The Roedeanian - Summer 2024

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Summer 2024

School News

Alumnae News

South Africa Netball Tour
Year 12 Formal Dinner with Tonbridge School
Charity Sleep Out
House Adventure Competition
Carrie Zhu and her Mother Visit Roedean
Dance Showcase
Geography Trip to the Jurassic Coast
Mary Henderson and Cliveden Conservation – Sundial Restoration


The summer term was full of so many activities and events, rounding off a fantastic year at Roedean. As always it has been lovely to see so much involvement, not only our students, but from our wider community, including many ORs.

There was a real buzz throughout the whole of June and the School seemed busier than ever with so much going on. The production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was spectacular, and the modern festival twist worked brilliantly – it was hard to believe that these talented actors were all from Key Stage 3!

Years 7 and 8 headed to Wales for a trip to learn about sustainability and environmental issues, and our Year 12 students headed to Moldova on a philanthropic mission following last year’s inaugural trip. I was thrilled to hear that we smashed our target for fundraising for the Rainbow of Hope Orphanage in Moldova and also raised a record-breaking total for all the charities we have been working with this year –£45,954!

Roedean Day was a huge success as we welcomed almost 200 ORs and their guests back to the School for their main reunion day. It was lovely to chat to so many old girls and their families, some who hadn’t returned since they left. In the afternoon many headed down to the field to watch Sports Day – the atmosphere was amazing with incredible House spirit from all who were competing and supporting, although I am sure for many ORs the Golden Relay Race was a highlight.

Speech Day was a poignant occasion, celebrating so many student successes and showcasing such diverse talent. We heard from OR Noo Saro-Wiwa and I have no doubt that her wise words will stick with our Year 13s as they embark on a new and exciting journey.

As we look forward to the start of a new academic year, we dive straight into OR and School Events. Highlights in the Autumn term include OR vs the School Hockey, Young Roedeanians’ Networking Evening, the Roedean London Art Exhibition and the OR London Lunch, with more listed on the Dates for your Diary page.

Best wishes

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Sustainability Trip to Wales

Students from Years 7 and 8 travelled to the Welsh coast in June for an exciting and eye-opening trip focusing on environmental issues and sustainability.

Activities included a boat trip to spot seals, dolphins, and migrating birds and to learn about seaweed farming, visiting a bug farm, and participating in a beach clean-up organised by Surfers Against Sewage – the students’ commitment to all the activities was fantastic.

A highlight of the trip was the incredible camping experience which really brought the group together while of course toasting marshmallows round the campfire!

Roedean Wins the Muddy Stilettos Brilliant Boarding School Award

Just as we came to the end of a fantastic year at Roedean, we were delighted to receive the news that we had won the Muddy Stilettos Best Schools Award for Brilliant Boarding School! Hundreds of schools took part in the awards across 13 categories, and so this achievement is testament to the incredible holistic education provided at Roedean along with the hard work from the dedicated staff who make it possible.

Year 13 Leavers’ Ball

Following an emotional and memorable Speech Day and to round off their final term at Roedean, our Year 13s embarked on a breathtaking flight 138 metres in the sky on the i360 before heading to The Hilton Metropole Hotel for their Leavers Ball.

It was the perfect way to say goodbye to friends and to enjoy some well-deserved fun after all the hard work and studying for their A Levels. We wish them the best of luck in the next chapter of their lives.

Sports Day

Sports Day is always a wonderful way to round off Roedean Day and this year was no exception. The atmosphere was amazing along with incredible House spirit from all who were competing and supporting.

The talent on show was outstanding and it was great to see the students giving it their all across a range of events. The PE department did a fantastic job of running the event along with the Grounds team who assisted with the brilliant set up.

There were a number of cup winners, and the following students were the top performers in each year group:

■ Year 7 – Valerie

■ Year 8 – Georgia

■ Year 9 – Poppy

■ Year 10 – Megs and Minnie

■ Year 11 – Kelly

The final standings in the House competition were as follows:

Togetherness Day

In June, Roedean marked Togetherness Day which celebrated the inclusive spirit of the Olympic motto and of World Pride. There were a range of activities focussed on belonging, participation, and community with the morning lessons being Olympic themed. Students were shocked and excited when these lessons were visited by our guest of honour, Team GB Olympic Gold Medal winning hockey player, Helen Richardson-Walsh. She spoke passionately about how she came to be an Olympic champion and how her team, squad and family helped her on that journey.

