Nonprofit Management Syllabus, 2018

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Management BA 377

Winter 2018 TR, 13:00 – 14:40 Wartburg College, WBC 117


January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management



I. Course information…………………………………………………….……….…….1 II. Course description……………………………………………………………………3 III. Pre- or/co requisites………………………………………………………….………3 IV. Credit hour policy…………………………………………………………….….……3 V. Course level student learning outcomes…………………………...…………4 VI. Required course material……………………………………………….……….…5 VII. Decorum……………………..……..……………………….………….………….……6 VIII. Course pedagogy……………………………………………………..……….………7 IX. Assignment/Grade breakdown…………………….………..………..……….8 X. General rubric…………………………………………………………………………9 XI. Course grading scale………………………………………..…………...…..……10 XII. Honor code………………………..…………………………….………....….……..11 XIII. Attendance policy……………………………………………….…………..………12 XIV. Late assignment policy……………………………………..………….…………13 XV. Students needing accommodations ……………………………..…..…..….14 XVI. Sexual misconduct and discrimination……………….……..……………..15 XVII. Contact info…………………………………………………………………….…….17 Appendix A: Schedule (excel) Appendix B: Department Standards Statement (pdf) Appendix C: Course Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Course description

Explores management skills needed within the non-profit organization. Emphasis on non-profit organizational types, trustee’s responsibilities, trustee recruitment/termination/development, financing structure, fundraising, financial management, employee empowerment, strategic planning and leadership within the non-profit. Understand the startup and scale process for blended value companies. Service learning component.


Second-year standing; EC 117 or EC 118 recommended.

Credit hour policy:

This is a 1 credit hour class. You should expect to spend at least two hours of time outside of class, completing homework and other assignments, for every hour you spend in class.

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Course Level Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

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BA1 - Analyze a real-world scenario to identify key issues and recommend action BA3 - Apply values and ethics to organizational problems BA4 - Formulate and communicate, using appropriate technology, a well-organized argument supported by evidence BA5 - Complete a business related task/project while participating in a team based environment SLO1 - Demonstrate knowledge of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in solving managerial problems SLO2 - Link both the internal factors operating within an organization and the external factors operating outside the organization to management alternatives and choices SLO6 - Demonstrate effective communication in applying management techniques in a team-based setting

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Required Course Materials:

January 4, 2018


Worth, M.J. (2017) Nonprofit Management Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, Sage Publications.


Personal electronic communication equipment (e.g. mobile phone, iPad, or laptop) that could be used to access the internet for quizzes, tests, interactive class discussions, quests and deliverables for the client project.

BA 377 Nonprofit Management



Be here on time. Be prepared. To contribute to class discussion, you must come to class having carefully prepared all assignments (i.e., readings, cases, exercises). Be brave. Everyone in this class is smart, interesting, and has unique life experiences to share. Be courteous. Successful participation includes treating your classmates in a respectful and professional manner. Listen carefully to the comments and questions that your classmates voice. You may learn something new from their perspectives, Also, it is perfectly acceptable for you to voice disagreement with an opinion provided by another student; open debate often leads to the most thoughtful and informative class discussions. However, please voice your disagreement in a kind and considerate manner. Be engaged. This class will allow you to access information and communication via class is in session. However, the misuse of an electronic device (e.g., surfing the web or texting) will adversely affect your class participation grade.

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Course Pedagogy:

Anderson & Krathwohls’s Taxonomy, 2001 (Evolution on Bloom’s 1958 Taxonomy)

Create Evaluate Analyze Apply Understand Remember

Noun, 1958

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management

to Verb From, 2001


Assessments/ Grade Breakdown:

January 4, 2018

Inversion of assessment methods and course points (out of 1,000)

Create --> Plan

297 points

X [3][1]

Eval. --> Feedback

247 points


Analyze --> Quests

197 points

X 17

Apply --> Discussions

147 points

X 18

Understand --> Tests

97 pts


Remember --> Quizzes

15 pts

X 17

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


General Rubric:

Integration with course content. The uses, applies, and extends concepts covered in the class textbooks and beyond. Depth of analysis. The content of the initiative demonstrates thorough research and reflection, and compelling insight. Creativity and insight. The initiative is original, engaging, and interesting. It is also highly appropriate and makes use of available resources. Organization and structure. A logical framework and maybe collaboration is deployed to scale and develop the idea further. Style. Professionally communicated, using appropriate terminology, grammar, context, citation and respect for peers (even in the event of dissent).

