e-Roedeanian Spring 2020

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The Roedeanian

Spring 2020

Developments at Roedean 2019

School trip to Iceland

House 3 Easter Hats

Year 8 Bollywood workshop

St Mark’s Chinese lesson

Alumnae Events

OR meet up in Athens - Alexandra Laffon, Gillian Hamilton Rogers and Narguess Ghahreman Assimaki

OR and Parent contributors at the Careers’ Fair

ORs enjoying a Jing Tea Flight

ORs Tanya Hardy and Jenny Halpern Prince at the Lady Garden Foundation breakfast at Gucci

Introduction Thank you to all our community – girls, staff, parents and friends – for your support, commitment, and understanding during these strange and unprecedented times. To give this situation some context, the last time that Roedean was in the position of closing its doors early was at the start of World War II, before the school was evacuated to Keswick. We are fortunate now to live in a time where the internet means that whilst keeping our physical distance from each other, we are still able to be united as a community, and to be able to continue to provide our students with care and their education online. No longer do we need to rely on the simple instruction to check the Times on a certain day for an announcement. I have been incredibly impressed by the students and my colleagues for the resilience they have shown to cope with the very difficult situation we find ourselves in. Online and off-site learning has largely been a new experience for most of us, students and staff alike, so I am very pleased that it has generally gone well so far. But we must also remember that there was a time before, and there will be a time after. This term was as full as ever, right up until the last moment. We have had wonderful performances to enjoy in the Gala Concert in February, which was full of wonderful music using the theme ‘Name That Tune’, the House Dance competition (congratulations House 2), and despite a depleted cast, last minute role changes, and sudden changes to the performance arrangements, an exceptional performance of the musical Hairspray. We have also welcomed ORs back on several occasions, for our annual Careers’ Fair in February, for our Festival Celebrating Women for International Women’s Day, and the conclusion of this year’s Sixth Form Pathway Lectures series. It really does make a genuine difference to the girls when they hear from ORs, as your experiences are immediately more relatable. I look forward to welcoming many more of you back to Roedean in the future.

Contents School Highlights


OR News


The Arrow Trophy Report 2019


Dates for your diary


For now I will simply finish by saying, I hope you and your families are all safe and well. With best wishes Oliver Blond Headmaster


School Highlights Celebrating Chinese New Year at Roedean. After weeks of excited preparations in the Houses, making paper decorations and traditional treats, it was wonderful that the entire Roedean community shared in the festivities for Chinese New Year in January. Under crystal clear skies, the School watched a fantastic firework display set to music. The girls were joined in the Quad by the 50 students from local schools who are part of the Roedean Academy, and by 30 children from our partner school in Whitehawk, St Mark’s Primary. The flashes were bright and the bangs were loud, just as they should be to scare off evil spirits! We were also lucky to watch incredibly talented musicians performing on traditional Chinese instruments in Assemblies and in Chapel, and a number of younger students from China and Hong Kong also explained the significance and importance of Chinese New Year to the school community. We would also like to congratulate Yoyo (Yr9) and Lareina (Yr10), who achieved first and second place in the World Chinese Writing Competition. This in itself is amazing, but it is all the more impressive because there were over 5 million entrants from all over the world, including China itself - what an outstanding achievement! ‘I am incredibly proud to have done so well in this competition, and I would like to thank Mrs Wu and the School for all their support. I really enjoyed the process, and I hope to take part in the competition again in the future.’ Lareina (Yr10)

Festival Celebrating Inspiring Women Not even the torrential rain could dampen our spirits at Roedean as we held our Festival Celebrating Inspiring Women on Thursday 5 March. The sixteen speakers we welcomed to Roedean were true inspirations, including 3 ORs: Lady Jill Ritblat OBE (Slotover, No.2, 1955-60, who spoke about her experiences in the art world; Ria Perkins (No.1, 2001-04), a forensic linguist; and Natalie Nzeyimana (No.2, 2003-09), who works in artificial intelligence ethics. Their talks were challenging, thought-provoking, entertaining, and, most of all, empowering. Our speakers were very impressed by their interactions with the girls, and particularly by their interesting and considered questions in the sessions. The girls’ feedback has been very positive, and we hope that each one took away a message which will give them confidence and empower them in the future. 4

Let us know if you have any suggestions for next year’s speakers!

