Head's Weekly Review - 25 September 20 - Issue 3

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25 September 2020 - Issue 3




Head’s Introduction

Roedean really is in a unique position for a school, looking out onto the English Channel. The sea and horizon is an ever-present constant in Roedean life and gives us not only fresh air, but a fresh perspective. I have been reminded this week of how lucky we are to live within the wide open spaces of the National Park and to be so close to the sea. Our Chapel Services this week have reminded us to consider our connection with nature, and how we interact with it. This is particularly important at the current time, and Roedean’s staff and girls have been enjoying our wonderful outdoor spaces to be explored. All the girls are enjoying being outside during their breaks and lunches, the sports fields and pitches have been busy, and girls have been engaging again with our Farm. Some of the girls have captured wonderful images of the

Macmillan Charity Event

School this week – the grey skies are very different to the amazing clear, blue skies last week. I am also very pleased to see the newly installed Cricket nets, which were donated by an OR, being used and enjoyed just below the School. The week has ended with a Macmillan Coffee Morning, which is an important annual tradition at Roedean, and I am glad that we have been able to adapt this to fit the current situation. I hope that everyone enjoyed a cake, while raising lots of money for this very worthwhile charity. Thank you to our ‘star baker’ of the week, Ruth, who has made 1,000 cakes to support this charity event. I wish you all a lovely weekend, and good luck for next week.

Year 7s on the Roedean Farm

Fantastic Donated Cricket Cages


25 September 2020 - Issue 3

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special.

Bo Ana and Saskia for creating a catchy new Geography song to the theme of Frère Jacques, to help GCSE Geographers remember the processes of coastal transportation [JS]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls. Mr Johnson (Theatre) for his amazingly positive attitude supporting the Art department with all the extra sorting and cleaning – he is so adaptable, and we are very appreciative [SSN]

Miss Ray (Theatre) for really making sure we have technical support and fixing the projector, as well as taking on a new role in IT and as Art technician! [SW]

Classics Webinar with Natalie Haynes On Tuesday this week, Sixth Form Classicists had the wonderful opportunity to attend a webinar given by Natalie Haynes, an author who writes about the Classical world. She spoke about her new book ‘Pandora’s Jar: Women in the Greek Myths’, in which she explores 10 women from the Classical world including Pandora, Medusa, Medea, the Amazons, and others. ‘Her enlightening comments about misconceptions related to gender and women in the Classical world brought a new perspective for those studying Classical Civilisation, particularly as, in one of the modules, we study the roles of men and women in Ancient Greece and Rome. We especially enjoyed her Question and Answer session at the end, where we got to submit our questions and general wonderings about her research, upcoming works, and her opinions about Classical writings. We would like to thank the Classics Department, and especially Miss Hindle, for giving us the opportunity to attend.’ Nour (Yr13)

Indigo’s Art video Congratulations to Indigo (Yr8), who has made this gorgeous film… it is so relaxing, but also very beautiful! https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=n87Mq35MFwc

Mr Tompkins (Theatre) for being a real help to the IT department at the busiest time of year and when we were short staffed [MC]

Music Scholars’ Recital

Monday 5 October

On Monday 5 October, we will be delighted to bring you the first music recital of the year. This will be a fantastic opportunity for the Roedean Music Scholars in Years 7-13 to showcase their wonderful talents. The current situation means that we cannot have a live audience in the room, but this event will be live streamed on the Roedean Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/roedeanschool at 4:15pm, so that you can still enjoy it live! The recital will also be recorded, so that you can watch it at your convenience.

Mr Borsoi (Sport) for spending his Summer holiday recording over 30 hockey videos to help stretch and challenge all our hockey players [KWA]

The programme will include music by Gershwin, Schumann, Mozart, Strauss, and more, so we are sure that you will enjoy the wonderful range of music included.

House 2 Macmillan Coffee Morning Prep House 2 girls were busy this week, creating badges and making up bags of goodies for the Macmillan Coffee Morning – we hope the event raises lots of money for this brilliant charity.

Roedean Art is now on Instagram - please follow us: https://www.instagram.com/roedeanartstudio/

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25 September 2020 - Issue 3

Chapel – Nature Our Chapel services with the theme of nature have been led by Ms Keller this week. The service began with a lovely poem, recommended by Ms Earl: The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. Two Year 7 students, Bella and Farwa, then shared their thoughts on the importance of nature at the current time: Bella: Lockdown presented everyone with many challenges. Whether it was adjusting to online learning, or being deprived of a social life, there were many obstacles to overcome.

