Youtubers analysis

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1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4 2. Objectives .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.

Quantitative data ........................................................................................................... 5


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ................................................ 5


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level .................................................................. 5


Intertextuality ................................................................................................................ 6


Camera and edition ....................................................................................................... 6

3. Description of the research object ............................................................................ 7 3.1.

Loulogio – Thous producciones ..................................................................................... 7


AuronPlay – Dalas Review ........................................................................................... 11


Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo .................................................................. 12

4. Methodological framework ..................................................................................... 15 4.1.

Quantitative data ......................................................................................................... 15


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level .............................................. 15


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ................................................................ 16


Intertextuality .............................................................................................................. 17


Camera and edition ..................................................................................................... 17

5. Analysis and results ................................................................................................. 19 5.1.

Loulogio – Thous producciones ................................................................................... 19


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 19


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ....................................... 22


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 27


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 29


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 33


AuronPlay – Dallas Review ........................................................................................... 34


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 34


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ....................................... 37


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 44


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 48


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 51


Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo .................................................................. 54


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 54


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ....................................... 57


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 63


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 64


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 68

6. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 70 6.1.

Loulogio – Thous producciones ................................................................................... 70


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 70


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ....................................... 70


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 70


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 70


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 71


AuronPlay – Dallas Review ........................................................................................... 71


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 71


Narrative programmes-­‐ Greimas, the superficial level ........................................ 72


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 74


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 75


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 76


Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo .................................................................. 77


Quantitative data ................................................................................................. 77


Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level ....................................... 77


Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level ......................................................... 77


Intertextuality ...................................................................................................... 78


Camera and edition .............................................................................................. 78

7. Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 79


Books ........................................................................................................................... 79


Webpages .................................................................................................................... 79

Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


1. Introduction Today, YouTube is arguably the most popular video-­‐sharing website with more than 1 billion users, billions of views on a daily basis and 300 hours of video uploaded every minute. The service was created back in 2005 and has established as one of the most important social network, successfully penetrating to the young population and adapting its format in the mobile devices. Furthermore, the variety of content such as music videos, video blogging, TV clips, etc. has captivated the attention of advertisers. One of the most interesting things in YouTube are the viral videos, but what it’s even more difficult than having millions of views is to have millions of subscribers, people with YouTube accounts that follow another one because of the content they upload. A youtuber have to constantly keep uploading different type of video, different content but usually with the same topic: beauty, music, gaming, humour, music videos, dancing routines, etc. In this particular research we want to compare two different figures, the first one is a popular and famous youtuber that has already achieved the success with lots of “fans”. On the other hand, we have the character of emergent youtubers, who only have few followers. For this project, we will consider youtubers famous if they have more than 450.000 subscribers so if they have less, they will be considered emergent ones. Moreover, for being an emergent youtuber, the tendency of followers and viewers of the youtuber’s channel must be increasing (in a short-­‐term retrospective view). To achieve our goals, we will use quantitative and qualitative methodologies to analyse the content of some of their videos to understand their whole channels.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


2. Objectives 2.1. Quantitative data

Have emergent youtubers the same characteristics of quantitative data than famous ones? Are there big changes? Have famous youtubers in proportion more comments, viewers, likes and votes considering the number of subscribers? Comparing quantitative data between famous and emergent youtubers is our first objective to have a global vision about them. We want to know if there is a correlation between the number of subscribers with their activity. We also pretend to analyse if the number of comments, likes, views… is influenced by the length of the videos. We have the hypothesis that with large number of subscribers, the users activity will be greater. For this reason, we believe famous youtubers will have, in proportion, a bigger interaction with their users.

2.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level

Is there any difference between narrative programmes of famous youtubers and their emergent partner? With this objective, we want to know if the emergent youtuber follows the same structure of famous ones or if they create a new way to share the contents. However, we don’t only focus on the basic narrative programme because we want to analyse in detail all the videos that we have selected to understand if there are new techniques. After that analysis, we will compare the changes that have occurred in the new generation of youtubers. In case there will be developments on their structure, we will analyse it to find the reason.

2.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level

Does the speech of emergent youtubers show any distinction from the famous ones? What is the strategy followed by the author to interact with users? Why do they introduce these changes?


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


We guess that emergent youtubers add more new words and popular expressions trying to catch our attention on their contents. Furthermore, we want analyse how they talk to users and how explain their knowledge or facts. We will study these changes to comprehend if they include them to reject becoming similar of youtubers with more subscribers. In this case, it is probably they innovate to climb positions in the youtubers’ ranking.

2.4. Intertextuality

Are the two kinds of youtubers using the same grade of intertextuality? Which are the most recurrent topics of each youtuber? Does exist any coincidence between the members of each couple? In this part of research we pretend to analyse the intertextuality degree on each speech to compare it in every couple. We will have to pay attention on the topics youtubers use and we need to know for their comprehension (human encyclopaedia). Moreover, we will identify the possible recurrent topics depending on the contents of each couple of youtubers. Finally, we will appreciate and compare the characteristics of these topics: teenager or adult topics, new or old topics, social or cultural topics… and why they use them (to make fun, to simplify, to give an example…).

2.5. Camera and edition

Does emergent youtubers follow the same way of edition than famous ones? Are there any innovations? Why they introduce them? In that section of analysis, we will observe similarities and differences of the use of the camera and its edition between famous and emergent youtubers. For example, we will analyse cuts, effects, sounds, number of actors and the depth of field. We also want to check if famous youtubers editions are more elaborated than the other ones because of their experience and if the new youtubers apply new techniques to innovate and create different contents.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


3. Description of the research object



Cómo seducir a una dama siendo un frikazo =s3M-­‐KzHpMPI

Pajilleitor Plus =D-­‐a-­‐i5MV5Dg

El festival de Tomordoland =3hwqm0T-­‐CBI

El camello agresivo =2sdOoRpqgrw

Por qué no digo mi nombre =z6FY7WbvOYY

21 cosas que no puedes decir después del sexo =Bl6EgFlO5FU

Cómo no ligar =FmJTo0Y6JnM

Potter Movie






Yellow Mellow

Yellow Mellow

Thous producciones




Thous producciones

Dalas Review =2Z24DyYIlSU

Dalas Review

Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay =WPv5aRMQS5M

50 cosas sobre mi =bCU68sqwltU

Lesbianas primerizas =3MbNTpTaiuo

Si fuera heterosexual

Todo el monte es orgasmo

Todo el monte es orgasmo

* Each colour represents a couple formed of famous youtuber and emergent one.

3.1. Loulogio – Thous producciones Loulogio, also known as Loulogio Pi, is the Youtube user’s name of Isaac Sánchez Gonzales and is one of the most well known Spanish Youtubers. His videos are usually humoristic and present lots of style variations between them. Loulogio created his channel in 2006 but his first video was uploaded one year later, in 2007. The Youtuber stated that his first videos were


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


meant to be jokes between friends and he did not expect the sudden popularity. Months later, when he started to catch attention of the audience he started to make parodies of audiovisual contents -­‐dubbing adverts, famous people interviews or speeches and also dubbing famous programs, achieving with them a really high level of popularity. Most of Loulogio’s most popular videos are that kind of parodies such as: Pajilleitor plus, La Batamanta or La Chorrimanguera (junk TV adverts dubbed with funnies dialogues), Art Attax (a 5 chapters parody of the famous Spanish TV program Art Attack) or Nadal usa Pajilleitor Plus (a funny parody of the cramp that Rafa Nadal suffered in a press conference). So, Loulogio’s trade mark is his ability to mock the ridiculousness. This youtuber has more than 490K subscribers and totally almost 80 millions of views. His most popular videos are: LA MEJOR ESCENA DE NINJAS DE LA HISTORIA, LA BATAMANTA and PAJILLEITOR PLUS that have been watched by 8, 7 and 6 millions of people. As we said before, Loulogio’s first video was uploaded in 2012 and since then, the content of the videos have changed and diversified. As many other Youtubers, he has a classification of the videos depending mainly on the topics and the style which is narrated. His videos categories include: Traventura LOU-­‐JAGGER-­‐HLM, Doblajes de Cine, Zapping, Telemierda Entertainment, Art Attax. And we have to keep in mind Loulogio’s second channel Café con Lou •

Café con Lou: this is the second channel of this youtuber and it emerged as a project, on 17th September 2012, where Loulogio tried to share his daily life basis to his fans and viewers. As he defined the channel in the description and also in the humoristic video What is coffee with Lou?, the project was based on uploading a video every day. However, after 232 days uploading a daily video (133 days before finishing his purpose) he stopped because he felt “stressed and overtaken” and since then he upload some video occasionally. Café con Lou’s videos are also humoristic but they are really different from Loulogio’s main channel for some reasons. The most important reason is that in the majority of Café con Lou’s videos the main character is Loulogio himself, who makes funny speeches, monologues or songs, whereas in Loulogio’s main channel most of his videos are dubbing of other videos. Moreover, in Café con Lou, he makes lots of cinema’s and social networks reviews (for example the saga of five videos called


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“Amazing” mis huevos morenos which talk about the defects and faults of the film Amazing Spiderman, Hablemos de cine -­‐a review of actual films-­‐ or the video Instagram esa basura which is a hard review of the social network Instagram) which we cannot find in Loulogio Channel. In that channel, we can also find typical topics of youtuber videos as Draw my life or Chatroulette. However, because this series are uploaded in his second channel, we are not going to analyze it as deeply as the videos uploaded in his main channel. •

Traventra Lou-­‐Jagger-­‐HLM: This is a 3 videos series where Loulogio, with the collaboration of two other youtubers -­‐Mr Jagger and Haciendo la mierda-­‐ perform the role of some characters of a funny adventure.

Telemierda Entertainment: In that category Loulogio makes funny dubs of junk TV commercials.

Zapping: That cathegory includes videos where the youtuber makes dubs of TV programmes.

Doblajes de cine: In that selection we can find the videos where Loulogio makes funny dubs of different scenes of films.

Art Attax: That category is a selection of 5 of Loulogio’s oldest videos. That videos are parodies of the spanish TV program Art Attack. It is a small serie of four chapters of approximately 5 minutes long on average, and then a special chapter called Art Attax especial Navidad. Enrique Arias Tous (also known by his Youtube username Thous Carapollen or Thous Producciones) is a Spanish Youtube personality known for his comedy videos. Thous is an emergent youtuber that started to upload Youtube videos in 2006 with his friends with the name Dickdestroyers and started his own channel in 2012. The Youtuber accumulated from 2012 to 2014 almost 500k subscribers. However, he lost all his subscribers in

31/07/2014 due to complications and started all over again. In one year he have gained 102k subscribers and nowadays he has more than 45 million of views with almost 3 hundred videos


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(his Youtube videos and views remained intact). We consider Thous an emergent Youtuber because he stated that after losing all his subscribers, he wanted to start again, introducing new changes, new contents not only to his older fans but also to the new ones, he wanted to present himself “with a new channel”: His most popular videos are Youtuber Rural vs. Youtuber Urbano (830k views) and Quedada de Youtubers (800k views) that features the most popular Spanish Youtuber, Rubius. Thous first video was in 2012 and since then, the content of the videos have changed and have diversified. As many other youtubers, he has a classification of the videos depending mainly on the topics and the style which is narrated: •

Daily Destruction Thous!: this is the second channel of Thous and features a more “daily life basis” narration and style and the content of the videos are usually humoristic. What is different about his other videos (called vlogs) is that sometimes Thous holds the Camera and narrates different stories while he is “moving” from a place to another. He shows to the audience different events that usually don’t have a main subject, but often features Thous friends, parties, raps, singing, etc. This series have more than 200 videos. However, because this series are uploaded in his second channel, we are not going to analyse it as deeply as the videos uploaded in his main channel.

Vlogs Bizarros: this is the oldest series of the channel, and has more than 80 videos. These types of videos are different from the previous ones, because in vlogs, the youtuber talks about a same subject and the camera is more static, and do not move a lot compared to the previous ones.

Friki’s life: This category talks about how is a freak’s life in an exaggerated way (how to flirt, make friends and all the stereotypes that exist about freaks).

Parodies: Treats real phenomenon and transform them.

Hidden Camera, Trolleadas: this series is about pranks with a hidden camera and captures the reactions of random people.

… There are many other contents and Thous is an emergent youtuber that it’s still in rise and often wants to innovate and offer new contents.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


In order to analyse these youtubers we believe that it’s not only important to analyse the most popular videos but also the different classifications that the youtuber offers.

3.2. AuronPlay – Dalas Review AuronPlay is a youtuber who created his profile on YouTube in 28th February 2006. He is considered one of the most critical youtubers of our country with 1.301.871 subscribers and more than 124.840.000 visits on his videos. Nowadays he works for TelecircoHDTV, even thought it is not very known. His contents are from humorous genre but he always include some critical comments, so we can affirm that he combines both genres to make his explanation more enjoyable. The Catalan youtuber bases his contents on jokes about other famous youtubers such as ElRubius, Willyrex, Mangelrogel or Vegetta, because he is hooked on their YouTube channels. He also makes videos aimed at emergent youtubers or people who post some silly content on web (usually in social networks). It is important to remark that he likes to interact with this kind of people through phone calls. Despite the fact that he is focused on humorous field, he has already made a gameplay based on minecraft. However, he is not interested a lot in this area. We can distinguish his contents in five categories: telephonic jokes, direct programmes, Auron tips, video critics and dubbing videos. In the last category, he usually changes the dialogues of interview videos in order to joke about that. Another recurrent topic with which he jokes is McDonalds. In his beginnings, he had a little few subscribers, but due to the increasing of the number of videos he uploaded on his channel more and more people started following him because of his fun contents. Firstly, he could combine his job with his hobby, but then he realized he could make his life just by recording videos and sharing them on YouTube as he earned more money with the advertisements produced by his hobby than with his previous job. For this reason, he decided to resign his job and focus on making videos. Curiously, nobody knows a lot about his life. He hides his real name (Raúl) behind the pseudonym with which publishes and signs all his contents. Although he prefers to preserve his private life, he offers the chance to follow him on his professional profile on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.


