Portfolio_Roger Pedro Planas

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Roger Pedro Planas


Escola Tècnica d’Arquitectura del Vallès (ETSAV), Barcelona - Spain Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe - Germany Hascher-Jehle Architektur (HJA), Berlin - Germany

Roger Pedro


Drinnen und Drau∫en

Neues Zentrum, neues Campus


Quartier du canal

Montforthaus Feldkirch

Al final del camí


Komposition Litzelstetten

Habitatge col·lectiu


El nou Portbou


Pavelló multiús


Arquitectura Sostenible

Formació de ciutat


Interactive path; the River

Nova Biblioteca municipal

CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information Name Birth Citizenhip Genre

Roger Pedro Planas Barcelona, July 15th 1989 Spanish Male

Education University

2011-2012 Karlsruhe Institut für Technologie (KIT), Germany. Master in Architecture in an ERASMUS exchange program. Winter and summer semester of 2011/12 study year. 2007-2014 (expected graduation) Escola Tècnica d’Arquitectura del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain. Diploma of higher professional educational in Architecture.


2005-2007 Escola Proa, Barcelona, Spain. Technological Bachelor and University Access Tests. Final tesis about the new technologies in green architecture “Arquitectura Sostenible”.

Contact information Contact adress Home adress e-mail Mobile

Hirschstraße 35a, 76133 Karlsruhe - Germany c/ Moianès 81 bj, 08014 Barcelona - Spain roger.pedro.planas@gmail.com (0034) 606 838524 (0049) 157 34762823

Roger Pedro


Additional educational activities 2012


Workshop by KIT University, Department of Urbanism and urban planning. “New town center in Litzelstetten”. Konstanz, Germany. Intensive Program in Landscape Studies (LAPIS), by the European Commission, Lifelong Learning Program. Workshop internazionale “Town+Hill: Vicenza landscape planning towards new scenarios for urban and territorial quality”. Vicenza, Italy. Workshop by ETSAV University, Department of Urbanism and Regional planning. “Projects in Cultural Landscapes: Lleida, dry constuction and oil.” Llardecans, Spain.

Language skills Spanish Catalan English German French Portugese

Computer skills Platform Drafting

3D Graphic design

Other relevant professional skills Freehand sketching

Both academic drawing and conceptual sketching during first steps of project’s development.

Architectural and urban model making

Both conceptual or working and representation models, using various techniques and tools. Worked with scales from 1/20 to 1/5000

Architectural project presentation

Experience in design project presentation, and also good qualities in explaining them in public. Compact workshop by the KIT University in developing communication skills (2012).


Basic skills in architectural photography. Seminar in ETSAV University in urban and architectural photography (2010)

Mother language; Niveau C2 Mother language; Niveau C2 Advanced; Niveau C1 (CAE Cambridge) Competent; Niveau B2 Beginner; Niveau A2 Beginner; Niveau A2

Mac OS & Windows AutoCAD: Advanced Autodesk Revit: intermediate ArchiCAD: beginner VectorWorks: beginner Google SketchUp: advanced Autodesk 3Ds MAX: beginner Adobe InDesign: advanced Adobe Photoshop: intermediate Adobe Illustrator: intermediate Office, iWork: intermediate Roger Pedro


El nou Portbou

Light railway line in Costa Brava Railway design and Portbou’s preparation for its arrival

Place Project type University Department Presentation

Costa Brava-Portbou, Girona, Spain Urban Design, Group Project ETSAV, Barcelona Architectural design; Urbanism Januar, 2010

Roger Pedro


The construction of a new high-speed railway between Figueres and Perpignan is produciong a dilema with the old railway line, that is the only way for little towns and villages to be connected with each other. What should be done with this old railway? Within this question, the project develops the idea of creating a tramline using the old railways, and turning the old train stations in the new social centres of the towns, full of young people and activity. The project emphases in Portbou, and designs the transformations that must be done for this new situation. The central focus is the train station and its 80’s cupule, the main attraction of the village. By using the outside part of the station as the new –and much more smaller- tram-stop, and designing an innovative way to connect the station with the town centre, the station gains importance in the daily live of the inhabitants. The old building is restructured with artist-studios and low-cost rental apartments, and an open-air temporal activities and exhibitions are located under the big cupola.

