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The Music course will aim to strengthen and broaden current musical skills in preparation for sixth form study, in two key areas: Musical analysis (a) and essential harmonic language (b), focusing on fundamental areas of Advanced Level musicianship. Musical analysis sessions will introduce students to three key areas of musical style: the Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras, through the discovery and study of major works. Essential harmonic language will engage students with the correct approaches to working with keys, chords and cadences in four parts.
Lesson Outline: Three lessons per week
Week 1:
(a) Musical analysis
Discussion/selection of topics and A Level approach to units of work. The Baroque era- the major characteristics using Vivaldi’s Four Seasons: Summer. The Baroque orchestra, use of continuo and the concerto. Following the score. Discussion of preparation topics/pieces.
(b) Essential harmonic language
We will learn how to write triads in 4 voices, experimenting with the spacing to find the most suitable position. We will use chords V and I to write perfect cadences with correct voicing.
Week 2:
(a) Musical analysis
The Classical era –the major characteristics using Haydn’s Symphony 101 first movement. The classical orchestra, sonata form. Following the score. Discussion of presentation topics and topic areas.
(b) Essential harmonic language
We will revise the major key signatures and the names of the degrees of the major scale. We will then investigate how triads can be formed on each degree, using Roman numerals to label the chords.
Week 3:
(a) Musical analysis
The Romantic era – the major characteristics using Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No 5. The Romantic orchestra. Following and extended score. Presentation topics guidance and discussion.
(b) Essential harmonic language
We will investigate how to form and label inversions of chords I to VII, and will also learn how to write inversions of triads in 4 parts.
Week 4:
(a) Musical analysis
Discussion and comparison of all three areas with a focus on the development of the orchestra and compositional structures. Student topic presentations.
(b) Essential harmonic language
The students will revise the natural/modal, harmonic and melodic minor scales, investigating the range of triads which can be formed from each degree of the scale. They will practise labelling these and writing them in 4 parts. The students will learn about Bach’s use of chord V in minor chorales. They will use V and I, with a tierce de Picardie, to write perfect cadences, reinforcing the content of Lesson 2
Project Outcome: A portfolio of marked scores, harmonic exercises and notes which can be referred to during an A Level Music course. A 10-minute presentation with musical excerpts on a piece from one of the chosen eras.