In the afternoon, there was time for some creative activities while everyone met their new tutors and tutor groups and enjoyed a delicious tea with rainbow cakes and golden Olympic ring cookies!

As the sun shone over the Front Quad, we reflected on the inspiring closing comments from Ms Richardson-Walsh: ‘This is YOUR day in the sun, take your time to shine’.

School Highlights

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The atmosphere was set with the most beautifully decorated stage, complete with festoon lighting, streamers and tents which brought together the perfect festival theme for Key Stage 3’s modern twist on Shakespeare’s classic A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The ensemble cast opened with an excellently performed movement sequence accompanied by students playing the Violin and Double Bass which anticipated the day ahead: the proud Duke would marry his glamorous Queen, The Fairy Queen would fall in love with an Ass, and Puck would trick the four young lovers into a fight!

Bringing their characters to life, the entire cast executed the plot brilliantly – from Puck mischievously darting across the stage, to Oberon’s striking argument with the powerful Titania which helped introduce the world of fairies magnificently as they were pulled around the stage on festival trollies. With tensions rising between the two worlds of fairies and humans, the lovers represented their heartache wonderfully – Helena pining for the stubborn Demetrius (Joy), while Hermia escaped with Lysander.

The show ended with the earnest mechanicals creating a delightful and comical version of the tragedy, Pyramus and Thisby followed by a showstopping final dance.

Congratulations not only to the amazing cast, but to everyone behind the scenes who together made A Midsummer Night’s Dream an absolute triumph!

Speech Day

This year, we returned to the Brighton Dome for Speech Day – coming together to celebrate the wonderful and diverse successes of our students and showcasing so much talent.

We welcomed parents, family members and guests of honour who all enjoyed a full programme of prize-giving, and truly phenomenal musical, dance and acting performances


It was wonderful to welcome back OR Noo SaroWiwa (No.3, 1986-94) who was our guest speaker. In an honest and inspiring speech, Noo spoke about her experiences since she left Roedean, the path she took to where she is now, and how school was a remarkable springboard for her. As she spoke of being open to where life might take you, her wise words will have no doubt been reassuring for so many in the room, not least for our leavers who prepare for a new journey after Roedean.

Fundraising at Roedean School Highlights

Following a record-breaking year last year for charitable fundraising, the School set a huge challenge to beat this total and raise even more for a range of charities this year.

There have been so many incredible fundraising activities that the students have participated in, from abseiling down cliffs to sleeping out, bake sales to car washing, and not to mention a 24-hour run! There were many more activities that took place over the year, and we were thrilled to hear that the total for this year was a whopping £45,954!

To round off such a tremendous year of fundraising, 12 students headed to Moldova in July, repeating Roedean’s inaugural philanthropic mission to the country from last year. The trip, which was supported by the NGO, Hope4, based in Chișinău, had three main elements: teaching English to children in Moldova, visiting impoverished villages outside the capital, and spending time at the Rainbow of Hope orphanage, which the School has been raising funds for over the course of the last academic year.

Teaching English to 62 children, including Ukrainian refugees and underprivileged Moldovan children, the 12 Roedean students taught in pairs for four hours each day to the same class which helped build a wonderful rapport with the children. Back in the UK, they had been learning to teach during weekly sessions with Sarah Howson, Roedean’s Head of EAL over a six-month period, and so they were incredibly well-prepared. They all did brilliantly, and the children responded so well – Kate (Yr 12) said “I will never forget the smiles on the children’s faces.’ Kaitilin (Yr 12) commented ‘Seeing our students’ faces light up during class, when they got the answers right and whenever they learned something new, felt incredibly rewarding, and I am so proud of their progress in just four days’.