Roger Pedro


Interactive Path

River. The new link between Patrimonio

Place Project type University Department Workshop Presentation

Vicenza, Italia Workshop, Urban Design ETSAV, Barcelona, Spain Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy Universidade da Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal Architectural design; Urbanism Workshop internazionale “Town+Hill: Vicenza landscape planning towards new scenarios for urban and territorial quality”. LAPIS March, 2010

Roger Pedro


Roger Pedro


Av. Sarrià - Compte Urgell - Londres BARCELONA Parcel·la de 3.192m2


9.476m2 8536m2


1798m2 1673m2 6955m2 2068m2





.S Av



Habitatge col·lectiu

Low-cost residential building in Barcelona

Place Project type University Department Presentation

Project data

Location SurfaceE.1/250 PLANTA BAIXA. COMERÇOS.

Built Comercial use Office use Residential use

Barcelona, Spain Residential building, University Competition ETSAV, Barcelona Architectural design; housing June, 2010

Av.Sarrià - Compte Urgell - Londres (Barcelona) Project area of 3,192m2 9,476m2 1,798m2 1,673m2 6,955m2



Roger Pedro


The competition presents the construction of social housing construction in the Eixample, the central district of Barcelona. The program includes, besides the low-cost apartments, some shops or offices in the ground and first floor. The difficulty lies on the shape and dimensions of the plot, a triangle-form between two of the busiest motor streets in the area. The proposal is based on a flexible housing unit, adaptable to the different needs of their owners. It is projected a basic module of 4 45m2apartments, with the alternative to join two of these creating a familyhome of 90m2. The project itself extends from the corner –the most important part of the project for its significance for the urban plan- and continues with tow perpendicular blocks. Sliding wood lamellas solves the internal facades, with South orientation, while the external is set by an array of rectangular apertures. The inside of the parcel is defined as an open public space, surrounded with shops and cafeterias. Roger Pedro


Formaci贸 de ciutat

City creation by a low-cost neighborhood

Place Project type University Department Presentation

Sta. Perp猫tua de Mogoda, Barcelona, Spain Urban Design ETSAV, Barcelona (Spain) Architectural design; Urbanism January 2011

Project data Surface

Private Public

Project area of 98,946 m2 41,192 m2 (42%) 57,754 m2 (58%) Roger Pedro


Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, a satellite bedroom-city near Barcelona, is currently under expansion. It is proposed, in a university level, a project for transforming the existing territory and create new city by the construction of a new neighbourhood. The proposal takes, as its starting point, the different humans relations depending on their neighbourhood type, and proposes a new urbanism system, based on open or semi-open buildings. The whole district is structured from the central axis, the main street, and organized along it with open public squares and pedestrian areas. Another important feature of the project is the presence of towers at the end of some building chains, acting as a highlight guide through the district. Regarding the housing part, there is a mixture of apartments typologies, as it has to be a neighbourhood for all kinds of people. It is, however, a priority to place the family-houses in the open islands, facing South, and to locate low-cost apartments in the closed ones. Finally, the project is culminated with cultural equipment in the upper place, and sports one in the lowest.

Roger Pedro


Komposition Litzelstetten

Rethinking and creating the town center

Place Project type University

Department Presentation Workshop

Litzelstetten, Konstanz, Germany Workshop; Urban design KIT, Karlsruhe Hochschule Konstanz Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung (HTWG), Konstanz Urban planning design November, 2011 “New town center in Litzelstetten�

Roger Pedro


The town of Litzelstetten has grown during the lasts 20 years all along the main motorway. It has not any centre, neither old nor new, nor any place where people could gather together. The aim of this project is to create, by some kind of architectural transformations, a place that could be understood as a centre. The solution presented to the city council, does not propose to realise a huge change in the town structure, or to making a big construction. It is based in two colour bands that pass through the main attractions of the town, generating a connection between them. These bands will have different shapes, depending on the place: some benches in the church, a post-box next to the council or a book-shelf in the square of the Milk House. When it has none of these functions, it just goes along the street, linking the places. Where these two bands ended, a new place with plenty of activities, both for young and old people, is designed. This new square, with its bar, its library and its new shops, is going to be the new centre of the town.

