Kiyoto & the Surrounding Places

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PREFACE. This little work is particularly written for the convenience of the foreign visitors to the Kiyoto Exhibition. When they come in they perhaps shall be anxious to visit the celebrated and splendid places, to bring back with them the seeds of story to their countries. But they will not be able to find out the places all, and thus be obliged to get a guide, and then this book perhaps may prove useful.




T H E CITY OF KIYOTO The city of Kiyoto was founded by the Mikado Kanmu, who reigned over this country about one thousand and thirty years ago, as the capital of Japan under the name of Heian. From this period it has remained without particular change, but when a civil war broke out always the battles were fought here at first, because the Emperors of this country took their residence here. It is a most famous city for containing a great many celebrated and splendid palaces, temples and other edifices, and it is the most famous for manufactures which are necessary to fhe mankind as the silkdresses and the earthenwares &c. The pleasant places are devided into two parts, as Higashiyama and Nishiyama. Higashiyama is separated by the river, Kamogawa from Nishiyama and includes the eastern part of this city; and Kishiyama contains the western part; as Ninnaji, Kinkakuji &c. On the first page you will find the map of the town Kiyoto, and on the next page you will see the surrounding places.


SANJIO As Sanjio, third bridge across Kamogawa, is the most convenient situation to limit and count the distance to all directions; and as it is the habit that a citizen will tell you with this bridge when you ask him how many Chios it is from Kiyoto to Otsu or Fushimi &c, so I will mention the distance from this bridge to all places. The bridge was broken down by floods many times beforeHHideyoshi built it whit a great effort about the year 1600 after the christian era. First he raised the banks of the river Kamogawa so strong that the embankment remains still without ever being broken. Secondly he built the bridges, Sanjio Shijio and Gojio and paved the river bed underneath bridges with large stones so that they can not break so easily as before. J


GOSHO Gosko the old residence of the Emperors of Japan and the building where the Exhibition is taking place is the most splendid palace in this country. The building in the midle of the inner wall is called Shisinden and was the old seat of the government of this country. That in the right of the above named edifice is Sheirioden. There are six splendid gates in the outerwall and three in the inside and thus they are called Kumon or nine gates. No one was admitted to the palace except the Kuges or the high officers in this court till the opening of the Exhibition. Accordingly the people are anxious to visit the palace at this time. It is about 15 Chios from Sanjio in the direction to the northeast.

GION As Gion is the most celebrated and splendid temple though it is not the largest in Higashiyama, my story will begin from that place, and proceed to the north by degree. Its founder was the Mikado Sheiwa who reigned over this country about the year 860 after Christ. However sometimes it was burnt down to the ground or shaken by an Herthquake. Therefore it was many times rebuild since that period. The present edifice is a very handsome one and its shape is just like the palace Shisinden but only much smaller. It has a magnificent gate which you will see when you enter there. It is all red colored except the roof. There is also a large Toriye as the two pillars with a transvers beam, at the entrance of temples are called, is built of stone. I must leave Gion now because I have plenty to tell in this little book.

CHIONIN Chionin where the prior exhibition of last spring took place, as you know, is a large and most magnificent temple in Kiyoto. It was erected by Genkuwu a successful priest of the Budhit Religion, for the purpose of spreading the religion through this country about the year 1202 after the Christian era. The present edifice which is wonderful, large and splendid building was built by the illustrious carpenter Hidari Jingoro. There is also a great bell that is eighteen feet high from the top to the bottom, and ten inches thick. It is on the hill to the southeast of the edifice. It is about 8 Chios from Sanjio.

NANJENJI Nanjenji was a palace of Kameyama Tenno about 1260 after Christ, after he became a believer of the Buddhist religion so at last he dedicated the building to the idole as a temple of Buddhist; and so it remains still. It has a very fine garden and the residence of the templekeeper as you see on the engraving is very handsome indeed. Remarkable is as a large Toro or stone lantern near the gate. Its distance is 14 Chios from Sanjio.

NIYAKUOJI Myakuoji was erected by Goskirakawa Tenno for the worship of Buddhist about 1220, there are three waterfalls to which many people go to cool themselves in summer. There are plenty of the momiji (maple) the leaves of which turn red in the Autumn. It is close to Nanjenji and about 16 Chios from Sanjio.