The group also spent time helping in a warehouse where they distributed clothes and shoes to displaced families that needed them most. Alicia reflected ‘my highlight of the week was when we helped pack and distribute resources to families in need, and seeing how much of an impact we could make’

After an emotional visit to some of the families Hope4 are supporting, it really highlighted the stark reality of their level of need and the ongoing support that is essential to their physical and psychological welfare. Fen (Yr 11) commented ‘I am so grateful to have been able to make a positive impact on so many people’s lives in Moldova’, which really reflects the feelings of everyone on the trip.

The last full day of the trip was a visit to the Rainbow of Hope orphanage outside the capital. Last year, we agreed that Roedean would pledge to cover 3% of the orphanage’s annual running costs for the next decade. Dr Ross Barrand, the mastermind behind the project, said ‘To match our pledge, we had to raise £5000 over the course of the year, and it was a huge privilege to be able to hand over a cheque for over £8300 when we visited the orphanage on the last day, as we had completely smashed our target’. The orphanage hosted a bright and colourful garden party where the children sang for the group which was wonderful and a highlight of the trip for so many.

The trip was a huge success, and the girls were outstanding ambassadors for the School and for themselves. Ivan (COO for Hope4) said ‘Beyond the language lessons, the Roedean girls brought joy and laughter. They have shown what it means to care, support, and empower others, leaving a lasting impression on everyone involved’.

Roedean Day 2024

It was fantastic to welcome a bumper number of Old Roedeanians, Former Staff, and their guests to Roedean on 22nd June for our annual reunion day.

183 guests joined us, ranging from the Class of 1951 all the way to the Class of 2023, with the biggest group being the Class of 1974, who attended from all over the world (including Australia!) to celebrate 50 years since leaving Roedean.

The morning started with the opening of the refurbished library, followed by School Tours, watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream, or visiting the Art Exhibition, before we all gathered for a drink and speeches in the Cloisters.

The catering department once again treated us to a wonderful lunch in the Dining Wing for those that chose it, whilst others enjoyed the lovely weather with a picnic in the Cloisters.

The Tunnel Tour was as popular as ever in the afternoon, but this year was complemented with the option to have a Heritage Projects Tour of the friezes in Houses 1, 2 and 3. The funds have been successfully raised for Houses 1 and 3, but donations are still needed to be able to save the frieze in House 2.

The day was rounded off on the Sports Field watching (and running in) the Golden Mile Relay Race – our traditional end to Sports Day, which sees a team of ORs take on teams of Students, Staff and Parents.

Save the date for next year –Saturday 21st June – especially if you are in a ‘Class of’ ending in ‘5!

Reunions only happen with the support of Year Reps, so do please email us on if you are interested in volunteering.

Class of 1974
Class of 1994
Class of 2014
Recent Leavers
Golden Mile Relay Race

Mill Valentine

(Goble, No.4, 1995-01)

Anyone who was at Roedean in the late 90s may remember my dear friend Sarah Cheung (No.2, 1996-99).

Sarah was an incredibly intelligent girl, with straight As and a ridiculous talent for music as well. She’d had health issues from a young age, and as a result also wore a glass eye (some excellent teenage gross-out moments when she popped it in and out!)

to receive her results and see the outcome of her hard work – straight As of course, despite everything she was going through.

Juliet Mabey OBE

(No.4, 1967-72)

She was friendly and funny, and we shared a love of ‘celebrating our weird’. We once wrote a play together and got friends involved to perform it on the school stage (I don’t remember much about it except it was called Something Dramatic and featured a time-travelling Mulder and Scully – Sarah was the biggest fan of the X-Files!)

In 1999, Sarah was unfortunately diagnosed with leukaemia after initially struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome, and was admitted to hospital shortly before our GCSE exams. She was able to take all her exams from hospital, and her natural inclination was to work hard and do well. I have no doubt that she would have had an incredibly bright future ahead of her. Sadly, she didn’t survive

Amber Anning

(No.2, 2012-17)

This year, I decided to mark the 25th anniversary of Sarah’s passing and to celebrate her life by shaving my head to raise money for cancer charities. I set a target of £500 for each of the Teenage Cancer Trust and Cancer Research UK, and was delighted to reach my £1000 fundraising target on the morning of the head shave itself.