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Dalas Review is the name of a YouTube channel created on the 23th of June 2012 by Dalas Azahar Blanco. He counts with 255.976 subscribers and more than 31.890.000 visualizations, being recognized as an emergent youtuber. The contents of Dalas Review channel are mainly critical, but with a humoristic way. In all of his videos the youtuber criticizes everything he disagrees or dislikes, and almost always that creates controversial and polemical among its viewers and subscribers. Dalas is specially focus on reprehend trends, another Youtubers –as AuronPlay– ideologies and famous people. In fact, the channel has been hardly criticized in some social networks like Twitter or Facebook for the content of some of his videos -­‐such as Las Feminazis más HIPÓCRITAS e imbeciles or Las mujeres son superiors a los hombres-­‐ that have been considered sexist or against the religion. What’s more, despite of the fact he is an emergent youtuber, he recently was Trending Topic in Spain for some hours for the controversial of the first video in on-­‐line platform. Apart of the critical and humoristic contents, Dalas Review can be the most famous channel of this youtuber, but it wasn’t the first one. Dalas started his activity as a gaming youtuber in 2011 with his now secondary channel WhaTheGame, where he stills sharing all the videos related about gaming content (new videogames, tricks to improve your technique, a summary of their structure and characters you can find etc). In general, the description of this youtuber is a contradiction itself. Dalas Review is a channel that criticizes everything, including things that the own youtuber does. Seeing some videos people can observe the youtuber publishes similar content that he has already criticized, and a lot of times is the own youtuber who admits it.

3.3. Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo Behind this channel there is Melo García Moreno. She is a 25 years old student of Communication Studies. She was originally born in France but currently lives in Barcelona (Catalonia). She began her channel YellowMellow in 2010 and started to gain recognition due to her covers of Lady Gaga.


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Currently the channel has more than a 42 million of views and 691K subscribers. The channel name comes from her fanaticism from the American TV series “The Simpsons”. This is a quote from the main character Homer because when he answers the phone he always says “Hellow” so it sounds similar to ‘Yellow’. We can find in the channel a diversity of contents: humour, sketches or absurd phrases, covers, vlogs, … She is a youtuber that constantly interacts with her subscribers. Melo uploads videos almost every Monday. However, she has two other channels which she uploads other contents: one is based on video games, She upload videos playing alone or with her friends, for her is a channel which she share fun and entertainment, she won’t make the typical videos about game, only share her free time. MeloMore has more than a 13 million of views and 195k subscribers. The other channel, Melomore, is a Vlog where She shows his every day, especially her travels around the world. It has more than a 40 million of views and 313K subscribers. Todo el monte es orgasmo was created in 25th of February 2011 and nowadays have more than 167k subscribers and more than 10 millions of views. For this reason she is considered an emergent yotuber. Todo el monte es orgasmo is actually a journalist that has lived in Salamanca, Madrid and Barcelona. She has stated that she chose what she wanted to be in the Internet and she is comfortable portraying that character. Todo monte es orgasmo is an alter ego that exaggerates her virtues and weaknesses. We do not know her name because she wants to remain anonymous, but we know she refers herself as “Bolli” or “Bollicao”. The contents of “Todo el monte es orgasmo” are specially about sex and breaking the traditional social concepts. She is always looking for controversy, and that has been reflected in many social networks. The youtuber talks in a provocative tone, about polemical topics and uses vulgar epithets -­‐as “perra”-­‐ to make references to their followers, even though some of them are boys.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


One year after “Todo el monte es orgasmo” created her profile in YouTube, she opened a secondary channel called “soysupernormal”, that has become an extension of the main channel. This platform counts with 8.843 of subscribers and 193.663 visualizations. On the other hand, she also appears in FiestaSuprema, another YouTube channel, but only does some collaboration.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


4. Methodological framework 4.1. Quantitative data To answer the first question, we have to use a tool which allows us to download the essential data information about the activity of each YouTube channel. For example, we can extract the exactly number of subscribers, views, comments and duration of each video. The tool is named YouTube Data API. It is the best filter of research that let the users find the youtuber information and compare them. The process is really simple as users only have to introduce the URL of the YouTube channel that they are interested in it and then they can download it1. However, users get the data of a lot of many other youtubers so they have to select and filter the ones that they are interested in. After that, we will use the Excel operative programme to design the different graphics and compare them. Applying the results of each research to extract conclusions, we will be able to establish the differences and possible similarities between the two members of each couple of youtubers.

4.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level To answer the second question, we have to pay attention at superficial level, which is proposed by Algirdas Greimas, to analyse narrative programmes of each youtuber2. Denis Bertrand, who is a contemporary French semiotic, defines the narrative programme as an “elemental formula that the structure of effective stories deploy, organize and prioritize just like they want. In this way, it will be possible to distinguish acquisition of values tales and lost tales. The typology of narrative programs also invites to prioritize the base programme, or main programme, and supporting programmes, or secondary programmes: it's needed to fulfil those last programs to perform the first one. The narrative analysis thus proposes a syntactic formulation to the media and purposing topic, giving it a wider scope in the analysis of action discourses, and re-­‐registering for the same reason its teleological orientation” 3.


Google Developers: Data API (v3). Greimas, A. Courtés J. Semiótica. Diccionario razonado de la teoría del lenguaje, Madrid: Gredos, 1982. 3 Bertrand, D. “Elementos de narratividad”, Précis de sémiotique litteraire, Paris: Editions Natham, 2000. 2


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


The narrative programme is characterized by six actantial roles -­‐called actors-­‐ that Greimas sums up from the 31 functions proposed by Propp. Greimas proposes the following couples of actors: subject-­‐object, helper-­‐opponent and sender-­‐receiver4. First of all, the subject will have to make a deal with the sender to achieve the object he wants (when we say “object” we are also referring to persons, values and even wishes). Although he will get the help from one helper in his way, we will also have to fight with several opponents trying to prevent him getting the object. Moreover, the author creates the figure of receiver, who will receive the object. The roles can be exchanged as the story progresses, so different characters can take on each function throughout the story. Furthermore, Greimas kept the “magical object” which had been introduced by Propp. This is the key that allows the subject to achieve his goal: the object. 4.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level In our research about famous and emergent youtubers, we pretend analyze some concepts from the discursive level, a term that was proposed for the first time by the famous semiotic Lithuanian Algirdas Julius Greimas5. In this level it is defined a way to explain the narrative, because the same story can be commented in a multiple different ways, only depending on who is telling it. Specifically, we will focus on what is the strategy the youtuber uses to talk to us, what is the “reading


Greimas, A. Semántica estructural, Madrid, 1964. Greimas, A. -­‐ Courtés, J. ”Les acquis et les projets. Préface", Introduction a la sémiotique narrative et discursive. Méthodologie et application, Paris: Hachette, 1976.



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contract” that the youtuber establishes. To analyze that, we have to pay attention to the words that she or he is using, because if the youtuber is applying the first singular person “I” instead of the first plural person “we”, that will construct different strategies, in this case, an exclusive knowledge instead of an inclusive one6. Otherwise, in the analysis of enunciation we will evaluate more concepts about vocabulary and not from Greimas. It will be important if youtubers introduce new words, vulgar language, recurring words and expressions from other languages, and also how are they using these elements. So the methodology we will apply to answer our question posed in point 2.3, will consist basically on paying attention on the strategy of knowledgeable the youtuber establishes and the vocabulary that she or he is using.

4.4. Intertextuality Intertextuality defines the relation between a text (oral or written) with other texts. Intertextuality includes: allusion, quotation, plagiarism or parody. For example when an author is borrowing and transformation of a prior text, and a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another. There are no isolated texts or statements as every text is a reference from another one. In this research we have to understand the videos in its context, and sphere or ecosystem, which every video is related to another one. We have to consider the videos as texts, results of intertextuality. We will even highlight some of the elements that appear in the background such as posters, because they are also a part of the video. The study of intertextuality is extremely important in this case as most of our youtubers and videos, makes references of the culture and other youtubers. Some of our youtubers even make parodies which is the epitome of intertextuality.

4.5. Camera and edition Because we are analysing multimedia content it is important to study the camera and edition. By this we mean the image, sound and the editing. This is also related to intertextuality as 6

Greimas, A. -­‐ Courtés, J. Semiótica. Diccionario razonado de las ciencias del lenguaje, Madrid, Gredos: 1980.


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many youtubers imitate parts of other youtubers or movies. It is interesting to study the camera and edition as these things are usually the trade mark and what identify a youtuber most at first sight. To sum up, we are going to analyse the position of the camera, the effects of the camera (for example the fish eye), the depth of field and the elements of the post-­‐ production.


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5. Analysis and results 5.1. Loulogio – Thous producciones 5.1.1. Quantitative data Loulogio

Thous producciones

Average views Average voters Average comments Average duration Correlation views-­‐comments Correlation views-­‐voters Correlation views-­‐duration Data Total videos Total views Total subscribers


Thous Carapollen

925.468,25 11678,71 1285,63 220,75 (3.66 min) 80% 69% -­‐9% 82 118 79.081.599 490.131

197.856,85 9329,71 1374,62 322,43 (5.37 min) 42% 71% 32% 54 297 45.442.158 103.795


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Quantitatively the difference between the users is quite obvious, while Loulogio has a few amout of videos (compared to Thous) and lots of views, Thous is more active in Youtube and constantly upload new videos and content. While, the difference between views is quite huge, the difference between them in voters and comments is not that big, this probably means that Thous have more “fans”, people that follow him and Loulogio have more casual viewers (but more public recognition). The duration of the videos are also contrasting, as we can see, Loulogio’s video are shorter and Thous videos are considerably longer, an explanation could be that the content of the videos of Thous is different, which is focused more on personal experiences whereas Loulogio’s content is based on mockeries.


Analysis of Interactive Media Messages


As we have expected, there is a correlation between views and comments or views and votes. More views mean more comments and more voters. However, the correlation between views and duration in Loulogio’s case is negative, this means that videos that are shorter usually gather more views.


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Thous used to have more subscribers than Loulogio, however, as we have already explained, we can see in the chart that Thous lost all his subscribers at one point and started all over again. He also lost his views, but recuperated it later. That’s because, as he explains in a video, he only had few subscribers who really follow him and that continued watching his videos despite the huge decrease of subscribers. Even though some analysts might not consider him emergent, we think that the content that he offers and characteristics are the same as emergent yotubers. Moreover, he is restarting his “narrative world” with other kind of videos and also with new and different subscribers, he is trying to “recatch” the audience attention. 5.1.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level

In this case, we have found that both youtubers, Loulogio and Thous use, in general, the same actantial model LOULOGIO AND THOUS: main narrative programme •

Subject: youtuber

Object: transmit knowledge/content

Sender: youtuber

Receiver: spectators/youtuber

Helper: YouTube (magic tool)

Opponent: others youtubers with similar contents

In all the videos that we have watched we have found that the youtuber (sender and subject) wants to transmit content or knowledge (object) to the audience (receiver). The youtuber himself is the subject because he has the desire of transmitting content. We have to point out that the receivers are also the youtubers, because one of their reasons to make the videos is to win views and fans, so when they achieve their object, they are also being beneficiated for that achievement.


