Roel Winder Landscape Architecture Portfolio
Hey I’m Roel & This is my Portfolio
Projects Personal informa�on+ Skills
About me
Work: Studio Basta
A small office, working on different scale projects with a dedicated, wild & fresh a�tude
Master thesis: Dry waterscapes Urban design + Site design + Landscape strategy + Rainwater harvest
Bachelor thesis: Living roofs Urban design + Site design + Green roofs
15 21
Computer Skills
Bergstraat 26 a 6701 AD Wageningen Netherlands
+31 (0)6 22911862
Place of birth:
Date of birth:
May 4th, 1989
Marital status:
Id Ps Ai
Dutch English German
Skills Personal skills: Mo�vated and hard worker with good social and organiza�onal skills. Adaptable worker and able to work individualy with good self-discipline.
Hobbies and interest: Spor�ng, adventerous travelling, drawing, building furniture and listening music
Master VWO
Bachelor Ac�vity Commision
Internship, Delta Vorm Groep
Board Study Associa�on Kyrgyzstan
Born Landscape Architecture & Planning Wageningen University
P.C.C. Alkmaar VWO (N+T)
2001 2005 2007
Catering “Bergen Binnen”
Master Thesis, Rainwater Catchment, Tucson
2008 2009 2010 2011
Salesperson Trainsta�on Kiosk
Landscape Architecture Wageningen University
Bicycle Trip
Bartender “The Doctor”
Work Experience
Sideline Activities
University: January ‘12 - December ‘14 MSc. Landscape Architecture Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Studio Basta, Landscape architect
Several small illustra�on assignments
The Doctor, Bartender
Internship Deltavormgroep
Partcipant The Challenge, Arcadis
Kiosk Ede-Wageningen, Salesperson
Cycling trip from the Netherlands to Kyrgistan
Bergen Binnen, Catering
Chairman and secretary study associa�on Genius Loci
Barcie, organisa�on of weekly study associa�on drink
Organisa�on of Landscape Legacy congress, Maastricht (CELA)
Ac�vi�e commitee study associa�on
University: September ‘07 - February ‘11 BSc. Landscape Architecture and Spa�al Planning Wageningen University (Netherlands) Secondary School: September ‘01 - June ‘07 VWO, Profile Technique and Nature PCC Alkmaar (Netherlands)
Analysing, imagining concepts, inspiring moments, designing, frustra�on, discussions, re-imagining, , more designing, finalising projects, fun, realising projects, monitoring construc�on work, compe��ons, losing compe��ons, celebra�ng winning compe��ons, company trips etc.
Job at Studio Basta
Looking For a Job
Several Small Illustra�on Assignments
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Studio Basta A small office, working on different scale projects with a dedicated, wild & fresh a�tude ne
Studio Basta is a small landscape architecture office who make designs on almost all scale levels, from landscape scale assignments �ll garden designs. As I worked there for 2,5 years I worked on all those scale levels.
Id Ps Ai
The small size of the office allowed me to get involved in several phases from the design process. From the first conversa�on with the client �ll monitoring construc�on works. Quickly I got my own projects to lead inside the office, but as a team we always discussed during the design process, especially the conceptual phase. Next to that, Studio Basta gave me the trust and space to develop my designing and visual skills. Something I enjoyed and appreciated.
Project: Lutgardis Natural playground in urban Brussel The �me of concrete playgrounds are over. The idea to great a more diverse and greener playground is a wish of both schools and the parents. In Germany, Netherlands and Belgium you see the transi�on star�ng. A blooming, fresh, green landscape is a welcome change in the concrete environment of Brussels. Using vegeta�on as a frame work and as play field, spaces are created where every child can find their own place. The playground is an adventure to walk through, run through in mul�ple ways! The biggest compliment we got from of a school teacher:” There is a lot less bullying on the playground just because the kids aren’t bored enough to bully each other”. Within this project I worked on the analysis, concept development, design dra� �ll monitoring the construc�on work.
Drawings that were used to test the design, feel the atmosphere and to communicate with the school, kids and parents
Pictures of construc�on work. Now, a year later, the trees and bushes are planted and the herb-layer is taking over the playground in the summer!