Both donation pages remain open, so any further donations would be very gratefully received.

For the Teenage Cancer Trust

For Cancer Research UK page/mills-giving-page

After undergoing a huge refurbishment, the Dame Emmeline Tanner Library opened in the Spring, with a stunning new design that enables study, quiet reading small group work, presentations and so much more.

The official opening ceremony took place on Roedean Day, and we were delighted to welcome Juliet Mabey OBE, to come and cut the ribbon. Juliet, along with her husband, founded the award-winning publishing company, Oneworld Publications. Founded in 1986, Oneworld now publishes over 100 books a year and has won numerous awards.

During her visit on Roedean Day, Juliet kindly donated a range of books to the new library for current students to enjoy.

Huge congratulations to Amber Anning who has competed at the Paris 2024 Olympics representing Team GB. We heard from Amber back in March when she took part in our ‘10 Questions with…’ interview, and she spoke then about her dream of competing in the Olympics.

Not only has that dream come true, but Amber has won two Olympic Bronze Medals as part of the mixed and women’s 4 x 400m relay teams, and set a new National Record of 49.29s in the 400m final.

We have loved watching and supporting her on such an incredible Olympic journey and know that she will be an inspiration for so many.

A letter from Rebecca Long

(No.3, 1982-91)

De��r ����e��������i��n��:

I am ��������g����ed ���� ���� w��i����n�� ��h���� ��et������ t�� ��o��. Be��n�� ���� Ro��d��a�� ��r���� 9.5 – 18 ye������ (a l������ t����e!) c��e����l�� ����d a ma������v�� i������c�� ���� m�� ��ha������t����. As �� ��i�� h������ ��ri������g ������s le������r ���� ��o��, I ha���� ��y ����a����s�� ��r��e���� f������ R��ed������, Til���� Eas�� ��t��������g a���� w�� ������e 4 bo���� ��n�� 2 do����! Our ��������n���� ma���� ���� Ro��d��a�� ����d ������ li���� ����e ��l������s ����er�� ������ us t����o��g�� ��h�� ����is���� ��n�� ����r����. We s������l ����u��h ������u�� t���� ����me we ������ t�� ��o ����n������g ��e����r�� ����e��k������t ��i��h M���� ��om�������� fo�� �� ����ek (we ������’t ��e����l�� ��h���� ��e d����) an�� ����w ���� ��ur������ t��a�� s������a������n a��������d a���� t������ h���� ��ha�� ���� l����e�� r��������n�� be�������� b��e����f������ an�� ��h���� �� ��re���� ��t������ of ������ d���� i�� w����!

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New Roedean


We are thrilled to announce that we have new items added to our fantastic range of Roedean merchandise. Along with existing items, we now have a Roedean X Chilly’s water bottle and Roedean Pyjama bottoms with a woven ‘Roedean’ waistband.

Most products can be shipped anywhere in the world, and we also offer a free ‘Click and Collect’ service from the School.

For more information, a full list of products and to make a purchase, please visit our online shop:

A Ro��d��a�� ����r��. Reb�������� X

10 Questions with…

A Compilation of this Year’s Alumnae Interviews

Stephanie Pujol (Cox, No.1, 1983-88)

Q. What books have had a significant influence on your life and why?

Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez which highlights how deeply rooted biases are in favour of a world designed for men, to the extent that symptoms in women are not recognised as medical research is in the majority based on the physiology of men. Gender bias in AI, in urban planning, even the temperature of an office is based on what is most suitable for a male body.  It made me realise how challenged we have been, as girls and women, growing up in a world that was not designed for us, and while things are changing, we are far from equity. I want to contribute to gender equity in any way that I can.

Julia Kisray (Keswick, 2004-11)

Q. What are the three objects you would take with you to a desert island?

Matches or a lighter. Photos of my friends & family. Maybe an obnoxiously long book like War & Peace that would take me ages to read to keep me entertained.

Claire Pooley (No.4. 1982-87)

Q. What is on your bucket list?

I really, really, really want to see some of my characters come to life on the big screen. I dream of going to the premiere of a movie of one of my books. There are also parts of the world I’ve still not explored and would love to do so – namely Japan, Iceland, South America and the Antarctic. Other than that, I just want to see my children happy and settled.

