diaries of his nurses, doctors, and wife, Emma-Louise Williams, this intensely powerful account of the beloved poet’s desperate struggle with Covid-19 is a resounding tribute to the NHS and the human spirit. Featuring original illustrations by Chris Riddell, each page celebrates the power of community, the importance of kind gestures in dark times, and the indomitable spirits of the people who keep us well.

The Hill we Climb – by Amanda Gorman 'For there is always light If only we're brave enough to be it. If only we're brave enough to see it.' On 20 January 2021, Amanda Gorman spoke a message of truth and hope to millions. Aged twenty-two, she delivered a poetry reading at the inauguration of US President, Joe Biden. Her poem, 'The Hill We Climb', addressed the country and reached across the world: a call for a brave future.

What we’re Scared of – by Keren David Evie and Lottie are twin sisters, but they couldn't be more different. Evie's sharp and funny. Lottie's a day-dreamer. Evie's the fighter, Lottie's the peace-maker. What they do have in common is their Jewishness – even though the family isn't religious. When their mother gets a high-profile job and is targeted by antisemitic trolls on social media, the girls brush it off at first – but then the threats start getting uglier...

A Promised Land – by Barack Obama In the stirring, highly-anticipated first volume of his presidential memoirs, Barack Obama tells the story of his improbable odyssey from young man searching for his identity to leader of the free world, describing in strikingly personal detail both his political education and the landmark moments of the first term of his historic presidency – a time of dramatic transformation and turmoil. Page 5

The Skeleton Tree – by Diane James From the moment Wendy Thornton first laid eyes on number 37, The Ashes, she knew she had to have it. It may seem neglected on the outside, but Wendy is convinced it's her perfect family home. It just needs to be loved. It needs her. When Wendy receives an unexpected sum of money from her aunt's will, her dream of buying The Ashes becomes a reality. But as Wendy moves in with her young family and starts uncovering its past, she soon learns that The Ashes is hiding a number of dark secrets.

Echo Mountain – by Lauren Wolk 1933. When Ellie and her family lose everything, they flee to Echo Mountain to build a new life. Ellie runs wild, exploring the mountain's mysteries. But the one she can't solve is who's leaving the gifts for her. Then Ellie's father has a terrible accident. Now he lies in a coma, while Ellie shoulders the blame for what happened. When she sets out to find a cure for him, she discovers Cate, the outcast witch, and Larkin, a wild mountain boy. From them, she learns about being a healer, being brave – and about how there can be much more to a person than first meets the eye.

The Fountains of Silence – by Ruta Sepetys Madrid, 1957. Daniel, young, wealthy, and unsure of his place in the world, views the city through the lens of his camera. Ana, a hotel maid whose family is suffering under the fascist dictatorship of General Franco. Lives and hearts collide as they unite to uncover the hidden darkness within the city. A darkness that could engulf them all...

Cane Warriors – by Alex Wheatle Moa is fourteen. The only life he has ever known is toiling on the frontier sugar cane plantation for endless hot days, fearing the vicious whips of the overseers. Then one night, he learns of an uprising, led by the charismatic Tacky. Moa is to be a cane warrior, and fight for the freedom of all the enslaved people in the nearby plantations. But before they can escape, Moa and his friend Keverton must face their first great task: to kill their overseer, Misser Donaldson. Time is ticking, and the day of the uprising approaches...

23 April 2021 – Issue 1


Race Around the World – 14500 Kilometres! Wow! We have made it to Tanzania and are currently at Lake Victoria on the borders of Kenya and Uganda. We are no on our way to Egypt!


Race Around the World 2.0 STUDENT Race Around the World 2.0 STAFF Race Around the World 2.0 PARENT Race Around the World 2.0 OR


Well done to everyone who has logged their distances via wufoo – we’ve already been to 11 countries where Roedean girls live, 27 countries in total! It might be trickier to keep measuring your distances, but hopefully you can still do so at the weekends – it would be amazing to see how far we can get before the Easter holidays!




Nigeria Ghana






Please follow the relevant link to log your distances – as this is like a New Year’s Resolution, you can include distances back to 1 January!