Biology Olympiad The results are in for the Biology Olympiad 2020 - and congratulations to this year’s Sixth Form students, who have done very well again this year! The BBO challenges and stimulates students with an interest in biology to expand and extend their talents. It enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded with publicly recognised certificates and medals. Between them, Roedean students were awarded 3 Silvers, two Bronzes, 10 Highly Commendeds and 5 Commendeds. Particular congratulations go to Tabitha (Silver) and Isabelle (Bronze), as it is particularly hard for Year 12s to achieve high awards in this competition.

Community Action Program Placements The Year 12s completed their final offsite CAP placements this term, having spent the Autumn and Spring Terms working with different sectors of our local community. Our students have engaged exceptionally well with the programme, and have shown enthusiasm, commitment, and great maturity throughout their various placements as the quotes below testify: ‘It has been a real pleasure to have Nour and Zara volunteering at St Vincent’s; they have completely understood the role of a volunteer and have completed all the tasks to a very good standard. They have also worked well with myself and the volunteers who are in on a Wednesday afternoon.’ SVP Charity Shop ‘For our CAP, we have formed a group called Oceans 8 Roedean, and, over the past 19 weeks, we have been working towards winning for Roedean the Plastic-free Schools award, a national award run by Surfers Against Sewage. In order to do this, we have gained a heightened

appreciation for the seriousness of the plastic issue in our local area, and across the world. We have also written to Nestle’s CEO about the plastic used in their packaging, and the MP, Caroline Lucas, about how to reduce the amount of plastic used in Brighton. It has been a really enriching experience, and we have especially enjoyed learning so much about sustainability and the protection of the environment.’ Rachael (Yr 12)

World Book Day The whole Roedean community enjoyed marking World Book Day at the beginning of March. There were some amazing book characters walking the corridors, and in our fashion show in the Library with the Year 2 children from St Mark’s. A lot of fun was had by all and wonderful literary themed cakes were provided for everyone involved. We had author talks on that day from the well-known writer, Melvin Burgess, and from local author and Roedean teacher, Helen Peters (who you may recall wrote an article about the Roedean inspiration for her latest book in the Winter issue). Judging from the numbers of books they both had to sign, 5 the talks were very well received!

OR News OR visits to Roedean South Africa OR Suzie Sheehan (No.1, 1979-86), and ORA President, Mary Henderson (No.3, 1971-76), have both recently visited our sister School, Roedean South Africa. They both commented on the wonderful welcome they had, as well as the warmth, kindness and familiarity they felt when visiting. Suzie also had the honour of speaking at the Roedean SA Founders’ Day Assembly during her visit, which she describes below.

Clarissa Hulse (No.1, 1978-86) Homewares designer Clarissa Hulse has launched a new gorgeous range of bed linen and towel designs for 2020, which have been inspired by her travels to Costa Rica. Designs include Jungle, Costa Rica Fern, Ginkgo Patchwork and Goosegrass and each design has coordinating curtains, a soft throw and accent cushion. The Rainforest towel collection will be available in three colourways – pink/ mustard, blue/mustard, and green – and will perfectly complement the new bedding. For more information about Clarissa’s products and workshops, please visit www.clarissahulse.com and Clarissa’s Instagram @clarissahulse. ‘I found myself in Johannesburg on a work trip and attended the early morning Roedean SA Founders’ Day assembly. I was invited to speak to the girls. Although nervous at first, I suddenly found myself at home in what felt like the happiest, kindest school in the world. The Djibbas, the sound of ‘Good Morning, Madam!’ and all the familiar Roedean visual and aural iconography filled the environment. The founders’ spirit is thriving and they were definitely watching over the whole affair! I hope I inspired the girls to be guided by the school’s principles throughout life. It was an honour to present to the school and to join in with the assembly. I was called ‘Madam’, given hugs all round and to be honest, shed a small tear when I heard the school prayer. Thank you Roedean SA for the warm welcome, the love, and the fabulous music. This hour was one of the most wonderful and memorable of my whole life!’