Michelle Allen (No.4, 1995-97)

Q. What was the best piece of advice you were given whilst at School?

It was more the overall culture rather than one piece of advice. At Roedean we were always taught and shown how we could be independent, strong and confident women with successful careers. It was at Roedean I developed some of my core values, like independence, having a strong work ethic, striving for excellence and the fact I could and can be anything I set my mind to.

Noo Saro-Wiwa (No.3, 1986-94)

Q. If you had one year and unlimited funds, what would you do?

Be an undercover philanthropist. I’d travel the world, chat to lots of people and identify who’s most deserving of financial help.

Angela Yang (No.1, 2004-06)

Q. What does your job involve?

I look after the relationships with some of the IOC’s TOP partners. This is the highest level of Olympic sponsorship, and the revenue funds the Olympic Movement globally. I oversee, manage, and nurture these relationships to ensure the partners’ contractual rights are met, strengthen the value proposition of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and grow the Movement together with our partners. Right now, we are in countdown mode to the Paris 2024 Games, and we have a lot of work to do, but everyone is very excited for the first post pandemic Games, with some spectacular landmarks as backdrops and venues!

Amber Anning (No.2, 2012-17)

Q. When you were at Roedean, what did you want to be when you ‘grew-up’?

At the time, I didn’t have a clear career path in mind, but one thing I was certain of was my dream to become a track and field Olympian and to work in a field where I could make a positive impact and give back to others.

Zerbanoo Gifford (Irani, No.1, 1962-67)

Q. What does your job involve?

My job and life are fortunately flexible. I respond to the needs of others and what the day challenges me with. I always keep in mind that there is no greater wisdom than kindness and that on the day of judgement I will have to justify my life as there is no escaping one’s karma.

Funmbi Adeagbo (No.1, 2006-10)

Q. What are you now you’ve grown up?

We are all still growing up daily. Currently, I’m a practicing architect and newly elected representative on the RIBA council for London. I’m slowly trying to do what I set out to do. When opportunities come, I try to always say, yes. Achieving what I want from my adult life/career is an evolving journey not a destination.

Read the full interviews and more at: https://community.roedean.

To take part or nominate a fellow OR, please email

ORA Heritage Projects

In early July, specialist ceramic conservators, Cliveden Conservation carried out trials on the tiled areas covering the three walls of the western part of the Art Studio.

The tiles which are specifically mentioned in the School’s Grade 2

Listing as being of notable historical interest, were created by the students in the 1930s and early 1940s, under the guidance of the Art Mistress at the time, Dorothy Burt “DB” Martin (1882-1949).

The photo shows DB Martin teaching pupils at the potters’ wheel in 1931. The south wall shows tiles already in situ with the west wall, as yet un-tiled.

The tiles are painted and glazed; images of foliage, birds and animals, panels of tiles featuring cardinal and theological virtues and sins, astrological signs, the seasons and the crest of Roedean School. A frieze of brown intaglio or sgraffito tiles runs around the three walls showing scenes of school life. Parts of the school depicted are still very recognisable today.

Many of the tiles are dated and initialled and we have been able to identify the tile artists.

Nearing 100 years old, there are cracks and damage to some tiles. Tiles have become detached, and areas have been affected by damp and structural movement of the buildings.

The Conservators tested different types of grout and mortar for re-adhering detached tiles and repointing joints. They also tested solvents for removing past adhesives and methods for removing loose and severely cracked tiles, providing additional stability for re-attaching them to the wall. Additional tiles will be needed where tiles are missing, and we hope that current art students may be able to replicate missing border tiles and continue the frieze of scenes of contemporary school life.

We now await the Conservators’ detailed report and estimate for carrying out the conservation work.

Thank you to the Old Roedeanians whose donations have made the trials possible. We will need further support to fund the restoration works, to find out more or to donate, please visit the links below, email, or write to The Development Office, Roedean School, Roedean Way, Brighton, BN2 5RQ.

