Head's Weekly Review - 22 November 19 - Issue 10

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U12 Netball under brooding Rodean skies

22 November 2019 - Issue 10



Head’s Introduction

I am always impressed and amazed by how busy and varied a single week at Roedean can be – the last 7 days have included a celebration of our School’s diversity, Roedean swimmers at the Olympic pool, an Oxbridge interview practice forum, great successes for our Junior Hockey teams, masterclasses from a Wind Quintet, a Prep School Hockey Experience Day, and individual successes and achievements for Niah, Amelia, and our street-dancers. Well done! It is fantastic to see so many fantastic examples of national dress and girls wearing something of cultural significance today for International Day. Roedean is a wonderfully diverse community, and for a variety of girls to share their experiences with great pride in our Chapels this week highlights this. Congratulations to Tricia and Shan, among others, for organising this day and the Chapel services. I am pleased to hear that the annual RoedeanLancing Oxbridge Forum and Dinner went well on Monday. Although in general few universities now interview before offering places, highly competitive universities and courses, such as Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, do still do so – the opportunity to practise interview technique is therefore very important. I am grateful to my colleagues who went to Lancing and to their members of staff who conducted the interviews. Thank you to the Sports Department and Admissions for running a very successful Hockey Experience Day, to which we welcomed 92 girls from Prep Schools, along with Kate Richardson-Walsh, one of our brilliant Sports Ambassadors. The girls developed their skills during the day, working in small groups on carousels, and they also enjoyed a presentation given by Kate, hearing about her experiences as a young sportswoman. I am sure that they all had a wonderful time! Looking ahead to next week, Ms Boobis and Elsie have designed an amazing programme of activities and lectures for Academic Week, including Hustings on Tuesday afternoon with four local parliamentary candidates. The week’s finale will be the ‘Around the World in 80 Minutes’ gala concert – good luck to the Music Department and all our musicians and singers. I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Hockey Experience Day with Kate Richardson-Walsh On Thursday, Roedean hosted a Hockey Experience Day, featuring one of our Sports Ambassadors, Olympic Gold medallist, Kate Richardson-Walsh. Over 90 pupils experienced the variety of opportunities that Roedean Sport has to offer. Our senior Sports Scholars, Jemima, Eloise, Serena, Sophia, Esme, and Jess, coordinated an outstanding strength and conditioning session, which combined competition and fun, providing a taster of our morning sessions as a Roedean Sports Scholar. Kate Richardson-Walsh and our National League hockey staff (Mr Perry and Mr Borsoi) provided a carousel of engaging and educational hockey masterclasses on the all-weather pitch under the lights, offering every girl an opportunity to develop

throughout the day. Before leaving to attend an Awards Ceremony up in London, Kate RichardsonWalsh gave an inspirational talk, offering her own experiences to the girls, ensuring they know their super strength, and that failure is a good thing. The afternoon was a great spectacle, with all 92 girls on the astro playing lots of fun and engaging hockey games, coordinated by the Roedean hockey staff. It was a fantastic day for Roedean Sport, showcasing our excellent facilities and the fantastic quality of coaching. Special thanks must go to the Year 8 helpers who hosted so well, and to the Admissions team for organising such an excellent event. ACA

Rottingdean Fieldtrip

Niah’s a Digital Champion for Childnet

Roedean International Day

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22 November 2019 - Issue 10

Unsung heroes in the spotlight Each week, many wonderful things happen at Roedean, about which many in the school are perhaps unaware; this section of the weekly review is dedicated to ‘unsung heroes’, in order to draw our attention to these people and remind us that our community is special. Elsie (Yr13) for the truly superb job she has been doing behind the scenes for Academic Week [HBO]

Tricia and Shan (Yr13) for organising and driving forward International Day [RB]

Each week, a member of staff who has gone above and beyond the call of duty can be nominated by their colleagues or the girls.