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The helper -­‐and also the magic tool-­‐ is YouTube, because that platform allows users to search and have access to the videos. It’s the platform where we enter to this new dimension and the way the youtubers can interact with the netizens. In fact, Loulogio show his gratitude to YouTube for appearing in the section “popular in YouTube”, so he won lots of visits. Finally, the opponent/s are arguably the competence and other youtubers that offer similar contents, because they fight for the same amount of netizens. In particular, what it is really interesting about Loulogio dubbed videos is that even if the original meaning of the video is twisted, he can construct and narrate a totally different story using words with double meaning and connotations that people can understand well and relate with. This leads the viewers to forget what they watch and go deep into the meaning about his jokes. This kind of relationship requires a cooperation and participation of the user. One of his most famous and well-­‐accomplished add parody is definitely Pajilleitor Plus, an ad about an imaginary masturbation tool. The original product is an exercise tool that strengthen the arms. The actantial model of that video is: Loulogio -­‐ supporting narrative programme: Pajilleitor Plus •

Subject: characters of the video

Object: achieve the perfect hand job

Sender: the unreal company

Receiver: male characters of the video/husbands

Helper: narrator/pajilleitor plus (magic tool)

of the girls on the video/spectators •

Opponent: money and damages related to the use of the product


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In that fake commercial, the narrator explain us that a hand job made without a good preparation can damage your health, then we see some people (housewifes, footballers, Eduard Punset, soldiers…) who tell us their problems related to hand jobs -­‐subject-­‐, and they want to improve in order to achieve the perfect masturbation -­‐object-­‐. Then, the narrator -­‐ helper-­‐ presents to hem the solution: Pajilleitor Plus -­‐helper-­‐ and then they explain us how their pleasure level related to organism has changed since they use Pajilleitor Plus -­‐they are the receivers-­‐, so their lives have improved. We are also the receivers because we can also improve our sexual live with that unreal object. The opponent is the money and the damages related to the use of the product: artery explosion, death, and loss of teeth implants. In this case, the problem is when masturbation is not well done (he says that one can hurt himself without a good preparation) and the solution is Pajilleitor Plus. Loulogio -­‐ supporting narrative programme: Cómo seducer siendo un frikazo •

Subject: Loulogio

Object: learn how to make out being a freak

Sender: Loulogio

Receiver: freak guys

Helper: Loulogio’s advide / Canned vagina /

Opponent: freaks ways of flirting / “friendzone”

Dragon Ball’s Dragon

In that video Loulogio -­‐the sender and the subject-­‐ makes a kind of funny tutorial for freak guys -­‐receiver-­‐ who don’t have success with girls -­‐object-­‐. He explains that they should not boast of their achievements in World of Warcraft and League of Legends, they mustn’t throw a pokeball to the suitor or use that kind of freak ways of flirting -­‐opponent-­‐. He also gives advices -­‐helper-­‐ in order to not fall in the friendzone, the worst enemy for making out -­‐ opponent-­‐. Those advice -­‐helper-­‐ (the own video starts with the title “Loulogio Advice”) that


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he give to the audience should work, but if finally they don’t, they have an alternative: collect the 7 dragon balls and ask the dragon for a canned vagina called Leya, but being careful to not fall in the friendzone. Thous -­‐ supporting narrative programme: Cómo no ligar •

Subject: Thous and two collaborators

(César Elgal and “Gilipollas Mágico”)

Object: learning things one should avoid for making out

Sender: Thous and his partners

Receiver: guys

Helper: Thous and friends’ advice

Opponent: bad practices (jealousy, insults, rudeness…)

In that video Thous and two friends’ of him -­‐the senders and the subjects-­‐ make another kind of funny tutorial for guys -­‐receiver-­‐ who don’t have success with girls because of their bad habits and practices -­‐opponent-­‐, so they shout learn what they must avoid do in order to improve in the art of flirting -­‐object-­‐. They give to the audience some advice, which are in fact quite real, but they perform those scenes comically, making those pieces of advice exaggerated, overacted and incongruous. Finally, Thous give the last piece of advice, which seems to be romantic and logical, but his mates kill him and tell to the audience that the best way to flirt is being a famous youtuber, with loads of money and fan girls.


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Thous -­‐ supporting narrative programme: Potter Movie •

Subject: characters

Sender: Thous and voice actors


Helper: frame or model

Object: breaking the coherence

Receiver: spectators

Opponent: rationality

That trailer parody is about the famous saga of films Harry Potter. It starts with the character of Albus Dumbledore assigning a place to go for each student, but suddenly when he talks to Harry and Ron, sais “(...)por cagarla en todas las situaciones insospechadas, les invito a que se vayan… a la mierda”. From this point on, nothing has any sense. The object of the video is breaking the coherence and the logical though, being the rationality the fiercest opponent to the object. Interestingly, the object is also easy to define because it has written in the sentence that appear between scenes “Donde la coherencia, brilla por su ausencia”. Breaking radically all the coherence and congruence and twisting the original dialogues and scenes, Thous has made a video transmedia of Harry Potter which lots of visitors qualify as really funny. Having a quick look to the comments, we can find opinions like: “La puta pollaaaaa!!” -­‐f*cking great-­‐ “Jajajaj muy muy buenoo” -­‐hahaha, really really good-­‐ “Muuuy bueno jajajaja desde el bananero no había visto algo a la altura!” -­‐Really good hahaha since El Bananero8, I hadn’t seen anything so good”. 7

Concept defined by the UPF’s professor Eva Pujades as the stereotypes, prejudices and information that the receptor has in their mind about a concrete topic, in this case Harry Potter. 8 A youtuber who had a mayfly fame some years ago for his Harry Potter’s parodies.


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5.1.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level Both youtubers usually treat the spectators as enunciates who they usually appeal directly. In other words, Loulogio and Thous use frequently the pronoun “you” and they try to get the receptor involved in the narration. The youtubers often looks directly at the camera: they talk to their audiences. However, that’s more common in videos based on a monologue or an speech of the youtuber than in videos of film or ad parodies. That is reflected in the videos we are analysing. For example, in the video Cómo seducir a una dama siendo un frikazo -­‐how to seduce a lady being a freak-­‐ Loulogio starts his video with the sentence “seduce a girl is not easy, and it’s less easy if you’re a fucking freak… like you!”. Moreover, in the video he point directly at the camera, as we can see in the image. If we focus on Thous’ video Cómo no ligar -­‐how not to make out-­‐ he also appeals directly to the spectator “as you’ll think we have committed loads of mistakes with girls” or “(...) so today we will show you how not to make out”. However, in his videos or “vlogs”, Thous level of enunciation is from a personal view (me) and the content is told like it’s a story while the users are audiences. The Youtuber talks in an informal way, sometimes with vulgarisms and do not introduce new words except for his own name “Carapollen” -­‐Dickenface-­‐ , which is itself a neologism but moreover, Thous use this name as a reference to transform it and make new similar neologismns “Caranarden”, “Caraesparraguen”, “Caramiembren”... In each blog he presents himself with a different name (that’s one of the identificative characteristics of the youtuber). That’s one of the resources that Thous uses for making fun of himself (he usually compare his appearance with a hoeless. He also makes fun of his way of life (he considers himself as a radical freak) and his aspect, specially his tattoos and bear. However, make jokes about the bear is one popular characteristic of Loulogio, so in that way, Thous is not being original and that can move away audiences for considering Thous a copy of Loulogio. Thous also has a set of favorite words such as bizarre that often appears in his speech or the expression “are you ready?” which is used as an introduction in nearly all of his “vlogs”. These are cases where the youtuber appears as a character and makes a speech, however in Pajilleitor Plus and in Potter Movie, the interpellation to the spectation is much less significant.


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In Thous’s video Potter Movie we can only find one interpellation to the spectator “you’ll better be prepared for asjfkañfjd”. The same aspect appears in the case of the ad parody Pajilleitor Plus where we can only find one direct appeal to the receptor “stop yourself playing the ukelele haphazardly because it has arrived the solution!”. In this case, Loulogio’s uses a complicity speech including the audiences since it is a TV commercial. In Loulogio’s videos we can identify the use of exaggerations, onomatopoeias, puns and vulgarisms that help with construction of this text (for example in Pajilleitor Plus he says earthenware pitcher, on fire, drip, play with the ukelele, zombomba, etc.). He also uses neologismes like “pallaseo” (as a job) or “barbudeo semiprofesional” (as a sport). But, what is probably the strength of Loulogio is that he uses frequently technical terms in his speech (F-­‐22, a fighter aircraft, muscle atrophy…) in a context and with characters, which are not usually related -­‐because of prejudices, stereotypes…-­‐ to that kind of language. Doing that Loulogio breaks the frame of the audience and that makes people laugh, because they are surprised for that irregularity. For example, he uses technical terms and an elaborated vocabulary with apparently uneducated people, creating with this way a highly incoherent and funny gag (El origen del universo). Contrarily, he uses vulgarisms and bad words with characters that we usually associate with a complex and formal way of speaking. For example, in the video “La Chorrimanguera”, one character asks to a doctor how the tool works and the answer is: “Chuta mazo de agua y otras movidas mazo de tochas que no entenderíais”. The author constantly plays with what we see (the original ad) and what we hear with comparisons, metaphors and guide us to a new dimension a new possible world that we create by his narration and the video. This kind of incongruence is what causes the humour in some of his videos. If we have a look to Thous videos, we will see that in his broadcasting parodies, like in Potter Movie, he also uses the same resource and creates incoherency using bad words and vulgarisms in characters that are actually well-­‐spoken (Harry Potter characters). As an illustration, Hermione says to Hagrid: “Hagrid, quiero chupártela” -­‐”Hagrid, I want to give you head”. This causes the spectators an incongruent feeling as many respected characters are transformed into clowns and jerks. Related to that breaking use of the language, we can find lots of videos where Loulogio makes a vulgar or incoherent speech in English, and the subtitles are in a really formal language -­‐he has a really good knowledge of Spanish and he can completely change the register whenever-­‐


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the best example of that is the video What is coffee with Lou? where he is making the speech in English saying sentences like “I had this idea while I was in the bathroom shitting, and I couldn’t… I couldn’t let it go…” and in the subtitle one can read “Tuve esta idea cuando estaba en el excusado, confieso que estaba algo estreñido”, that high contrast of the register causes fun in the receptor. Another technique that Loulogio uses is the creation of new words, for instance, Pajilleitor Plus is an invented word by him. The reason of the name is a derivation of the word “pajilla” -­‐ masturbation-­‐ and the termination “eitor” which is an imitation of an English sound, with this name he tries to make it sound more international and, of course, funnier. 5.1.4. Intertextuality Everything is a copy of a copy -­‐ Fighter club quote. Even if we find both youtubers extremely talented and original, both of them have references (probably that’s one of the tools they use to be more original and talented), but it’s so difficult to know about all of them since nowadays everything is a copy of a copy so we will try to go as deeply as possible and make an accurate analysis of intertextuality. Behind all the jokes and mockeries of Loulogio videos there is hidden a strong criticism disguised with a ironical and satirical speech to the world in specific junk TV, reaggeton music and hypocrisy in the society. Probably the best example of that is his video No fumes marihuana -­‐don’t smoke marihuana-­‐ (with nearly 2 million of viewers) which is a video where Loulogio (accompanied by the youtuber and singer-­‐songwriter El Niño de la Hipoteca and the famous Spanish comedian Berto Romero) makes a strong critic against the prejudices and the hypocrisy of the occidental society about this topic, all focused in an ironical; nearly sarcastic; speech, being all the video itself an antiphrasis and a social irony. Another illustration of all of that is the heavy critic to some figures as Sandro Rey a television clairvoyant, also often ridiculed in other programs such as APM (Alguna Pregunta Més?), a humoristic program of the Catalan channel TV3. Rey is a quite popular fortune teller that appears in Astro Canal that had a Twitter discussion with Loulogio. This fact was later portrayed and explained in Loulogio’s video: SANDRO REY Y SU BATAMANTA. This video is outstanding and it goes beyond mere laughs as there is a hidden layer that we consider extremely important, a criticism to Spanish popular culture.


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Loulogio also makes fun and point out popular phenomenon such as posers (postureo), young people tend to like to show off. He also mocks about Home Shopping ads, which usually are quite ridiculous and embarrassing to watch. The fragments that appear most of the times are unrealistic so Loulogio uses these videos as a base to create a whole different meaning that we have already explained previously. In some of his videos there are more well-­‐known facts, such as Spain winning the World Cup in 2010 (Pajilleitor Plus) or popular songs such as Umbrella by Rihanna (Chorrimanguera) or Michael Jackson -­‐ Thriller. He also take advantage of popular phenomenon such as the film The Wolf of Wall Street, and makes a parody of one of the film’s fragment. Thous follows this line too, in fact he has a category of videos called “críticas y reflexiones” -­‐ critiques and reflections-­‐ where he give his point of view about social and cultural topics. Maybe the most known videos are Las guarras de hoy en día vs. entrenadores pokémon -­‐ nowadays smutty girls vs. pokemon trainers-­‐ which is a really heavy critic to the moral of nowadays (not only addressed to girls, also to guys) doing a comparison with the Pokemon world. For example he compare the law number one of Pokemon players !Hazte con todos! with the changeable partners that he believes are very common nowadays. However, the reception of this video is kind of mixed since many girls have expressed their disagreement and stated that the video was misogynistic. Apart that comparison with the Pokemon world, we can also see lots of intertextual links between videogames (Super Mario, Pokemon, Tekken, Sonic, Call of Dutty…) with Thous’ content. Even his clothes, objects and decoration are usually related to videogames or manga and anime (the japanese comics and cartoons). Loulogio also have references to films like Spiderman, Superman, E.T… also Pokemon and video games, but what’s most important about him is that he often takes references from other videos made by himself (for example, each object that we can see on the screen has it’s own origin in another video). He also makes lots of references to other youtubers that are also his friends: Mr. Jagger, El Niño de la Hipoteca, Auronplay, Kinkyhush... For instance, you can find references to Rubius, JPelirrojo, Thewillyrex and many other youtubers in Thous videos.


