Head's Weekly Review - 27 March 20 - Issue 24

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27 March 2020 - Issue 11



Head’s Introduction

These are extraordinary times, but I have been incredibly impressed by the students and my colleagues for the resilience they have shown to cope with the very difficult situation we find ourselves in. I sincerely hope that you are all well. Online and off-site learning has largely been a new experience for most of us, students and staff alike, so I am very pleased that it has generally gone well in this final week of term. I am delighted that we have already received very many positive messages about the online materials on Sharepoint and access to members of staff via MicrosoftTeams, and also that the girls are gradually getting used to the ‘new normal’ of working remotely at home – thank you, and well done! There can surely be nothing stranger than a school with no students or teachers in it. Except for a small number of key-worker children and

a skeleton staff, this has largely been the case at Roedean for most of the week. It has been very disconcerting indeed, and I can hardly wait for the corridors to be full of bustling and noisy students again, once all this is behind us. It is at difficult times like these that having your friends and family around you is incredibly important, particularly if you are required to stay at home at the moment, as is the case in many countries around the world – although I normally often complain about social media and its overuse, in the current circumstances technology will help us all stay connected and feel part of our close-knit Roedean community.

for the wonderful food you have been supplying us with. This kindness has made such a very big difference to the guys that come into the centre. They all love the delicious hot food.’ Mr Weir, who also works with the charity, reported that the homeless were really touched by the School’s generosity, particularly because this might be the last hot meal they get for at least a month. I am also glad that the Catering Department donated all its remaining perishable goods to the Brighton Food Bank on Wednesday. It is our collective responsibility to cherish the community we are part of, and that will stand us in good stead at difficult times.

I am very pleased that we were able to provide fifty meals for the Off the Fence homeless at the Peace Monument in Hove on Tuesday, before lock-down took effect. An OTF volunteer wrote in to School to say, ‘I just wanted to thank you

The coming weeks will no doubt be difficult for us all, but I wish you all well, and I hope that you can, to some degree, enjoy the Easter break.

en by Writt ar 7) Ye ( Hettie


Just in case you wanted to sing Jerusalem to remind yourself of Final Chapel last week, click on this link and go for it!

Competition Time

Why not go on a Virtual Trip?

Competition We’ll be running a themed photo competition every two weeks. The first theme is:

‘Stripes or Spots’

Can you take a brilliantly arty or unusual photo which features stripes, or spots, or both?



through my


As a way of helping to keep our community together, even though we might be stuck inside miles apart in different places around the world, entering one of these competitions might be just what you need!

27 March 2020 - Issue 11

What’s life like where you are? People are finding all sorts of ways to lighten their spirits at this difficult time – we’ve seen musicians playing out of their windows on the news, opera from the roof-top,s and dancing on balconies. What’s going on where you live?

Competition Have you seen a really good film, heard a great new song, or read a brilliant book?

Submit your entries to Miss Boles (jbo@ roedean.co.uk), and the best will be featured in the next Head’s Review – the deadline for entries is Monday 20 April, but you can send them any time.



We would love to hear your suggestions and opinions – why not write a review, telling us why you liked it (or why you didn’t?!), so that others might listen to the music, buy the book, or watch the film too!


If you’re doing something slightly out of the ordinary to keep yourself sane while you’re stuck inside, like a 10k jog in your sitting room, or knitting a scarf for your poodle, let us know what it is and send us a photo!