Mr Carter, Miss Clarke and Miss Barnes for organising such a smooth and well-received day for our Hockey visitors [JBO]

Senior Team Maths Challenge 2019 On Thursday 14 November, Jessy, Shirley, Sukie, and Lily represented Roedean at the regional Senior Team Maths Challenge competition at Lancing College. The competition is organised by the UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) and the AMSP (Advanced Mathematics Support Programme), and consists of three rounds of demanding Maths activities. Our team got off to a good start in the Group Round, in which they had to solve ten problems in forty minutes, and they collaborated effectively. Next came the Cross-Number Round; the team had trained hard for this and completed it with maximum points, and with fourteen minutes still on the clock, beating the other teams handsdown! The final round, the Shuttle Round, was intense and fast-paced; it proved to be very challenging. At the end of an exhausting but enjoyable afternoon, we were placed 12th against strong competition from 19 local schools, and, during the taxi ride back to Roedean, plans were already being made for training in preparation for STMC 2020! JTH

Politics MUN trip to Croydon

Year 9-10 Boarding Social

On Saturday, seven Year 13 Politics students attended Croydon High’s annual Model United Nations Conference. Sophia, Mia, Grace, Tricia, Mint, Rata and Annie were excellent delegates, tasked with representing Finland and Hungary. There were plenty of spirited debates, as delegates from over 25 schools discussed topics from deforestation to LGBT rights. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the United Nations, a key topic in our Global Politics course. We are incredibly grateful to Croydon High for hosting such a well organised and welcoming conference. Many thanks also to Miss Vasquez for accompanying us on the trip.

Fifty girls from all Houses enjoyed a brilliant Games Night, with pizza and lots of dancing! They played Dobble, Connect4, Jenga, and Twister, and well as enduring challenges like the ski-sit! Well done to Chloe and Ashley, who managed the longest – 16 minutes! Everyone had a brilliant time – we must do it again! NSH

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22 November 2019 - Issue 10

National Kindness Day The girls in 9T all carried out acts of kindness towards each other and embraced all things ‘kind’ on National Kindness Day. Our aim is to carry this forward and beyond, to always treat others how we would love to be treated. GCR

Rottingdean Fieldtrip The Year 12 Geography squad took a Monday afternoon trip to the lovely town of Rottingdean, our near place case study. We were accompanied by a local resident, Mr Fieldsend, who took us on a guided tour around the beautiful village. We started at the sea and worked our way up to the windmill on Beacon Hill, where we even saw the top of Roedean! We were able to ask him as many questions as we liked, so by the end, we had a well-rounded knowledge of an insider's perspective of Rottingdean. This included visiting the pirates’ grave, the windmill, and finding out about the smugglers’ tunnels. Thank you to Mr Sheriff and Mr Fieldsend, who allowed us to experience such a great opportunity, and even to get some snacks at Tesco at the end! We are now enjoying analysing our findings for our near place case study report.

Romeo and Juliet at Roedean Some Year 10 students had the treat of a private, in-school performance of Romeo and Juliet, to aid their writing of coursework on that play. The performance was put on by local company, Bowler Crab, and was highenergy, entertaining, and moving in equal measure, even if Romeo was described by one audience member as ‘not quite Leonardo di Caprio in his prime’! Despite the tough crowd, the story of the star-crossed lovers went down a storm. Thanks go to Ms Bourne for organising the event. DWO

The Project Amelie (Yr11), Lola (Yr10), Laila (Yr9), and India (Yr8) will be performing in ‘The Project’ at the Sallis Benney Theatre in Brighton on Saturday 30 November and Sunday 1 December. The Project is a series of short dance pieces, performed by the talented dancers from Visual Poets and Project Female. Fusing cutting-edge choreography with an innovative use of costumes and props, the pieces come to life to take each audience member on a unique journey. ‘The Project’ will take you through an array of emotions, tackling subjects such as discrimination, mental health, identity, and twisted love stories. There are eight groups, telling eight different stories – which one will you connect to? Do come and support them! Page 3

