Head's Weekly Review - 1 February 2019 - Issue 18

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1 February 2019 - Issue 4



Head’s Introduction The long-awaited snow has finally arrived at Roedean, and the School really does look beautiful. Mrs Newman asked us in Chapel this week to take advantage of every opportunity to be still and enjoy the beauty and calmness around us, and today will surely present many of this opportunities. I am very grateful to the Estates and Grounds teams for their hard work in keeping the buildings warm and the roads and paths clear during this period. I am delighted to hear news of some exceptional individual successes, particularly for girls lower down the School. Alex has performed excellently to be selected to compete for Great Britain in speed skating, sisters Amelie and India have qualified for the World Street Dance Championships in the summer, and Dawn has been to 10 Downing Street in recognition of her achievements in Chinese language competitions. All of these successes are the result of dedication and focus, and I congratulate the girls. Furthermore, I am also very pleased that some of our sports teams have had some great matches this week, and that Roedean girls will be representing Sussex for hockey. We have had two Year 9 Parents’ Evenings this week. I am sure that many important conversations were had, not least concerning which subjects to pursue next year when the GCSE courses begin. I would like to thank my colleagues for sharing their advice and experience, so that the girls make the best informed choices for next year. Looking forward, we have Parents’ Evening for Year 13 next week; this is a crucial time to take stock of exactly where the students are, so I hope that this goes well. I am looking forward to next week’s Chinese New Year celebrations. The girls are organising some lovely and informative cultural activities for the School to enjoy over the week, and I have no doubt that the fireworks on Tuesday evening will be as spectacular as ever. Good luck to you all for a wonderful week!

SE school Roedean’s the Top GC EBacc in the local area for the

Please see page 4

Alex’s Speed Skating – 17th in the world and representing GB

Please see page 9

Street Dance sisters to represent England at the World Dance Championships!

CNY Dawn visits 10 Downing Street for

Please see page 3

Please see page 3


1 February 2019 - Issue 4

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Mary M (Yr13) for stepping in at the last minute to present her Academic Lecture to the Roedean Academy [RB]

Fola J (Yr7) for supporting Year 7 girls every day this term to ensure the smooth running of morning tutor times in particular [JC]

Dara A (Yr13) for finding and returning my laptop! [RB]

Rachel W (Yr11) for continuing to attend and contribute to the TUP programme, even though everyone else is in Year 12 [HBO]

Anya I (Yr13) for volunteering to help with Parents’ Evening, and staying longer when she was not relieved [HBO]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

Miss Polawski for always being smiley and friendly, and doing such a good job of taking care of the grounds [Amelia M (Yr7)]

Mr Hawkes, Mr McWilliams, Mr Bischoff and Miss Champeness-Brooks for going above and beyond the call of duty by being on site in the very early hours of the morning clearing the routes and site of snow for staff, girls and visitors [AAN]

SSBA at Roedean On Friday 25 January, Roedean hosted 24 schools for the annual Southern Schools’ Book Awards presentation evening. Chaired by last year’s winner, author Lisa Heathfield, the event celebrated this year’s five shortlisted authors and culminated in the announcement of the winner: Will Hill’s After the Fire. Accepting the award, Mr Hill said, ‘It means so much to me that this award has been voted for by young readers, and I am so grateful.’ The evening could not have taken place without the generous volunteer spirit of Roedean staff and students; girls from Year 7 all the way up to the Sixth Form assisted in greeting our visitors and guiding them through the school, while girls in our Year 9 & 10 SSBA reading group hosted the shortlisted authors for a ‘meet and greet’ reception prior to the event. It was a fantastic and energised evening, spent celebrating readers and writers, and we look forward to next year’s SSBAs! CP ‘Our girls loved meeting the authors, and they’ve met Lisa Heathfield 3 times now and see her as some kind of BHHS mascot.’ – Brighton and Hove High School Page 2