whacky indoor activity

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27 March 2020 - Issue 11


look after a AND... n o your go al e u s c r u t o a b h neig Vir embr r w u e o n ‘ T the 4) page ’ e e l s ( a take norm on o ne wor of t k h e PE D e out par tme ca ll wit n t’s Spo h Jo rtin yo ur e Wic g Cha k l bake l s Gr an n y eng (alon g wit es h 1m (see other page s) a cake 5 ) fo r a ch at sing e Jerus ha c writ alem t wa re a a a e t o t p he top t es k a d Sh of you Blin lay p r ed ran d v e o t r i e c V e! co e be low) r e b e o ( e see pag (s l e 1) e G yer) h T la at lobeP Have you got 10 minutes to write a card to someone at the Blind Veterans' Centre? This is a difficult time for us all, but for some it is harder than others. Seven students from Year 8 and a Year 12 CAP group have been visiting our neighbours, the Blind Veterans, regularly all year. The students love going and the residents love their visits! Many of the residents are elderly and some have underlying health issues, so the centre has been in lockdown for over two weeks already. This means that the activities they usually participate in are severely reduced – they are not able to leave the centre, and sadly visits from their loved ones are also no longer allowed. The residents are finding the situation extremely worrying and challenging, and it could go on for a very long time.

It would be amazing if you could take just a little time to write to the residents, or send them a personalised card. With Easter just around the corner, this is a perfect opportunity to send a best wishes card. The residents would love to hear from you and to know how you are coping during these difficult times – if you are feeling brave enough, you could even do a voice recording that will be played to them in their regular morning newspaper meetings!

via G (Free

Well done to Poppy!

If you would like to send anything, please post it to Mr Wilson, in House 4 at School, and he will collate and pass on. If you would like to do a voice recording, please email it to gwi@roedean.co.uk.

Congratulations to Poppy (Yr7) for your efforts in baking cakes and sharing awareness of Down Syndrome Day, on 21 March. It was great to see you engaging in meaningful conversations as you sold badges and cakes to your peers and staff. I am delighted that you managed to raise over £31 – well done!

This is a wonderful opportunity to support our neighbours and make a genuine difference in these most difficult times.

This is a wonderful opportunity to support our neighbours and make a genuine difference in these most difficult times.

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27 March 2020 - Issue 11


1. MoMA

2. The Louvre

3. Solomon R Guggenheim Museum

(The Museum of Modern Art)

Why not have a look at some of the famous pieces in the world’s largest art museum – there are free online tours of three famous exhibits, including Egyptian Antiquities

Works by Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Jeff Koons, and Franz Marc are just some of the 625 artists whose work are a part of the Guggenheim’s Collection Online

5. The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

6. National Museum of the United States Air Force

There are 360-degree room-by-room tours of every exhibit in the museum

If aircraft and military weapons are your thing, then visit the USAF’s official museum

New York’s extensive collection at this iconic museum is available to view online

4. Vatican Museum An opportunity to see the Vatican’s stunning Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, and Raphael’s Room, along with other sites on the Vatican's virtual tour

Why Not Go On A Virtual ‘Trip’?

The effects of social distancing or isolation might be leaving you feeling a little stir-crazy – even though you might not be able to go out, why not click on the links and try one of these completely free virtual tours to broaden your horizons, and help you break out of your four walls, even if it’s only virtually! If you do go on one of these ‘trips’, why not let us know what it was like?!

7. ThyssenBornemisza Museum

8. British Museum

Madrid’s must-see art museum has the works by some of Europe’s most celebrated artists, like Dalí and Rembrandt available online

The Rosetta Stone and Egyptian mummies are just a few of the amazing things you can see on a virtual tour

Both Virginia’s Langley Research Center and Ohio's Glenn Research Center offer online tours for free, and you can try an ‘augmented reality experience’ via The Space Center Houston's app

10. High Museum of Art, Atlanta

11. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

12. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

This museum’s popular online exhibits include "Civil Rights Photography", which capture moments of social protest like the Freedom Rides and Rosa Park’s arrest

The Golden Age of Dutch art is highlighted in this museum, which includes the work of Vermeer and Rembrandt

The 16 virtual exhibits include a special section on 21st Century Designer Fashion

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27 March 2020 - Issue 11


Are You up to the Challenge?

Mr Borsoi

Miss Bamford and the PE Department have been setting a series of sporting challenges, and it’s brilliant that so many of you are already having great fun with them! Watch this space – the first ones have gone so well, that I think there might be so more on the way! Our two @RoedeanSport challenges this week were:

1. The #StayAtHomeChallenge

Nikki (OR 2009-14)

How many keepie-uppies can you do with a toilet roll?!

