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Reader’s letters..............................4 Ask the expert...............................5 Wallboard....................................10 Interview
Pilar Galiot
Four gadgets you should definitely take for Christmas .........................6
Alexandra Cinema closes its do ors...................................................7
The 21st Century grandma EDITORIAL
The new Canon 8D........................7 Víctor Vidal Blandón INTERVIEWS
PILAR GALIOT The 21st century grandma.............8 DANI ESCUDERO Graphic designer...........................9
Anaïs Serrano Álvarez
Roger Martínez Cañas
Audiovisual for Aduiovisual Media Fall 2013 EUPMt Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme
AV Magazine | 3
Reader’s letter Dear editor, I read your article about the importance of being honest and I completely disagree with your opinion. You said that working in front to the public, either writing articles or in front of a camera, you can’t be honest because if you do, your public will possibly kill you. In my opinion, being honest is the best quality for a journalist that wants to be credible, even if her or his public disagrees with his or her opinion . A journalist works to keep the world informed. And if his opinion or report is not clear and concise, and therefore honest, the opinion is worthless. To sum up, I think that being honest is essential to journalism, in order to be a credible and respected journalist.
Dear editor, Last week you published and article talking about the fashion industry and the pain it creates in society, especially in teenagers. I agree with you and I think we should fight against all these lies. Two years ago, I was working for the well-known Vogue Magazine. I have to say I disagreed in the way they worked. They didn’t want models wearing an S, they had to wear an XS. Because of this, I left my job as a photographer, I don’t think it’s ethical. To end, I want to warn people not to believe everything they read in the magazines, especially in fashion ones.
Dear editor, Totally disagree with the last week’s article: how to do a good film. You said: “ if you want to shoot a good film, you need a good camera”. In my opinion , the quality of the camera is not important in the final result of a film. If you have a good camera, the quality of the images will be better, yes, but the camera does not say how to film and you have to edit in the postproduction. To make a good movie, you need a camera (cheap or expensive), and the most important thing, open your mind to transmit your ideas into the camera.
4 | AV Magazine
Ask the Expert Brian Mountain, expert in new technologies, answers to all of your answers. Write an email with your question to asktheexpert@magazine.com. When I try to connect my tablet to internet, it says that I have no connection and I get a message: no available networks. I’ve been trying to restart the tablet, turn on and off the connecting networks but it doesn’t work. What do I do? Mathew2013 Dear Mathew2013, It may be a misconfiguration or a corrupted file that’s interfering in your configuration. You should reformat your tablet. Considering I don’t know which model your tablet is, in general, you can reformat your tablet going to the settings menu, then privacy and factory data reset. You should also save a security copy from your device if you don’t want to lose all your information.
I’m making a film and I need music, but I don’t have money to pay the music licence, could you help me? Randomedia13 Dear Randomedia13, the music licence is one of the biggest problems to do a film, because you need spend much money on it. The easiest and cheapest way is to search free music licences in internet, you have a lot of websites of music with free licence.
I’d like to make a short
film for the school but I don’t know which material I should use. Could you help me to find it? Moonlight2000 Dear Moonlight2000, If you want to produce your own short film you need the basic material . It consists in a digital camera to record the images and a tripode to stabilize the images. If you don’t own all the material, you can rent it.
Send your question: asktheexpert@magazine.com
AV Magazine | 5
4 gadgets you should definitely get for Christmas A list of the top 4 most sold gadgets including smartphones, tablets and other digital devices to give away or ask this Christmas 1. iPad Air The lightest from Apple. It’s just 7.5 millimeters thin and weighs one pound a 20% thinner and a 28% lighter than the last one. Also, iPad Air keeps you connected faster than ever: up to 2x faster Wi-Fi because of the two integrated antennas. Price: 479€
2. Galaxy Note 3
3. Sony Vaio Duo 11
The best from Samsung till now. The new ‘phablet’ - phone plus tablet - has 8.3 mm of thickness and weighs 168 grams. The hybrid counts with a 13 mpx camera and an intelligent pen.
A new concept in computing mixes a tablet and an ultrabook. It turns from a touchscreen tablet into a ultrabook PC in a moment. One of the first convertible Win-
Price: 749€
dows 8 computers in the market. Price: 1,189€
3. Sony Vaio Duo 11 A new concept in computing mixes a tablet and an ultrabook. It turns from a touchscreen tablet into a ultrabook PC in a moment. One of the first convertible Windows 8 computers in the market. Price: 1,189€
6 | AV Magazine
Alexandra Cinema closes its doors The popular Alexandra cinema has been forced to close its doors due to the economic crisis. The closing will take place on 19 December of 2013. IVAS’s increase has played against cinemas, especially little ones, Alexandra is an example. This cinema was inaugurated in 1949, it has five projection rooms which were remodeled seven years ago. The web page has published the billboard until the 18th of december, a day before its closing. The two last days the cinema will offer special projections to say goodbye to the audience. The last day the film “Sitting Pretty” will be offered in commemoration of Alexandra cinema’s first opening in 1949. This was the first film projected in the cinema. Moreover, this has not been the only cinema settled in Barcelona that has been forced to close its doors because of the economic situation, for example: Lauren Gràcia and Urgell cinema. This one was the cinema with the biggest projection room in Barcelona. Recently, the Spanish cinemas have made a promo to increase the audience to the cinemas and it has consisted in lowering the ticket prices. They now costed 3.50 euros. They had increased the attendance about an 80 per cent more than in a normal day.