KUEODANI Kurodani is one of large buildings in Kiyoto, and the Hondo, or the place where the idole is put, is a wonderful edifice and it has a pretty gatehouse called Sanmon. Its founder was a man named Yenkodaishi who was one of the successful transplanters of the Buddhist religion to this country. It is 19 Chios from Sanjio.


YEIKANDO Yeikando was founded by Montoku Tenno in the year 854 to worship Buddhist. The first preacher of this religion in the temple was Shinsai who was grandson of Kobodaishi the celebrated priest. There are many splendid statues which the people think to be very holy. There is a remarkable fine garden and this place is known as one of the finest in Higashiyama. It is close to Nanjenji.


SHINNIODO Shinniodo is a splendid temple in the east from Gosho haviag many small buildings attached to it. This place is one of the most celebrated ones for the fine flower's and the beautiful maples in Kiyoto. It was built by Shirakawajoin about the year 1050 for the worship of the Buddst which came over from China. It is 23 Chios from Sanjio.


YOSHIDA Yosbida is a very old and famous temple of trie Shinto religion in this country. The present building is embellished with red color almost all over.It is very pleasant place with handsome trees growing there as you see on the photograph. It is about half a R i from Sanjio.


GINKAKUJI Ginkakuji is a most famous place for its splendour in ancient and modern time. It received the name "Ginkakuji" because it was adorned with silver by the Shogun Ashikaga for the purpose of enjoying himself there, about the year 1400. It still remains but as it is so old we can see the silver hardly any more. There is a fine, pleasant garden with many kinds of ever greens and sweet flowers. There is a little pond with nice fish in the centre of the garden. It is 32 Chios from Sanjio.


MARUYAMA Maruyama which lies to the east of G-ion was established by an illustrious priest. There are the housesfromwhich all the city can be seen at once on the hi 11 and from where one of the most bright views over this capital, can be obtained. Accordingly they have furnished the Hotels for the foreigners who are coming to Kiyoto to visit the Exhibition. There are elegant and gay gardens with many kinds of flowers or fruits, and pretty stones in it as you will see that on the engraving. There are many cherry trees which blossom very beautifully in the spring; so the people go and feast there looking down upon the fine flowers from the halls. This is the most delightful amusement to the people. Maruyama is about 10 Chios from Sanjio in distance.


HIGASHIOTANI Higashiotani was constructed about the year 1690 after the christian era and its idole was Midabuds which was thought to be very sacred by the people. For this reason the structure was completed much more grandly than any others. I think it may be called one of the most distingushed places for it grants a delightful sight of Kiyoto. It has a comely gate called Karamon, and before you enter the gate you will find a very nice road with shady trees on bothsides being close to Grion it is 12 Chios from Sanjio.


T H E TOWER OF YASAKA The Tower of Yasaka was built at first by the great prince, Shiotoku long time ago then it was the begining dedicated to the worship of the Buddhist religion; afterwards as it broke down, it was renewed by Yoritomo who was a most illustrious Shogun. The preasant tower is very high and handsome as you see on the cut. It stands on the way to Kiyomizu and is 12 Chios from Sanjio.


KIYOMIZTJ Kiyomizu which is a most magnificent temple in Kiyoto was founded by Tamuramaro for the faith of the Daihi when Kanmu established the capital. It stands on a great framework called Butai. The roads on the hill are very good and paved very conveniently for going up to it. The Hondo, or the structure in which the cheif idole reposes, is large and splendid. And it is still one of the idoles which are most worshiped by the people of Kiyoto. Therefore there is no day where this place is not visited at least one or two hundreds men or women, especially women. The view from here, may I think be called the finest view in Kiyoto, for the whole town can be seen there. It is about 20 Chios from Sanjio.

T H E E A B T H E N W A K E OF K I Y O M I Z U On the way of Kiyomizu there are many earthenware shops where are plenty of the splendid earthenwares. The plates teapots and cups made there are very celebrated for their splendor, and some of them cost very highly value. That is one of principal articles produced in this city. They are sent out for a great value through almost the whole country.


NISHIOTANI Shinranshonin constructed the building of Mshiotani, about the year 299 after Christ in order to spread the religion. And about the year 1709 the structure was reconstructed by order of Tokugawa. The temple is in a very delightful and surrounded by fine garden. Going up to the temple you cross a splendid stone bridge which on account of its particular shape is called Meganebash (spectacles-bridge). Bound pond are very gay green trees and fine cherry trees. There is a magnificent gate called Karamon. It is near Kiyomizu and is 18 Chios from Sanjio.