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Another frequent topic of both youtubers are the critics to social networks, specially Twitter (a platform where both of them are active), Facebook and Instagram… We can empathise Loulogio’s video Instagram esa basura -­‐Instagram that piece of crap-­‐ which is a review against Instagram or Thous’ video Putas redes sociales, la era de la desinformación -­‐f*cking social networks, the disinformation era-­‐. Nevertheless, they use that social networks as active users, and also make references to other people tweets, comments or other kind of content. What is really interesting too is that both of them make parodies and we have to understand parodies as the maximum expression of intertextuality, as they take “texts”, elements of the culture that people know and they create a whole different narrative story based on another one. Loulogio’s supporting channel, have a more personal content where he offers his point of view about different subjects. This series are really similar to Thous vlog’s where he explains and explores differents themes. We believe that maybe Thous can have been inspired by Loulogio in the way he presents his vlogs which is really similar to Loulogio’s way of presenting his “cafés”. Taking it to the extreme, we can also consider that Thous is having more beard and talking more about it, as Loulogio does. In fact Loulogio let his beard grow when he started to have more and more popularity and he realized that was an icon of himself, so maybe one day we’ll also see Thous with long beard. Let’s have a look to the videos we are analysing: Pajilleitor Plus: In that video we find clear references of the original commercial Shake Weight, with the quite famous advert of Bunker Satisfactions Shoes, other junk TV ads and with the interview to the Spanish Football Team and another interview of Eduard Punset. We have to point out that Loulogio usually imitates Punset’s voice in most of his videos, and it’s not weird to see a video of Punset being dubbed with Loulogio’s voice, for example the video El Faker (which have more than 1 million and a half views) and which is a parody of the Bimbo’s


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commercial starting Punset. We can also find in the video references to other viral amateur videos uploaded to YouTube (for example the video where appears the dog -­‐second 13-­‐). Potter movie: a parody of the whole Harry Potter saga, which is arguably the most popular young-­‐adult saga of recent times. While the original movie had a depth narrative background the parody made by Thous and his friends do not reflect that. The intertextuality is basically all the films of Harry Potter and it’s characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snake, Dumbledore, etc. And most of the fragments are turned into comedy and funny dialogues that most of the times, do not make sense. In the video, they use the same typography as the original movie to create this appearance of a true Harry Potter movie trailer. Another incoherency is the use of the popular song El baile de los monos, a song that falls in the same category as the La Macarena: poorly written lyrics but a memorable hook. Cómo seducir a una dama: The first intertextual element we can find in the video is a T-­‐shirt of the already aforementioned video El Faker (Loulogio have some transmedia Elements of his videos, most of them made by fans, and T-­‐shirts are an example). In addition, we can find intertextuality about Pokemon, not only for the direct mentions of typical pokemon words like “pokeballs”, but for the part when he says “you’d win 100 of experience, (-­‐50 of dignity)” which is really similar to the end of a Pokemon battle in the video games for GameBoy and Nintendo DS. Moreover, in the minute 1”26, he says “Don’t try to debilitate her using splash” which have a clear relation with pokemon fights “it’s not very effective” and pokemon attacks “splash” We can also find direct references from other games like WOW (World of Warcraft) or LOL (League of Legends), also with films such as Star Wars when he talks about lightsabers and Jedis or Lord of the Rings, books Paulo Coelho) or manga, concretely Dragon Ball. Finally, in his edition we can think that he has been inspired by the youtuber HolaSoyGerman, one of the most famous youtubers in the world and who uses that kind of cuts very frequently. Cómo no ligar: The first thing that caught our attention is the Yu-­‐Gi-­‐Oh T-­‐shirt and necklace, a popular Japanese anime about teens fighting with cards. The animated figure that is in his cap is actually Mario Kart cannon. Even if it’s blurred, we can see table games in the background that are often mentioned in Thous videos. Maybe it is not intentioned but we found the video quite similar to the 2007 comedy Superbad (supersalidos), which describes the life of three teen boys that are usually outcasts and wallflowers and do not know how to talk or act with girls. In the video there are


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also three guys which leads us to another movie Project X, which explores what to do and not to do with a girl. Or even the teen drama movie, the perks of being a wallflower that describes the inner conflicts of the main character around girls. Another interesting fact is that Rubius is mentioned and the subject friendzone appears in both of the youtubers. We have also found that in one part of the video Thous says: “Haz que cada dia sea el mas feliz de su vida” which is really similar to the sentence of the writer Arancha Medina “Haz que cada dia sea el más feliz de tu vida”.

5.1.5. Camera and edition As we said, both youtubers make two basic kind of videos: that ones which they appear and talk directly to the camera, and the ones which are a mixture of other contents. Loulogio uses a combination of home shopping ads and other fragments of other videos (interviews to Spanish football players, interviews to Eduard Punset…) to create an alternative story different and twisted from the original. He uses a lot of different voices and volumes, usually modified via software in the post-­‐production. However, in his secondary channel, Café con Lou, the format and camera is more similar to Thous. Loulogio also uploads videos that requires much more shooting and post-­‐production and thus more time to prepare. His old content were mainly dubbing of videos that were already recorded but nowadays he records his own videos and they have much more storytelling, which means that Loulogio, the channel and his content is evolving. Previously, he did not used to appear in his videos and there was only his voice but since some years ago, he appears and sometimes accompanied by other youtubers (for example Rubius). In the other part we find Thous, who sometimes does dubbing, but in comparison much less. Thous usually employs an HD camera and sometimes his phone to record most of his videos. The camera position is actually lower than the Youtuber, so the shot is in a little low angle and is in general a medium close shot. He also uses a “moving camera” and shows the viewer much space, not only his room, but also the places, parties he go. This is a new way of storytelling that was first introduced in his supporting channel and it’s more and more present in his main channel.


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There are a lot of cuts in his videos that creates a distinct and unique rhythm. Furthermore, the youtuber sometimes uses the Fish Eye effect which creates a different sight and a chopped shot. Thous also usually look directly to the camera, as we explained before, when he tells the story to the users. Sometimes he uses a high-­‐pitched voice or other special sound effects to create a more humoristic and joking tone, which is reminiscent of other Youtubers such as HolaSoyGerman. As a curiosity, Thous has stated that he uses Sony Vegas Pro to edit his videos.

5.2. AuronPlay – Dallas Review 5.2.1. Quantitative data AuronPlay

Dalas Review


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Average views Average voters Average comments Average duration Correlation views-­‐comments Correlation views-­‐voters Correlation views-­‐duration Data Total videos Total views Total subscribers

Dalas Review


140.608,852 6.360,108 1.074,618 491,2 (8.18 min) 74,16% 97,67% -­‐2,10% 500 255 32.502.832 259.258

284.054,12 12.288,44 1.502,504 549,744 (9.16 min) 73,77% 94,80% 2,40% 500 236 126.512.269 1.313.506



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The quantitative data collects the activity of youtubers’ users, and we designed some graphics to make more visual all this information. In the first four graphics we have the number of views, comments, votes and minutes that has approximately one video of each youtuber. According to this data, AuronPlay has a huge number of views, voters and comments, exemplifying an active audience and famous youtuber. His videos, in general, have a middle length –about 9 minutes – without being too short or long. The interesting part of the analysis of quantitative data is about the correlations. In the case of AuronPlay, we can say that there is an important relation between the number of views and the comments that has the video -­‐73%-­‐ so that proves that with more viewers, there will be more comments. Something similar happens with the correlation between the number of views and users’ votes, but in that case we find a higher correlation of 94,8%, that means that


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almost all the viewers vote AuronPlay’s videos and that with more viewers the number of votes increase. From that, we can conclude that people usually prefer vote instead to comment, maybe because that’s a faster action. In the case of the correlation between the number of views and the duration of the video we have a really low correlation –only 2,4%-­‐. This percentage means that there isn’t any important relation between video’s length and their visits. In fact, if the videos are longer, there are only a 2,4% of possibilities that the number of viewers increases too. Regarding Dalas Review quantitative data, first of all we can appreciate that he has created more videos -­‐specifically 255-­‐ than AuronPlay. Although the average length of his videos is 8’18 minutes, he takes time which he considers necessary. Despite his emergence on youtubers world, his videos have about 140.608 views and 6.360 voters. These numbers shows why he continues being an emergent youtuber. However, the interaction of users have a greater relevance as he has an average comments of 1.074, so we can say that he has good followers who comments youtuber’s contents. It is important to pay attention on different correlations. For example, his videos has a 74’16% correlation between number of views and number of comments. This high number expresses that there are a directly relation between these two variables. We can affirm that many users who watch youtuber’s videos add comments about the contents. Despite his relevant number, we can see that the receivers of the messages prefer voting than commenting the videos (with a correlation about 97’67%). Finally, we focus on correlation between views and duration and we appreciate that it presents a negative number (-­‐2’10%). That means that short Dalas’ videos have more comments than youtuber’s long contents.

5.2.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level

AURONPLAY: main narrative programme •

Subject: AuronPlay

Object: make a critique of society

Sender: AuronPlay

Receiver: AuronPlay and users

Helper: AuronPlay’s videos

Opponent: bad comments and critiques


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AuronPlay makes a lot of critical videos. He analyses and criticizes every topic about society: from people’s ignorance to stupid accessories such a big bag. In every video the youtuber adopts the subject role, so in each case he tries to achieve different objects, all of them about critiques of society attitude. He has different kinds of channels in his YouTube profile, so depending on the themes he will want to achieve one specific object or another one. Users and society are the main receivers of his contents because of the subscribers. It is important to highlight that he adapts his messages to reach more and more people, so it is really relevant that he has more than one channel. Another receiver of the objects is himself because he enjoys making videos. Moreover, he also wants to arrive at the same point that user: have fun with the contents. In every video, the subject pacts with himself to start his way in order to get the object he wishes. Furthermore, youtuber has a helper who assists him to achieve their goals. However, in each video, this attendant is different due tot the content. In some occasions it could be a phone call while in others it could be a simple video in many others. It is said that his opponents are the critiques from users or other youtubers. They can complicate his way to reach his goal, so if the critiques are bad, the way to criticize the society will be harder and more difficult. Finally, it is important to clarify that depending of the story, AuronPlay will use or not some magical object which lets him to get his object. Moreover, he obtains a positive sanction at the end of the story after he has achieved his reach.


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Supporting narrative programme: El festival de Tomordorland •

Subject: AuronPlay

Object: tease and criticize the discotheque

Sender: AuronPlay

Receiver: AuronPlay and users

Helper: video filmed in the discotheque

Opponent: different opinions

In that video – El festival de Tomordorland– the subject (which matches with the youtuber in this case) tries to achieve his object: make a joke about people who attend at a discotheque in Barcelona called Film. Besides the jokes, he includes a lot of ironical and critical comments to show what kind of people go to that local. As says youtuber “es un video muy complicado, muy difícil de digerir y que probablemente os va a dejar secuelas anales”. Firstly, he makes a deal with himself (he is also the sender) to start his way. With a little introduction, AuronPlay introduces us what we will see in his video, so we can appreciate that users are the receivers of the object. Although they are the main receivers, the youtuber can be considered as another one as he try to have fun with his explication. To explain this fact, he uses a video with its interviews (helper) that he affirms to found it on the Internet. After that, the youtuber start up the video. It shows some interventions of attendants who say that Film is the best discotheque of Barcelona. Moreover, it includes some comments of the stuff such as DJ who reaffirms the high level of the disco. These people maybe form the opponents because they have completely different opinions, so in some occasions they could feel offended due to his ironical comments: “es muy probable que entre toda esta multitud haya más de un futuro premio nobel”. AuronPlay continues criticizing every testimony of each member and also their appearance or vocabulary mistakes.


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Finally, when the subject obtains the object, he concludes his video with a personal opinion about the local in Barcelona. So he affirms that if he was father, he would avoid that his children frequented this place. Supporting narrative programme: El camello agresivo •

Subject: AuronPlay

Object: make a joke to a drug trafficker

Sender: AuronPlay

Receiver: drug trafficker

Helper: phone call

Opponent: drug trafficker

Making jokes and ridiculing a drug trafficker is the object of AuronPlay –the subject of this programme narrative-­‐ in this video. The youtuber exposes that he received a Facebook conversation in which two teenagers (“dos personas que su intelecto está ahí, ahí no? Está en proceso de ser algo normal”) argued about the quality of “chocolate”, the vulgar name of Hashish. He summarizes the conversation: Enzo bought chocolate to drug dealer Nico. Although Enzo had bought it two times, he posted in Facebook that it was of poor quality. Then, they started a dialogue with a lot of insults. For this reason, the subject makes a pact with himself (sender) to make a joke to Nico (receiver). AuronPlay decides to contact with the dealer because he add on a comment his phone number in the social network. He pretends to be Enzo’s cousin. Despite the fact that the argument had taken place more than two months before the subject recorded his video, he tries to establish a telephone contact with him successfully. So, we can affirm that the phone call is the helper of that story. To achieve the object, the subject uses a magical object: a mobile phone in this case. It allows AuronPlay calling the drug dealer and starting his joke. Nico


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starts losing control because of the inconsistent requests: “tu me vas a tener que compensar de alguna manera. Pásame puntos en el Candy Crush (a Facebook ) o algo”. At the time the drug dealer is really angry, he becomes the main opponent of the subject as he can spoil the joke’s subject. The drug dealer starts to threaten the youtuber, so they decide to meet each other in the park at eight o’clock. Obviously, Nico is the only person who appears on there. At the end of the video, the subject calls Nico another time to inform him that it was only a joke. Subject gets a positive sanction because he avoids that Nico attacks Enzo and his cousin. Finally, the subject –AuronPlay– gives his own opinion about people who traffic with drugs. DALAS REVIEW: main narrative programme •

Subject: Dalas Review

Object: make a critique of interesting topics

Sender: Dalas Review

Receiver: users and subscribers of his channel

Helper: comparisons his experiences

Opponent: people who don’t agree with him

Dalas Review is an emergent youtuber who use a critique as a pretext to explain his stories. However, it also has some videos based on critics. In all of them, he holds the subject role, so he can make the critique in first person with a directly speech. As we have already said, it is important to remark that this youtuber have different methodologies to create his videos, so objects he wishes to get covers a large variety of topics. In most cases, the subject addresses his contents followers, who are the main receivers of his messages. His personal experience and some analysis form the main help of the youtuber to create his videos.


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Some opponents he could find in his way are people who don’t agree with his thinking. However, he is not in favour of making directly critiques about other youtuber, so when he creates this type of videos are an exception. For this reason, it is difficult to find a youtuber against of his videos.