‘Thank you so much for all your work in making last night such a success - it all seemed to go like clockwork which is full credit to you.’ – Brighton College ‘We had a great time and all were pleased that Will Hill won. Well done again for the smooth running of the Event, it never ceases to amaze me how your whole school is there helping out.’ – Ardingly College ‘We were chuffed that our unanimous vote for After the Fire which was our favourite to win was successful!’ – Woldingham ‘Our students were buzzing all the way back in the minibus and really enjoyed all of the authors talks and readings. They were especially delighted with SM Wilson and a couple of them were totally inspired by the fact that she is a writer and a nurse.’ – Roedean Moira House

1 February 2019 - Issue 4


Dawn visits 10 Downing Street for CNY Dawn T (Yr8) and Mrs Wu were honoured to visit 10 Downing Street and the Prime Minister on Thursday 31st January. They were attending a Community Day to mark Chinese New Year, and Dawn was one of 53 children from around the country.

Street Dance sisters to represent England at the World Dance Championships!

Dawn was selected after winning a number of Chinese cultural competitions and having had a story published in the Chinese press last year. Theresa May met the children and made traditional paper-cuts with them. The photos are of Dawn and Mrs Wu outside 10 Downing Street and of a paper-cut signed by the PM. We look forward to seeing some of the official photos. Well done to Dawn and Mrs Wu for being chosen for this visit.

Roedean is incredibly proud of the recent dance achievements of India and Amelie H in Year 7 and 10 – both competed at the Essex Street Dance Championships on 27 January, and India won two Top 5 trophies in Under 14 Advanced Solos and Duos. These results are just the latest in a long line of successes for her, including in the Quads and Team events in the South Coast Championships. India’s older sister, Amelie, won the Sussex Under 16 Advanced Solo category, an outstanding achievement, and she has also had great results recently, particularly in the Under 18 Advanced Duo category, with her partner Edith, who is in the year above at Brighton and Hove High School.

is all the more impressive because she is only 11 years old, and therefore has another 18 months in the under 14 category! India said, ‘I am so proud to have made it to the Worlds. It will be the most amazing experience to compete with the best in the world!’ Amelie has now qualified in three categories: Under 16 Advanced Solo, Under 18 Advanced Duo, and Under 18 Advanced Team. We cannot wait to hear how the World Championships go, and what an achievement for these sisters to represent their country!

Amelie and India’s successes in the most recent championships mean that they have both qualified to represent England this summer in the World Dance Championships, which are being held at the UK’s home of dance, Blackpool. Fantastic as this is in itself, India’s achievement

Strings Masterclass at Roedean On Monday, Roedean String players took part in a fantastic masterclass with Cellist extraordinaire Zoë Martlew. Zoë was delighted to work with a range of students from Years 7-13, who performed on the cello, violin, and guitar. Ms Martlew immediately put the girls at ease and was very pleased with the repertoire that the girls decided to play. There were Argentinian tangos, a flamenco guitar, and smatterings of Bach, Handel, and Mendelssohn. Ms Martlew drew the best from the performers and it was clear that she helped to develop various techniques – the girls found the classes extremely enjoyable. The focus was very much on how to communicate their sound and the phrasing of the music.

Some of the students performed in a teatime recital at the end of the day and they are to be congratulated on playing to such a remarkably high standard. Crystal played a modern piece on the cello, Katarina and Alissandra both played pieces by Handel, Saskia performed a lively Gigue, Ananya played a fiendish unaccompanied Prelude by Bach, and Freya closed the recital with part of the challenging first movement from Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, which she will play at the Brighton Festival Fringe Concert with the School Orchestra. Ms Martlew also gave a spectacular rendition of her own unaccompanied piece for Cello called Salat Babilya (A Babylonian prayer inspired by a composer from Iraq). It was a highly evocative piece and extremely atmospheric. A special thank you Page 3

must be given to the accompanist for the day, Mr. Wilson, who did a sterling job. Thank you to all those who attended to support the girls. SOB