22 November 2019 - Issue 10




am Hi, I’m Ayla in Year 13, and I t tha ntry cou a , from Azerbaijan e uag lang a i, ijan rba Aze aks spe closely related to modern Turkish, and I also speak Russian. When I first arrived to Roedean, my knowledge of the English language was limited, making it difficult to understand certain terminology in lessons and I was too shy , talking to all of you in to do what I am doing right now environment Roedean ve isiti Chapel. Nonetheless, the inqu self forward for leadership my put to me ired creates has insp ud of who I am and pro be opportunities and to always n here, the more I’ve bee I’ve er long The . where I’m from learn about different to is ne ryo recognised how eager eve w what my home country is cultures. Now, more people kno e studies in my Economics cas in called and it is often used fident in my English skills, and lessons. I’ve grown more con t I can stand in front of all of tha Roedean’s diversity means am from Azerbaijan’. you today and say proudly, ‘I

Our unique stories are what help us connect in the first place. When Tricia and I first met, the first thing we said was obviously… Hi! We then began talking about where we were from and learnt more about each other! It was then that I realised that there are so many beautiful places I would like to explore in this world, no matter how foreign they may seem. There is a beauty in learning about and celebrating our differences, no matter how daunting or unfamiliar it initially is. We were very excited to see the girls participate in the photo booth and face painting activities in the library, and we had a lot of fun talking to each other about the places we’ve been to or grown up in. Without Tricia, Sophia and the boarding prefect team, none of this would have happened, so we are also greatly thankful for their help. Shan (Yr13)

We hope that some of the stories being shared and the traditional dress and costumes from around the world today have inspired each one of you to share your own journey with others. Shan and I have worked tirelessly together to create a memorable International Day, so we are extremely proud of everyone’s contributions today, as we both agree Hi my name is Jacqueline that it is such a in Year 12, and I come from beautiful thing to Beijing, the capital of China. It’s a bustling city that receives see so many colours a lot of international imports around the school. from all over the world. As a A special shout out result, I grew up used to an to Rata and Mint, international perspective in who were so helpful my country. Beijing is a really with the Spring Roll modern city and we love a making activity on good party and we love food… Thursday night! but we don’t eat dogs. I had to say that because everyone We may all have always asks me if I eat dogs. different trees I joined Roedean in Year 9 and found a strong international of ancestry, but commun ity. This was so important to me as it helped me to it is ultimately feel at home at Roedean. I have made friends from all over our similarities, the world, each of whom I cherish very much. Celebrating quirks, and Internat ional Day has made me proud to show and teach my unique identities friends and teachers about my heritage. Studying overseas that make was an opportunity for me to learn about British culture and Roedean such a become independent away from home, but in the years I have special family. been here I have also been teaching the people around me Tricia (Yr13) about my culture. This type of cultural exchange has defined my experience at Roedean, which is why International Day is so important.



have The quotation ‘you cannot Hi, I’m Sarah in Year 13. nt’ me tru plays the same ins an orchestra if everybody ortant. If we all had the imp is ity ers div y ns sums up wh be boring. Asking questio uld wo at same experiences, life wh r, eve how ng, nti seem dau about other cultures can r these questions is a greate ing ask m fro n gai can born you n bee ng avi is. H ual t individ understanding of who tha feel strong connections to s, I in England to Iraqi parent school s meant going to Arabic thi t, pas the In both sides. never ge, gua e speaking the lan ing every Saturday and despit hid ant me It e. nam ting my nds being able to get past wri frie my all tabbouleh when rnt my container of falafel and lea e hav I , now t Bu dwiches. e had ham and cheese san to learn more about it. Du has to embrace my culture and e itag her its of ch mu , asions to political unrest and inv and ortant for me to cherish been destroyed, so it is imp ine dic me in es anc adv , and celebrate the art, literature ten. so its history is not forgot which were made in Iraq,