However, while we were being challenged by this difficult situation, the environment was thriving. Cars stayed at home, aeroplanes were grounded, factories were shut, and ships stayed in port. This led to cleaner air, less pollution and a reduction to the noise we are normally surrounded by. During lockdown, many of us took up new hobbies. Be it gardening, or hiking, cycling, or running. You'll notice with all these examples, they have something in common - being out in the environment and at one with nature. With more free time to use in lockdown, many people reconnected with nature and found hope in its peace and beauty. It gave many people a place to escape the chaos of the pandemic. Farwa: Lockdown: a scenery of silence, of calmness, of peace. A moment of relief for the planet and its reconnection with its inhabitants. Slow in one go. Many of us found a friend in nature. And the connection between nature and wellbeing is becoming more and more recognised. A poll commissioned by the National Trust revealed how an increased relationship with nature appeared to have helped people across the UK because it increased their happiness and wellbeing.

Year 7s on the Roedean Farm It has been brilliant to see the Year 7s enjoying the fantastic weather this week, while getting up close with the animals on the Farm. This week, they have taken their learning outside the classroom during Science lessons, and others have taken part in Farm Club as part of the cocurricular programme.

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And a close relationship with the natural world leads people to do good for nature in their everyday behaviour. After all, there’s no wellbeing without nature’s wellbeing. Lockdown showed that there is a chance that it opened the eyes of the public to the care our home needs. With drops in light pollution, the skies became clearer, the stars more dazzling and the moon ever brighter. Also, these sightings were mixed with pleasant bird song, to fill the silence of lockdown. Without the sounds of the normal hustle and bustle of city life, birds had less to compete with. With the world at a stand-still, it did bring its challenges. However, we all experienced a side of the world which we never had seen before. To protect this sight, we need to take aboard the changes in our environment. When we are so focused on our own health, what about the health of Mother Nature? Perhaps we can use this crisis, which has brought us all together in these distressing times, to work on the other situation as so many of us know as ‘Climate Change’. We still haven’t escaped from its effects but maybe, just maybe, lockdown has raised our awareness of the situation. To do better for our world.


25 September 2020 - Issue 3

How do you stay fit? How do you stay fit? What do you enjoy doing? What gets you out of bed in the morning? We would love to hear from pupils, parents, and staff about what you do to stay active. Email Miss Wakeling, kwa@roedean.co.uk and we will print some of your ideas in the Head’s Review next week to inspire others. Here is what the members of the PE department get up to:

Miss Wakeling – my Bolton Ironman was cancelled at the start of April, so I kept up my fitness by creating my own ironman course, swimming 2.4 miles in a local lake, cycling 112 miles, and running 26.2 miles.

Mr Campleman – in the summer holidays I bought a bicycle and have been able to explore Brighton and keep fit through cycling.

Miss Bamford – I found lockdown really tricky, not being able to play netball or hockey. I spent lots of time working on my netball-specific fitness, following along my favourite England players’ fitness sessions live on youtube, and completing fitness and yoga classes on Zoom with Miss Hammond. Now that netball is allowed again, with the modified rules, I have survived two trials, and made it back into the National Premier League team for the second season. I am really excited to be back training and hopefully the league will resume soon!

Ms Bodsworth – during lockdown it was incredibly tough not to be running around the sports field all day, especially given the glorious sunshine we were having! Instead, I took on Shaun T's 90-day fitness challenge, completing a high-intensity interval training session in my living room most days. I also took advantage of living by the coast and regularly went running along the cliff tops, which was a great escape from being in lockdown. I've set myself personal fitness goals which have helped motivate me to keep going now we are back at school.

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Creative Competition Winners! The joint winners of this week’s competition for ‘The Day the Queen Realised She Had Been Betrayed’ were Lydia in Year 8 and Amelia in Year 9. The judges loved Lydia’s visual presentation of metaphor, and Amelia’s imaginative use of rhyme and a deceptively matter-of-fact voice. Well done to both! This week’s prompt is: A Rabbit in the Headlights Spend no longer than an hour on your creative response, which can be a poem, a picture, a story, a piece of music, or even an essay if you would like. Entries to HBO by Wednesday morning. Good luck!

