Roedean Celebrating 125 Years

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8 -2023 YEARS

In the School’s 125th year on the current site, it is wonderful to see that the holistic vision of the founding Lawrence sisters remains central to everything we do. Roedean School opened in 1885 in Lewes Crescent in Brighton, but despite its small size in the early days, the sisters had big ambitions for the school:

We wish in the first place to give to physical education and outdoor exercise their due place in every girl’s life. Secondly, to train each girl to independence and self-reliance, and with that view to give as much liberty as can be granted with safety. And thirdly, to supply a sound and careful intellectual training to each girl.

The Decade in Context: 1880s

The Eiffel Tower is built

Arthur Conan Doyle publishes the first “Sherlock Holmes” story

Roedean School is founded in Lewes Crescent

The American ‘Gilded Age’
1 s

This booklet catalogues the School’s development over the 14 decades it has been on this site – honneur aulx dignes!


After five years in Lewes Crescent in Brighton, the School had grown quickly, and the Lawrence sisters acquired 35-37 Sussex Square in 1890.

On 26 July 1897, the foundation stone was laid at Roedean for the building of School House, the Music Wing, and the four Houses. The architect was the hugely renowned, Sir John Simpson, who also designed the original Wembley Stadium.

Houses 1 and 2 were ready for occupation in 1898, and Houses 3 and 4 were completed in early 1899.

The Decade in Context: 1890s

The European Belle Epoque

New Zealand becomes the first country to grant women the vote

British elementary education is made free to all


stone is laid

“The first sod was turned on 16th March, 1897. Miss Lawrence gave the School a holiday for the occasion.
Christabel Lawrence ”


In 1903, Theresa Lawrence, a fourth sister, and Katherine Margaret Earle opened Roedean South Africa in Jeppestown, a school whose ethos is underpinned by the same holistic vision as Roedean in Brighton.

The sisters gradually developed Roedean’s facilities, and the Chapel’s foundation stone was laid on 18 July 1905 – it was dedicated by the Bishop of Chichester on 6 May 1906.

Junior House (now Keswick House) opened in 1908, and the Sanatorium building (now Lawrence House) was ready for use in 1909.

The Decade in Context: 1900s

The Edwardian Age The Wright brothers successfully fly across the Atlantic
The British suffragette movement is founded Roedean South Africa is opened
“The Founders […] once established at Roedean made it their first care to provide a Chapel both enduring and beautiful.
Dorothy E. de Zouche ”


The development of the school site continued: 1910 saw the opening of the iconic tunnel to the beach, and the following years saw the building of the Reference Library and the Cricket Pavilion, which was designed by Gilbert Simpson (brother of Sir John).

The Decade in Context: 1910s

is opened
The new tunnel leading to the beach is


In 1923, the three Lawrence sisters announced their retirement as Headmistresses, and Emmeline Tanner, after whom the Library is named, was appointed Headmistress in 1924. One year later, Millicent Lawrence died in 1925.

The Decade in Context: 1920s

The Jazz Age

Tutankhamun’s tomb is discovered

Creation of the British Broadcasting Corporation

The 3 founding Lawrence sisters retire from their Headship

Sometimes we have learned of Miss Tanner’s doing things which we should never have done […] but we watch even these with complete confidence in her judgment and with an abiding sense that all we have loved and valued in the School is safe in her hands. Miss Lawrence


1932 and 1933 saw the deaths of Penelope and Dorothy Lawrence, meaning they unfortunately missed the School Jubilee in 1935. This 50-year anniversary was celebrated with a visit by Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone. The School’s Royal Charter was granted by King George VI on 14 December 1938.

The Great Depression

Disney releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Abdication of Edward VIII

Roedean celebrates its 50-year Jubilee

The Decade in Context: 1930s
We must be deliberately preparing ourselves for the future, making our bodies healthy, training our minds so that they may be like sharpened tools for working at the problems which will face us. Emmeline Tanner’s address to the School following the outbreak of World War II


In 1940, Roedean moved to Keswick in the Lake District for the remainder of World War II, and a party of 50 students moved to Edgehill School, Nova Scotia.

On 17 April 1941, the Admiralty took over Roedean, and the School became HMS Vernon, the training school for Torpedoes and Mining and for the Electrical Branches of the Royal Navy.

The girls and staff returned from Canada in 1944, and Roedean School left Keswick on 29 November 1945. The School reopened on the Roedean site on 24 January 1946, and HMS Vernon gave a donation for the marbling in Chapel.

The Decade in Context: 1940s

The Second World War and Post-war Recovery

India gains independence from the British Empire

The National Service Act introduces conscription for women

Roedean moves to Keswick – the school is used by the Royal Navy

The windswept Downs of Sussex gave way to beautiful, wooded, welcoming mountains.
At the same time the rigid discipline of the Brighton days was replaced by a far less formal way of life.
Maureen Eastwood ”


The 1950s was a decade of landmark celebrations for the two Roedean schools: Roedean South Africa celebrated its Jubilee in February 1953 with wonderful festivities; and two years later, in 1955, the School’s 70th anniversary was marked at Roedean in Brighton, and the Queen Mother visited on 22 July.

