Sixth Form Student Profiles

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Victoria Biology



English Literature


How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? We are very lucky to have the freedom to select subjects we love from within one pathway or across several pathways, for example I study a combination of literature and sciences at A Level, which helps me to think broadly from various perspectives with fewer constrains, to use the knowledge of humanity to interpret the impact of science.

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? With the student-led societies and different responsibilities at school, everyone is given the chance to practice leadership and cooperation. I personally was lucky enough to practice theses skills through the roles of head girl, house captain, peer listener, tutoring younger pupils, also as a big sister for Y7 girls! These experiences improved my communication skills and helped me to become more open-minded and confident, I also find it meaningful to be useful to the community!

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

I hope to study Chemistry at Uni in the UK.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects There is always so much going on at Roedean! I have been involved in several dance showcases, the contemporary dance company, drama production of ‘the Crucible’, also in house competitions for example house badminton. We are encouraged to have fun and develop our interests outside academic life, and to always have the courage to try new things! Academically we are also provided with lots of co-curricular activities to extend our knowledge and challenge ourselves, for example I joined the Chemistry Olympiad sessions which helped me to feel more prepared heading to university.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance I was able to experience real life work situation during my internship last summer at an optical fibre company in Hong Kong. I also passed the highest grade in Chinese instrument Guzheng with distinction. We are also provided with opportunities in the sixth form to engage with the wider Brighton community in the Community Action Programme, where we can volunteer at nursing homes or lead projects at Primary schools. I enjoyed working with Deepdene pupils at the farm very much! This experience helps me to develop vital soft skills which can be useful in the future, as well as reinforcing the belief that we are not limited or defined merely by our grades and academics.





Bella Biology



How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? Taking biology has helped me with my chemistry as many concepts, such as polarity, come up in both specifications. Since they are both sciences, the exam technique and lots of the content in general is somewhat similar which helps a lot with understanding it.

How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? I find both maths and chemistry extremely helpful for biology. Many questions on the exam involve calculations which is where I find math skills, such as standard form, invaluable. I also find key concepts from my chemistry lessons are helpful with understanding certain biological concepts, particularly when organic chemistry is involved.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects While at Roedean, I’ve been taking piano lessons and am working through both grade six theory and grade six practical. Although I am not naturally talented and often find music difficult, I enjoy the challenge and I feel it helps me persevere when confronted with tricky topics in my academic subjects.

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? At the start of year twelve, I was elected as deputy head of Keswick house. This was my first real experience of leadership and through it I developed the skills of communicating my own ideas and organising assemblies. Later in the year, I became an upper school prefect. This has helped me develop the skills of communicating with a larger team, listening to others, and working around obstacles, such as covid restrictions. I feel really fortunate to go to a school where we can experience leadership and develop these vital skills before going into university and the workplace.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school, I am a dogwalker, babysitter, and I work at a local café. I also talk to senior citizens through the charity organisation Kiss it Better. In addition, I was selected a few years ago to be an editor for the Young Scientists Journal, where I edit scientific articles about medicine and biology before they are published.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

After Roedean, I intend to study medicine at university.


T: +44(0)1273 667685





How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? Chemistry is of vital importance in science as chemical reactions are essential in all sciences, and which provides insight into a variety of physical and biological phenomena. It is the central to our existence, which leads to our investigations into the human body and physical mechanisms around us.


What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? Studying A level chemistry have enabled me to explore the area of physical chemistry, a branch of chemistry with the interplay of chemistry and physics, which includes topics such as kinetics and thermodynamics. Along with A level physics and biology, this helped me to understand reactions through properties of molecules which is critical when determining rate of chemical reactions and biophysical chemistry of our environment. Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these?





I have put myself forward to be a STEM ambassador which I hope to provide STEM support for students who need help in, especially Mathematics and Physics. This have enabled me to share my enthusiasm and passion for science with the lower years and provide information on possible future career pathways.

