A Sixth Form For You

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A Sixth Form For You

The Roedean Sixth Form offers a bespoke curriculum: a journey of intellectual stimulation and challenge, combined with a wealth of opportunities and experiences.

Excellent academic standards, outstanding teaching and boundless aspirations for all students ensure an exciting learning culture where your daughter will develop her passions alongside the life and leadership skills that she will need to flourish at university and beyond.

We hope your daughter enjoyed finding out more about life in the Sixth Form in the assembly that took place at the end of the Spring term. We have various events over the next four terms to support a smooth transition into the Sixth Form. This term, your daughter will experience the Sixth Form first-hand during the Year 10/12 Breakfasts as well as the exciting two-day immersion planned for late June.

Amongst many outcomes, the Roedean Sixth Form experience will provide your daughter:

Familiarity and Support: Your daughter is already familiar with our supportive community, dedicated teachers, and the inspiring campus. This continuity will provide a seamless and fast transition into the final two years of school.

Engaging and Future-Ready Curriculum: We continuously review the Sixth Form subject offering to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the Year 11 cohort as far as possible. We will be surveying your daughter to better understand her area of interest

Guidance and Mentorship for Life Beyond Roedean: Our experienced staff will continue to guide and mentor your daughter, helping her to navigate the complexities of university applications and career choices.

Community and Friendships: The friendships built at Roedean are more than just bonds; they are their support system and a source of inspiration. Being part of the Sixth Form allows your daughter to nurture these connections as she embarks on this exciting journey.

Academic Excellence: Roedean is renowned for its rigorous academic programmes and preparation for top-tier universities. Results in public examinations are consistently excellent and provide a springboard for the next stage of your daughter’s journey.

Countless Co-Curriculars: Whether your daughter’s passions lie in the arts, sports, or community service, Roedean offers a plethora of extracurricular activities to develop further existing interests and develop new skills.

Personal Growth and Leadership: Your daughter will continue to develop not just academically but as a leader, become a confident communicator, and compassionate global citizen. In line with our mission, our unique approach to education fosters holistic growth.

Scholarship and Bursary Opportunities: We offer various scholarship and bursary programmes and we encourage you to explore these options to help make your daughter’s Roedean Sixth Form journey possible. We understand that finances can be a concern, and we are committed to ensuring that a Roedean education remains accessible.

Dates for the Diary: What to expect in the Summer term of Year 10

May & June 2024

Future Talks

Various 'Futures' talks during assemblies. These aim to provide information on choosing A level courses, EPQ, Oxbridge preparation, Law / Medicine/ Dentristry/ Vet Sci preparation and pathways information to name a few examples.

May & June 2024

Breakfasts in Keswick

Informal sessions between Year 10 and Year 12 students to discuss the daily life of a Sixth Former. An ideal opportunity to experience the atmosphere and ‘vibe’ of Keswick.

25 June 2024

Parent and Daughter Buffet

All parents and Year 10s are invited to a buffet presentation in Keswick.

Scholarship Awards

Outcomes of the scholarship process will be communicated via email.

More details around the event will follow. w/c

3 June 2024

Scholarship Assessments

Relevant assessments and interviews will take place in the week after half-term.

24 & 25 June 2024

Sixth Form Experience Immersion

Your daughter will spend two days enjoying a typical Sixth Form programme, including lessons, electives, social life and a boarding experience for those who are interested.

26 June

Dates for the Diary: What can you expect in Year 11

November 2024

Information Communication will be shared around Sixth Form subject options

Sixth Form Bursary Applications

Deadline for the submission of Sixth Form Bursary Applications. (new applications and annual review application).

Parent Teacher Consultation Evening

An opportunity to speak with your daughter’s subject teachers to discuss her progress and ask any questions about the A Level course

An ideal opportunity to discuss subject choices with Roedean’s Sixth Form team, find out more about how the Futures team can support university applications and explore the many Sixth Form enrichment opportunities on offer. Deadline for submission of subject choices September 2024

Sixth Form Fair

Subject Choice Webinar

An opporunity to ask further questions of Miss Carragher and members of Senior Team about the Sixth Form.

Bursary Awards are sent out by email

Deadline for acceptance of Bursary Awards


We offer scholarships and means-tested bursaries to students in the Sixth Form.

We are pleased to be in the position to incorporate the scholarship appplication process into Year 10 (awarding a three-year scholarship), leaving Year 11 purely as a time to focus on GCSEs and the smooth transition into the Sixth Form.

Scholarship Assessment Process

Following the launch of the three-year scholarship process at the end of the Spring term, we have received a large number of applications. These applications are currently undergoing an initial screening process and successful applicants will be sent a letter inviting them to participate in the assessment and interview process by Friday, 3 May.

Academic - Applicants will not sit an additional exam. Existing academic performance and effort grades, together with May exam results, will be used as part of the scholarship assessment process.

Applicants will engage in an art workshop, during which they will be tasked with creating a piece of work. No specific preparation is required for this workshop. Art


Applicants will join a dance workshop, where they will prepare and perform one dance routine in their chosen genre.

We will be running the scholarship assessments and interviews in the week immediately after half- term. The dates of each of the assessments will be communicated over the next few weeks, however, the following guidelines will be useful in supporting the preparation for this process.

Applicants are required to prepare and perform one piece of music on the instrument of choice. Music

Performing Arts

Applicants will need to prepare and deliver a 1 to 2-minute monologue, a dance routine, and perform a song of their choice. If your daughter has applied for a dance and/or drama scholarship, these assessments will also serve for performing arts evaluation.

Applicants will be assessed on their school performances during practices and matches Sport

Applicants will partake in a drama workshop, preparing and delivering a 1to 2-minute monologue of their choice. This should be memorised.

Scholarship Awards

All awards will be communicated via email by 26 June 2024.

Applicants will have a short interview with the Head of Department, which will give the applicant the opportunity to speak around their passion. Interview

Please do contact our Admissions team at Roedean for any questions you might have around Sixth Form scholarships.


The bursary application process for new applications and those families wishing to review their current bursary award will take place in the Autumn term of Year 11. More information about the process will follow next term.

Sixth Form Bursaries

We are committed to ensuring that the Roedean Sixth Form remains accessible to all our students.

Education is a financial commitment, and we appreciate that additional financial assistance might be required for your daughter through the last two years of her Roedean education. Our bursaries are meanstested, however, please do speak to us if financial support is needed.

Please do not just assume that this is not a possibility.

Existing bursary awards

How to apply for bursary funding?

If your daughter already has a bursary, you will need to provide information for the annual review process to secure your funding.

The Bursary team will be in direct communication with you.

For new applications, a link will be provided in the Autumn term, leading to a form that will need to be completed. This will initiate the application process.

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