DAIBUTSU Hideyoshi built also a very gigantic image called Daibutsu. It was constructed of wood and varnished very richly. The hieght of the statue was 160 feet and the building which protects was 200 feet high. Both building and idole were several times destroyed by earthquake and lighting. The preasant idole is made of wood, and is only a very bad copy of the orginal one. Of the old place nothing is left but a large bell, the dimensions of which are follow; 14 feet high; 9 feet 4 inches diameter; 9 inches thick. Daibutsu is 15 Chios south from Sanjio.


MIMIZUKA Mimizuka or tke grave of the ears and noses, which is in front of the gate of Daibutsu was put up by Hideyoshi Taiko who lived about the year 1590 after the Christian era. When generals of this illustrious man invaded Korea with one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers, he ordered to bring back from that country and show him the ears and noses of the enemies who were killed in the battle. Because it was an old Japanese custom to cut of the heads of the killed enemies in a war and to show them to the king or general. But now it was impossible to bring the heads of the killed Korean soldiers to Japan for the distance is too great. On this account Hideyoshi gave the above command. All the ears and the noses which were brought to Japan were buried together in the place. The tomb is 720 feet in circumference and 30 feet in hieght.




Near Daibuts is Kengehoin which was founded by Goshirakawa Tenno the year 1150. He destined this temple especially to worship of the Kanjeon. In the largest building, which is called Sanjiusangendo one thousand idoles are. Each of the idoles is five feet high. Long after the erection of the temple it became the custom amongst archers to try to shoot an arrow along between the verader and the roof of the building without touching eather of them. The marks of the arrows are still visibie in many places on pillars &c.


INAEI Inari the temple of Shinto religion on the way to Fushimi, is a most famous one in this country. It is the head of Inaris which are worshiped almost every place. The temple stands on a hill by name Inariyama from which the sight of the river Yodogawa can be seen. The distance to the temple from Sanjio is 37 Chios.


SHENNIUJI Shenniuji was build by Morotsugu, a high officer under the reign of Montoku Tenno about the year 850 after Christ. Afterwards it has been used as a burial place of Tennos. It is situated in a small valley, southeast of Rengehoin. Its distance is 28 Chios from Sanjio.


TOFUKUJI Tofukuji, on the road from Fushimi to Kioto was built by the Shogun Yoritsune, who lived iu Kamakura, about the year 1230. There are many splendid buildings besides the Hondo which is the greatest and most grand amongst them. A long wall surrounds the temple and fine fir trees are growing before it. It is 23 Chios from Sanjio.


UJI The village Uji which lies in the east of Yodo is a very famous for tea in this country. There are very old tea trees at least two or three hundred years old. The ground in this^village is so fit for tea trees that no other place can be equal in Japan. Almost all people of this village live in planting the tea trees, and taking the care of the plants. A great many quantities of tea are sent out all over this country and even foreign countries. That is most principale production in this country. In the spring women and girls pick the leaves of the plants and that is very beautiful sight. It is in the direction of the south west from this city and the distance to the village from Sanjio is 3 Ris.

OBAKU Obaku Manpukuji is a very splendid temple in the southern part of this city. Its founder was a Chinese named Fuknshin who came over from that country about the year 1650. He built such superb edifices by order of Tokugawa. It has magnificent gates and buildings which are erected very richly.


HONGANJI Honganji the temple where the last Exhibition took place was founded by Kameyama Tenno who reigned over this country about the year 1260. It is one of the great temples in Kiyoto. There is a large and comely wall surround it. There is a very elegant garden with a pretty little building named Hiunkaku. The Hondo of this temple is very celebrated for both its beauty and greatness. It is situated in Nishirokujio. It is 26 Chios from Sanjio.


HONKOKUJI Honkokuji which is in the south of Matswara in Horikawa was founded by Nichiren the famous priest. It has a fine, wide place, having very handsome tower and other small buildings and green firtrees in it. It has the high gate as well as others. It has a building called Kiyakuden in the behind of this Hondo. Around Kiyakuden are many fine trees there. It is 24 Chios from Goshio in distance.