1 February 2019 - Issue 4

Roedean’s the Top GCSE school in the local area for the EBacc We are incredibly proud that the girls’ GCSE results last academic year place Roedean as the highest performing school in the area in one category of the recently published Department for Education comparison tables. At Roedean, the students sit a combination of new specification GCSEs, with grades running from 9 to 1, and IGCSEs, with grades from A* to G. Students across the country have been taking a mixture of new and old specifications in this period of transition, and the IGCSEs are widely regarded as a rigorous qualification which provides an excellent springboard to success in the Sixth Form. The DfE tables are compiled using the new GCSEs and do not include IGCSE results in the data, so we have calculated the statistics combining both GCSEs and IGCSEs. Roedean is ranked first in the area for the English Baccalaureate, or EBacc, with a score of 8.5. The EBacc allocates points to a student’s best grades in the 5 pillars of the EBacc, (which are English, Maths, Sciences (this counts as two), Geography or History, and a Language), and the total is divided by 6. This qualification is designed to maintain breadth, in the same way that Baccalaureate does in Europe. The Department for Education also uses a variety of different criteria to measure schools’ success in relation to others. One is called ‘Attainment 8’, which has a score derived from 8 qualifications, including English and Maths

(which are both double-weighted score), 3 EBacc qualifications (Sciences, History, Geography, and Languages), and 3 other approved qualifications. In this measurement, Roedean came second in the area, with a score of 76.6, less than 4 points behind Brighton College. Furthermore, with 91.5% of girls achieving a 5 or above in English and Maths last year, Roedean is joint second in the area. It is wonderful to highlight the girls’ excellent GCSE results last year and to see that they compare so favourably with local competitors. JHO

Unleashing creativity on the Isle of Sheppey Twenty Sixth Formers taking English Literature spent this weekend among the remote mud-flats and festering swamps of the wind-swept Isle of Harty, on a creative writing residential trip. Ensconced in a cosy cottage, creativity was unleashed. Poems about favourite biscuits, prose pieces on the terminally morose and bereft gothic antihero Count Vlad, and improvised drama based on the collision of carefully constructed characters resulted.

Mr Woodhouse and Ms Whiteson cooked for the students, and forced them out into the biting January air to take inspiration from the emptiness of the skies, or at least to palely loiter by some withered sedge. The students are now reproducing their best writing for an anthology that will be printed soon. DWO

‘The memory of them, fun and games soiled by the drizzling rain and an encore of whispers of promises never to be fulfilled. It is in the shadows of their refrigerator light at one in the morning that they look out the dusty windows to see trees stripped of their summer glories, the resemblance between human and nature uncanny. Miscalculations litter their timeline, a tightrope she’s tried to balance for so long. This Isle of Sheppey, their last destination, a step towards a moment of finality she never predicted could come. Perhaps she should’ve known from the start. Because as the sea rises and spills onto land, the fortress they’d built found itself under attack, no longer able to stand. It was vulnerability at its finest, as the green-eyed monster emerges and their armour falls, leaving them to stare back at each other. She’s never heard a silence this loud. But this is the end, she supposes, when the castles they built fall down, and the glow of the flame flickers out.’

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Tricia T (Yr12)


Roedean Academy steps out of its comfort zone... After three weeks of core and enrichment sessions, (from Hard Maths and the Gothic to Chemical Smells, Sustainability, and Criminal Psychology), those attending the Academy heard an excellent lecture given by Mary in Year 13 on Constructivism and Futurism, followed by a tour of the School, and the day’s second session was a choice of workshops on Chinese Calligraphy, Steel Pans, and Bollywood. All the students really enjoyed engaging with something completely different. Next Wednesday will begin the final 3 weeks of the Academy this year, with core modules on Blake, Mao’s China, and Genetic Engineering, and enrichment sessions on poetry, Economics, American Politics, and Greek Tragedy, among others. RB

Cambridge trip

Roedean in the air waves! The Bus Route 14 have some exciting news: we were on Heart Radio! We emailed in with some ideas about how to improve the station, then, feeling less than satisfied with the reply, we decided to take more drastic action and phoned in. We then spoke with the presenter, Mark Watson, about our ideas and after some jokes with him we later received a shout out on the station. This shout out was not only for each of us by name, but also for Roedean, and the song he played made our journey home all the more enjoyable. We felt that this experience was not only exciting, but it was really a testament to the confidence Roedean has instilled in us that has allowed us to push for change in the wider community. Niah S, Jane S, and Paloma S

Alice won Sylvia the Snail!