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22 November 2019 - Issue 10



MALIKA Hi, my name is Malika in Year 11, and I’m from Malaysia. I beli eve that Roedean is a very diverse place and this is seen everyw here in school in the different culture s and backgrounds that student s in this school come from. For exa mple, my friends here celebrate Chi nese New Year and Cheng Beng, whi ch is something I also celebrate at home in Malaysia. I was born and raised in Penang, an island just off of Malaysia. I’d grown up stud ying at a British international school, so I was around various cultures while growing up – we celebrated a myriad of other cultures and traditional festival s, such as the Indian festival Dee pavali, Malay festival Hari Ray a, or Christmas. Malaysia is ofte n described as a ‘crockpot full of different cultures’, so when I came to Roedean I was so happy that it reflected a similar environment. I soon realised that similar to my home, Roe dean is a melting pot of dive rsity, where we can get a taste of loca l England as well as the more international side to it. The inte rnational part of this school has made me come to view Roedea n as a quirky family where we all seem different but fit in the sam e.

LEILA Hello, I’m Leila in Year 13. I come from a province in China called Yunnan, which hosts the most ethnic minorities in all of China. This has allowed me to grow up in an environment full of different people from all over the place. It also borders other Southeast Asian countries such as Laos and Vietnam, so I was also used to experiencing a melting pot of culture, influenced by other regions in Asia. When I first came to Roedean, I felt very shy and wasn’t sure I’d make friends. Now I know that I have a lot of friends that support me, despite our contrasting cultural backgrounds. We are always able to reach a middle ground and understand our different perspectives. I believe that a diverse community like Roedean fosters understanding and appreciation among all of us, both factors that are really important to maintaining a friendly and happy school. I’ve grown to encourage other girls similar to me to celebrate the cultural diversity here and reach out to people they may feel nervous to talk to at first. Although this is not my ethnic home, it is a place where I most definitely feel at home, as the international community has made me feel more welcome than anywhere else I’ve been.

Hi. I am Oyinda in Year 7. To me, diversity has always been about understanding and nurturing other people’s cultural differences, whether in background or religion among other factors. I come from Nigeria, but grew up in Essex, so I’ve been quite used to socialising in a community of different customs and traditions. h when I found out how That’s why I appreciated it so muc cultures at Roedean. r inquisitive people were about othe come to this school, the Although I was really nervous to smooth since I have ly real n bee transition has actually ld to share and enjoy our found friends from all over the wor n is a good steppingdea Roe that different cultures. I find worldly view, as I have learnt stone to seeing life from a more friends from places I may with te rela more and been able to ing here. not have known about prior to com

ZARA I’m Zara in Year 10, and I was born in London but the majority of my family is from Ang ola, which is between Zambia and Namibia. Nearly all of us in my family speak Portuguese, but my first languag e is English. In Year 7, PanPan and I shared a room as full boa rders – I thought it was really brave of her to come to Eng land, as English wasn’t her first language. So, to help the both of us, I decided I would help her develop her Eng lish language skills and she could teach me Thai. My poin t is that I’m extremely grateful for Roedean’s cultural dive rsity and appreciation for it, as I’ve made friends for life that teach me about their culture and language every day. To me, Roedean’s diversity means a great deal because eac h day we are able to foster understanding as well as celebrat e our differences, and it truly is a great thing.


British My name is Sophia in Year 13, and I’m g Livin an. Afric h Sout are nts but my pare around the world, I have been fortunate all enough to meet people who come from having walks of life. Despite being English and always some very strong British roots, I have ere and ywh ever ng felt international, like I belo who eone som As . time e sam the nowhere at nts who has lived in 5 countries and has pare and, this grew up in the darkest depths of Engl an from ing Com applied to me pretty well. d unde surro was I re whe ol, scho nal internatio ion coming to Roedean, a idat trep e som had by other expats like me, I sh. ly Briti However, this community is school that is seen as quintessential s being spoken around me and uage lang us just as diverse; hearing vario ays from around the world, I feel like celebrating a variety of national holid munity more. The diversity at com a to e relat I have never been able to ue, it is something to be celebrated Roedean is something special and uniq it creates to learn about other ities rtun oppo daily and recognised for the , even if we are thousands of miles cultures – we must never forget that d by a big, diverse, beautiful, unde surro all away from home, we are Page 5 international family.