Roger Pedro


Neues Zentrum; Neues Campus

Location of the Campus BASF-Limburgerhof


BASF is looking for a new step forward in its Limburgerhof Campus. One more step in its full-of-exits production. To achieve it, it has been proposed an ampliation and reformation of the actual campus. The new campus must be a something special, not a normal one. It must be a referent in social relation between the workers, a place where other companies must look at when building their own. This campus must have place for universities to come and develop their projects, and also for the companies, to give them the possiblity to interact with BASF. It will be also a place full of opportunities for young companies, full of new ideas but with lower income. The dreamed workingplance for each and everyone of us.

Neues Zentrum, neues Campus Creating the perfect and ideal working place Objective

Place Project type

Competition University Department Presentation

By analysing the campus, one can easily get that there is no place for the workers to interact with each other. The campus has all the buildings to investigate and so on, but there no such a place to create social links, to make the people feel comfortable. This important fact provoques the inexistance of a group spirit, there’s no feeling about working all together to achieve companie’s goals. There is also a huge lack of organisation about the comunications in-and out- campus, and the transport of the workers as well. This project is made in response to both this problems: transports and social relations.

BASF Campus in Limburgerhof, Germany Urban Design Architecture competition by “Kulturkreis der How? The most important part of the project is the “Zentrum”, looked and projected as the place where deutschen Wirschaft” both transports and social relations find their solution. In this “Zentrum” will be all the activities for a normal campus-life day. The big Mensa will be located in here, with a big common dining room and cafeterias all-day open. Next to this Mensa, there is located the Social Center. This new building is the “Der ZukunftsCampus der BASF, Limburgerhof” place where all the statement meet: workers from all the diferent working-areas, universities, external companies,... It is thought to be a building full of new projects, and with a peacefull and comfortable KIT, Karlsruhe (Germany) working atmosphere. about the transport problem, next to this Social Center will be located the bus-stop, that UrbanTalking planning comunicates directly the BASF with the DB station, situated in the village. This bus will also intercothe diferent areas of the campus. Under the main square of this “Zentrum” will be located Januar,municate 2012 the big carpark, the only one in the proposal. This will make all the people to come in the main square, and so on it will be always movement and activities in it. In this place is proposed also a bikerenting system, to make easier the movements inter-campus. And to decrease the number of cars, it is also projected a car-renting program for the BASF-workers. In addition to this central actuation, it is also proposed that the other areas of the campus have its own center. In it workers can interact with each other, and the social-links can start easily with close workers. In each of this working-areas there will be also a place for the workers to meet, a mixture between a cafeteria and a working space.

The Zentrum is the most important point of the project. It’s the place where people must come everyday to leave the car, the place where the bus stops, and where is the Mensa and the Social Center Proposal’s general shape, with its dense area in the middle and satellites at both sides; left ones going

Roger Pedro



BASF is looking for a new step forward in its Limburgerhof Campus. One more step in its full-of-exits production. To achieve it, it has been proposed an ampliation and reformation of the actual campus. Neues Zentrum; Campus The newNeues campus must be a something special, not a normal one. It must be a referent in social relation between the workers, a place where other companies must look at when building their own. This campus must have place for universities to come and develop their projects, and also for the companies, to give them the possiblity to interact with BASF. It will be also a place full of opportunities for young companies, full of new ideas but with lower income. The dreamed workingplance for each and everyone of us.