I have been involved in the school orchestra which boosted my self-esteem while performing in front of the whole school along with other students. For the time I spent in orchestra, I get to have the chance to forget the stress and enjoy harmony in music. By participating in school productions such as Speech Day and music concerts, this afforded me with the requisite skills that is universal such as communication and teamwork when working with the team. What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Following my interest in Chemistry and Physics, I arranged a work placement in a healthcare company. I observed how specialists used different physical imaging to locate different tumors. From this, I developed passion in physics and chemistry research within the medical field and gained some knowledge in image enhanced surgery. Besides employment, my active engagement in music have helped me to develop a range of skills including time management.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

Anything else you would like to add to make your profile ‘sparkle’ that has not been included in the questions above?!

I am planning to do Chemistry with Molecular Physics or Medical Physics after Roedean. I hope to take the combination of Physics and Chemistry into a higher level and further continue my studies in university.

Chemistry is all about how atoms bond together to make molecules and becomes basic building blocks of life. If you understand the atoms, you will understand everything!


T: +44(0)1273 667685





How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? Studying a language has enabled me to enhance my creativity as there are so many different ways to communicate a single idea. This concept contributes to my mathematical studies as it has helped me to approach difficult problems from more creative angles and using different techniques and methods to express my solutions.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects

Olivia Maths

Further Chemistry Russian Maths

How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? Studying Mathematics has proved incredibly useful for my other A Level subjects, as I am able to utilise the processes I learn. In Chemistry, I am able to apply my maths skills to solve more practical problems and use graphs and functions to more easily represent results from experiments. Similarly, the problem-solving skills I have developed in maths enable me to tackle unfamiliar and challenging tasks with more ease and to approach a problem from a different angle when I encounter difficulty, such as when I do not immediately recognise a word in Russian.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean I hope to study a Maths degree at a university in the UK.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

At Roedean I have taken part in many sports co-cocurricular activities, particularly hockey and netball. Playing sports alongside my studies has taught me time management skills and balancing my commitments, as well as perseverance when I encounter difficulty. Most importantly, these activities have improved my ability to work effectively in a team environment and I am able to apply these skills when working on a problem together as a class or in a group. I have also been a part of the Top University Programme which has helped me to develop my critical thinking skills and put me in good stead for applying to university next year.

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? I have been placed in leadership roles as the captain of various sports teams, and more recently have been given the position of a Sports Prefect. These roles have taught me how to be an effective leader and have also given me the confidence in my abilities to give advice or instructions to others.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I am involved in both netball and hockey at club level, which means that I have had to learn how to manage and balance my time and commitments effectively.





Carla Biology

Chemistry Psychology

How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? I believe all my A-levels have been crucial in my decision to study medicine. Although psychology is a slightly less common subject to be taken alongside biology and chemistry I believe it gave me an insight into many mental disorders which are increasingly prevalent in medicine and therefore believe it will help me as a future doctor.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance

Outside of school I volunteered for the NHS throughout the pandemic at one of the vaccine clinics until its closing in March. I then went on to be employed by the NHS Bank staff as a Ward clerk which I did throughout my final two terms at Roedean and am currently doing in my summer holidays


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects During my time at sixth form I was fortunate enough to co-run the medical society which furthered my interest in medicine and also boosted my application. I was also involved in the sports teams and was a member of the prefect team which I was also able to include in my application and mention the vital confidence, team working and communication skills I built from these extra curriculars and how they would help me as a future doctor.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean I plan to go on to study medicine at Kings college London, a 6 year course which I am very much looking forward to!!





What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects I have taken part in the Orchestra and have played in the Hockey team. I had the opportunity to represent the school and take on responsibility. You learn to be a team player and how to manage your time to fit practise and training around academic study.


Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? Biology


Maths A group of Year 13 Medics run the Medical Society. We plan sessions and pass on what we have learnt from the university application process. We also organised sessions where we heard from OR medics and their experiences from university and beyond.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? Maths develops my problem-solving skills. The statistics module in maths is useful for when we use statistics in biology or chemistry. Chemistry is the most important subject for medicine. You learn how different substances interact with each other on a molecular level which for example deepens your understanding of biological molecules in cells. In Biology we learn about organ systems such as the nervous system and immune system as well as cellular mechanisms like respiration.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

Before I applied to university, I took on work experience at a couple of hospitals. This experience made me realise how much I wanted a career in medicine by giving me a realistic insight into what working in an NHS hospital was like.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

Study medicine at university.





How do your other A Levels contribute to your further learning of Economics? Wanting to study BSc Economics at a competitive university, Further Mathematics is greatly desirable as the subject gets more mathematical at university. Some economics courses have a paper on the Political aspects of the economy for which my Politics A Level has greatly contributed. Moreover, an economics degree is very broad-skilled in that it encompasses both mathematics and essay-writing. My A Level subject combination has allowed me to pursuit both these skills.

Tuhina Maths

Further Economics Maths


How does studying Economics contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? Studying Economics has comfortably linked with my Politics A Level, allowing me to write more nuanced answers for both subjects. This would also apply to relevant humanities subjects like History and Geography. A Level Economics also develops problemsolving skills as logical chains of reasoning is a must. This contributes to more STEM subjects which are more fact-based. I would strongly recommend a similar combination to anyone interested in pursuing Economics at university.

What do you do outside of school? Outside of school, I am also a St John’s Ambulance Cadet and am currently working towards my Grand Prior Award. I have volunteered to provide first aid at e.g. the Eastbourne Half Marathon and fundraising for the charity. I am also currently pursuing my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop? I have been pat of the Eco think-tank Community Action Project (CAP) which involved the developing of critical thinking skills as well as mechanisms to create tangible change. Critical thinking will continue to help me throughout my academic career, especially in my EPQ and university work where the credibility of my sources will come into play. The “change-making” aspect of it has inspired me to think about all the potential I hold with an economic degree as it supports my want to improve the world – from inequality to climate change.

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? My role has sustainability prefect has allowed me to materialise the ideas we had during the CAP project. Recently we have been looking into an environmental plan of action that can be adopted by the school as well as creating small-scale changes like the banning of disposables. These experiences have taught me about how we underestimate the potential we hold and hope to continue such activism into university and the workplace.





How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels?


Classical Civilisation has taught me a vast amount of analytical skills, and the knowledge of the ancient world has been surprising useful. I’ve found myself comparing direct democracy of the ancient Greeks to our political systems today in my Politics lessons, as well as understanding references to Greek mythology when studying different pieces of literature in English. Classical civilisation also pairs extremely well with Latin, thanks to the very relevant study of ancient Rome. How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway?

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these?

Studying Latin as well as Classical Civilisation has been greatly beneficial. Not only do I want to study both of them in a ‘Classics’ degree at university, but they also agree very well with each other. From studying both, I have developed a much wider understanding across a greater breadth of ancient history, and have been able to compile everything I have learnt from both subjects, leaving me with a good balance of knowledge of authors and philosophers from both ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

Roedean has recently given me the opportunity to be a Sustainability Prefect along with my wonderful peer, Tuhina Anoop. Over the past academic year, we have been working on plans of action and new ideas to make Roedean more environmentally conscious with the Eco Think Tank CAP Group. However, since gaining our Prefect positions, it is now allowing us to continue working on our projects. We’re hoping to get more girls across the school involved, as well as leading some environmentally focused activities and starting to actively put our plans into action.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects

English Literature



Top University Programme has been really useful and has given me more perspective on what applying to university will be like, as well as critical and unique thinking techniques, which help enhance us as valuable individuals. What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance I am currently working as a waitress, cashier and barista at Old Barn Nursery restaurant. Fitting in a part-time job along with four A Levels has been challenging at times, but it has taught me how to be more efficient with my time, and more independent too.