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Course Grading Scale:

This course is not graded on a curve. This has one massive practical and political implication: if peers support each other in an ethical manner in mastering the concepts and theories of this course it is likely to enhance all students involved’s chances of getting an A. This obviously apply to team project deliverables, but also discussions, feedback and it can even make key concepts more memorable for the quizzes and tests. A = 90 -100 (exemplary work) B = 80 - 89 (merit) C = 70 - 79 (basic proficiency) D = 60 - 69 (partial understanding) F = 0 - 59 (fail) The design of the allocation of plusses and minuses follows the standard protocol in education. First the grade will be rounded using two decimal places. Second, within any given letter grade X0-X3 constitutes a minus (e.g. 83 would be a B-), and X7 – X9 constitutes a plus (e.g. 89 would be an B+).

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Honor code:

“Students, faculty, and staff of Wartburg College are expected to demonstrate integrity in all endeavors. Students are expected to adhere to four essential principles: 1.

Submit only original work and properly cite ideas of others, including fellow students. 2. Refrain from giving or receiving unauthorized aid on examinations and assignments. 3. Report any act that violates these principles. 4. Ask for clarification if uncertain about the expectations on a particular assignment. Students are responsible for abiding by these principles and opposing academic dishonesty in all academic endeavors.�

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Attendance policy:

If you’re not here, you can’t earn credit for the day. It is understandable that over the course of a semester alternative priorities could be picked (e.g., job interview, athletic competition, doctor’s appointment). I trust these alternative ways to spend your time will be the exception. I also expect you to make a good faith effort and make up the hour of class time missed by doing independent and self-directed makeup work. You can do this on any topic, using any medium. The only stipulations are that it relates back to the course and not involve work previously produced for another course. If you chose not to do an make-up assignment for a missed day your credit earned that day will be zero. Successfully completing the makeup assignment will at best neutralize your grade for the day (i.e. only the other earned grades will count). Exemplary make up work can however count towards your bonus credit if you are on the border of two grades.

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Late assignment policy:

January 4, 2018

As in the business world, work must be received electronically via the Deliverables portal on the course VLE on time in order to receive full credit. If you are late on an assignment, your grade on that assignment will be reduced by 25% for each day it is late. You are always welcome to hand in an assignment before its due date if you know that you will be busy as the due date approaches. If you think that you will not be able to complete an assignment by the stated due date, please speak with me in advance to make alternative arrangements. My policy on late assignments will depend on the specific circumstances surrounding the problem, and thus may differ from student to student. Providing advance notice about a late assignment will minimize the penalty you receive on that assignment, but does not guarantee that there will be no penalty for turning the assignment in late.

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Students needing accommodations:

January 4, 2018

Qualified students with disabilities are protected from unlawful discrimination by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended. Students requesting academic accommodations due to disabilities must arrange for such accommodations by contacting Nicole Willis, Pathways Academic Success Associate. She can be reached at the Pathways Center, (319) 352-8230, or by e-mail Presenting documentation of a disability early is helpful and often necessary to secure needed materials in a timely way. Accommodations should be requested PRIOR to affected assignment due dates. Accommodations will not be provided retroactively.

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Sexual misconduct & discrimination:

Wartburg College is committed to providing a learning, working, and living environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct including, but not limited to, sex-based harassment, non-consensual sex acts, sexual exploitation, relationship violence, and stalking. Wartburg College considers sex discrimination in all forms to be a serious offense and it will not be tolerated. The Wartburg College’s Title IX, Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination Policy, following national guidance from the Office of Civil Rights, requires that faculty follow Wartburg’s policy as a “mandatory reporter” of any personal disclosure of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and/or violence related experiences or incidents shared with the faculty member in person, via email, and/or in classroom settings. These disclosures include but are not limited to reports of personal relationship abuse, relational/domestic violence, and stalking. While faculty are often able to help students locate appropriate channels of assistance on campus, disclosure by the student to the faculty member requires that the faculty member inform appropriate Wartburg personnel to help ensure that the student’s safety and welfare is being addressed, even if the student requests that the disclosure not be shared.

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


Sexual misconduct & discrimination contact info:

For confidential counseling support and assistance on campus, please contact: Wartburg College Counseling Services, 319-352-8596 Wartburg College Campus Pastors, 319-352-8217 For private, but not confidential, resources on campus, please contact: John Myers, Director of Campus Security, 319-352-8372 Karen Thalacker, Title IX Coordinator, 319-352-8225 Jamie Hollaway, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 319-352-8418 Cassie Hales, Director of Residential Life, 319-352-8260 Dr. Dan Kittle, VP of Student Life, 319-352-8745 Campus Security officers and residence hall directors

January 4, 2018

BA 377 Nonprofit Management


How do we address you? Dr. E EA FP, FH D H , I , ED , MBA D h P , elofse o R e a) artb lind S-Iow U ) ( l Emmande.roelofse@w a n o n tio rati li nterna s Administ I ( s emma n o ines luti of Evo essor of Bus O E C er/ rof ration t s i n i Found Assistant P Adm g Visitin iness

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January 4, 2018

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Office hours: MWF 14:40 – 15:40 or by appointment BA 377 Nonprofit Management


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