OR News Amanda Tipples (No.3, 1979-85)

Clare Pooley (No.4, 1982-87) Congratulations to Clare on the publication of her novel The Authenticity Project. The story of a solitary green notebook that brings together six strangers and leads to unexpected friendship, and even love. Julian Jessop, an eccentric, lonely artist and septuagenarian believes that most people aren’t really honest with each other. But what if they were? And so he writes – in a plain, green journal – the truth about his own life and leaves it in his local café. It’s run by the incredibly tidy and efficient Monica, who furtively adds her own entry and leaves the book in the wine bar across the street. Before long, the others who find the green notebook add the truths about their own deepest selves – and soon find each other In Real Life at Monica’s Café. The Authenticity Project’s cast of characters – including Hazard, the charming addict who makes a vow to get sober; Alice, the fabulous mummy Instagrammer whose real life is a lot less perfect than it looks online; and their other new friends – is by turns quirky and funny, heartbreakingly sad and painfully true-to-life. It’s a story about being brave and putting your real self forward – and finding out that it’s not as scary as it seems. In fact, it looks a lot like happiness. The Authenticity Project is just the tonic for our times that readers are clamouring for – and one they will take to their hearts and read with unabashed pleasure.

Congratulations to OR Amanda Tipples QC on her appointment as a High Court Judge. Amanda took up her appointment in December 2019 and has been assigned to the Queen’s Bench Division. She will be known as The Honourable Mrs Justice Tipples DBE. After Roedean, (where she was Head Girl) Amanda studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University and then law. Amanda was called to the Bar in 1991 and took silk in 2011. She was appointed as a Recorder in 2009 and a Deputy High Court Judge in 2013.

Farewell to ORA President Ginny Stephen We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Ginny Stephen (de Trense, No.3, 1954-60) for her stirling work and wonderful support as President of the ORA. We would also like to welcome Mary Henderson (No.3, 1971-76), who took over the Presidency at the ORA AGM in January, and Noelle Chase (Thompson, No.4, 1970-75), who has taken on the role of Vice President.


OR News 2019 Arrow Regatta Report Sophia Cheung (No.1, 1991-95) Every attendee to Roedean – whether academic or not, sporty or not, a boarder or a day girl, even a member of staff or an employee – would have marvelled at the sea at one time or another. The sometimes blue but mostly grey waters, calm or savage, were, and remain, the glue that connects us all. And it was the water that brought together 12 ORs, a group spanning four decades of attendance and from five different continents, as we participated in the fifth year of the Arrow Trophy Regatta. An annual sailing event in Cowes, Isle of Wight, that sees 27 independent schools race against one another. 30 years separated the oldest OR from the youngest, but the stories and memories shared throughout the weekend produced continuous waves of laughter from the bow to the stern of the 40-foot yacht. The weather was assuredly familiar, with buffeting rain and howling wind reaching speeds of over 30 knots. When the wind blustered through the masts in the harbour and out at sea, it recreated the familiar sounds of draughty bedroom and dormitory doors in halcyon days. At best, our crew could be called novice. No previous sailing experience was necessary but on this occasion, everyone had a little knowledge with the exception of one or two, who had lots – our superb skipper, Caroline Bowen (No.1, 1991-98), and her sister, Leo Bowen (No.4, 1996-2001) who have both participated in the notorious ‘Clipper Round the World Challenge’. Thanks to their exceptional communication skills, we not only felt safe but thoroughly enjoyed learning new skills that are, without a doubt, transferrable in our daily lives. Above all, the sailing adventure taught us the importance and fun of teamwork. It was unanimously agreed upon that our time at Roedean contributed to the cheery disposition we maintained all