22 November 2019 - Issue 10

Galliard Ensemble The Galliard Ensemble proved to be an extremely multi-talented group when they visited Roedean for the Wind and Brass masterclass on Monday. Not only were they exceptional players and performers, but they were also fantastic teachers. When showing the girls how to move when performing the Oboist even proved to be a pretty good dancer!! Each girl played a piece and the Ensemble members commented encouragingly on how to improve performance, giving useful tips on breathing, tonguing and especially on how to connect to an audience through movement. Pupils joined the Ensemble to play some lively South American dances and the Ensemble played some unusual pieces, one of which included spoken poetry about a confrontation between a chicken and a fox!

Amelia and ‘Pack for a Purpose’

All participants ended the day with a lively concert and good memories of a group of funny and amazing musicians. Everyone had a fantastic experience and especially enjoyed playing with the group. Galina (Yr8) wrote ‘Thank you so much for the incredible opportunity yesterday, I enjoyed it so much. I loved the part of the day where we got to play with the ensemble. I learnt so much and I do hope that there are more opportunities for wind ensemble playing.’ SOB

I am an Ambassador for the charity ‘Pack for a Purpose’, and I would like to promote the charity ahead of Giving Tuesday on 3 December 2019. I’m delighted to do so, as I have seen first-hand what a great concept this is. Since 2010, travellers have taken over 156,717kgs of supplies, for community projects around the globe. I took 40kg of school supplies with me when I went to work with my Dad. He is an airline pilot and, as we were only in South Africa for 48 hours, we could manage with one bag, so we used the rest of the luggage allocation for Borite Primary School. I checked on the website what specific supplies the school wanted, and my school friends and I donated the items. As you can see from the photo, I managed to pack a lot! If you are travelling over the festive season, the website www. packforapurpose.org provides current needs lists for over 500 projects in more than 60 countries. You can check if there is a project close to where you are visiting and what supplies they require. Alternatively, 3 December 2019 is Giving Tuesday and you can contribute directly to the charity via gofundme.com Scott’s Campaign for Pack For A Purpose Inc. This is to celebrate the founders’ 70th birthday. Thank you, Amelia (Yr9)

Niah’s a Digital Champion for Childnet Last weekend, as part of the Youth Advisory Board for Childnet, Niah (Yr11) had the opportunity to visit London and take part in workshops and activities surrounding how we can work towards stopping online sexual harassment. Part of this included the chance to visit Facebook HQ and interview a member of the Policy Team. This is extremely exciting, and we know that Niah will make an impact with this Project. In addition to this, Niah was also successful in her application and interview, and Childnet has chosen her to become one of their Digital Champions! This is what they wrote in their feedback: ‘We were pleasantly surprised with how Niah structured her answers to the task we set out. She displayed impressive forethought, and had clearly taken into consideration the prospective audience. She was enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with the other Digital Champions to improve the Childnet Digital Leaders’ Programme and educate her fellow students. We appreciated Niah making a point of acknowledging her privileged position, as it shows maturity and selfawareness that should stand her in good stead when it comes to collaborating with our other Digital Champions.’ We look forward to seeing the impact Niah can make as a Digital Champion – congratulations!