Project: St.Amandsplein, Kortrijk Central square in folk neighbourhood With the help of an intensive par�cipa�on process, a design came forward that got posi�ve reac�ons from almost everybody off the diverse inhabitants. The central character of the square asked for a mul�func�onal design; space for a farmers market, par�es, watching a soccer match on a big screen, playground and just space to hang out. By separa�ng the square, in a subtle way, from the hard and busy edges an introvert, calm space is created. Maintaining the open character was a must for the overview and walkability of the square.
3. Schetsontwerp
Within this project I helped with the par�cipa�on project and I was part of the design and visualiza�on team �ll the last design face.
* Plein
* Volks
Het Sint-Amandsplein is een stedelijk plein in het centrum van Overleie met alle stedelijke functies die daarbij horen.
Overleie heeft een volks karakter met mensen die graag gebruik maken van de openbare ruimte
Conceptual drawing
Een aantal grote eilanden maken ruimtes op schaal
Door de randen van het plein een “Twist” te geven worden ze beleefbaar en bespeelbaar
Studio Basta p 4 / 18
The plane tree remains the ruler of the square. By adding contra green spaces on the edges a spacious, green urban square is created.
We designed subtle spaces in bigger spaces, in this way openness is maintained while making several smaller places.
Project: Hoeve in de hagen Framhouse fi�ed in the cultural landscape with modern hedge structures The cultural landscape in which the farmhouse is located asks for an appropriate answer of the garden. By playing with the characteris�c hedge structures physical rela�ons as well as vision rela�ons are created with the landscape. These hedge structures also creates introvert spaces close to the house, and more extrovert spaces further into the garden. So, several types of spaces are created each with their own quality, fi�ng in the landscape and answering the program of the client. I led this project up to the final design stage. This contains: first conversa�ons with the client, landscape analyses, concept crea�ng, design and visual representa�on.
Sketch design
Design principles
Project: Fenikssite Brussel Appartement buildings with public func�ons located at the edge of Mediapark Brussels The project is located on the edge of the tree-filled media park in Brussels. We started working with the strong height difference, the forest like se�ng and the public character of the place. The design process was interes�ng, star�ng from a introvert se�ng of the buildings, the design changed into a more extrovert se�ng to connect with the strong public character in the future (Media site Brussels has big plans planned 5-10 years later). With this design, changes are created for public func�ons and an interes�ng, vegeta�ve living environment is created. In this project I worked on the analysis, conceptual phase, design phase, visualiza�ons and discussed at team mee�ngs
Design principles
Master Thesis:
Dry Waterscapes Landscape Based Green Infrastructure in Tucson, Arizona The urban drainage system in Tucson today is a neglected spa�al en�ty of the urban fabric. In this thesis a research is done on the poten�al of green infrastructure conform the landscape based design approach. The main ques�on is: “In what way can the urban landscape offer sustainable solutions for the drainage system and engage human and nature in the desert city Tucson?” This thesis proposes a mul�-scale strategy that builds on the bio-physical features of the landscape. Green Infrastructure prac�ces along the urban drainage system are s�mulated, with the help of incen�ves, to establish a green and coherent spa�al en�ty over �me. By combining governmental s�mula�on with local ini�a�ves the urban drainage system can be transformed into a locally embedded landscape which provides, in this design thesis, slow-traffic networks, aesthe�c pleasing public space, a comfortable micro climate and an increase in
Id Ps Ai
na�ve vegeta�on with increasing benefits over �me. A watershed provides an example of how an urban drainage system can be transformed with carefully selected incen�ves on a meso-scale level. A local design is made for one of the possible incen�ves, to provide an illustra�on of the poten�al urban water landscape. Within the design accessibility, visibility, mul�-func�onality, aesthe�cs and nature development form important aspects to engage people with their dry waterscape.
