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The Lighthouse Magazine talks to Mike McIver, Director of leading Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong based consultancy, Pl us 3, on their recent merger with Quantum Global Solutions and CCR, their unique multimedia services and looking ahead at Plus 3’s plans for overseas growth.
System Dynamic s models have been the basis for over 40 major disruption claims totaling well over US$ 10 billion in claim amounts.
After 30 years in the construction industry, what was the inspiration for the Plus 3 merger with Quantum Global Solutions and CCR?
There are three simple answers to that. Firstly, the merger was primarily driven through client demand – our clients projects are expanding globally and we want to be able to meet their requirements in these regions. Secondly, the complementary and unique services the partnership can bring to each company including Construction Dynamics Solutions (CDS) and Multimedia Forensic Graphics.

Finally, and most importantly - the people! Quantum and CCR are kindred spirits, we all bring global knowledge and regionalised expertise along with a customer focused approach to the partnership. We believe that while we all have individual strengths, our merger brings greater value as the sum of all three parts together. Working with Quantum we have access to their extensive network of global offices and expert consultants spanning throughout the Middle East, Europe and America and CCR will also bring unique insight and a local presence in the Australian and New Zealand markets.
Tell us about Construction Dynamics Solutions - CDS?
CDS is ideally suited for evaluating, substantiating and securing a positive settlement for disruption claims on major projects. The ‘Measured Mile’ approach is the traditional method to value disruption. However it tends to be suitable for linear projects and it is not always possible to find an area where expected production rates were achieved. For non-linear more complex projects, there are normally many parallel issues causing disruption which are almost impossible to separate and value and consequently contractors are left with the only option being to submit a ‘Global Claim’ which is then given away in settlement discussions.
CDS is the long awaited and much needed solution to fully substantiate and secure a fair settlement for the disruption which affects most major projects.
CDS’s approach to assessing disruption…. Dynamic Disruption and Delay Analysis (D3A), is based on a System Dynamics computer simulation methodology. Invented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the 1960s, System Dynamics uses simulation models that describe how projects actually perform: how decisions are made, how progress is achieved and how rework is then created.

The first simulation models have an established history and track record dating back to the late 1970s where it was used to settle a dispute between a Contractor and the US Navy. Since then, models have been used as proactive project management tools on hundreds of projects across the construction, aerospace, engineering and shipbuilding industries. We are particularly proud that System Dynamics is an accredited method for estimating disruption in the construction industry and it has been included in the Delay and Disruption Protocol of the Society of Construction Law 2017. At Plus 3 we are looking forward to presenting System Dynamics to our clients and have recently finalised a video describing the D3A technique. You also mentioned Forensic Graphics – how does this benefit the construction industry and to what extent does this give you a further competitive advantage? to avoid unnecessary protracted disputes is through the use of fully animated movie presentations, using creative and dynamic multimedia techniques. As the saying goes, a picture tells a thousand words and to leverage this fact, our in-house media team is dedicated to preparing movies and interactive presentations used to demonstrate construction claim entitlements, across multiple sectors including oil and gas, rail, airport and marine projects. When utilised in this way, media is particularly useful for making presentations to key decision makers who do not necessarily have the time to read and digest large volumes of claim submissions and may not be fluent in English language. Media can be used to present issues clearly, concisely, and with a focused message aligned to the desired outcomes. Used extensively on complex disputes our media techniques have proven effective in securing positive results, particularly among multi-national, multilingual teams where visuals are clearly understood without the need for accompanying translations.
Each project is unique and we believe in delivering bespoke solutions to the problems that inevitably arise during the multifaceted construction process. Our focus is to reach amicable resolutions and early settlement of claims and disputes; and one highly successful method used to trigger negotiations and Plus 3’s focus is to encourage dialogue among the different parties, to take the emotion out of the subject, and to get people to talk. ‘Minimising Risk and Maximising Returns’ for our clients is our philosophy and we believe the use of dynamic media applications will benefit all of our clients.

It is a fact that 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual, and our brain processes visual images 60,000 times faster than text.
During a recent industry event 92% of the audience were either ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to consider using visual graphics in future dispute resolution proceedings.

Looking ahead, what are your plans for international growth?
The COVID-19 virus is unprecedented in recent times and the world is currently experiencing a period of unparalleled personal and economic suffering. We understand that global businesses will be significantly impacted but through our merger, our decades of experience, our new services along with our expanded global reach we will continue to provide uninterrupted world-class service and be ready and available with local on-the-ground teams to help our clients in any international locations, to not only survive this crisis but to thrive in the future.
Biography Michael McIver FRICS FCIOB, Plus 3 CEO has over 40 years of experience with an emphasis in later years in the contractual and commercial aspects of building and civil engineering projects. Mike is an Adjudicator and Mediator and has provided expert testimony in the fields of quantum and delay in arbitration and litigation domestically and internationally. He has extensive experience in the UK, Middle East and Asia Pacific in pre and post-contract administration, commercial and contractual management, risk analysis of contract, final accounts, contractual claims and disputes management.

Plus 3 offers construction consultancy support services with a particular focus on contractual, commercial, programme and forensic services, from project inception to final settlement including dispute resolution in mediation, arbitration, adjudication and litigation. www.plus3.international.