Buildings-phases of the proposal Remain buildings Masterplan 1:1000


The chemical company BASF proposes an international competition for the design of its Limburgerhof campus renewal. The aim is to conserve some of the iconic existing buildings, and to create with the new ones a working atmosphere based on social relation between the workers gains. Furthermore, it has to be a place where both university and external companies can clearly cooperate with BASF.

By analysing the campus, one can easily get that there is no place for the workers to interact with each other. The campus has all the buildings to investigate and so on, but there no such a place to create social links, to make the people feel comfortable. This important fact provoques the inexistance of a group spirit, there’s no feeling about working all together to achieve companie’s goals. There is also a huge lack of organisation about the comunications in-and out- campus, and the transport of the workers as well. This project is made in response to both this problems: transports and social relations.

1st. - Zentrum and campus-village


The most important part of the project is the “Zentrum”, looked and projected as the place where both transports and social relations find their solution. In this “Zentrum” will be all the activities for a normal campus-life day. The big Mensa will be located in here, with a big common dining room and cafeterias all-day open. Next to this Mensa, there is located the Social Center. This new building is the place where all the statement meet: workers from all the diferent working-areas, universities, external companies,... It is thought to be a building full of new projects, and with a peacefull and comfortable working atmosphere. Talking about the transport problem, next to this Social Center will be located the bus-stop, that comunicates directly the BASF with the DB station, situated in the village. This bus will also intercomunicate the diferent areas of the campus. Under the main square of this “Zentrum” will be located the big carpark, the only one in the proposal. This will make all the people to come in the main square, and so on it will be always movement and activities in it. In this place is proposed also a bikerenting system, to make easier the movements inter-campus. And to decrease the number of cars, it is also projected a car-renting program for the BASF-workers.

The design proposes a new Campus structure, based on working nodes connected with each other, and all of them organised around a central square. Each working unit has its own cafeteria and some social rooms, where workers can easily interact. The central square,will concentrate all the campus-life activities (dinning room and a social and meeting centre) as well as small shops and some leisure areas. All the workers will be passing through this centre every day, as there will also be the shutter-bus stop and the main car park.

In addition to this central actuation, it is also proposed that the other areas of the campus have its own center. In it workers can interact with each other, and the social-links can start easily with close workers. In each of this working-areas there will be also a place for the workers to meet, a mixture between a cafeteria and a working space.

2nd. - Close existent areas creating new little central squares, and new icon: Entrance/Museum

The Zentrum is the most important point of the project. It’s the place where people must come everyday to leave the car, the place where the bus stops, and where is the Mensa and the Social Center Proposal’s general shape, with its dense area in the middle and satellites at both sides; left ones going into the forest and right ones acting as the symbols of the project.

3rd. - In-forest satellites and the contact with the village. Also finish campus-village

Neues Zentrum; Neues Campus

Detailed views of the “Zentrum” Erste store 1:500

Underground carpark 1:1000 4th. - Final situation. Project conclude

General plan of the proposal, relating the building that remain (in yellow) and the new ones (in blue)

Longitudinal section (north)

Longitudinal section (south) Der Zukunfts Campus der BASF Stqp - M. Neppl WS 2011/2012 Roger Pedro Planas

2nd store 1:1000

Longitudinal section 1:500 Der Zukunfts Campus der BASF Stqp - M. Neppl WS 2011/2012 Roger Pedro Planas

Roof view 1:1000

Roger Pedro


Montforthaus Feldirch

New concert house and central square in Feldkirch

Place Project type Studio Tasks Term

Project data

Floor area Costs aprox Construction starts Completion

Feldkirch, Austria Internship Hascher-Jehle Architektur (HJA), Berlin Urban planning August 2012 - March 2013

12,484 m2 41 million â‚Ź 2012 2014 Roger Pedro


The sculptural, flowing contours of the new Montforthaus building have been shaped by the neighbouring buildings and the edges of the surrounding open spaces. As a result, the three adjoining public spaces fuse together to form a large-scale urban space with fluid transitions that connects the City Park with the old town. Horizontal storey-high ribbons in the façade project out of the amorphous volume of the building or recede behind the plane of the façade. These transparent strips create a dialogue between inside and outside. On the one hand, the heart of the building – the large concert hall – and the building’s ‘innards’ are visible to passers-by; on the other, the old town becomes a backdrop for the visitors within. As a product of its organic, flowing exterior, the proposed multifunctional event space has no front or back but rather equally attractive façades on all sides.