Nature Development: rs
Watershed Vision
Key Loca�ons
Human Use:
ork ffic Netw Slowtra
arks Public P
Flood Protec�on:
Social Hotspots
-off Reg
un Water R
Slowtraffic Network
The landscape strategy illustrates the poten�al of an integrated large scale urban wash system that combines rainwater run-off deten�on, nature corridors, public space and slow traffic networks. For one watershed key loca�ons are selected that kick start change. These key loca�ons can decrease flood problems significantly by detaining water and are located at the interac�ons of urban social flows to accommodate human and nature interac�on. With the help of design these places can create inspira�onal, cool and aesthe�cal oasis in the desert city. 16
Flood Area’s Washes
Christmas Wash Watershed
A A1
Sec�onal eleva�on of a 5.000m3 rainwater cistern placed underneath the rainwater run-off deten�on basin. At ground level a shaded public park creates place for people, water, flora and fauna.
The masterplan consist of a rainwater run-off deten�on basin, a water harvest cistern to irrigate the adjacent spor�ng fields and integrates public space with na�ve natural landscape. Within the plan flowing lines are introduced to put emphasis on the natural character and break with the surrounding grid system.
Vegeta�on Zones
Water Fluctua�ons
Legenda: Slow Traffic Path Car Traffic Road Dirt Path Riperian Vegeta�on Cac� Wash bed Contour Line Bicycle Route
Walking Route
Alterna�ve Walking Route 0
50 m.
Riperian Habitat Boulevard Vegeta�on
Cac� Vegeta�on
Ska�ng Area
Adventerous Area
Spor�ng Area
Community Ac�vity Area
Storm event
Low precipita�on event
Removal street & Earth movement
20 cm. bedrock
30-50 cm. heigh dams
2 m.
Neighborhood Acces Main Slow Traffic Route A1
Adventerous Route
Shared-use Boulevard
Spor�ng Area A
A1 0
Fluctua�ng water level Water-Vegeta�on Rela�on
A detailed design of a dam that slows down and detains rainwater run-off. The proposed dams accommodate two walking routes to and through the park as well.
Illustra�ons that provide an overview of how the masterplan design is build up. Integra�ng water deten�on, public routes, neighbourhood access, nature development and nature-water rela�onship are men�oned. 18
1 m.
A 1:200 elabora�on of the masterplan. The main slow traffic boulevard is flowing through the natural landscape connec�ng various func�ons and routes. Palo Verde and Mesquite trees provide shade along the route and a�ract wildlife. Furthermore, amongst others, Ironwood, Saguaro, Oc�llio and Lechuguilla are planted that have characteris�c forms and flowers and increase the biodiversity.
An illustra�on of the designed dry waterscape. The bridge provides the entrance to the park and is a direct reference to the presence of water in this desert landscape.
Bachelor Thesis:
Living Roofs A new public park layer on ‘de Amstel’, Amsterdam As in many ci�es, highly urban areas lack public parks and green spaces that can enable interac�on between people and nature. This thesis is an exploratory research to the poten�al of green roofs as a new nature and public park layer within the city of Amsterdam.
Id Ps Ai
Green roofs can provide valuable habitat for, amongst others, birds, bu�erflies and bees. Based on the building construc�on various roofs can be made accessible for public or semi-public use, providing a magnificent view over the city. The proposed strategy include a new public route on top of proposed new buildings. Nonaccessible roofs are planted with a variety of plants and herbs to provide dispersion routes to various natural area’s within the city for bees, birds and bu�erflies.
Connect parks
Green roofs
Emphasis urban structure
new public space
The designed roof is part of a bigger concept which connect social and natural flows.
On the designed roof a variety of vegeta�on zones are planted, crea�ng different atmospheres.. The pedestrian path connects the roofs and building entrances. Mul�ple viewing points are designed as well as relaxing spaces to comfortable enjoy the sun.
The plan�ng scheme with a variety of blooming seasons suppor�ng important food, shelter and breeding spaces for the target species.
Analysis of dispersion distances of the target species. Based on the analysis the non-accessible green roofs are planted to provide easy routes for the species.
Sec�on of the pedestrian route which give access to the new public park layer. Light constructed bridges “flow” over the streets. The building can be accessed on various floor levels by the roof.
Sec�on of the pedestrian route on the roof. Height differences of the pedestrian paths creates different spaces on the route as well as vegeta�on and soil height.
Illustra�on of the pedestrian bridge, the entrance towards the living roofs. The lightly designed bridge crosses a 4 lane street and provide an astonishing view of the buildings and a glimpse of the vegetated roofs. 25
Roel Winder Landscape Architecture Portfolio