Building Your Financial Future: Our Investment Portfolios | Imperial Money

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Disclaimer:-Theportfoliobifurcationsmentionedbelowaregenerallyapplicableaspertheriskprofileofinvestors.Theseare notsuggestionsoradviseandinvestorsneedtoevaluatetheirriskprofilebeforechoosingtheappropriateportfoliothatis suitabletothem.MutualFundsaresubjecttomarketrisk,pleasereadallschemerelateddocumentscarefully


Foraggressiveandassertiveinvestorswhoare Highrisktakers

This plan is for those high-risk taking investors who are ready to barge into the market, looking for higher returns on their investments. Suchaportfoliohasamidandsmall-capat40%, keeping the HIGH exposure in mind. As per the market situation, the valuation and allocation vary, while you must rebalance the portfolio approach. Despite the high orientation ofmidandsmall-cap,investors whostayfor5-7yearsandget greatreturnsfromthisportfolio.



The Builder plan is for the ones venturing into a beat high alpha generation portfolio but do not have an aggressive approach. A large-cap with active allocation can definitely give you good returns, but small and mid-cap can do the trick too. The funds that have consistent performance and a high ranking in the risk-reward matrix. Long-term returns from this portfolioarealsogreat,preferablyinmorethanfiveyears.

This portfolio offers a mix of both equity and debt for the investors. Following a very theorist approach, this is for those wholovethesharemarketreturnsbutarewaryofputtingina largeamountofmoney Balancedequityanddebtdothetrick for them to get reasonable growth without taking much risk.

This balanced approach requires your commitment from 3-5

STABLE EnjoybothDebtandEquityFlavor.
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SECURE Stabilitywithbettertaxationbenefit

The Secure portfolio is ideal for those investors who do not want to take any kind of risk at all. This is the best blend of balanced plus debt combinations, which can bring stability to the portfolio while offering slightly high alpha. However, you mustknowthatthedebtfundsarenotasvolatileastheequity schemes. Debt funds are slightly sensitive to interest rate movements, so we follow only short-term debt funds in this safe-to-play portfolio. They simply focus on earning from interestaccrualsratherthanoncapitalgains.Securegivesyou minimal exposure to equity and is mostly a safe, conservative portfolio.



Designed for those seeking income after retirement, this portfolio simply follows the 3S principles of return – safe, secure, and stable. This is the assurance of regular income to those who have retired, as income is always better than living off a fixed deposit. Retirees should definitely consider keeping theirretirementfundinsuchareliabledebtfundandwithdraw money monthly like salary, like in this Income Generator portfolio.




Mutualfundsareidealforinvestorswhowantstoinvestinvariouskindofschemeswithdifferentinvestmentobjectivesbutdonothavetime andexpertisetopickwinningstocks,betterrealizationindebtfundsandvalueadditioninliquidfunds.MutualfundsgivesyouanAdvantageof ProfessionalManagement,LowerTransactionCosts,Diversification,liquidityandTaxBenefits.







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