Supporting narrative programme: 50 cosas sobre mí •

Subject: Dalas Review

Object: explain relevant things

Sender: Dalas Review

Receiver: users and subscribers

Helper: his life

Opponent: people who explains irrelevant things

In that video –50 cosas sobre mí– the youtuber adopts the subject role, so he wants to start a way to achieve the object: explaining relevant things to be distinguished of the rest people who explain irrelevant things like their foot size. Despite his hatred for that kind of video (50 things about me), the youtuber follows this structure to explain 50 relevant and important characteristics about him (object). For this reason, he establishes one pact with himself to try achieving his goal. He offers to his users and subscribers (receivers) the chance to learn more about him and his hobbies. To get the object, his personal life and also his experiences (helpers) offer the necessary assistance to achieve his objective. It is important to remark that he includes in his speech the origin of his artistic name (Dalas Review) and encourage his subscribers to create their names following his instructions.


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He explains what he loves, detests and even his harder personal experience: when he became blind during two weeks due to diabetes disease. For this reason, he can comes to with a lot of opponents such as people who don’t enjoy with that kind of presentation videos or people who have different view of the same things (maybe fans of Tarantino as the youtuber detests his form to record films).

Supporting narrative programme: Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay •

Subject: Dalas Review

Object: criticize AuronPlay

Sender: Dalas Review

Receiver: AuronPlay

Helper: AuronPlay past

Opponent: AuronPlay and his fans

That video tries to make a video critic. The youtuber returns again to subject role, so he must start a large way to achieve his object: criticize AuronPlay and his bigger change from his beginnings to nowadays. The subject establishes a deal with himself to start his video critique. To carry out on his trip, the subject will use a comparison between the first AuronPlay’s critiques and his current contents to show how they be changed totally (this comparison will become the helper of the subject). Dalas Review makes a little presentation about the famous youtuber in case people do not know him. Then, he explains the reason why he has decided to create video critique because he hardly ever elaborates this kind of video. In most occasions, the subject speaks directly on the camera as if AuronPlay was on the other side of the screen listening all he is saying. It is important to highlight this fact because the


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famous youtuber, who will be criticized, is the main receiver of this story. The subject pretends to make an objective critique because he considers that all critiques of AuronPlay, which are made by youtubers who was criticized by AuronPlay, just litter. As we have mentioned before, the subject was hooked on the contents of famous youtubers until they started to have a lack of quality. Dalas Review affirms that AuronPlay was right when he was criticizing youtubers who were above him. He also admired his speech skills and also his tune to express the different contents. However, currently he feels confused because the famous youtuber has changed a lot the methodology of his critiques as he has gained popularity and fans (“fan boys” and “moja braguitas” as subject says). As the subject says, “criticas cosas que tu mismo terminas haciendo”; “tú estas cayendo en el comportamiento que criticas” or “te has hecho amigo de la gente que tú antes decías que era puta escoria”. Due to all these comments, the subject can find some difficulties to reach the object. In other words, AuronPlay and his fans could become the worst nightmare of the emergent youtuber: his opponents. After all his critique, the subject directly addresses on the camera to add his last comment to conclude his critical video: “no eres más que un cualquiera”. 5.2.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level For the enunciation level, we will divide the analysis in two different parts: the first one about the relation the youtubers establish with the spectators and the second one will be about the vocabulary they use. Analyzing the discursive strategy, we observe AuronPlay almost all the time is talking in first singular person “I” or “me”: •

¿Todo bien? Y yo que me alegro

Alguien me puede decir…

Estoy preparando varias cosas que tienen que ver con vosotros

With these phrases the youtuber is establishing an exclusive knowledge, because he adopts a position of wisdom and gives us (or not) the information that he has already. That is perfectly clear in the next expression –from the video Tomordorland –, where we can’t know what is he making reference to: •

Hay otra (cosa) de la que no puedo decir nada aún, pero pronto lo sabréis.


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Even though, Auronplay also makes use of the first plural person “we”, as we observe in these examples: •

Ahora vamos a conocer el Dj de este lugar

¡Vamos a reírnos un rato!

Venga va, empezamos

We have to remark AuronPlay uses this plural person to appeal us, the users, and to introduce the contents we will know by him. So the inclusive strategy is applied by the youtuber to guide the users to the knowledge. Another relation the youtuber establishes is in the video El camello agresivo, where AuronPlay talks with a drug dealer by telephone, so in that video there are two receivers: the drug dealer and the users. For the content of the video, the strategy is that AuronPlay is making a joke to a drug dealer with us (the viewers), because we are with him when the facts are happening. So the video keeps the typical structure of AuronPlay’s contents: at the beginning AuronPlay uses the first person and then the first plural person to make the joke, so he is including us using the verbal form “we”. In the case of Dalas Review, we can conclude this youtuber always uses the first singular person to talk in videos, so he differentiates himself to the rest of us (users). •

Llegados a este punto, desde mi punto de vista…

En este vídeo criticaré a AuronPlay

Analyzing the youtuber, we see that he is using an exclusive knowledge, because he explains something we don’t know and we hear him to do. In fact, the own Dalas Review tells us that he is in this position of knowledge. •

Yo os contaré cosas que sin duda os interesará saber

In one of Dalas’ videos, -­‐Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay-­‐ we have to remark the emergent youtuber decides talking to two different recipients: AuronPlay and Dalas’ followers. •

Esto es lo que os gusta/ Bienvenidos a 50 pollas sobre mí (Dalas’ followers)

¿Qué es lo extremo aquí, AuronPlay? Criticas cosas que tú mismo estás haciendo (AuronPlay)


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As we can read, this video has two recipients because sometimes Dalas Review is talking directly to AuronPlay –face to face–. In reference to the vocabulary, we have to comment some aspects of the AuronPlay’s characteristic way of talking. First of all, he has a particular phrase to start all the videos he made, a recurrent form of presentation that immediately makes people recognize him: •

¡Ey! ¿Qué pasa chavales? ¿Todo bien, todo correcto? Y yo que me alegro.

After this presentation, he starts talking about the contents of his videos and, in general, we can conclude his speaking always includes some vulgar language, from the chavales he uses to make reference of his followers to more others: •

¡Pasa de aquí, ostia!

Vamos a dejarnos de puta mierda

Mira maricón

Surprisingly, AuronPlay combines this way of talking with some refined language, and that creates a contrast between the two ways of talking. •

Yo suscito que el problema ha sido…

El siguiente testimonio es sobrecogedor

To comprehend it, we can say AuronPlay plays with these two different ways of talking, and combine vulgar language in order to criticize what he disagree and seems close to users, but also uses refined language to differentiate him from the people he is criticizing. For this reason, we can find expressions with these two aspects of the language: •

Una conversación de dos canis, dos personas en las que su intelecto está allí, allí

The vulgar language is also a Dalas Review’s characteristic. The emergent youtuber uses standard language, and all his videos contain some vulgar words in order to criticize or leave ridiculous what he disagree.

Bueno, gilipolleces, puras gilipolleces

Esto es lo que os gusta, cabrones

Al final, el tío asqueroso reclamó su puto perro


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The invention of pejorative words to make reference to some people is a strategy the youtuber is doing constantly too. •

Con la fama llegan las mojabraguitas

Gente superpose que odio

Compañía chupipandi

Apart of that, Dalas uses some specific English expressions in his videos, to describe groups of people or typical American topics: •

Los tachaba (…) de I wanna be famous

El comportamiento fanboy y fangirls en extremo

Another important thing about vocabulary is that AuronPlay sometimes creates remixes of a word or combines two words to create a new one. That is exactly what happens with the words feisbus (Facebook) and Tomordorland (Tomorrowland + Mordor). There are other terms or expressions he applies in double sense or clue words to make reference to something else. In both cases, AuronPlay usually do it to talk about sex and related topics: •

¿Habéis visto la cara de este chaval mientras los otros dos están restregando el cebollón?

Creo que todos sabemos que el palito no es lo único que te echarás en la boca, es el vermut

In Dalas Review analysis, we distinguish other resources the youtuber applies unconsciously in his videos, as the recurrent expression: ¿Cómo te quedas? That has the objective to appeal his followers and cause them a reaction. This phrase is useful to make more active the conversation too. It’s also interesting the rarely resource of using onomatopoeia: Pío, pío, to describe quickly the sound of a bird (referring he is from Canarias) and to do more convincing the situation he is explaining in the video Cincuenta cosas sobre mí. Finally, we can comment the use of recurring words that define AuronPlay, expressions he uses constantly to achieve a dynamic conversation. For example:


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Bueno: Pero bueno, la verdad es que no tengo excusa/ Pero bueno, creo que ya está solucionado/ Bueno una sí, pero la diré al final del vídeo.

Madre mía: Madre mía cuánto tiempo sin vernos aquí…/ Madre mía, madre mía, habéis visto… 5.2.4. Intertextuality

Intertextuality consists in the analysis of possible references youtubers have done in their dialogues about anything that has already existed. It’s the idea behind the youtuber’s comments, music, images etc. In the case of AuronPlay, we can find a large number of allusions, hidden references among his videos. For example, in the video Tomordorland the own title is a reference of two famous things. The first one is Tomorrowland, the largest annual electronic music festival held in the world, that takes place in Belgium; and the second one is about Mordor, a fictional region from the universe of The Lord of the Rings, where our characters have to face the evil. So to understand the irony with AuronPlay puts this name to the discotheque he is criticizing is essential knowing this intertextuality. Other examples of intertextuality are, in general, from the world of the party and its extremes. AuronPlay makes fun of people that frequents the discotheque, and he defines them as canis, teenagers that consume drugs and people in favor of having sex without commitment. The youtuber says more than one sentence related about it: “Con dos canis ahí, liándose un porrillo”. For this reason we have to know the darker side of the party world, the problems with drugs and alcohol… to sum up, its bad extremes to understand what is the youtuber talking about and criticizing. In fact, drugs are also intertextuality in the video El camello agresivo, and that requires us having in our encyclopedia some words and definitions to comprehend the content of the video and this world. For example, we have to understand that camello is the person who sells drugs and chocolate a type of drug. Other important references are about social networks and technological devices and apps. AuronPlay usually talks us about Facebook or Twitter, two social platforms where you can publish comments and photos, interacting in community with online users. “Eres tan guapo (…) que la hermosura se te va a salir del cuerpo (…) y la hermosura te va a agregar al Facebook, te va a dar me gusta”. We also can find examples about apps like Whatsapp and its mode of


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use: “En el móvil le envías a alguien tu ubicación… ¿sabes eso en el whatsapp que pone: enviar mi ubicación?” When he interacts with the drug dealer, he introduces a TV reference: Pedro Piqueras, which is the most important TV presenter of Spain: “me duras menos que un telediario de Piqueras. Piqueas no hacabado de decir -­‐buenas noche… y ya te he matado”. Another illustration of all that intertextuality is the reference to Ebola, a disease that was recently in media attention, especially in Spain and United States, where the virus was extended: “Esa discoteca debe de ser el epicentro del ébola, allí nació la enfermedad”. So we can check this youtuber also uses recent intertextuality. AuronPlay makes references to brands and videogames too. For example, he appeals Mercadona, an important company of Spanish supermarkets, and you have to comprehend that the name Mercadona refers to a shop where you can buy food: “Perdonad la interrupción, pero es que a mi gato se le ha desarrollado mucho el cerebro gracias a la comida de Mercadona, vete a saber lo que lleva eso, y ahora abre puertas”. On the other hand, there are references to the world of videogames, as Call of Duti, a really popular violent videogame. In some of his videos we can also find as intertextuality world awards, for example, The Nobel Prize, and how the youtuber uses that in an ironical way to insult the young people who enjoy the discotheque in the video Tomordorland; contrasting the wisdom of the people who receives a Nobel Prize against the discotheque’s uncultured people. AuronPlay also takes advantage of popular cartoons like Doraemon to explain in a funny way the feeling of entering in a space totally parallel to reality: “En esa puerta paralela que te redirecciona a Mordor, es como una puerta de Doraemon, ¿no?”


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Finally, he uses a reference of diy company Leroy Merlin to establish a pun with another word due to his phonetics similarity: “Vas a decir: coño, ¿dónde he picado? ¡En lugar de leroy merlin leroy hostias!”. He is playing with the word leroy to refer at “le doy”. In the case of Dalas Review, the youtuber uses also intertextuality, but there aren’t so many cases as with AuronPlay, because the mainly content of his videos is about youtuber’s experience and personal opinions. Nevertheless, there are important examples of intertextuality in Dalas’ videos. It’s really interesting the intertextuality about the world of YouTube in the video Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay. In that video Dalas makes references to different important youtubers as Thous, JPelirrojo, Elrubius… and specially to AuronPlay, the famous youtuber he is criticizing. In fact, Dalas makes a summary of him and his journey in YouTube world –AuronPlays’ beginning, mistakes, videos… – and criticize the famous youtuber for his contradiction behavior. So it is clear that to understand this video is necessary having in our own encyclopedia information about the main youtubers, their relations among them, the contents they share and their activity in social networks. So another important intertextuality that has also Dalas Review is about social networks. Twitter is the most mentioned platform, and that could be because Dalas is a youtuber very active in this social page. “Una vez vi en Twitter que Auronplay no paraba de subir fotos…” The program Visto lo visto that the emergent youtuber comments in this video is another example of the importance of intertextuality to understand what is Dalas Review explaining us about youtubers’ world: “Alardeando y usando como argumento de que te aplaudieron mucho en Visto lo visto para calificarte como (…) mejor youtuber que JPelirrojo” But not all the intertextuality of Dalas Review is based on comments. If we see the videos that we analyze – Crítica con sentindo a AuronPlay and 50 cosas sobre mí – we can see that some




the his




intertextuality. For example, we have the Pacman mug, merchandising about a videogame that the youtuber really enjoys, and also we can see a Toad stuffed, a character of Mario Bros’ videogames.