The new Canon 8D Canon is a Japanese multinational corporation specialized in the manufacture of imaging and optical products like cameras and camcorders. Its workers are researching new technologies based on image and video.
The camera has another presets like 80mpx, video in HD and DSLR full-frame sensor. In conclusion, this awesome system is not cheap, and the new 8D costs is ten thousand dollars.
Recently, Canon has developed a new camera: the Canon 8D. This camera can take images in high quality without pressing the shutter button. It has an intelligent sensor that takes the photo when it the best moment to do it. In fact, this sensor system idea was developed by another multinational, but Canon stole it.
AV Magazine | 7
Pilar Galiot
The 21st Century Grandma By: Anaïs Serrano Ávarez In this week’s interview, we have had the opportunity to meet Pilar. Pilar is a 78 year old woman from Cerdanyola del Vallès, a village near Barcelona. When she was a child, she did not have the chance to go to school as other children because her family needed her to work for helping them with their expenses. Since she remembers, Pilar has always wanted to learn how to write and read. Now she’s 78 years old, her granddaughter has taught her to do it. But not in the traditional way. Pilar has learnt how to write by computer, without previous notions of writing. Dear Pilar, we’re glad to have you here with us. How does people call you? In my neighbourhood they call me modern granny. And why? Why do they call you that? Because I love modern stuff like surfing the internet, downloading files, watching streaming concerts... I love everything related with technologies. What do you like the most about new technologies? I really love to be able to contact with my family via internet. I remember when I was young and I wanted to communicate with my aunties who lived kilometers away from my home. I had to wake up early, take my donkey and start walking through difficult paths. Now it unthinkable to do things like that. Just by turning on my computer I am able to do this things and more. You said you do more things. What things do you like to do with your computer? ’ve started to follow some series like ‘Amar en
8 | AV Magazine
tiempos revueltos’ or ‘El tiempo entre costuras’, that I can’t see when they are issued on TV because they finish late night. I also like to send emails to my granddaughters to ask them how they are and whether they are coming home to lunch. I adore them! Have you learned to do all this on your own? No, my grandaughter teaches me a bit everyday. She lives with me at home and I every time she takes her computer to do things from university, I take advantage of it and I ask her everything I want to learn. Sometimes she tells me I’m a annoying, I know she’s kidding hahaha What do you want to say to all this people in same conditions like you? I want them to know that we’re still powerful, even more than we were yesterday because we are able to spend all our retired time learning something useful to make our brain work. Look at the ‘iaioflautes’, they are claiming for our right in front of the parliament every week. They want to change something and they’re going to get it soon.
Dani Escudero
Graphic Designer
By: Víctor Vidal Blandón
In this section we interview Dani Escudero. He’s a 20 years old graphic designer from Barcelona. He loves design animations and logos. He is also an engineering student and when he is not studying, he is in the design studio in Barcelona, where he works. Hello Dani, it is a chance to have you here with us. So, tell us about your designer work. I’m a graphic designer. Basically my job consists in two important things: first of all, we should know what the customer wants to transmit to his or her public, and once we know that, we share it in the proper way being clear, brief and well looked. When did you start in this world of design? Two years ago, when I discovered the wonderful world of art and advertising. Do you think that new technologies have influenced the graphic design world? Yes, absolutely. Technology has allowed things that once required a lot of hours and hard work, to become easier and faster to do. Do you think that because of this new technologies, graphic design is even more in contact with the audiovisual world, with the creation of animations or 3D objects in films or short films? Of course, I think that in a few years you will need to have knowledge about the two disciplines Last, I go you see yourself involved into the audiovisual world in future? Yes! Would be nice to work together (laughs).
AV Magazine | 9
Wallboard Buy or Sale Second hand MacBook pro. One year old and still two years of warranty. Interested contact at 123.147.159
I’m searching for a second hand 1TB hard drive. Contact me. 478.574.963. Urgent sale: HP laptop 15.6’’, RAM: 4GB, 2.5 GHz 2 years. 300$ negotiable. Looking for a second hand iPod nano 8GB. Doesn’t matter the Second hand Canon lens. color. Interested write to me at 8mm Fisheye lens F.3.5 for lookingforanipod@gmail.com DSLR cameras. Price: 300$. Subject: iPod Send your advert: buyorsale@magazine.
Work Seeking for young, versatile and decisive person, specialist in social networks to launch small/ medium business and management of web (HTML). Interested send CV to iwantyoutojobforme@gmail. com.
Seeking Djs for a party in London. Preferably Indie and electro Djs. For more information: lastpartytonight@gmail.com
We are looking for a model. If you are young and well looking, don’t hesitate to contact us. You can send an email: modelsagency@gmail.com or call: 098.765.465 Required expert hacker in database. 100$ per work. Contact: 021.325.639.
Send your advert: work@magazine.com
10 | AV Magazine
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