25 September 2020 - Issue 3

The day the queen realised she had been betrayed The queen was proper. The queen was prim. The queen had vaults filled to the brim. The queen was kind. The queen was fair. The queen was rich beyond compare. The queen was great in every way. But people Get greedy And that leads them astray... The queen woke with a yawn and a stretch of her arms, She stretched out her fingers and stretched out her palms, Then she sat up and called, ‘Marie, come in please!’ But the only person listening was the gentle breeze. The queen waited and waited, but Marie didn't come, So she got to getting dressed with a happy little hum, When ready for her day, she strode to the door, But the door didn't want to open anymore. The queen remained calm, and listened for someone near, Feeling safe and devoid of fear, She heard a noise, and gave the door a knock, But all she heard was a laugh through the lock. The queen shouted, “hello! Can someone come free me? I'm behind this door, you can't see me!” And a voice answered! It was Marie! But Marie said, “don't try to escape, I've got the key!” The queen listened as Marie sniggered, and her footsteps faded, Was Marie doing this by choice? Was she being persuaded? The queen loved Marie, her favourite maid, But the only explanation was that she'd been betrayed. “This couldn't be! Why would she betray me?” Came the queen's shout, bordering plea, She didn’t like the logical conclusion, But the queen was not one to chase delusion.

Sprint Triathlon and Beach Tennis Well done to Miss Cheesman and Miss Wakeling for getting into the sea for a BTRS Sprint Triathlon event which consisted of a 750m swim, a 10km bike ride, and a 5km run. Miss Cheesman also participated in a Beach Tennis Charity Tournament, raising money for Kennedy St Cio and celebrating 10 years of Beach Tennis UK.

I have been betrayed! Knew the queen, She knew this would come from the age of thirteen, Betrayal as a queen was to be expected, People wanted the gold that she collected. The queen was sad, but she expected no less, She was a good ruler, but I digress, Loyalty’s strong, strong enough to break swine… But none of that matters when money’s on the line.

Karate Well done to the Year 7 and 8 girls who threw themselves into their first Karate session back with Mr Asquith.

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Fantastic Donated Cricket Cages At the beginning of this term, two cricket cages were installed on the main cricket field to enhance the facilities available to the girls further. The cages create a safe area for batting and bowling, as they enclose the batter and prevent cricket balls being hit into other areas of the field – this also allows the bowler to quickly retrieve their ball, so they can spend more of their time practising to bowl. The wickets and cages were kindly and generously donated to Roedean by an Old Roedeanian parent.

Hockey The Year 10s enjoyed a fun-filled hockey session in the sunshine, focused on two-vs-one elimination techniques. Mr Couldrake, the School’s goalkeeping specialist, took three of the under 15 goalkeepers for small group session, looking at movement around the inner circle. The under 15 coach, Mr Perry, noted that the girls showed fantastic technical ability and effort, and that they have started the term on the front foot.

Roedean Horse Riding Gear Jasmine (Yr7) is ready for some upcoming horse-riding competitions, and we cannot wait to see the girls representing Roedean in a number of NSEA events as soon as it is safe to do so.

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25 September 2020 - Issue 3

25 September 2020 - Issue 3


Amelia’s Race For Life

Amelia doing the Race for Life in 2017

This year’s Race For Life is on 26 September. Roedean has participated in this race every year and the girls have had lots of fun doing so, but it is going to be different for 2020. But, after a year where many vital cancer trials have been delayed, it is more important than ever to support this event. This charity is close to Amelia’s heart as her Grandfather carries the BRACA cancer gene, and has been involved in medical trials. It’s not too late to get involved this weekend – you can sign up on activities.cancerresearchuk.org or sponsor Amelia on her Giving Page https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/ amelias-very-2020-race-for-life-23

Isabella in the U17 London Pulse Hub! Congratulations to Isabella (Yr10), for winning a place in the London Pulse U17 Hub. London Pulse is a team based at the Copperbox in London, and one of the UK’s leading Netball Clubs. This is an exceptional achievement, which was the result of long hours of filming which was sent in, along with 4 online and face-to-face trials. Isabella’s commitment and dedication to Netball is really paying off – she will be playing in a hub league where she will have the opportunity to play against all other hubs, such as Surrey Storm, once indoor matches resume. Well done!

Nia and Amelia in Brighton and Hove 1st Team Congratulations to Nia and Amelia (Yr10), who have been representing Brighton and Hove Ladies’ 1st team, which is currently playing in South Division 2. After their pre-season build-up, they have their first league game against Harrows HC this Saturday. It’s a fantastic achievement to play at this level at such a young age – well done!

Year 8 Athletics in the Sun

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

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