Class Civ


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean, I’m planning on doing a Classics degree, continuing to indulge my curiosity and interest in ancient civilisations. Anything else you would like to add to make your profile ‘sparkle’ that has not been included in the questions above?! I recently completed a course at London Summer School Classics. Every day our class looked at different Latin grammar variations, and worked through translating both adapted and unadapted Latin, individually and in groups. The course was massively helpful towards my A Level Latin studies, and it was great fun ‘meeting’ new people from all over the world with similar interests and then working with them. I would highly recommend attending if the opportunity arises!





Jane English Literature



How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? The reading required for English means I’ve expanded my vocabulary and increased my command over language in other essay subjects. The analytical skills developed in English A-level are helpful in History A-level as well, particularly for source questions. I’ve also refined my close text analysis skills, which help me to glean more from whatever I’m reading, in my A-levels or for enjoyment. How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? History A-level has greatly widened my knowledge of different contexts, e.g. our study of Elizabeth I has enhanced how I approach Shakespeare. Politics A-level covers different political theories, e.g. socialism and conservatism, which strengthened my application of the Marxist lens on texts. What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance I work as a Saturday library assistant in a public library, which requires strong customer service skills, e.g. some elderly customers require support using a computer. I also champion the period bank at Newhaven library, which is a rewarding aspect of my job and it allows me to take action on something I am passionate about.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects My involvement in the theatre, for example in stage management, has built on my personal skillset, and I’ve learnt skills of leadership in high-pressure situations, and its also enhanced my understanding of how a play is translated onto the stage. I am also co-editor-in-chief of the student newspaper, The Seaside Standard, which my friend and I created at the beginning of Year 12. This has taught me skills on InDesign, as we’ve made each issue eye-catching and with a consistent aesthetic, with organising a team and galvanising excitement for a project, and also editing, which the skills developed in English A-level have helped with. Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? (Stage management, see above) House Drama Captain gave me the opportunity to work across year groups and with the house staff, giving me an opportunity to be creative and form connections with people who I wouldn’t usually get the chance to know. What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

I hope to study English at university


T: +44(0)1273 667685





Thea History



Class Civ

How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? History has given me the ability to effectively analyse and interpret the past, which I have been able to transfer to the analysis of the both past and present governments (politics) and literature and sources (classical civilisations). Since it, like my other subjects, is essay-based I have been able to develop my writing skills this year and now feel confident in tackling essay questions; whether that be for an exam, competition or EPQ.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? I have been part of history society throughout Year 12, which allowed me to explore aspects of the past that I was unaware of (such as the Witch Hunts, the British monarchy and historiography) and further research areas that I was already interested in (British social history, East Germany and the Russian Revolution) I also enjoyed attending netball club which was always a nice break from my studies.

What do you do outside of school? How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’? When choosing my subjects, I based them on how they would compliment history. Politics seemed like a natural choice as it intertwines quite neatly with the course, in some cases through direct knowledge but mostly through providing a good understanding of democracy, political systems and governments. Classics too allowed me to learn of another civilisation, broadening my historical knowledge through epic poetry, Greek tragedies and much more. Most importantly, the essay-based nature of my subjects has allowed me to develop a strong understanding of how to write effectively in my exams and beyond.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

In the summer term, I worked at a local hotel, which allowed me to develop core practical skills. I have also very much enjoyed completing my Gold Dofe this year which has been challenging but a lot of fun. I have volunteered with a GirlGuide group throughout the year, which was especially rewarding during lockdown where we were able to continue the sessions online.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? I would like to study history at university, paired with either languages or politics.





How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels?


Psychology contributes to my learning in my other A-Levels because it helps me to think about the psychological reasons behind peoples’ actions. If I’m reading a novel I can attempt to understand the characters or author on a deeper more scientific level, and in Art I can do the same with artists; this is especially useful if their pieces focus on mental health! My studies into Gender and Freud in Psychology helped me to look at our Classical Studies topic of Love and Relationships in a new and interesting way.