It is a well-known fact that there are no hills between Siberia and Cambridge, so it was a brave and intrepid group, including 14 students from Varndean, that set out yesterday morning, despite forecasts of snow. The day was based at the beautiful Corpus Christi College, one of the oldest at the university. We received a wealth of information on preparation, and the application process for, Cambridge, as well as finding out some weird and wonderful facts about the college, including that the manuscripts held in the Parker Library are so valuable (roughly equivalent to the value of the Crown Jewels) that they periodically have to replace some of the oxygen in there with a non-flammable gas! Resources for supracurricular research will be shared with all pupils so they can pursue their academic passions beyond the classroom. Those who went really enjoyed the trip: Lottie M described it as ‘a really rewarding experience’ and Ellie F said, ‘it inspired us to think more conceptually.’ HBO Page 5

1 February 2019 - Issue 4

1 February 2019 - Issue 4


Alex is 17th in the World!

Echo’s stencil

Deepdene Goat Walk

House 3 Vinyl bowls

Oxbridge offers

Roedean Academy

Be an Artist for a day

ge buddies

St Mark’s Langua


St Mark’s Language bud

Enjoying the January Sun



Goats at luncht

Scholars’ Celebration Evening

Senior Cross Country Team at Waterhall Page 6


Miss Hindle’s musings on mindfulness

Chinese New Year’s next week!

I can’t sit still, it’s something I have to try hard to succeed at, and it’s the same with relaxing. Mindfulness for me wasn’t originally my choice, it was an obligatory part of my previous job, but I’m definitely a fan.

The Year of the Pig begins on Tuesday February 5, 2019, and House 1 staff have prepared a red envelope with coins in to give their girls. We are all excited to celebrate the coming week with all the girls.

It isn’t just about relaxation or falling still. It isn’t a bandwagon to be jumped on because a celebrity says it’s cool. I know mindfulness sounds like an easy thing to mock, but without it I’d struggle to stay still in lessons, something my Year 13s know only too well.


1 February 2019 - Issue 4

Australia Day in House 4 The House 4 girls celebrated Australia Day 2019 with homemade, build-your-own Aussie pavlovas!

Mindfulness is being present in everything you do, not responding on snapchat while your friend tries to talk to you, not wondering what lunch is while someone asks you what the Latin prep was. There are many different ways to practise mindfulness – for me that depends on the day, whether I sit to pause or go outside for mindful movement. However you choose to try it, make sure you do it because you want to. It is something we can all benefit from, quite probably, like me, without even realising. So take some time, even if it’s just out of curiosity, to try being there, being present, in everything you do. You’ll find it’s a lot harder than you think.

House 4 Boarders Making a Difference in the World The House 4 boarding students strive ‘to be the change they [you] want to see in the world’ (Gandhi). By simply smiling and greeting people around school, giving various items to the homeless people in Brighton, donating clothing during the winter months, and/or raising money to support various charity initiatives. Most recently House 4 supported Open Arms Malawi. This is a charity close to Mrs Wilson’s heart – they believe that every child has a right to survival and development. Open Arms works hard to provide essential care for Malawi’s orphaned and abandoned children, giving them a chance to achieve their potential. ■■

today 1,890 babies will be born in Malawi


320 will become orphans, half because of HIV/AIDS


87 will die before their first birthday from malnutrition or illness


Malawi is one of the world’s poorest countries


most Malawian families survive on less than £1 a day, but formula milk alone costs £20 a month, therefore keeping a baby alive is simply unaffordable


maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world and about 10 women die each day through childbirth

Tati and Amelie are the faces of Squadkit! Congratulations to Tati C and Amelie H (Yr10) who feature in the new advertising campaign for Squadkit UK and Schoolblazer, which provide our uniform. This amazing picture actually features on the main homepage of the Squadkit website.