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House 3 Christmas Decoration Team Competition House 3 have been getting ready for the whole House Christmas Decoration Competition by undertaking their own mini competition in House. Each team had to decorate a Christmas tree and angel using craft materials given to them. The girls took this task very seriously, producing a selection of beautiful designs. It was very difficult to decide on the best decorations, however Teams 4 & 6 designs were chosen due to their innovative and creative use of the materials. We have one more team competition to go before the team winners are decided. The team with the highest number of points will win a pizza night for their whole team – everything to play for in our Gingerbread House Competition next week!

Academic Week: Tricks of the Mind We have a superb range of activities, lectures and experiences for pupils to explore the theme of ‘Tricks of the Mind’. This week, any given Roedean pupil will be able to witness some unbelievable science experiments, take part in our own version of The Chase, attend two lectures (for example ‘An Introduction to String Theory’ and ‘Tricks You Can Play on Your Mind and Tricks Your Mind Can Play on You’, participate in a Hustings event from the parliamentary candidates for Brighton Kemptown, enjoy a Roman feast whilst hearing from a Cambridge lecturer in Psychology on ‘Ghosts of the Mind’, meet Tim Marshall (Waterstones Award nominated writer of ‘Prisoners of Geography’), compete with friends to complete our student-led Alice in Wonderland escape room, AND enjoy an Around the World in 80 Minutes musical gala concert. What a week! We hope it inspires and excites pupils to learn, to pursue challenges, and to engage critically with the world around them. Pupils in Years 9 and 10 will also be able to take inspiration from the week for their Academic Mentoring Projects, which share the same theme.

Elsie and Academic Week Thank you to Elsie (Senior Academic Prefect in Yr13), who has done an incredible amount of work in the background to prepare for Academic Week. Not only is she an excellent leader of her team, she is a great communicator, reliable and exceptionally well organised, and has also managed a good balance between her academic work and her prefect responsibilities. Whilst preparing Academic Week, Elsie has also been preparing to deliver an Academic Lecture on Monday on whether Genomics is the Future of the NHS, and preparing for the rigorous MMI interviewing process, as part of her application to study Medicine at her chosen universities. Elsie isn’t just an Unsung Hero, she is the epitome of a role model – thank you! HBO Page 7

22 November 2019 - Issue 10


22 November 2019 - Issue 10

English Schools’ Swimming Association Team Championships These championships took place at the London Aquatics Centre on Saturday 16 November. The Junior team had qualified for this event at the County Championships in October, and the girls taking part were Natalya, Mollie, Holly, Constance, and Clara. The first event was the Girls’ 4 x 50 metres freestyle team. The girls did extremely well to equal their entry time, as this was a long-course event, and they finished 28th overall. The second relay for them was the medley, and they improved their entry position to 14th overall with a fantastic time. Overall, this was a great experience for the girls, swimming at the Olympic pool at a national event with every other major swimming school present.

Five Year 7 girls play at the Ron Easton Hockey Festival Well done to five Roedean girls in Year 7 who played in the Ron Easton Hockey Festival on Sunday. Erin, Orla, Grace, Olivia, and Tilly all also play for Brighton & Hove Hockey Club. They were split across 3 teams for the tournament, and each came away with some wins, some draws, and some losses. They all had a great tournament overall, and particular congratulations go to Tilly and Orla who also received medals as some of the Coaches’ Players of the Day. Congratulations.

Netball U12B vs Gildredge House – into the Second Round of the Sussex Cup!

The U12B team took on Gildredge House in the first round of the Sussex Cup. They played excellently in their first ever match for Roedean, taking home a convincing win, with 20 goals scored and 0 conceded. There was strength in evidence across the whole court – the shooters were consistent and their movement in the circle was excellent, the defenders worked tirelessly to get interceptions all over the court, and the mid court players linked the play nicely through the middle. It was an excellent start for the U12B team – onto round 2!