The Decade in Context: 1950s


Birth of the American Civil Rights movement

Introduction of the National Health Service

Boomers and Rock ‘n’ Roll
The Queen Mother visits Roedean


necessary for every-day life. […] A boarding school has unquestioned advantages, in […] its control of […] out-of-school hours, for the fostering of an individual girl’s special aptitude.

need the sound training in fundamental knowledge which is
Emmeline Tanner in 1954 ”


The 1960s were characterised by a focus on the buildings and facilities. In the first half of the decade, the school bells were automated, and the wooden panels in Reception were restored. A beautiful stained-glass window by Michael Farrar-Bell was also donated to the School to commemorate the Queen Mother’s visit in 1955.

The Dining Room block was opened by Princess Margaret in October 1964. Two years later, seven new tennis courts were laid, and in 1967, a new drive was built and the original School Gates were closed, except for pedestrian use.

The Decade in Context: 1960s

The Swinging Sixties

Nigeria is one of 32 African countries to gain independence

Mods and Rockers clash on Brighton beach

The Dining Room block is opened by Princess Margaret in 1964
A sea-facing classroom was a particular treat. […] The summers were usually gorgeous. […] Winter gales could be very severe. Sarah Saunders-Davis


In 1971, Mr John Hunt was appointed Head at Roedean, and was the first man to take on this position. In the same year, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme started at the School.

Continuing the development of the School’s facilities, the indoor swimming pool was opened in 1970.

The Decade in Context: 1970s

The Pivot of Change

The Iranian Revolution

Margaret Thatcher becomes Britain’s first female prime minister

Roedean welcomes its first male Head, Mr John Hunt


Lawrence House was opened for the Sixth Form in 1974, in the old San.

“The wind, the lovely summer days, the glorious views that are emblazoned in my memory. Mary Anne Sgarlat


In 1985, the School celebrated its centenary – this milestone was marked in a variety of ways, with the most tangible being the opening of the Centenary Sports Hall in 1986. As a result, the Old Gymnasium was converted in 1987 into a Sixth Form common room and two classrooms, one of which is now the Blyth.

The Decade in Context: 1980s

The Rise of Technology

Roedean celebrates its centenary

The collapse of the Berlin Wall Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer

In October 1987, the School’s exposed position on the cliff top was highlighted, when a hurricane hit Roedean, and 276 windows were damaged.

If we can continue to balance tradition with the needs of the changing world, then I am confident that Roedean will go from strength to strength. Ann Longley ”


In 1993, the Main School Hall was converted into the Dame Emmeline Tanner Library. The following year, the Performing Arts Centre was opened by the Prince of Wales, now King Charles III.

The centenary of Roedean on its current site was celebrated in 1998, and Junior House was converted in the same year to be a Sixth Form house and renamed Keswick House.

The Decade in Context: 1990s

The Rise of Globalisation

The Cold War ends and the Soviet Union collapses

Wannabe and ‘Girl Power’ herald the third wave of feminism

Roedean’s Performing Arts Centre is opened by the Prince of Wales

In the Nineties, […] the options available would astonish, but also delight the Lawrence sisters who pioneered active physical exercise for girls at a time when walking, croquet and tennis were considered more than adequate.
Judy Moore/Ann Voigt


In 2003, Roedean School appeared on a limited Brighton & Hove edition of the famous board game, Monopoly, highlighting the School’s standing in the local area.

The Chapel’s centenary in 2006 was commemorated with a mosaic in the antechapel.

The School’s appearance changed a little in 2008, when the exterior of the main school buildings were painted with cream limewash during summer holidays – this replaced the previous pinkish hue.

The Decade in Context: 2000s

The Noughties

The World Trade Centre is attacked and a ‘war on terror’ declared

The first Harry Potter film is released

releases a ‘Roedean’ edition
I have relished the richness and variety of life, and never cease to be impressed by the girls’ energy and zest as they forge new paths for themselves and their peers. Carolyn Shaw


The appointment of Oliver Blond as Head in 2013 led to an impressive growth in student numbers over the remainder of this decade, and the students became increasingly successful in a range of areas of school life.

In 2015, a new school uniform was introduced, the Roedean Group of Schools was founded in 2017, and an all-weather flood-lit pitch was built in 2018, bringing sport to the very heart of the School.

A Farm was also opened, with sheep, goats, and chickens.

The Decade in Context: 2010s

Innovation and Unrest

The ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Me Too’ movements are founded

Same-sex marriage is legalised in the United Kingdom

Roedean’s new school uniform is introduced

Girls all - unconsciously - smile when asked about life at school. Endorsement doesn’t come much more authentic. Good Schools Guide 2016 ”


In March 2020, the School closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and all students left the site and their lessons became virtual. In January 2021, after being open again for a short period, another Covid-19 lockdown closed the School again.

The Theatre was refurbished to a very high standard in 2021, and a return to live performances was welcomed widely.

In 2022, in response to the crisis in Ukraine, the school community raised funds and donations to support Ukrainian families, including over £7000 raised by a team of six students, aged 12 to 17, who swam across the Channel to France in a relay! Nine Ukrainian girls, who fled their country and are living locally, joined Roedean.

Niamh Green became the Head of Roedean in April 2023.

The Decade in Context: 2020s

The Present Day

The Covid-19 Pandemic

The UK leaves the European Union

Roedean welcomes pupils fleeing conflict in Ukraine

Many pupils articulated the uplift they felt when raising their eyes to watch the rays of the setting sun splicing the sea.
Independent Schools Inspectorate, November 2021
R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 R O E D E A N 1 2 5 Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton BN2 5RQ Registered Charity 307063

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