Miss Hammond

Netball ShootOut Challenge

Maisie (Yr7)

2. The 1-Minute Netball Shoot Out

Eloise (Yr7)

Special Mentions:

How many shots can you get in one minute?! Lydia (Year 7)

Miss Bamford

Mrs Pittingale

Talya (Yr8) Strength & Conditioning

Lydia (Yr7) Tennis

g startin Molly ( Sept 20) , Year 7 Lara (Yr8) Swimming


Jamie (Yr7) Bow-sta

@RoedeanSport Twitter Tournament Missing your PE and Games lessons? Want to take part in a knockout competition versus your teachers, students and Old Roedeanians within the comfort of your own home?

Talya (Year 8)

The PE department are running an online knock-out competition on Twitter which we would LOVE for you all to be a part of. The rules are simple. All you need is one waste paper bin and twenty socks. You have 45 seconds to throw the socks into the bin and you MUST be at least 4m away. Your entry should be submitted via video to Miss Bamford (LBA) by the deadlines set each day/few days. If you are interested in taking part, please express your interest via email to Miss Bamford by 17 April. The tournament will commence the first Monday back (20 April). Get practicing and don't forget to follow us on twitter!

Ella (Year 8) Page 5


Reflections on Current Situation Yesterday evening, like thousands, perhaps millions, around the UK, I stood on my front doorstep and clapped to show my support for our doctors and nurses, and all those who work for the NHS. None of the staff of our health service would have heard my clapping, but that is not important. For them, and for me, it is knowing that we clapped and are proud, and that we are all part of a powerful community, and this ground-swell of feeling is shared by many around the world. When the virus first appeared in Asia back in December 2019, I was concerned about those in the Far East, and the members of our Roedean community with family there, but for me it seemed a long way from home. But COVID-19 is now on every continent, and Europe is its current epicentre. As countries across the continent go into lock-down, and we are getting used to a very different daily life, it is suddenly much more real. We have perhaps been far too slow to react, but I hope that we have now learned our lesson. This global pandemic has changed our thinking forever – it will take its place in our history books, live long in our memories, and its effects on business and society will no doubt last for years to come. There are over half a million cases worldwide of Coronavirus, and over 24,000 have tragically died, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel – nearly 123,000 people have recovered. Although we don’t yet know how treat those who have COVID-19, or really how to defend ourselves against it, health professionals around the world are taking huge personal risks, doing whatever they can to protect us and help those who have the virus to recover. Without wanting to be overly dramatic, in the face of COVID-19, the best way to support what they are doing right now is to show our solidarity and be proud of our shared community – so, to show that we are facing this together, stand up and cheer and clap as loud as you can! RB

27 March 2020 - Issue 11

No flower is too big, No sunshine is too small, Spring is coming, For everyone one of you all, aches, Sunbathing on beautiful be l creatures, And seeing all the wonderfu ying with your friends, More going outside and pla ver want to end, Spring is the month you ne bright today, The sun is shining extremely ooing it away, Scaring off the rain and sh ving barbecues, Giving us a nice tan and ha sing ‘Mooooooos’. ws co y pp ha te cu e th g in Mak having lovely walks, Helping with gardening and e a cool mohawk, Getting a fresh new style, lik e glistening sea, Swimming and playing in th be as chilly, Might be nice since it won't might be sad, When spring is gone, yes, we n, then we will be glad. But let’s enjoy it while we ca

Spring Poems by Maisie, Maria, Rida and Erin (Yr7)

Springing lambs dance through the meadows Popping flowers rise from their stems Ruby red ladybirds flutter through the sky. Indigo bluebells tickle your legs Newborn chicks hop through the farm Gorgeous sunsets sink into the sea. Flowers are growing And the earth is singing, ‘Welcome to this new beginning!’ Spring has sprung And we’ve begun To see the gifts that nature’s bringing!