Roger Pedro


Quartier du canal

Extending the city limits by a new concept of quarter

Place Project type University Department Presentation

Lille, France Urban Design, Group Project ETSAV, Barcelona (Spain) Urban planning June, 2013

Roger Pedro


The economic crisis that is corssing Europe has to make us rethink the way we are nowadays living in the cities. Our intention with this project is to revise the housing system that has driven us to this situation, and proposing a new way to make city that will be capable to offer low cost buildings for some of the most affected collectives, such as students, low-income families or old people. Another issue that we have taken in mind is the sustainability of the new neighbourhood. It’s been a cumpulsary concept when thinking on the different fields that form the project. The lack of a good transport system, for example, makes people taking their private cars to go to work, or to go shopping, and that’s a thing we have to aboid in the new quarter due to enveromental issues. A compact neighbourhood, full of mixed uses, and with fixed walk-throughs such as green spaces, open squares,‌ and a well planned public transport system (both bus, tram and a park&ride area in the limits) reduces considerably the distance a pedestrian has to walk, thereby making him taking the bike instead of the car. Roger Pedro


Al final del camĂ­

Treatment of an abandoned quarry as a new graveyard

Place Project type University Department Presentation

Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona - Spain Rehabilitation project ETSAV - Barcelona (Spain) Landscape and urban planning January 2014

Roger Pedro


The current urge of a new funerary complex in Cerdanyola del Vallès, a small city in the outskirts of Barcelona, and the urban plan to create a green corridor in the area, generate the possibility that both elements are rethinked together as one, creating a new place with a huge landscape interest and urban qualities. The development of the project has its basis in the noticeable topography of the abandoned quarry, as the aim is to recover the place without losing its qualities and current strenght. Both the roads that were used by the lorries during the activity and the itenararies that they created are conserved, disposing the diferent funerary elements along them. The factory buildings, nowadays also under-use, are partially conserved. Some of the industrial unit are the place where the funerary activities, such as the mortuary or the crematorium. The others, however, are left abandoned with the aim that the wild comes inside, creating thereby a park with the industrial remains, an postindustrial landscape.

RECORREGUT DE LLEURE Al crear la connexió verda, es creen una sèrie de punts amb activitat diferenciada relacionada al lleure, com per exemple àrees de miradors, zones de picnic,...

CONNEXIÓ ALS TRANSPORTS PÚBLICS Afegint el descampat veí dins l’àrea d’actuació, es crea una nova via de comuniació amb l’estació dels FGC propera. El traçat del camí es basa en les preexistències del solar, els

CONTINUITAT DE CAMINS Amb la creació del recorregut de lleure perimetral es dóna continuïtat al sistema de camins i

TRACTAMENT DEL DESCAMPAT Seguint idees de L. Almarcegui, es dóna importancia al descampat proper creant la comunicació al transport públic pel seu interior. “El descampado es una alternativa a lo construïdo, a la imagen de ciudad que nos quieren vender,(...) está lleno de posibilidades” L. Almarcegui, 2013 PORTA D’ENTRADA Amb una edificació de petites dimensions, es crea una porta d’entrada a l’àrea del cementiri que permetrà controlar-ne l’accès i, a la vegada, sepa-

ZONA D’APARCAMENT Situat junt a l’entrada i a la connexió amb la AP-7 es troba l’àrea destinada al pàrquing de vehicles privats, destinat tant als usuaris del tanatori com als

Roger Pedro


Roger Pedro Planas


Barcelona, February 2014

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