U13As vs Walthamstow

The U13A Netball team went out strong against Walthamstow. They went straight up in the first 5 minutes, then settled and Walthamstow came back at them to finish the first quarter 8-7 up. Roedean had a weaker 2nd quarter and were down by 9 at half time. The girls defended well, but struggled with through-court links to get themselves back in the game. We stormed the last quarter, winning it, but unfortunately it wasn't quite enough to get the win. The girls were determined throughout and displayed some excellent Netball – they should be very proud of themselves. The Players’ Player was Atlanta, the Oppositions’ Player was Ella, and the Coaches’ Player was Pearl – well done girls!


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22 November 2019 - Issue 10


Hockey – 8 fantastic wins for Junior Hockey vs Mayfield!

Roedean Christmas Fair


The U13Cs had a fantastic match against Mayfield. The girls went out strong despite the cold weather! They worked seamlessly down the pitch and had the majority of the possession. The girls had more confidence striking at goal and they were moving the ball around the D effectively. A great performance - well done girls a fantastic team effort!


The U12Bs started strong and played some of the best Hockey they have played all season. From the start, Roedean kept possession of the ball and created plenty of goal-scoring opportunities. The defensive team of Madison, Constance, and Izzy was fantastic at stopping the ball before it reached the D, and Fen, who played up from the C team, made some excellent saves when the ball did reach her. Chloe distributed the ball well from midfield out to Orla, Eloise, and Freya on the wings. Tildy showed her versatility adapting to the new position of centre forward, as well as on the wing, and Alya was voted Player of the Match for her superb goals and her skill in outwitting the defence. It was an excellent 2-0 win – well done!


Our U12C team had a fantastic match versus Mayfield. Roedean held its formation well and worked well as a team throughout – we started the game off by keeping possession and utilising the space well. The final result was a 7-0 victory to Roedean. A huge well done to all that played, and special mention goes to Lydia and Megan who scored, but particularly to Ellen, who scored 5 goals in the game!


The U12D team ventured to Mayfield to play their first competitive fixture against another school. All 10 girls played their socks off, taking home a convincing 3-0 win! Special mention goes to Joanna, who scored 2 goals and was calm and collected with the ball, and the GK, Millie, who kept a clean sheet. It was an excellent performance from a strong Year 7 side!

Are you already looking forward to Christmas? This year’s event has a fantastic Harry Potter theme, and it will be brilliant. If you have anything you would like to donate to the Parents’ Guild for the event, you can drop off any raffle or tombola prizes in the Houses – if you are leaving alcohol, please drop it off personally into the House Study! The Parents' Guild would welcome any pledges for baked good to sell in the café, Harry Potter themed-bakes especially welcome. Please send your pledges to parentsguild@roedean.co.uk. Thank you in advance, and, of course, parents and guardians are welcome to come – you might find some cracking stocking-fillers!

U12A and U13A,B&D to come next week...

U14B Victory vs Hurst The U14B team played their hearts out during their games lesson last Thursday to beat Hurstpierpoint 1-0. The team worked on spacing and positions, making sure that they were performing their role. This was challenging for some of the girls, as, with a large squad of 19, we were able to give the girls a go in a number of different roles on the pitch. The score represented a team effort, but well done in particular to Laurine and Edrea, who were playing their second match, and Lila, who led large sections of play. Phoebe was nominated Player of the Match by the opposition.


We welcome contributions from all parts of the Roedean community. If you have something you would like featured in the Headmaster’s Weekly Review, please email: marketing@roedean.co.uk

JJ What’s Coming up IN THE



Mon 25 Nov

Academic Lecture: Forensic Psychology

Tue 26 Nov

1st Netball County Cup vs Worthing College (H) U15A Hockey vs Brighton College (H)

Wed 27 Nov

Junior House Hockey

Thur 28 Nov

Author Event: Tim Marshall U15A Hockey vs Eastbourne College (A) Artemis Performing Arts School presentation for parents

Fri 29 Nov

Around the World in 80 Minutes Gala Concert

Sat 30 Nov

Junior Park Run at East Brighton Park 1st, 2nd, & U15A vs Worth School (A) U15B&C vs Worth School (H)

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