3 million people have no access to drinking water, approx. 11% of the population are HIV+ and there are over 1,300,000 orphaned children

This is why Open Arms exists. To try and make a difference one of the charity initiatives within House 4 has been to raise funds and donate any loose change towards Open Arms and over the past months the boarders within House 4 have raised enough to purchase the following items: baby milk and the best start in life for 3 babies; a chance to Learn and Play at Nursery School for 2 young children; a Special Care Therapy Session for 2 young children; Village Essentials for 3 young children. Well done and thank you to the House 4 boarders – you have made a real difference in the world. We hope they may have inspired you too. SEW Page 7

1 February 2019 - Issue 4


Staff vs Student Football – a 5-5 draw! The highly anticipated annual Staff vs Students football took to the astro for the first time this season for an exceptionally well-spirited and competitive match. The two teams were evenly matched, and both showed great sportsmanship, teamwork, and skills. The girls showed no fear when looking to tackle the staff and both teams made accurate passes, great crosses, good tackles, and some powerful strikes. Thanks to the players and supporters for a lovely evening and, with the game ending a 5-all draw, we look forward to an early re-match in the summer to see if we can find a victor. The goal of the game was scored by Bryony (Yr13). CSI

Sussex Netball for Amelia and Bella Congratulations to Amelia K and Bella D (Yr8) who both play netball for Sussex Netball Club. Their squad plays U14 South East Regional Division 1, so this is great practice for them. Bella and Amelia also both train with Sussex County U14 Squad – Amelia was overjoyed to join the squad in Year 7, and was delighted when Bella joined her this season. Let’s watch this space to see what they can achieve…

Cross Country The U12/U13 Cross Country team had a great race at the Great Walstead Inter Schools event. Roedean were up against numerous schools around the county, and the course was a hilly 2.4km with lots of muddy patches. All our girls ran extremely well and managed to maintain their pace throughout. At first, the Roedean girls set off at a fast pace, so ahead of the next race it is important that our girls remember to not get carried away! Roedean girls came in close behind one another which was fantastic to see. The positions were 12th, 16th, 24th, 25th, 32nd, & 37th out of 66 runners. A huge well done to all! Roma T, Holly G, Talya H, Amelia K, Isabella P, and Rose O.

Netball on the RISE at Roedean! Netball vs Mayfield School - County Cup Although the weather stopped a few games from taking place, we still got 4 teams out on the Roedean Netball courts to play some competitive fixtures again Mayfield. What a achievement it was with Roedean taking the full sweep and winning all 4 games against our opponents. Netball really is growing at a large rate here at Roedean with the Junior teams in particular excelling this year racking up wins against Brighton College, Windlesham and now Mayfield. There is a demand for more teams than ever before with both the U14 and U15 age groups both able to fields 3 teams each. The PE Department is so proud of all you are achieving and that you are all so keen to play this exciting sport! If you would like any information on how you can play Netball outside school or join a local club, come speak to Mrs Pittingale in the PE Department or any of the lead Netball Specialists Miss Hyams, Miss Sparkes or Miss Hammond. GCR


Netball vs Windlesham – County Cup The U12As had another phenomenal performance against Windlesham House. They started off strongly and took the lead. They took on all feedback from past performances and played some of the best netball I have seen them play to date. Phoebe and Atlanta received oppositions’ player for their fantastic circle rotation, Atlanta also received coaches’ player for her work defensively, and Grace T received players’ player for a brilliant performance. Well done girls, and on to the semi-finals!

The U13A squad never fails to amaze at the moment! Their team work ethics and positive attitude is a delight to witness and the results are speaking for themselves! Ava L & Amelia K were superstars on Wednesday against Mayfield - lots of interceptions, lots of goals and lots of positive vibes! The whole team are excelling at the moment with all 9 squad members taking tothe court and playing their part. Well done girls, true Netball Roedeers! Never change! GCR


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Well done to the U13Bs who played brilliantly against Mayfield. We won 13-9, in an outstandingly skilful game. Congratulations in particular to Tia L and Izzy B. HHY


The U12A team had a fantastic result against Mayfield. They started off strongly, winning the first quarter 11-1, and they got the opportunity to try different combinations which enabled them to broaden their skill range. The girls were encouraging and positive towards each other from start to finish! The final score was 27-3 to Roedean. Congratulations to Tayla who received oppositions’ player, Phoebe who received players’ player, and Pearl who received coaches’ player. Well done girls!