TOJI The founder of the temple Toji, situated in the southwest corner of this city was an illustrious priest Kukai Kobo. It is one of the largest temple in Kiyoto. Conspicuous by a high tower (Towu), which can be seen a great way

off. There are very magnificent building and firtrees and the whole place is surrounded by a large wall. On the twenty first of every month a great many citizens of Kiyoto come here and worship the idole.


IWASHIMIZU I N YAWATA Iwashimizu in Tawata which lies in the southwest part of this city was built by Sheiwa Tenno for the worship of the great Emperor who reigned over this country ever as a god. It is situated on the hill Yawata in the southwest of yodo, and you will see that hill from the boat which sail up the river from Osaka to Fushimi. The building is very splendid and rich, and is called one of the temples dedicated to most worshiped persons in this country. It is about four Ris from Sanjio in distance.


NAGAOKA Tenmanguwu in Nagaoka is a temple dedicated to an illustrious man named Kanko, who lived about the year 870. He was so lamed,and virtious that he is worshiped as a god by the people till this day. The man is worshiped in almost all parts of this country still. This temple is built in a very nice situation, and lies in the west of the village, Kaiden. It is 3 Eis from Sanjio.

MUMENOMIYA Mumenomiya is a most magnificent place in MshiyamaIt has a very nice pond which has small island in the midle of it before a large building which is a very comfortable temple. In the island there is a little house, and a small bridge is crossed over the pond. If you will visit those of Nishiyama. I wish you that you will not forget the place to go; becauce it is a finest and most famous place in the direction of the west in Kiyoto. It is fifty six Chios distant from Sanjio.


AHASHIYAMA Arashiyama is in the western part of this city. It has a large and crean river which runs around the foot of this hill. There are many beautiful cherry trees that blossom in the spring and the red leaves that become all red like very pretty flowers in the Autumn. And in the river are very nice fish as well as that of Biwa. So many person go and feast there looking upon the fine flowers in spring the gay redleaves in Autumn. It is indeed one of the finest views. It is about two Eis from Sanjio in distance.


SHEIEIOJI Sheirioji was built by Chionen, the priest of Todaiji in Nara, who went over to China for studying the religion in the 1000 after the Christian era. It is one of the most magnificent places, in Nishiyama with a rich tower and a splend gate house. It lies about 18 Chios from Sanjio.



NINNAJI Nhmaji in Omuro which is one of the most splendid edifices situated in the west. It was built by Koko Tenno, to the worship of Buddhist. Afterwards it became one of the highest temples in this country. There are many rich old things which are exhibited in this temple at this time. The rich things adorned with gold or silver which were dedicated by Hideyoshi and other Daimios are there. There are manyflowersand pretty plants which blossom very beautifully in the spring are in the temple. So the many people go and feast there looking upon the cherry trees in blossom. The temple is so great that the princes become always the priests of it after one another under the name of Miya.


DAITOKUJT Daitokuji was founded by Taitokokushi, who was a very famous priest for learning of the Budhist religion. The edifices of the temple are magnificent including the splendid idoles in them. At the entrance of the temple there is very richly built gate house. It lies in the south of Imamiya. It is distant 25 Chios from Sanjio.


KINIvAKUJI Kinkakuji lies in the northeast of Kitano was built shortly before Ginkakuji was completed by the Shogun Ashikaga. The tower adorned with very thin gold stands still in the midle of the garden but as it is so old the thin gold now remains only very little of it to be seen. But the magnificent edifice and the fine garden are remained still. They are superior to G-inkakuji in splendor and granduar. This garden is very large and has very many nice things in it. In the front of the tower there is a pond where are plenty of fish. It may be called one of the large and splendid temples in Kiyoto. It is fifty Chios from Sanjio in distance. A fine hill by name Kinugasa can-be seen from there too.


KITANO Tenjin of Kitano which was dedicated to Kanko who was the most learned and good man, and endeavoured to promot the welfare of the people at ancient time, is very splendid temple and its Honsha is just the same as the Mikado's residence. The temple is situated on the west of Gosho, on the way to Kinkakuji. There is large Toriye that stands always at the entrance of the temple of Shinto religion. The place where the building stands is a very nice and the grove of fine fir trees arounds it. The distance to the temple from Sanjio is 41 Chios.