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One important reference the emergent youtuber hardly criticizes is the phenomenon fan and the world of famous people. In this case, each viewer has to know that fangirls and fanboys are people extremely interested in some famous person, and that they follow his or her idol in social networks and defense him. Of course, you have to know that sometimes this kind of persons can be exhausting for his obsession, because that’s exactly the behavior the youtuber criticizes. Finally, another recurrent topic we find in Dalas Review’s videos is about cinema directors, so we find a link between youtubers and the cinema world. The famous directors that are mentioned are Tarantino and Peter Jackson. “A la gente no le gusta ver una peli super bien hecha, que te llegue al alma a lo Peter Jackson”. 5.2.5. Camera and edition Camera position is really important to analyse its recorded contents and its subsequent edition and production. AuronPlay uses different ways to express his critical contents due to his variety of videos (from directly critiques to telephone jokes). In every video he creates, he uses his bedroom as a setting. It is decorated with posters and lights that have similarities with Christmas tree lights. Normally, he is in front of the camera (really close to it) but not always looks directly on it. For example, when he criticizes a video, he places himself before the screen talking directly to users (receivers), while he hardly ever looks it when he is talking on the phone. However, in his postproduction he combines approach and distance movements to attract users attention. Sometimes he uses the zoom to emphasise his bewilderment about something. In El festival de Tomordorland, the youtuber mix discotheque video extracts and his following explanation to make what he criticises easier to remember. Moreover, the parts that have been chosen by AuronPlay are brief, so it allows him to create a dynamic speech. Assistances testimonies constituted the base of the video. His speech is not on the trop as he uses some cuts to unify all parts. This means lets him to combine different tones of voice easily. Furthermore, he can add different face expressions in each snippet, so the receiver can find it really curious and funny that he was laughing when suddenly he adopted a serious role. However, his cuts are long enough to not lose the rhythm of his videos. In some occasions he adds one special scene between two cuts in which he does


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nonsense movements and sounds to emphasise his irony. This set causes that the youtuber finishes a cut in one place and he could start the other one to another place. In his videos, AuronPlay doesn’t use so much special effects, so he restricts himself to use them only when it is strictly necessary. For example, he adds a fixed photo (people photography or screenshot of Facebook conversation) near his face when he is speaking to clarify what he is joking about or he subtitles some misunderstood parts (as he does in El camello agresivo) to ease their comprehension. As we have said before, AuronPlay usually looks to camera except when he makes telephonic jokes (as El camello agresivo, for example). In these cases, the youtuber ignores the screen for a moment. Despite the fact that he uses hands-­‐free device, he is focus on his mobile phone. It is relevant to highlight that when he doesn’t keep from laughing, he distances from the camera in order to try not to be listened by the drug dealer. In conclusion, he only looks to camera when he is addressing to subscribers. Dalas Review also utilizes different kind of ways to make and edit his videos. The most surprising fact is his setting preferences, because each video is recorded in a distinct place: from his bedroom to living room. On the one hand, 50 cosas sobre mí is set on his bedroom, which is decorated with a black sofa, a horse silhouette on the white wall and with the typical mushroom of Mario Bross videogames. It is important to remark that he wears cloths with the same colours as his bedroom decoration. On the other hand, Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay is set on a living room, which is furnished with only a navy blue sofa. He place himself before the camera and he looks it in every moment.


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The most interesting resource he uses is the cuts. He utilizes them in excessive because he hardly ever can complete one phrase in the same cut. Sometimes he includes only two words on some of them. This means produces a greater attention of the viewer. Although he speaks quickly, this form to cut his videos avoids that receivers have been lost in them. Sometimes, he uses flashes to unify two cuts, which is another form to catch the users attention. Moreover, he uses some cuts to make nonsenses to represent an action. Between two cuts, he opts to include in many occasions videos from other themes. We can underline the video in which he appears eating a lemon without any strange face or his own dubbed video. Dalas Review edits his videos with many special effects such as his personal signature at the right bottom of the screen. Apart of the flashes we have commented before, he also introduces some icons which appear on the screen referring a joke that youtuber make. For example, when he explains that he felt disappointed with the form that worker of animals’ residence caught his turtle: “encima el pavo habló de la tortuga como si fuera algo que no tuviera importancia”. At the time he is saying that, it appears on the screen a peacock (pavo real in Spanish).

Another thing that contributed on the video edition is the sound, which accompanies the special effects. For example, he adds a little whistle (“pip”) per each flash. Furthermore, he


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choses different songs to go with his videos. However, he utilizes different songs in order to the contents, so in some videos he can use more than one song. In 50 cosas sobre mí he combines an animated music (similar than Mario Bross soundtrack) with sensible one when he explains that he became blind for two weeks. We also remark the main song of La vita è bella film. He mixes his song with terrifying one when he says that AuronPlay in not more than any person.

5.3. Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo 5.3.1. Quantitative data Yellowmellow



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Average views Average voters Average comments Average duration Correlation views-­‐comments Correlation views-­‐voters Correlation views-­‐duration Data Total videos Total views Total subscribers



44.320.426 2.758.231 360.035 308,47 (5.13 min) 44% 82% 13% 210 211 42.491.622 592.003

6.854.169 249.662 26.395 361,15 (6.02 min) 83% 83% 0,84% 71 71 10.858.801 167.978

The difference between the two channels is quite large, especially in the number of visits of the channel. This may be due to the fact that Yellowmellow share videos related to their daily lives, also creates a direct relationship with your subscribers and humanizing the channel, revealing more personal stories. However Todoelmonteesorgasmo keeps his identity secret and uses more trivial topics that may interest his followers, however not create a more personal relationship with them. It is very important the relationship that each youtuber established with


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the user. For example Yellowmellow have more comments on her videos compared to Todoelmonteesorgasmo videos. In addition we see a clear difference in publications, while Yellowmellowmg publishes a weekly video, Todoelmonteesorgasmo just one month. This makes the difference between the numbers of publications is very different from what directly affects the number of subscribers and views manner.

The views-­‐voters correlations we report that most active readers and give their opinion about it. However, one thing that surprises us is that there is a higher correlation between views-­‐comments on the channel Todoelmonteesorgasmo, however Yellowmellowmg is below 50% this may be because the videos are posted more often and people only discuss those who believe most interesting, however on the other channel upload less video and people tend to comment more who looks less often


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Finally we can say that Yellowmellowmg increases both the number of followers as the views on the videos very quickly compared to todoelmonteesorgasmo which has a much slower growth. 5.3.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level

YELLOW MELLOW: main narrative programme •

Subject: Yellowmellowmg

Object: entertaining

Sender: Yellowmellowmg

Receiver: spectators/youtuber

Helper: Yellowmellowmg’s videos/YouTube

Opponent: bad comments and critiques / other youtubers with similar content


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Yellowmellowmg is the channel of the youtuber Yellow Mello and it’s content have the purpose of entertaining users and audiences. So we can say that she is the subject and the object is to entertain. The sender is Melo herself, while the helper is her videos or the platform Youtube. The receiver is Melo and the spectators at the same time. Melo uses a comic tone in most of her videos in order to become funnier. Before and after the main part of the video, Yellow Melo usually records a short fake conversation between her and the user, like if she was talking with someone of the audience. Doing that, she also creates a short introduction to the video. Most of the videos are about subjects that are quotidian but explained in a humorously way. Melo creates content for a wide audience and the people who receive the message can felt identified in many of parts of her speech. She also makes use of facial expressions and irony to achieve the main objective of the channel: to entertain and to enjoy. As we have already mentioned, the helper in this case are her own videos or Youtube, as they are in charge of spreading the message and reach people to entertain them while they are in front of their screens. However, a youtuber not only gain fans but haters as well, and this is apparent in the section of dislikes or some comments, haters that harshly criticize her content.


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Supporting narrative programme: 21 cosas que no puedes decir después del sexo •

Subject: Yellow Mellow

Sender: Yellow Mellow

Helper: Yellow Mellow’s advice

Object: learning what one should not say and do after having sex

Receiver: users

Opponent: bad habits

In this video the youtuber -­‐sender and subject-­‐ explains 21 things that one cannot say after having sex -­‐object-­‐. In order to do that, she performs the 21 different situations or advices -­‐helper-­‐ and it seems like she is talking to someone, although we cannot see if she is with somebody or not, after having sex. The bad habits -­‐opponent-­‐ she explains are things like: “Yesterday, I did my AIDS test and I’m OK!” or you do not fart or say that Hitler was a good man after having sex, which most are common sense, but are still amusing and funny to watch, because she breaks with coherence and with logic situations. She makes this kind of interpretation to represent different roles, a thing that other youtubers, as Mr.Jagger, do and we will explain later.

Supporting narrative programme: ¿Porqué no digo mi nombre? •

Subject: Yellow Mellow

Object: answer question from Twitter

Sender: Yellow Mellow

Receiver: viewers

Helper: questions on Twitter

Opponent: questions without sense / fate


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In that video, Melo -­‐the subject-­‐ answer the questions -­‐object-­‐ of twitter user fans -­‐sender-­‐ who has published some questions on twitter -­‐helper-­‐ in order to know more about that youtuber. All the viewers can know the answer of those questions, so they are all the receivers. Yellow Melo has chosen that questions by chance, so the fate is an opponent because there are questions that hasn’t been chosen and as a result they haven’t been answered. Melo also show us some questions without sense -­‐opponent-­‐ that she cannot answer because they are incomprehensible. However, she makes fun of that questions and she tries to give a funny answer to all the questions in general. Melo continues with the object of the basic narrative program that is to entertain, for doing it, she uses questions posed by his own followers on twitter by the hashtag #Melo500K to celebrate the 500.000 followers of her channel.

TODO EL MONTE ES ORGASMO: main narrative programme •

Subject: Todoelmonteesorgasmo

Sender: Todoelmonteesorgasmo

Helper: YouTube


entertain video/

Receiver: spectators/youtuber

Opponent: stereotypes

Object: breaking the traditional social concepts/


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Todoelmonteesorgasmo or Bollicao (also known as Bolli) is a youtuber that prefers to remain anonymous so she almost never give any information about her personal life. However she has stated multiple times her homosexuality and frequently talks about it in her videos. Actually, her most watched videos are about lesbians, this is also why she refers herself as Bolli a Spanish slang used to name lesbians. We can say that the subject, sender and helper is herself, and another helper is the platform, Youtube. What we have seen is that she uses her youtube channel as a tool to make a critique of the society and the stereotypes. So the opponent is the stereotypes or malicious comments and the object is to break with traditional social concepts as in most of their videos refers to homosexuality and deals with it comically and with irony. Like any youtuber you can find opponents or haters that criticize the channel and spread malicious comments. However we also believe that Todoelmonteesorgasmo fights against opponents with a closed mind-­‐set, stereotypes, homophobic people with satirical and ironical content.

Supporting narrative programme: Lesbianas primerizas •

Subject: Todomonteesorgasmo

Object: lesbian should accept being homosexual

Sender: Todomonteesorgasmo

Receiver: viewers / teen lesbians

Helper: Todomonteesorgasmo advices

Opponent: homophobic concepts / social

and stages



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As mentioned above, Todoelmonteesorgasmo uses her youtube channel for doing social criticism and to defend homosexuality. That video is a good example of that because she firmly defends homosexual rights -­‐object-­‐. The video is focused on teen girls who don’t want to accept their homosexuality -­‐receiver-­‐, so they should do -­‐object-­‐, although the social prejudices and opposition to the homosexual collective -­‐opponent-­‐. In the video, Todoelmonteesorgasmo explain all the stages that a lesbian passes before accepting her sexual orientation. Despite the video is focused on early lesbians, all viewers -­‐receiver-­‐ can laugh and enjoy seeing Todoelmonteesorgasmo’s performance. Supporting narrative programme: Si fuera heterosexual •

Subject: Todomonteesorgasmo

Sender: Todomonteesorgasmo

Helper: video

and heterosexual couples at the same •

Receiver: users, homosexuals and heterosexuals

Opponent: -­‐-­‐-­‐

Object: the relationship between homosexuals


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The video explores a personal subject of the youtuber as she reflects how her life would be with a man, how different things would be if she was heterosexual. For this reason the video is divided in two parts. In the first part of the video, Bolli explains her relationship as a lesbian couple that live together. They have problems because her partner is really meticulous and Bolli is more carefree and do not think about the housework they have to do. Because of that, they have a big fight and break up. Hence, Bolli tries to have a relationship between a man and she realizes that it’s quite different, in particular, the sex, as she is more used to use “tools”(sexual toys), but except for that everything else goes well. However, she has the same fight as she did with her ex-­‐partner and this time it’s the boy that is more unconcerned and carefree is Bolli who acts in a more compulsive way so she breaks up with the guy too. Even if it’s not explained clearly, the message or the objective that she wants to transmit is that the relationship between couples has the same problems and the problem is definitely not about the gender, as she struggled in her second relationship too. What it’s really important is that the couple have to understand each other in order to make it work. 5.3.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level In both cases, the youtubers look and speak directly to the camera and they are the ones that have the knowledge. In fact, they often use the first person “me” or “I” to narrate their stories. For example, Yellow Mellow says: “Voy a hacer esto porque soy así de original”. Other times she addresses directly to the users, she appeal the spectators as she asks for their opinions. But most of the time she teaches us: •

“Me parece justo enseñar un poquito de lo que yo sé.”

