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The Commodore Perry Estate is a historic landmark in Central Austin. RO carefully completed the detailed historic renovation of the existing 1920’s Perry Mansion, Carriage House and Chapel. In addition to the existing building, a new 44-key boutique hotel, swimming pool and stand-alone restaurant were constructed on the 10-acre site.

Originally built in 1928, the estate is packed with history. The almost 11,000 SF mansion was once home to Edgar and Luttie Perry, and was then a Catholic girls school.The Perry Mansion estate is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The property features lush formal gardens enclosed within the property’s stone perimiter wall, positioned on the headwaters of Waller Creek. RO takes great pride in preserving the architectural and historical integrity of the estate, while making it a destination for locals and tourists alike.
Architect: Moule & Polyzoides Architects
Owner: 4100 Red River LLC