NISHIJIN Nishijin is a most famous place for the manufacture of weaving silk in this country. The gayest and valuable clothes in Japan are made there, somedresses adorned with gold are woven too. There plenty of the neckclothes which are of great use to us in winter, are made at this time also. The neckclothes woven in this place are prevailed now very extenstively in this city. As these are much more cheap than foreign ones, they are sent out from this city to others for a great value. IV


KAMIGAMO Kamigamo which was erected at the same time with Shimogamo is one of the temples the expences of which are payed from the government too. It is superior to Shimogamo in both splendor and greatness. The building is built very richly indeed. There is the race every year in this wide place. It is far, but the way is very good to walk along the bank of the river Kamogawa, with many firtrees growing there. It is 66 Chios in distance from Sanjio.


SHIMOGAMO Shimogamo was built by Tenmu Tenno in connnemmotion of Tamayoribime wbo lived a long time ago. It is so distinguished that the Emperors of Japan almost always went there when it is an holiday or Matsri. On that account it is one of the temples the expences of which are provided by the Government. It is a splendid temple with three gates before the Honshia or the building where the deity is put. The temple which is surrounded by a lay grove of fine old trees. It lies in the northern part of this city, where the river Kamogawa forks, and is 20 Chios from Sanjio.


KAMOGAWA The river Kamogawa is formed of the collections ol Kibune Iwayagawa, which come out from the northernhills. It runs down the eastern part of this city through the bridges, Nijio, Sanjio, Shijio and Gojio, and at last Kamogawa flows into Yodogawa west side of Yodo. When it rains for a long time in the Autumn its embankment of the river overflows very soon and breaks the bridges and deserts the fields so that nothing is left for the farmers. This river is celebrated for the bleaching of the linen and cotton goods which is clone to on great extend of the dry part of the riverded. Kamogawa also feeds a small canal called Takashe, which runs from Nijio the second bridge to Fushimi. This canal is very shallow but a great many goods are turn ported on it by particularly built small boats. Al;<# a few passenger boats are plying between Fushimi and Kiyoto.

OTSU K A T A T A AND H I E A In Otsu there is a comfortable Hotel for foreigners known by the name Kaikaro. It stands in a fine place on the shore of the lake. The distance to Otsu from Sanjio is three Ris. The birds coming down to the building which is erected in the lake near Katata is one of the finest sights too. From the house almost all of the lake can be seen. The mountain Hira which is coverd with snow during winter and part of spring grants during that season, especially in the evening a very good sight indeed.


BIWA Biwa the lake in the east of Kiyoto is a very nice lake with many fine views all round. The beauties of the lake are eight in number. First the strange firtree in Karasaki, Second the view of the flying down of wild geese; Third Awatsu, Fourth the moon lighting night in Autumn in Ishiyama; and Fifth the evening in Sheta; Sixth the boats sailing to Yabashe; Seventh the snow mountain Hira evening sight; Eighth if you go up to the temple Miedera you will see nearly all of them.


KARASAKI The firtree in Karasaki, as I said before is one of the eight remarkable things round the lake. The tree is grown near the shore of this lake and its branches are spreading far over the water. It is said that the tree is at least two or three hundred years old. The rain dropping from branch to branch and at last in the water make a particular sound.


S H E T A A W A T S U AND I S H I Y A M A The bridge, Sheta which accross the outlet of the lake is a most famous and large one. The sight of the evening is very pretty and many people visit there when the sun is set. Awatsu is a very delightful place on the shore of this lake. The finest scene is at the time when the wind blows and the sun shines. The waves of this lake then look very pretty like silver. The temple Ishiyama stands on the hill near the outlet of the lake and the lower part of it can be best over looked from here. The place is visited in the autumn by many people, who pass a moon light nighfc


HIEIZAN The highest mountain of the mountains is Hiyeizan northeast of Kiyoto. Near the top of this mountain stands a large old temple Yenrekiji by name. Yenrekiji was founded by Kanmu Tenno when he made this city his residence. After centuries the priest of this temple became very powerful and sometimes they feircely fought with other priests and made dreadful slaughter or burnt down other temple. At one time lived thousands of priests in it. In the year • 1540, they raised war against Shogun Ifobunaga and at last they were defeated by him and all the priests were killed and the admirable building was burnt down to the ground. The present temple is very different from that of the ancient one in both size and splendor.


If you go up to that place you can see almost the whole of the lake Biwa. It is one of most famous views round this city, and well worth the traveler to go to the top of this mountain. It is three Eis from Sanjio.



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