You can donate online via or via the Roedean Community Network, where you can also read more about the different projects:

Dorothy Bruce

(Boot, No.4, 1903-05)

Recently we received an interesting enquiry from Judith Wright, the Senior Archivist for Boots UK. She was curious to know if there were any records of two sisters, Margery and Dorothy Boot, attending Roedean. While we couldn’t find any record of Margery Boot, we did discover that Dorothy Boot attended Roedean from 1903-1905.

Dorothy was born in 1891 and was the second child, and eldest daughter of Jesse and Florence Boot. Jesse was the son of John Boot, who was an English chemist and retail businessperson who was the sole founder of Boots The Chemist

She married Captain Wilfred Montague Bruce and went on to have three daughters, Nancy, Charity, and Rosemary.

During her life, Dorothy moved several times living in Somerset, the Scottish Highlands, and eventually settling in Jersey where she bought and refurbished a home.

After a long and full life, she died aged 91 on December 20th 1980.

Does Roedean hold a special place in your memory? If so please consider supporting the School through a donation, either now or in your will.

You may like to support Bursaries. donate to your favourite department, or contribute to the Heritage Projects. For more information, please visit or contact Grace Chaston on 01273 667398 or

Photographs published with kind permission of the Boots UK Corporate Records & Archives.
Boot family members at the foundation stone laying for the Dorothy Boot Homes (L-R) Dorothy, Margery, Jesse, Florence, Unknown, John)
Family photograph, 1905 (L-R: Florence, Dorothy, Margery, Jesse, John). Taken at the Boot family’s summer house, Plaisuance, on the River Trent in Nottingham.
Dorothy Bruce (Boot), 1934
Dorothy Boot’s wedding to Wilfrid Bruce, 1913. Florence (back left) Margery (seated, left), Jesse (seated, right) and Wilfrid (between Florence and Dorothy). Likely taken at the Langham Hotel, where the wedding reception was held following the ceremony at St Ann’s Soho.

Jill Mulcahy

(Williamson, No.4, 1948-54)

Jill was born on the 24th July 1936 at 34 The Drive, Hove, Sussex. Naturally it was a difficult time to have a normal life during World War II with her father, a general and orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal Sussex County Hospital, being called up and her mother having to cope alone with four young children (Jill was the second child). During this time, Jill became a weekly boarder at the tender age of 6 and attended a number of different schools due to being moved around. After the War ended, now at the age of 12, Jill attended Roedean School (House 4) and was amazed how wonderful it was after having had “an utterly miserable time of my life” at her last boarding school.

Jill “thrived and loved” Roedean with the enormous help from her housemistresses Miss Mary Middleton and Miss Nina Woodcock, eventually becoming the swimming captain and a house prefect. She shared many fond memories from her time, including handling strong winds while playing tennis, playing the viola in the school orchestra and having a distinct dislike

OR Wedding

Congratulations to OR and Roedean Head of Dance, Sophie Abaza (No.2, 200611) who was recently married in the beautiful and historic grounds of Firle Place.

Four of her bridesmaids were ORs who Sophie has known since Year 7! (From left to right, Talia Lipmanowicz, Jess Poulter, Bella Wheeler (Broyd), Daisy Ng (Milner) in the middle on the right)

Please send your news to

Miss Sturgis (a student of

for lacrosse which was summarised to us by three haunting words ….“cradle, cradle, cradle!!”. She gained a real love for English literature thanks to her wonderful teacher Miss Sturgis (a student of the great J.R.R Tolkien) who has become, by proxy, our family’s English teacher with the words “Miss Sturgis would say” often repeated. Her younger sister Rosemary (known as Romey; born May 1939) later followed her to Roedean and was also a boarder at House 4. They would together perform family concerts at home with Jill on the viola and Romey on the flute.