Art, Craft & Desgin

English Literature

How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? My other A-Levels contribute to my learning in Psychology by allowing me to view the topics I learn about in the context of the real world. Most of the time I forget that Psychology is a very relevant and applicable subject, and I’ve often found myself making connections between psychological concepts and real world situations such as analysing a character in the Iliad or connecting an artists work with something traumatic or positive that happened to them.

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? I haven’t really participated in any leadership opportunities at Roedean, however I did help a friend take care of a younger student who had been having some trouble in school, which taught me a lot about how to better help other people and students.

Class Civ

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship


After Roedean I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get into an art history undergraduate course at a university in the UK.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects I have participated in ballet and piano classes at Roedean, as well as the Top University Program. Ballet has allowed me to develop musicality and an awareness of the space around me, which is useful for Art as it helps me to appreciate the space used up by an art piece or sounds used as part of a piece better. TUP has helped me develop my critical thinking and analysis skills, which are very useful for Psychology as our classes involve lots of discussions around concepts, ethical issues and the importance of psychology in the real world.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I have had a few summer jobs at cafes, I have volunteered at my local Oxfam bookshop and I have participated in a number of online events such as lectures that are related to my chosen A-Level subjects.





Serena Religious Studies


Class Civ

How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels?

Religious Studies has allowed me to explore various philosophies and beliefs, which complements my A level study in Politics as I am able to grasp a more in depth understanding of the beliefs and motivations behind political leaders. Whilst in Religious Studies I am able to learn about different philosophers and their thoughts, I have found this coincides precisely with Classics A level, as I also learn about ancient philosophers within the module of love and relationships.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects

Throughout my time at Roedean I have participated in a number of different co-curricular activities, particularly in sport. I have taken part in hockey, netball, athletics, tennis and cricket as well as ballet and modern dance. Consequently I have acquired valuable leadership, communication and teamwork skills, as well as problem solving skills, which too help me with my academic subjects.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these?

From positions of responsibilities I’ve taken during my time at Roedean , such as sports captain, deputy house captain, being a part of the school council and cocurricular prefect, I have learnt how to work effectively in a group which requires good communication.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance

Seen as I am a border, I tend to do most of my extracurricular within school! Though I have represented Brighton hove and Portslade for High jump at Sussex Schools outside of school.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship

After Roedean, I hope to go to University and potentially study international relations





Stella Latin



How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? My studies in Latin have helped me develop my skills in my other subjects, since the methodical style of learning vocabulary lends itself well to a social science, like economics, whilst the literature element has assisted in how I analyse in an essay-based humanities subject, such as history.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects At Roedean I have had many opportunities for academic enrichment and personal development, including essay competitions, like the Cambridge Audio-Visual Competition where a group of friends and I created a film piece exploring the links between the Trojan War and the COVID pandemic, and playing on 1st Team cricket, as well as a dance showcase where I got the chance to perform and film my routine. These are in addition to taking on leadership roles, like those offered in the prefect scheme, through which I have become this year’s academic prefect – a role which I aim to use to enable the girls at Roedean the chance to engage in discussions about the topics they love.

How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? Latin features in more subjects than one might expect and I am constantly finding links between the language and literature that I have studied during my Latin lessons and my other A Levels. The obvious connection would be with history, where Latin features heavily, particularly in my study of the late Tudor period where the Latin language played an important role in day-to-day life and Catholic worship. However, even during my first weeks of economics in Year 12 I came across the Latin phrase ‘ceteris paribus’ which I came to find out was a widely recognised concept in economics – this quickly demonstrated to me the lasting relevance of Latin in the modern world.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I am a passionate dancer, having taken lessons in ballet for twelve years, which has taught me the importance of perseverance and determination but also creativity – skills that I have adapted and brought into the classroom to further my learning.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean, I hope to study for a degree in Ancient and Modern History at university in order to combine my enthusiasm for both Latin and history.