“Hola soy Yellow Melow” y esta es la lista de 21 cosas que no puedes decir después del sexo.”

“ Si te ha gustado este vídeo me gustaría que le dieras al botón de ‘me gusta’”.

“Espero que te haya gustado porque ese era el propósito”.

Por lo que hace al vocabulario utiliza un lenguaje coloquial. Sólo se refiere a tema vulgares cuando habla de sexo. Pero por lo general es correcta.


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The same happens with Todomonteesrgasmo, she has the knowledge and she talks and explores about the topics. Sometimes she also invite the spectators to participate, to vote or to comment: •

“Me parece justo enseñar un poquito de lo que yo sé”

“No me juzgueis. Soy consciente de ello.”

“Mirad lo que me he comprado”

“El hecho es que las lesbianas pasamos por muchas etapas antes de convertirnos en las musas que somos de ébano y marfil”.

Both of them use an informal speech and sometimes uses vulgarisms. This is more prominent with Todoelmonteesorgasmo as she calls the users “perras” in all her videos and uses words as ‘ano’ ‘vagina’ ‘follar’… instead of euphemism or more standard words..

5.3.4. Intertextuality We can find many references and intertextuality in Yellow Mellow videos. She constantly makes references to characters, films, music, brands, etc. For example in her video La Supervillana, cleary inspired on the famous animation film Gru, mi villano favorito or Ir al cine mata where she makes lots of references to films. She also talks a lot about sex, girls, love (in a despective way, like in her video El amor y otras tonterías), social networks and also personal experiences. As we can see, in lots of videos where Yellow Mellow explains her holidays as in Mi odissea australiana or Surf y Canguros, or other experiences like Mi nueva casa or Me voy. In all that videos we can see hidden


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references with other youtubers as with Mr. Jagger, Vegeta777, Willyrex or HolaSoyGerman (in fact, she starts all her videos with an identic presentation “Hola, soy Yellow mellow y...” as HolaSoyGerman “Hola, soy Germán y…”). We have to point out that even she has a video Desventajas de ser mujer. VR a HolaSoyGerman answering another video of HolaSoyGerman Desventajas de ser hombre. If we focus on her two videos that we’re analysing we will find the following results: 21 cosas que no debes decir después del sexo: Probably what’s more impresive of the video is that the structure and format is really similar to some Mister Jagger videos (concretely the series of videos ‘50 things’, like ‘50 maneras de caer bien a tus suegros’), and as Mr. Jagger, she performs different roles in order to explain crazy things you should, or not, say in different situations. In fact, Mr. Jagger commented that video of Yellow Mellow (they are also friends and have collaborated in some videos).

Moreover, if we have a look to the content, we can see that Yellow Mellow does some black humor ‘Hitler era buen pavo’ or ‘Tu abuela lo hacía mejor...mi abuela está muerta” as Mr. Jagger does ‘mi abuela… ¡que está muerta!’ (a sentence used in most of his videos). Mr Jagger, like Yellow Mellow, also makes fun of Hitler as we can see in the picture. One can think that Mr. Jagger is the one who has get inspired on Yellow Mellow, but if we pay attention to the publication date, one can see that Mr. Jagger started publishing that kind of contents more than two years before (the first one “50 frases para hacer feliz a cualquier mujer” was published on 31st August 2012) whereas Yellow Mellow started publishing that kind of videos in 2014.


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We can also find references to other videos of Yellow Mellow in the content and structure like with the video 21 cosas que no puedes decir en la Iglesia and the video suggested at the end of the video. The music is also an intertextual element because it’s made by herself and it appears in other videos of her. ¿Por qué no digo mi nombre?: The video is about celebrating that she has arrived at 500k subscribers and for celebrating she answers different questions from Twitter. In the presentation, because of her haircut and glasses she introduce herself as Nobita (from Doraemon), Vector (the antagonist of Gru in the film Despicable Me) or mushroom (due to her haircut). As she is answering questions there are many other references, for example they ask her if she is a Little Monster. This is a term that is used to define Lady Gaga fans and people asked her that because she gained recognition because of her cover of Lady Gaga. They also asked her if she feels identified with the chinese woman that appears in REC (this is a character that only people who have watched the first film of REC would know). Later, when they ask her what is her crush, she answer Crash Bandicoot (crush and crash actually sound the same and Crash Bandicoot is a famous video game character) so she is playing with the sound of the words. Moreover, she establishes a link between why she cannot say her name and the curse of Bitelchus. In addition, in the video, Beatles are mentioned briefly and she also sings the first part of a song of that band. We can find another intertextual link between her own videos where she talks about zombie apocalypse (Apocalipsis zombie tag, 10 maneras de sobrevivir en un apocalipsis zombie…). Her alter ego Lolas Muñecas flocas also makes a brief appearance, reminding us other videos of Yellow Mellow where that character appears. Relating to TodoElMonteEsOrgasmo, we can find many references and intertextuality in her videos. As Yellow Mellow, she constantly makes references to characters, films, music, brands, etc. For example in her video B de Vendetta she makes clear references to the film V for Vendetta and we can also find in most of her videos, pictures and references to films like Pulp Fiction (as we can see in the image). We can stress videos like Te odio atención al cliente, RedBull y Hello Perras Festival or Muerte a Vodafone as examples of videos related to brands. As Yellow Mellow, she also talks a lot about sex, girls, love and social networks. For example, her videos Las cosas de Facebook or Me Gusta (two videos related to social networks),


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Sexvision or Cadenadeplacer (two examples of the big amout of videos related with sex). However, it’s more difficult to know more things about her private life and she also gives another point of view quite different from Mellow’s point of view. Specially, Bolli talks a lot about homosexuality, always trying to make a funny social review. That’s the reason why in most of her video one can find references and symbols related to the homosexual rights. In all her videos we can also find lots of references to videogames (which is a characteristic different from Yellow Mellow), in fact, all her videos we can find transitions with video games icons and symbols. As






exaggerated situations and jokes that she proposes there is a deep reflection about social stereotypes that not a lot of youtubers talk about. Gay youtubers are still an emergent figure in general and even if they are in social media, they have little representation. It’s important that she offers a different point of view and dismiss a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions that people have regarding homosexuality. We can also find another lesbian or gay youtubers talking about homosexuality, but they all have a more serious tone while Bollicao offers a funnier and interesting approach. If we get focused on her videos we are analysing, we have got the following results: Lesbianas





Lesbianas primerizas Bolly uses a chicken cap to show her ‘maturity’. This is the same cap that she uses in her video Te odio atención al cliente. That’s a good example for showing the big amount of links between her own content. As we said, there are some hidden references to other youtubers, and in that video we can find similarities in the edition with Mr. Jagger and Holasoygerman, performing the roles of two characters pretending to have a conversation with herself. We also find some intertextuality with Buenafuente and Berto Romero when she says “esto no puede ser Maria Teresa” while she bites her glasses. Aswell, she mentions discreetly some mitic films like La Bella y la Bestia “una chica guapa se puede enamorar de un oso con cuernos” and the Hunchback, Notre Dame “Incluso un jorobado puede encontrar el amor” and


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she also makes a direct allusion to Titanic praising his attributes. We can also find references with famous sentences like the famous pro-­‐abortion slogan “nosotras parimos, nosotras decidimos”, the slogan of Cacharel’s perfume Amor Amor “Amor Amor, de Cacharel” or the traditional Spanish tongue-­‐twister “Pablito Clavó un clavito, ¿qué clavito clavó Pablito?”. Refering to music, she introduces the popular song Mr. Trololo, a piece of a video of Yoko Ono’s spectacle in MOMA and finally, at the end of the video one can hear that the backround music is the song “Come as you are” of Nirvana. Si yo fuera heterosexual: In that video, she talks about drinking a “Cola-­‐Cao” staying in bed and the relationship problems that can cause. One again, she uses traditional spanish expressions like “no tengo el chichi para farolillos”, “estar como cabras” and “hir como una rata”. One can also find references with Disney “Disney(...)por hacer tan atractivos a los animalitos” We can find references with the Scandinavian mythology when she talks about Trolls. Yoko Ono is mentioned again in that video (in fact, Yoko Ono is a recurrent topic in Todomonteesorgasmo’s videos). We can also find direct references with brands and products, concretely with Bollicao and Donettes (she makes a methaphore with that pastries. Relating to music, we can find a small piece of the song of Los Triumfitos “Quiero montarme en tu velero”. Finally, she mentions the youtuber Yellow Melow because it was her birthday and she was saying to the audience that they should visit her profile and congratulate her. 5.3.5. Camera and edition Yellow Mellow She always appears alone. Often make quick cuts of images but never moves from plan. In generally flat usually from the waist up. Enter elements graphics and animated characters and words. In some video uses continuous background music. Also uses the technique of voiceover. It is quite calm movement about it. Often make changes tone to highlight phrases, words. It always starts directly with your image. Todo el Monte es Orgasmo Her videos are quite similar to the popular Hispanic Youtuber HolaSoyGerman, as she also uses a lots of cuts. The shot is usually a medium close shot and as we have said in enunciation, she


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watches directly to the camera. She often changes her positions and the tone of her voice and has the same introduction always with her logo. Sometimes she uses a high-­‐pitched voice (Thous and HolaSoyGerman also do that) to create a more humoristic tone. She also uses bubbles with texts when she wants to include Whatsapp dialogues. We can see that there is a lot of post-­‐production in her videos, as the colour has been altered using different softwares. You can also see that some of her videos not only take place at her home, but also outside (Si yo fuera heterosexual…) so she have had to edit meticulously her video after recording it. The music that sometimes she uses is also important to express her emotions which are usually quite drastic as she can go from euphoria to anger in seconds.


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6. Conclusions 6.1. Loulogio – Thous producciones After doing our research, we can’t help ourselves but love both of the youtubers as we can understand how hard they work for only a few minutes and how much dedication they put to think about their contents. The difference in content is quite obvious since Loulogio appeals a mass while Thous wants to gain and attract fans. 6.1.1. Quantitative data As we have already explained, the difference related to subscribers is big, as Thous lost all his subscribers a time ago. But it was interesting to see that the comments and voters were almost the same even though Loulogio has much more views. 6.1.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level If we have a general look to their videos, we can see that they share the same basic narrative program, so we can only see some differences if we analyse the content of their videos separately. In addition we have noticed that, in general, they have two kind of videos parodies of audiovisual content (films, adverts, interviews…) and “blogs” or videos where they appear and talk directly to the camera. In both cases, the narrative program follows a similar structure in both authors and there are only few differences. 6.1.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level They include the audiences more and more by using a complicity speech (us) and sometimes even talks directly to the camera. Sometimes, they appeal directly the spectator (you) and even we can find cases where they point at the spectator with the finger. The interaction is really important between humoristic youtubers as Loulogio and Thous often appears in other youtubers videos and the last ones often feature and appear in Loulogio or Thous videos. There is an interaction between them and Thous and Loulogio frequently talks about other ones. 6.1.4. Intertextuality The youtubers are both adapting to the new trends and that means: intertextuality of popular culture (as an example, recently both youtubers have talked about 50 Shadows of Grey),


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features and interaction between youtubers, interaction with users, interesting and popular subjects, HD and well done videos, funny gags… References of popular culture are extremely important, such as gaming, TV series, movies, news, trends, social networks, etc. To gain the attention of the users and talks, explore and comment about new things. Intertextuality is important in this case as people can feel identified within the speech as they have the same interests. 6.1.5. Camera and edition Maybe because Loulogio is a quite established youtuber he does not constantly upload new videos, however he tries new contents. At the same time, Thous also tries new series, new camera and editions, new contents and upload the video more freqently. However, we have to stress that only a year and few months ago Loulogio was uploading a video daily. That it is really important since they are creating new contents, new ways of storytelling that are a mix between short films and their old videos. They want to add a narrative dimension that was not that prominent before. They want to involve their spectators and engage them to the video, the want to create virality but also a video that people not only share but relate with. It’s a very hard task to tag the youtubers by their contents since they have diversified what they can offer and they are more than youtubers, they are personalities, characters that even have their own line of merchandising. The evolution of the Internet, software, cameras and computers have changed everything so it’s important for the youtubers to be constantly creating new contents in order to not become out-­‐dated.