weekend. The rain lashed across our faces, we bobbed and bounced about the boat, some of our waterproofs weren’t actually waterproof and yet not a single complaint was heard. We understood the importance of listening to one another, helping one another and taking responsibility for our individual roles on board. Watching the ‘line’ and the chain of events as everybody worked in harmony to successfully, seamlessly and safely hoist and drop the spinnaker as well as smoothly jibe and tack the mainsail. Sailing reminded us that we are greater than the sum of our parts and the sea does not distinguish an academic from someone sporty, tall or short and nor did we. We were in it together. Extra credit must also be given to Caroline for her unrelenting patience, as she could be repeatedly heard calling out and encouraging us above the jovial chatter “girls, may I remind you that we are here to race.” We may not have finished the weekend at the top of the race table, or even near it, but we felt enormous pride in being the second all-female crew to finish (of two, admittedly…!). This fantastic weekend could not have happened without the kind donations of £500 from the ORA, an anonymous OR Governor who sponsored our much needed training day, Pam Mainwaring (Watson, No.4, 1956-63) for our wonderful battle flag and the school for our now famous event hats. Without a doubt, this is one of the best adventure weekends to participate in and is highly recommended, but it couldn’t have happened without financial support. So even if you don’t sail, or fear you aren’t sporty, but have fond memories of your time at school, or simply enjoyed the view over the English Channel then please sign up for, or contribute something to this brilliant, all-encompassing weekend. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the weekend, but above all thank you to Caroline and Leo for orchestrating our participation and helping those who took part learn new skills and take a jolly trip down memory lane!


For more information or to get involved please email Sophia Cheung at Roedean.Alumni.Sailing@gmail.com

Dates for your Diary Due to the current Coronavirus situation, we have had to make the tough decision to cancel or postpone all of our events during the Summer Term. We are very sorry to have had to take this step, but the health and safety of our community must come first. We will work closely with those planning regional and special year group reunions to ensure you are still able to celebrate together on a future date. Wednesday 6 May 2020

Governors’ Annual General Meeting This event has been postponed and a new date will be circulated by Council.

Saturday 16 May 2020

OR Australia and New Zealand Reunion This event has been postponed, we will be in touch with our Australia and New Zealand community with a new date as soon as one has been arranged.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Class of 1965 Reunion This event has been postponed to 20 May 2021.

Saturday 13 June 2020

Roedean Gala Ball A reminder that this event has been postponed to 2021, to allow for holding a ball in alternate years with the second in 2023 to celebrate the School site’s 125th birthday.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Roedean Day Roedean Day has sadly been cancelled this year. The Class of 1980 will instead have a delayed ’40 Years On’ reunion in summer 2021, date TBC. We will be in touch with other year groups to make alternative arrangements. Please contact us if you would like to be a Year Group Rep for either this year’s reunions (Class of ending ‘0’) or to start planning for next year (Class of ending ‘1’).

Thursday 10 September 2020 12 – 3pm

OR London Lunch 2020 The Sloane Club, 52 Lower Sloane Street, Chelsea, London, SW1W 8BS Booking will open in Juy.

Friday 18 September 2020 5.30 – 9pm

Young Roedeanian’s Networking Drinks The Phoenix, Victoria A new event for ORs aged up to 25 to mix with 6th form students and Career Sector Reps. The aim is to provide an opportunity for mentoring and networking for young ORs as they launch their careers, and for current girls as they move toward university. If you would like to represent your career sector at this event, please email alumnae@roedean.co.uk. Booking will open in July.

Thursday 3 December 2020

ORA Christmas Drinks The Antelope, Belgravia.

For more information and booking, please contact us on alumnae@roedean.co.uk. You can also call us on 01273 667398

We are always happy to support the organisation of year group or regional events, or career sector networking events. If you would like support to start organising something for the future, then please get in touch via alumnae@roedean.co.uk or by calling 01273 667398. Even whilst working from home, this phone number will reach us. 9

Illustration by Sylvia Lawrence

roedean.co.uk The Roedeanian Society, Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton, East Sussex, BN2 5RQ Tel: +44(0)1273 667398 • Registered Charity 307063

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