Following Roedean, Jill followed in her family’s medical footsteps at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London in 1955. Here she became a State Registered Nurse and met her future husband, Desmond, who was a medical student in the children’s department under Sir Charles Harris. After a few years, they married back in Hove (1960) and later settled

in Plymouth, where Desmond had been appointed a consultant physician, and brought up their two children (Victoria and James) and her daughter’s children (Chiara and Joshua). Jill also helped run Desmond’s private practice from their house, which she dutifully kept spotless. In retirement, Jill and Desmond spent many happy holidays in Brittany, France where they had a small holiday home close to the sea. After the death of her husband in 2007, Jill was able to enjoy another 17 memorable years with Chiara and Joshua, whom she lived with, and with the help of her son-in law. Jill’s last visit to Roedean was in 2019, when she attended Founder’s Day in memory of her sister. As expected, it was a very windy day, but would have been nostalgic for a girl who had spent formative years in the bracing climate above the cliffs. Jill peacefully died on the 6th November 2023 after battling various recurring medical issues. She will be greatly missed but her memories will live on for all who knew her… “Esprit de Corps Number 4!”.

(Victoria and James) and her daughter’s children

Dates for your Diary


6 September 2024


The Mala Madre Room, The Last Talisman, 171-173 Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3UW.

Thursday 19th September 2024

4.30pm-8.00pm WAT

The Wheatbaker Hotel, 4 Lawrence Rd, Ikoyi, Lagos, 101233.

Friday 27 – Sunday 29

September 2024

11am-6.00pm gallery@oxo, Oxo Tower Wharf, Bargehouse Street, South Bank, London, SE1 9PH.

Thursday 10 October 2024

12pm for 12.30pm-3pm Gallery Room, The Bluebird Chelsea, 350 Kings Road, London, SW3 5UU.


12 October 2024

10.30am-3.30pm Roedean School

Thursday 24th October 2024

Timings and venue to be confirmed.

Thursday 5th December 2024


Upstairs at the Antelope, 22 Eaton Terrace, SW1W 8EZ

Wednesday 11th December 2024

Timings and venue to be confirmed.

Young Roedeanians’ Networking Evening 2024

ORs aged 18-30 are invited to join Year 13 students and OR Career Reps for a relaxed evening and an opportunity to build your OR network. We have Career Reps confirmed so far covering Writing, Arts and Culture, Finance, Engineering and Design. Tickets are just £10 and include your first drink and light bites. To book please go to:

Nigeria Reception

ORs, and current and former Roedean parents, are invited to join Head, Niamh Green, and Director of Admissions, Alison Wienekus, for drinks and canapés at the Wheatbaker Hotel. They are looking forward to meeting our Nigerian community and sharing updates on the School with you. Tickets are free of charge, but booking is essential. To book please go to: https://community. Guests who are interested in Roedean School are also welcome to join you.

Roedean London Art Exhibition

The exhibition will feature works of art from the Class of 2024 and OR Artists from all years. This is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the incredible strength of the Roedean Art Department and to showcase the diverse range of ORs who have gone on to work as artists since leaving. Some of the featured artists will have their piece available for sale. Entry is free of charge and tickets do not need to be booked, but we would love to know if you are planning on attending and please do let your friends know - the Exhibition is open to all.

OR London Lunch

ORs and Former Staff are invited to join us for our annual London Lunch at The Bluebird, Chelsea. The London Lunch is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends, old and new, and hear an update on the School. This year we are returning to the beautiful Gallery Room at the Bluebird Chelsea. Tickets include a welcome glass of bubbly and a three-course meal. You can book your ticket here:

Old Roedeanians’ AGM and Heritage Projects Tour

The ORA AGM 2024 will be held on Saturday 12th October at Roedean School. Registration is from 10.30am with the AGM commencing at 11.00am. The meeting will be followed by lunch at 1.00pm and the option of attending a tour of the Heritage Projects at 2.30pm. The AGM is for ORA members only, but guests can attend the lunch and tour. Further details will be circulated in September but you can book to attend here: event/old-roedeanians-association-agm-2024

Hong Kong Reception

We are delighted that Niamh Green and Alison Wienekus will be visiting Hong Kong again this October and would like to ask you to save the date for a Roedeanian Society Reception on Thursday 24th October. Further details are to be confirmed, but the evening will be open to all ORs and Roedean parents.

ORA Christmas Drinks

Join fellow ORs at the annual ORA Christmas Drinks in London. Booking for this event will open in October.

Roedean Carol Service

Join us for the annual Roedean Carol Service. Booking will open for this event in October.

1931 – Production on front steps

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