Underneath the frozen ground, Plants were just asleep. As the sun shines, Shoots will start to peep. The world that seemed so grey and dull Has come alive once more! Begin again That’s what the spring time’s for! Page 6

Warm days are coming and the earth is singing, ‘Welcome to this new beginning!’ Spring is here So give a cheer

27 March 2020 - Issue 11


Reflections from this week's PSHE In their first PHSE remote-learning lesson this week, Year 7 were asked to write a ‘Grateful List’, and here are just a few of the wonderful submissions I received. From Angelica: • all my senses • being able to breathe without struggling • having no allergies • knowing any setbacks have formed me and made me stronger • my family • my friends • nature • my education • my health • having a roof over my head and a warm home • the kindness of people I haven't met before • clean water • not having to go hungry

Feedback from the Roedean Community Thank you for all the wonderful message of support which have been sent in to the School – here are just a few, which underline the strength of our Roedean community:

‘Dear Mr Blond – thank you for your letter which was really moving. We are so happy that Roedean is doing interactive distance learning. We think that the structure will help us get through this difficult time. We would like to say a massive thank you to you and your amazing team for the endless amount of work you have put into this. We are so grateful. Please pass on our gratitude to your team. We too cannot wait for the day the girls to get to see each other again.' (Parent)

the educational ‘We are so grateful for all at this time, support given to the girls the way on by and we are so impressed and with the , ed rt sta line learning has which have come levels of communication ut this crisis. from the school througho olved in this.’ Thank you to everyone invrents) (Year 10 and 12 Pa

From Alice: • I am so grateful for my friends, because they are always there for me and they always put a smile on my face • I am also grateful for the fantastic weather recently, because the sun is smiling and shining • I am also grateful for how lucky and privileged I am compared to others in need, and I do not take that for granted at all • I am also grateful for my health and wellbeing, because that is important • I am also grateful for my education, as I go to a great school and I have a kind and very generous Head of Year • Another thing I am grateful for is my access to food and that I have a variety of food • In addition, I am grateful to my pets who are excellent company • I also have a fantastic, supportive family who love me, and I am lucky that my parents work really hard and that influences me to work hard as well • Lastly, I am grateful for having water that is clean

‘What extraordinary times we are in, but what extraordinary care, communication and work all of your school team are doing. I wanted to say a huge thank you for everything being done. We are very appreciative of the calm atmosphere that has been created in the past weeks, and the work you are all doing to keep the girls learning and engaged, as well as parents fully informed. I couldn’t praise Roedean more right now, and know that my duaghter is in excellent hands. Please thank all of your colleagues across the school from us. Wishing you all the best.’ (Parent)

‘I took the long way home yesterday and stopped for a moment by a river out near Piddinghoe, and as I was sitting there for a bit a lady walked past me and asked me if I was on my way home from work. I replied that I was and she asked me what I did. I told her that I worked at a school and was working to keep lessons happening. At this point, she burst into tears and said that I should thank everyone at the school for ‘keeping things going for the youngsters’ – I was pretty moved and though I’d pass it on in these strangest of times.’ (Member of Staff)

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

1st Prize to Hettie Congratulations to Hettie (Yr7), who won first prize at the Springboard Festival, in the Grade 4-5 strings category – what a brilliant achievement!

u for organising the ‘I wanted to thank yo Please pass on our . school work this week It has maintained o. to thanks to all staff ntastic. My daughter ‘normality’ which is fa n timetable which ea has followed her Roed ble. In Activity 2 lua va she has found in ab session via house yesterday, she led an . I think their jaws :-) party, with 5 chums Whilst the current o! to e got a lot of exercis would just like to give I situation is unique, yone at Roedean, for our thanks too, to everset over the past few the example they have ament to the school st weeks. It is a true te d all her friends, er that our daught an regular basis on a who keep popping up on calm, relaxed, and e ar , various devices (!) s are doing ‘their bit’ happy. They themselve r, whether that be he by supporting each ot l activity, or morale ica ys on assignments, ph boosting.’ (Year 9 Parent)

‘I would again like to thank Roe dea the excellent provision, both in n for terms of high-quality online learning res our also what was provided on site ces and at sch on Monday. The protocols you hav ool place are very thorough and the e in resources were set up so quickly – we are very impressed!’ (Year 7 Parents)

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