The U12Bs pulled out their performance of the season this week against Mayfield. The girls were tested and tried in new positions, and even though they were out of their comfort zone, this did not affect their decision-making and movement, which was excellent. Our shooters were accurate from long range and made some brilliantly timed drives into the circle, which created frequent opportunities to score. The mid-court were using two movements effectively to get free and always had their hands over the ball to apply pressure, and the defence were superb at getting their feet in front and taking the ball cleanly with two hands. Overall, it was an outstanding performance, and all of the girls should be extremely proud of their performance.

1 February 2019 - Issue 4


Alex’s Speed Skating – 17th in the world and representing GB Alex had a busy weekend which involved an intensive four hour training session with her Dutch Long Track coach in The Hague on Saturday, followed by competing in Short Track on Sunday at the Nottingham Open. At the competition in Nottingham, Alex improved on her Short Track 500m previous personal best time by almost 1 sec (56.699sec), and, in so doing, she has now formally qualified for the ISU Star Class series next year. Alex is only the third female Under 17 speed skater in the country to have qualified for this elite programme with competitors from 14 countries across Western Europe (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland). This means that she is one of only 42 Junior D (U13) girls from across Europe who have qualified for the Star Class programme. She has improved her global ranking for the 333m and is currently ranked 17th in the world.

Alex has also been selected by UK Longtrack to represent Great Britain at two major European championships this year. The first of these championships being the ISU Country Match competition in Hamar, Norway on the 23rd & 24th February. Alex will be competing in a higher category than her current one (U15) as she has the qualifying time to be able to do so. She will be representing Great Britain at the Viking Race (the European Youth Championships) in

Heerenveen, Netherlands on March 1st & 2nd. At the end of March, Alex has qualified for, and will be competing in, two British National Championship competitions, namely the British Short Track Championships and the British Long Track Championships. We all wish Alex well, and cannot wait to hear how she performs!

Sussex Hockey – dramatic improvements! Congratulations to all those who have been selected to represent Sussex for Hockey. Two years ago, we had 1-2 players in the squad, and now we have 11-12, which is both an impressive achievement for them individually, but also highlights the positive impact having an allweather pitch on site is already having.

Alice M, Nia S, Isabella P, Amelia K, Erin S, Amy N, Talya H, and Ava L. ACA

On Monday, our U13A team won the In2Hockey Sussex Qualifier, which means Roedean will be representing Sussex in the Regional Hockey finals for the first time in years. This is a tremendous achievement, so congratulations to the team:

In2Hockey Tournament – we won! After a busy start of term playing netball, the U13A team turned their focus to hockey in the In2Hockey tournament at Eastbourne College. After a very lethargic start against Bede’s, the supporters and coach both seemed puzzled since the U13A team had played some fantastic hockey last term, which led to them being the team of the season. After a few home-truths and honest words, the team started to gain momentum and finally found the goal. As the tournament came down to the final games, the U13A team began to really demonstrate some lovely hockey – the attacking play was fast, composed, and, with some added

flair, goals started to happen naturally. The results speak for themselves: 0-0 draw against Bede’s 2-0 win against Claremont 2-0 win against Benenden 3-0 win against Brighton College 2-0 win against Blatchington Mill It was a fantastic team performance, led by the captain Amelia K. A special mention must also go to U12 goalkeeper, Alice M, who stepped in last minute and didn’t concede a goal! ACA

We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk



Mon 4 Feb

Year 9 Business Enterprise Day

Tue 5 Feb

Chinese New Year Fireworks

Wed 6 Feb

Netball U12A,B&C & U13A,B&C vs Seaford College (H)

Netball U15A & U14A SISNA (A)

Year 13 Parents’ Evening Thur 7 Feb

U18A &U16A SISNA Netball (A)

Sat 8 Feb

1st, 2nd, U15A&B and U14A&B vs Mayfield (H)

1st & 2nd Sevens Hockey vs Brighton College (H)

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