T: +44(0)1273 667685





How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? Law degrees don’t usually require any specific subjects, so I had complete choice over which A-levels to take. This meant I could choose my favourite subjects, and because I enjoyed them all I had much more motivation to revise! However, each subject I chose also helped me to develop skills useful for a law degree: history and Latin involved essay-writing and analysis of texts, and maths and further maths involved logic and proof.

Genevieve History



Further Maths

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects In sixth form I founded and led the Law Society, which gave me and the other members a chance to discuss interesting legal concepts and improve our knowledge of the law; I think this practice in clearly communicating about the law definitely helped me in my Oxford interview. I have also been part of the choir and the tennis club, and I took piano lessons; all of these activities were a great break from studying and a chance to improve in areas other than academics.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I enjoy painting, skiing, and horse riding.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean, I am hopefully going to take up my offer for law at the University of Oxford. [note: if this is being published after results day, then if I achieved AAA or better please remove the “hopefully”]


T: +44(0)1273 667685





Bronwen Music



How does your ‘feature’ subject contribute to your learning in your other A Levels? A-level music allows me to develop my creativity and analytical skills. This enables me to explore imaginative solutions to challenging problems in Maths and Physics. Music analysis has also improved my ability to evaluate longer questions, enabling me to understand what I need to do quickly.

How do your other A Levels contribute to your learning in your ‘feature subject’/degree pathway? I find there are many similarities between maths and music theory. Maths helps my understanding of the rules and theory behind Bach chorales. In Physics learning how sound is produced, why some intervals sound consonant and how sound waves interact with each other, is all useful background knowledge while studying and performing music.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects I have been a part of the wind ensemble group this year. This has allowed me to perform in concerts thought the school year and develop my skills as a musician. This activity is great preparation for the ensemble performance section for my A-level music.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? I have been given the opportunity to be one of the school’s Arts prefects for next year. The application processes enhanced my communication skills and helped me to become more confident. On the prefect leadership training day, I learnt many techniques to help me become a successful leader.

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I am a member of numerous East Sussex Music Service youth music groups, including the South Downs Youth Orchestra where I play first trumpet.

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship I hope to attend a UK university and study for a Masters in Engineering, complete my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award and continue to enjoy music.




CO-CURRICULAR OPPORTUNITIES Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? I completed my Sports Leaders Level 2 in year 9, where each week we went to the local primary school and taught them PE. It was a fantastic opportunity which forced us to plan lessons, control a large group of young children and make sure they enjoyed themselves. It was also very rewarding to see how much they benefited from us coming every week. I have had the opportunity to help coach year 7 and 8 hockey training, where I umpired and provided the girls with individual feedback. I was also elected and Sports Prefect, where another student and myself will encourage girls to participate in sport, increase the competitiveness and provide opportunities for girls to improve their performance through a mentoring scheme. We hope to put this in place next academic year.


What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Biology



Outside of school I play for Lewes Hockey Club Ladies 1st team, where I further improve my hockey skills and compete against teams across the South. I co-coach the U16 girls’ team at my hockey club, which proved challenging in the beginning, however I slowly became more confident, and learnt ways in which the girls improved the most, whilst also enjoying themselves.

What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects I have been part of the Hockey 1st team for 3 years. It has given me the opportunity to personally develop my hockey skills, but also my mental resilience, time management and teamwork skills. Having lots of training sessions has meant that I have had to learn to balance my academic work to fit around my hockey schedule. I have also had the opportunity to co-lead the team, which has taught me how to lead and support the younger players coming through the squad and working well with the other captains. It has allowed me to get to know girls across the school, learn how to listen to one another in a team, and step up and be a leader when required.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean I hope to go to university to study Medicine.

Anything else you would like to add to make your profile ‘sparkle’ that has not been included in the questions above?! Not only do I play hockey, but I have also represented the school in Cricket and Tennis. I have really enjoyed improving in both and learning new skills which are transferrable throughout my sporting career.