6.2. AuronPlay – Dallas Review 6.2.1. Quantitative data After seeing the characteristics of quantitative data of each youtuber, we can compare them and extract some conclusions. One important aspect to remark is that the emergent youtuber has more videos than the famous one. That means Dalas shares more frequently his videos and is more active than AuronPlay, who don’t need to be as regular as Dalas, because he has a lot of followers waiting


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for his contents. In fact, we have to consider that Dalas don’t let pas too much time to publish new things, because he has more videos -­‐255 against 236-­‐ despite of the fact AuronPlay started his activity in Youtube years before Dalas created his own profile in the platform. Another dissimilar point between the youtubers is the huge difference between the number of subscribers and views that has each of them. In this case, is obviously AuronPlay is a really important youtuber in Spain, achieving one of the first positions in the ranking of youtubers in our country. Is also for this reason it results surprisingly the similarities among the correlations. Comparing the correlation about the number of views and comments, we can see almost equal numbers, but the emergent youtuber is who presents a higher correlation -­‐74’16% in front of 73’77% from AuronPlay -­‐. Both correlations explain there is a relation between the number of views and the number of comments: with more viewers, more comments; but also mean that Dalas’ followers comment more frequently his videos, something that don’t do AuronPlay’s fans. It happens the same with the correlation about the number of views and votes. Despite the correlations are high, the emergent youtuber receives more votes from his users if we take in count the number of views. A conclusion we can extract from that is famous youtubers can have more comments or votes, but emergent youtubers’ fans are more loyal than the others. Finally they produce videos with more or less the same length: around 8-­‐9 minutes, but the correlation that compares the number of views with the number of videos’ duration is very different. According to AuronPlay’s data, the famous youtuber doesn’t have a strong relation between that variables, but Dalas Review presents a negative relation. That means his shorter videos have more viewers, and that could be an important data to take care, because maybe his followers prefers shorter contents, the opposite that prefer AuronPlay’s fans. 6.2.2. Narrative programmes-­‐ Greimas, the superficial level Answering the second initial question, we can see that there are some differences between the speech structure of the famous youtuber –AuronPlay– and the emergent one –Dalas Review– and also in their narrative programmes. Despite his differences, we can observe few similarities on their works.


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On the one hand, we can appreciate that AuronPlay focus his critical speech on society and their illiteracy in some occasions. He uses a lot of irony and sarcasm surrounded general contents. On the other hand, the emergent youtuber Dalas Review uses less degree of humour in order to have his critiques. Moreover, it is important to highlight that the famous youtuber makes fun of people ignorance like vocabulary and pronunciation mistakes. In addition of that, he also centres his videos on laughing about appearance people if it gets away form the “normality”. While in many of his videos he utilises the ridiculous sense with some insults, the speech of Dalas Review is less aggressive and more objective and cordial. For this reason, we can affirm that although the arguments of AuronPlay are right, they are harder too. Another dissimilarity between these youtubers is the involvement degree of the “victims”. Despite de fact that AuronPlay interacts with them (through phone calls for example), Dalas Review only talks about them, without any kind of bidirectional communication. The main difference of the narrative programmes is the ending of each video. The famous youtuber includes his personal opinion and view of the situation which he jokes about (makes a little conclusion), whereas the emergent one finishes his story drastically, even though he sometimes adds completely different content of the rest of the video at the end of that. Despite their differences, narrative programmes of each youtuber also show some similarities. The subject role is always occupied by the youtubers, so they have to get some objects. He always occupies the subject role that means he is the main character who will be able to fight with his opponents to achieve his objects. The receivers of these objects are in two cases the receivers and subscribers of video (and maybe AuronPlay when he is criticized by Dalas Review or when he has fun with his own videos). These youtubers also receives assistant by a helper. However, this aid comes from different source, but only AuronPlay uses a clear magical object to achieve his object. To conclude with the narrative programmes conclusions, we can affirm that although they have some similarities in the main narrative programme, they are a lot of differences in the supporting ones. After this intense analyse, we believe that despite his similarities, the famous youtuber offers more attractive programmes (in most occasions he includes the magical object and he also received a positive sanction) than the emergent one, who creates a poor and simple programme. To sum up, Dalas Review follows in AuronPlay’s footsteps regarding the


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critical speech, but he doesn’t innovate with his programmes narratives, so he won’t be differenced by this way (maybe he will do it in another one). 6.2.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level After analyzing the enunciation of the couple of youtubers composed by AuronPlay and Dalas Review, we can extract the following conclusions. According to Greimas’ concepts about the strategy of the author, there are clearly differences between the famous youtuber and the emergent one. AuronPlay –famous youtuber – combines successfully the first verbal person in singular and plural. AuronPlay’s strategy is more complex than Dalas’, because the first one uses the singular to present him and explain what we will do and then jumps to plural person to achieve the information together. However, the emergent youtuber establishes a really different contract with his viewers. Dalas only uses the exclusive knowledge to interact with users, because he explains his opinions and critical comments and wants to share them with us. Only the video –Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay – shows a more interesting strategy, because Dalas appeals directly the subject he is criticizing and then there are two more recipients; but that’s something AuronPlay also does it in the video El camello agresivo, so Dalas is not applying a new strategy. In reference to the vocabulary, we can find some similarities between them. Both include vulgar language in their videos, and with the same objective: criticize and make fun of some persons, situations, or things they saw or lived. •

Ellos son la autentica mierda nuclear (Dalas Review)

Lo que tienes que hacer es no vender droga, trozo de mierda (AuronPlay)

Another coincidence is that AuronPlay and Dallas invent new words, but the difference is that the famous youtuber use them to make fun of something –like the name Tomordorland – and the emergent one uses them with a pejorative intention –as mojabraguitas to address to the fans of famous people –. About expressions from other languages, both youtubers don’t use them regularly, only to make reference to technological devices or apps. To be specific, only Dalas actually use some English expressions: fangirls, fanboys and I wanna be famous and they are probably rarely exceptions.


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A resource they use constantly is recurrent words in the conversation. AuronPlay also has a particular expression to start all his videos, a form that Dalas Review hasn’t got. After revising all the points in common and not, we can conclude the enunciation of AuronPlay is more elaborated than Dallas’, and this second one hasn’t a particular difference to result more attractive for users than the first one. In fact, there isn’t anything especially new or out of common in Dallas Review’s contents, so that’s probably why he still being an emergent youtuber. 6.2.4. Intertextuality According to our analysis, we can extract some conclusions about the youtubers’ intertextuality. The first point in common is that AuronPlay and Dalas Review do always some references to social networks, Facebook or Twitter, because they are very active in these platforms and usually criticize some behaviors, comments or photos published there. Another coincidence is the link with the videogame world; despite of the fact the youtubers use this resource in a different way. For example, Dalas Review address us some comments about his interest, but he also does intertextuality in a subliminal way –making appear in his screen some gaming merchandising, as the Pacman mug or the Toad stuffed –. That’s a strategy AuronPlay doesn’t follow, because he only gives us some comments about the videogame world. So at this point, Dalas uses two ways to transmit us the intertextuality, playing with what we see and what we hear. Apart of that, we can say AuronPlay makes a lot of more references than Dalas, and they are more diverse than Dalas comments. AuronPlay makes references from the young world and its bad characteristics to a cartoon or an international world award as The Nobel Prize. So in AuronPlays’ videos there is more intertextuality and a richer variety, playing with the newest topics, the famous ones or the typical ones. On the other hand, both youtubers can make a lot of intertextuality about one world in one or more videos. AuronPlay gives us a lot of references from the party world and its bad extremes, criticizing the people, their uncultured, the music, the drugs and stupid behavior etc. In the case of Dalas Review, he comments a lot of things from the YouTube world, its fan phenomenon and, of course, its youtubers. Here we find the important reference Dalas Review


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does against AuronPlay –in Crítica con sentido a AuronPlay – because he explains a lot of this famous youtuber and criticize him with conviction and real contradictions about him. So the strategy to criticize the most famous youtuber in Spain in the critical humoristic content it’s really interesting, because Dalas can be widely found or known by AuronPlay’s followers for this critical video, causing hardly comments against him, but making him famous too. To conclude, it is clear both youtubers use intertextuality, but AuronPlay’s script is richer and has more variety than Dalas’. However, the emergent youtubers takes the advantage of using the famous youtubers to be more popular in YouTube world, because criticizing them he achieves controversial and that people talk about him –in a good way or not–. Finally, is also interesting the way the emergent youtuber combines two ways of intertextuality –what you see and what you hear – and that different strategies Dalas Review uses to climb positions in youtubers ranking maybe will give him good results in the future. 6.2.5. Camera and edition After the previous analysis, we can affirm that the two critical youtubers have different ways to record and edit their videos. Despite his differences, they also have few similarities. Firstly, Dallas Reviews places himself at the same distance as AuronPlay does. We can appreciate how they position themselves to one meter of the camera, so we can perfectly appreciate all their face. In some occasions, both youtubers decide to use the zoom to show their countenance in a deeper way. However, the emergent youtuber includes more frequently this means and he also adds nonsense scenes. In addition of that, he has not an established place in which record his videos (as famous youtuber has), so each of them are set in a different homeroom. Although they use cuts to unify different parts of videos, AuronPlay utilizes less number of cuts than Dalas Review because of the length of his scenes are greater than snippets of the emergent youtuber. While the first one (famous youtuber) includes in each scene an entire sentence, the emergent opts in some occasions to use only two words in each cut. For this reason, he achieves to catch the user attention for a long time. On one hand, another important distinct is that Dalas Review doesn’t stop staring at camera as if the receiver was on front of him. On the other hand, AuronPlay believes that it is not essential to look camera in every moment, so in many cases (when he speaks on telephone, for example) he completely forgets it.


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Dalas Review opts to use special effects whereas AuronPlay tries to avoid them to transmit his message in a simple way. Furthermore, the emergent youtuber signs each video with his own personal signature, which constitutes the end of the video. Finally, we can appreciate the main difference: the music. The emergent youtuber opts to include music to go with his speech. However, the famous one avoids it as he also does with effects. To sum up, we can affirm that the emergent youtuber has been developing a new way with some innovations in the consequent edition. For this reason, we can say that the emergent youtuber tries to be different from the famous one to achieve more views. Although AuronPlay focus on his contents, Dalas Review prefers to focus on his edition, which is more elaborated and completed.

6.3. Yellow Mellow – Todo Monte es Orgasmo 6.3.1. Quantitative data After making a quantitative analysis of both channels we can say that Todoelmonteesorgasmo, the emerging channel, has not yet come to get even half of data as YewllowmellowMg. Moreover, Yellow Mellow is gaining much more subscribers than Todoelmonteesorgasmo, so the known youtuber is taking more and more advantage over the emerging one. Considering the number of subscribers YellowmellowMg is leading the views and votes, although surprisingly the emerging channel have a higher rate of comments-­‐. 6.3.2. Narrative programmes – Greimas, the superficial level Both of them have a quite similar narrative program. They share the same narrative model (the same “subject” -­‐youtuber-­‐, the same receivers, opponents…). However, we can find a difference in the object of the video. While Yellow Mellow is more focused on entertain and make fun of different topics, Todoelmonteesorgasmo is focused not only in entertaining, also in making social and cultural reviews and specially defending the homosexual rights. 6.3.3. Enunciation – Greimas, the discursive level Both of them have exclusive knowledge and almost always use the first person to talk. On the one hand, Bolli uses more vulgarisms and bad words mostly because her content is about sex and social reviews under a radical point of view, and on the other hand Yellow Mellow talks more in an informal way but do not swear that much. It’s important that both of them speak


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directly to the users (looking directly to the camera), specially when they ask for their opinion or for clicking on the “like” button. 6.3.4. Intertextuality We have found that both youtubers use the same recurrent topics (sex, girls, social networks, films, cartoons…). They also make frequent references to other Youtubers, specially HolaSoyGerman and Mr. Jagger, one can also find some references between themself. However, if we focus on the amount of intertextuality, we have noticed that Yellow Mellow has a higher grade of intertextuality than Bolli. Comparing both channels one can see that both often use clichés and stereotypes to have fun of that. 6.3.5. Camera and edition Both of them use short and straight shots, however one of the differences between them is that Todoelmonteesorgasmo changes her position while talking and Yellow Mellow stays in the same place all throughout the video. We can see that in Bollicao’s videos there is more editing as the shots are usually shorter and we also can see that Bollicao sometimes uses filters to change the colours of the video and create more retro style. She likes to use video effects, for example in one video when she is talking about the past, she uses black and white colours. On the contrary, Melo prefers a more natural output, as a natural conversation that you can have with a friend with Skype (although there are still lots of cuts).


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7. Bibliography 7.1. Books -­‐

Greimas, A. Courtés J. Semiótica. Diccionario razonado de la teoría del lenguaje, Madrid: Gredos, 1982.


Bertrand, D. “Elementos de narratividad”, Précis de sémiotique litteraire, Paris: Editions Natham, 2000.


Greimas, A. Semántica estructural, Madrid, 1964.


Greimas, A. -­‐ Courtés, J. ”Les acquis et les projets. Préface", Introduction a la sémiotique narrative et discursive. Méthodologie et application, Paris: Hachette, 1976.


Greimas, A. -­‐ Courtés, J. Semiótica. Diccionario razonado de las ciencias del lenguaje, Madrid, Gredos: 1980.

7.2. Webpages -­‐

YOUTUBE: AuronPlay.


WIKIA: AuronPlay.


VERTELE: Telecinco y el youtuber autor de #GranHermanoVipEs basura.­‐y-­‐el-­‐youtuber-­‐autor-­‐del-­‐ghvipesbasura-­‐ niegan-­‐demanda-­‐de-­‐por-­‐medio/




BLOGSPOT: Secreto de youtuber: AuronPlay.


TOP YOUTUBERS: Dalas Review, el youtuber que no quiere ser youtuber.­‐el-­‐youtuber-­‐que-­‐no-­‐quiere-­‐ser-­‐youtuber/


MELTY BUZZ: Dalas Review: su video sobre “feminazis” causa polemica en Twitter.­‐review-­‐su-­‐video-­‐sobre-­‐feminazis-­‐causa-­‐polemica-­‐en-­‐ twitter-­‐a148153.html


YOUTUBE: WhaTheGame.


YOUTUBE: Dallas Review.



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