Well done, and thank you for getting involved!







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Well done, and thank you for getting involved! RB Page 6


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Ang Za

To make it easier to log your distances regularly, you can pin the wufoo link to your browser by clicking on ‘Bookmark this tab’ or similar, depending on your browser.




If the country where you currently live does not appear on the route because you also have a UK address on the school database, please do let us know before we reach that country by emailing Miss Boles on jbo@roedean.co.uk.





23 April 2021 – Issue 1


‘After a year of hybrid learning, I think most of learnt to appreciate everything in person school us have offer. Coming back for our first summer term sinc has to I’m especially excited to return to all of the summ e 2019, er we’ve missed out on, hopefully alongside some warmsports weather. I’m also looking really forward to catching er friends, and as restrictions ease, hopefully getting up with out into Brighton more.’ Molly (Yr12)

‘My hopes for this term are that I can spend more time with my friends and socialise more. I would also like my lessons to be mask free. So I can breathe! I hope that everything will be more normal this term as I started this year in the pandemic and I would love a proper Roedean experience with day trips and sporting events.’ Isobel (Yr7)

of the to make the m ost time g in go I'm , rm te ‘This y free her, by spendi ng m lovely spri ng weat er days, I'm able to walk outs ide. W it h lo ng ad mire the sunset from and me home in daylight, weat her also allows e rm wa is Th . ow id nd seas m y wi the sea, si nce the to enjo y sailing on ri ng the wi nter. I'm m ostly du cl ubhouse is closed competi ng in the Spri ng to d ar with m y looking forw jo y spendi ng time en n ca I re he w , Series n to trai n agai n.’ friends, as I begi sh





Saskia (Yr11)

‘It's been almost a year since I last came to Roedean, during this time I’ve been learning online remotely. It has been quite tiring to just sit in front of a computer for hours, and I’ve also missed being with my friends and catching up with them about what they’ve been doing. And so, seeing my friends is something that I look forward to this upcoming term, and I’m very excited. I also look forward to physically being in classes, as it is easier to understand what is being taught.’

Hopes for the Summer Term It is wonderful that a large part of the Roedean community is back together at Roedean, and we cannot wait for everyone to be back together! Here are some reflections on what the summer will hold for a range of girls: ‘I am looking forward to be ing able to be school for m back at y classes. I w as previously online school doing and I have m issed being ab physically be le to in my classe s and with m Personally, I ha y fr ien ds. ve found that being in the ph lessons are m ys ic al uch more ef fective, main take lessons ly because I which either have practicals and chemistr , like biology y, and I also take art which me to use sp requires ecialist items such as the printing press which is in the art department.’ Malika (Yr12)

‘As a Yea r 13, knowing I will be graduating in the next few months, I must say that I feel extr eme ly apprehen sive going into my last term at Roe dean a remote learner in Taiwan, I feel disa ppointed . As and saddened that I am not able to be around my frien and teac hers at School. But I am plea sed that, as ds muc h as I want to be back and actually sit in a class room am still able to com municate and chat with my frien, I through Team s and othe r socia l media plat form s. ds Roe dean has made online learning so easy and acce that it mak es not being around my friends just ssible more bearable! I am looking most forward to retu a bit Roe dean afte r the next half term. Although it isrning to be confirme d, I am waiting to be able to end my yet to at Roe dean at School, surrounded by the people journey I have enjoyed my last four years with.’ Courtney (Yr13)

makes its way ‘As the nice weather y are at the to Roedean, we finall st awaited beginning of the longe chances to re term. This gives us monshine, to take su e be outdoors in th our friends’ our masks off and see good time. faces while having a o have been wh Especially with those and have just as tm online since Chris I’m sure these returned this term. the year will of months until the end t.’ be grea Isabel (Yr11)

‘As a new student I am particularly looking forward to meeting new people through the various summer activities such as cricket and house competitions. I’m thrilled to be back on campus and finally participating in face to face lessons. I can’t wait to make the most of the sun with my friends!' Rula (Yr12)

Lyris (Yr10)

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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