Anamika Biology



What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects I have taken part in many different co-curricular activities during my time here, in particular a lot of different musical clubs, such as orchestra and concert band. I started as a music scholar in year 7 and they have given me valuable skills, developing me both as a musician and as a person. Being the lead of the trumpets and the brass section in the orchestra, I feel I have gained a lot of leadership skills and it has really helped me to become more comfortable in my playing. I also feel that these clubs have helped me to not only become a key member of the school community, but also encouraged me as a musician and taught me to be more determined which is essential to be successful. This has given me the confidence to try out new things in class and make mistakes that I may not have had the courage to do before. Can you describe any leadership opportunities you have had at Roedean and what you have learnt from these? I am currently a lower school prefect offers amazing leadership opportunities and allows me to be part of a key team within the school community. Being in such a role has given me confidence, as well as providing me with valuable team working and communicational skills that have really developed throughout my time as a prefect. There are meetings throughout the year to discuss ideas and plan different types of events, and I think being a member of a team that talks and debates has really helped me to become more comfortable speaking in public settings and voicing my opinions as well as also helping me to become a more decisive person. Through this opportunity I have gained relationships with different people both on the team and senior staff in the school, as well as connecting with the younger years who I represent on the prefect team.


T: +44(0)1273 667685

What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Outside of school I am currently one of only 8 students in the UK who are part of the London Philharmonic Orchestra’s (LPO) Junior Artist scheme. Through this I have the wonderful opportunity to work with the principal trumpeter of the LPO as my mentor which has helped to further my playing as a trumpet player. I have also been able to play with the rest of the Junior Artists to put on performances and recently we recorded a concert with some of the professionals which has been put on the LPO’s social media and YouTube. This scheme has not only given me a great insight into a professional musicians orchestral career but also has given me a lot of confidence and determination to pursue my playing even further, I feel that had I not had the opportunity to play in such a high standard of orchestra at Roedean which has such an encouraging atmosphere I would not have applied to the scheme as I don’t think I would have had the belief that I could do it. What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship After Roedean I want to go to university and am applying to both UK and US colleges. Throughout my childhood I have always thought of applying internationally however I feel that the diverse group of students and the experience of international applications at Roedean has really helped me on my journey and has made the daunting task of writing many different application forms and essays as well as getting prepared for entrance testing for different countries much more manageable and I have been given so many different tips that I had not known about the US system and what are the do’s and don’ts when applying overseas which I did not know before starting my application.





Gabby Spanish




What co-curricular activities have you been part of at Roedean? Can you describe how these have enabled you to personally develop e.g. your skills, links to academic subjects Between us both, we regularly take part in co-curricular drama and singing. Taking part in these regularly helps us both to connect with our creativity side, whilst allowing us to focus on our academic studies. It has enhanced our time at school and fitted in very well with our academic subjects, as it has given us the opportunity to be creative and physical alongside our studies, teaching us to connect and interpret different media, whilst also helping us to take a more creative approach to everyday problems, with Drama also giving us the confidence to speak publicly, on stage and in classroom debates. Gabby: Drama has been a key part of my time at Roedean so far, having studied it for GCSE and taking part in numerous productions, and I think it has played a huge role in shaping the person I am today. Jemima: The Performing Arts have been a huge part of my years at Roedean and the opportunity to perform in a wide range of productions has greatly enhanced my experience of school.


T: +44(0)1273 667685





What do you do outside of school? E.g. employment, volunteering, music/dance Gabby: Outside of school I take part in the performing arts and volunteer for an online youth initiative encouraging others to learn languages and to explore other cultures. Jemima: I swim competitively for Brighton Swimming club and do work experience in a GP surgery. What do you hope to do after Roedean? E.g. University course, gap year, applying to an international university, degree apprenticeship Gabby: I’d like to take a gap year, spending time abroad to improve my language skills and to volunteer. After that I think I’d like to either pursue a humanities course at Uni or apply for drama school. Jemima: I would love to take a gap year, including voluntary work overseas, then I would like to read Medicine at university.



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