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Hello To introduce myself I would usually start with ‘Hi, I am Saraf.’ Well I AM Saraf but that is my last name. My name is Rohan Saraf, better said with a James Bond tone like”Saraf, Rohan Saraf”. So let’s start.



Hi, am Saraf and this is my portfolio. i3oid the title of this magazine stands for i cuboid. I Cuboid started as a blog and is now becoming an identity for me. This magazine is not into publication and was made only to showcase my work. In other words this is a portfolio in a magazine format. In this portfolio I have included some of my design project done in recent years as a student in MIT Institute Of Design, Pune. The purpose of having a portfolio in magazine format was to create a better experience for the viewer. I am currently(Nov. 2010) a student of Product design and currently in my 7th semester. While learning design at MIT ID we have molded ourself to tackle problems following the design process. This process focuses on finding the right problem and then finding the solution for that problem. The problems are based on user study and lot of research. I truly believe in ‘A well stated problem is a solution in itself’. ‘Once you know what you need to do it is not that difficult to achieve it, knowing is the key’ this is my approach to most of the things in life. So the design process which started as a course has become a part of our thinking. I also believe in simplicity as Leonardo Da Vinci has rightly said “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. Design fields that interests me are experience design(not to be confused as GUI design) where you design the experiences which you want your user to experience through your design/products. At the same time you think about the entire system where your product is going to be placed. This is about me as a person, rest of the magazine is my work.

Rohan Saraf

rohansaraf@gmail.com +91 989 075 5246

Contents bucket concept wayne rooney Fashion shoes for Wayne Rooney’s fans

pepper crusher Pepper mill

bio.cell.pack Packaging for biological cells

Rajdoot Product graphics for aircraft of President of India

Low cost washing machine for ONIDA -- 01

peti Herb carrying device for traditional healers

-- 03

i-cuboid Illustrations for personal blog

-- 05

doodle Sketch to ideate

Simple washing device

Making things look real

Zipper inspired joinery for exhibition panels

blupac Vehicle tracking system

beat Nature inspired design

Rendering with graphic tablet

Solar powered LED lighting

-- 35

-- 36

-- 37

-- 15

materials Making things with different materials --17

-- 39

cuboid Where work happens

-- 40

-- 19

curriculum vitae cumulonimbus

-- 33

-- 11

digital paintings ex-zip-it

-- 29

-- 09

render swash

-- 27

Who Rohan Saraf is -- 25

-- 41

WAYNE ROONEY Fashion shoes for Wayne Rooney’s fans

These shoes were designed as a part of form semantics where we studied a brand language and then selected a user group and a context then developed the form accordingly. I selected nike as the main brand and then after studying nike as a brand I started looking at different context. Final design brief : To design a fashion footwear for football player Wayne Rooney’s fans. Nike is known as brand with its aggressive approach in publicity and ambassadors. Rooney has a huge fan following and is known for his game. He is existing brand ambassador for nike and


is often shown as aggressive player in most of the nike commercials. These shoes have a pointed front which represents strength and aggression. Red stripes relates to a well known nike commercial. It also represents English flag. Golden swoosh logo represents excellence. Shoe has embossed Wayne Rooney autograph at back of the shoe. The overall form of shoe is very similar to that of the football shoes. Even the sole of the shoe is similar to that of the football studs. Number 10 on tongue of shoe is also the number for Wayne Rooney. Grey is also another color thought of.


Pepper crusher

A table top pepper mill along with a salt shaker designed specially for single hand operation for users to experience the freshness of pepper while they eat.

pepper storage

pepper enters

pepper crushed

pepper powder exits

Crush + Grind

The special cam profile crushes pepper and also grinds it at the edge as the pepper powder falls out of device


Pepper crusher was designed in 3rd semester as a part of Simple Product Design(SPD). The course aimed at designing a simple product which is used in day to day life. I selected pepper mills and then after a lot of research, user study and analysis came up with a design brief to design a table top product for giving freshly ground pepper preferably single hand operated. As the users selected were Indians the product had to be preferably single hand operated due to eating habits of the user group. This was a 4 week 3

project and this is the final concept out of other designs made. The pepper crusher uses a cam profile which crushes pepper and then further grinds it at the edge of the negative profile. The pepper crushing mechanism was designed earlier and then the form was developed over the mechanism inside. The salt shaker accompanies the pepper crusher so entire unit becomes one product that goes on a same table top.


Different graphics and different color combination for customers to select from various options


bio.cell.pack Packaging for biological cells

bio.cell.pack is packaging for biological cells. bio.cell.pack consists of a modified vial and external safety unit. The inner vial is re-designed keeping safety of cells into consideration while the outer unit is designed to minimize contamination during shipping. After research and lot of discussions with scientists around globe it was seen that main problems that are encountered by them are contamination, labeling and safety. The cell samples cost scientists about 1000 USD hence cell lines are considered as expensive product. This makes it essential that scientist get full satisfaction about things like safety. Contamination is difficult to control with packaging as it depends on the conditions in lab but including an external unit enables to have a carrying/storage unit separate from the handling unit. This reduces the chances of contamination during transport and even handling inside lab. To solve the safety issue additional tamper proof seal is provided on vial so as to make sure scientists get every cell they ask for. The other issue that was to be considered was the storage temperatures as biological cells are carried in cryogenic(about -150 deg C) conditions. Due to this constraint the material selected was polypropylene.


To solve the problem of labeling the label space on the vial was increased from the existing design giving scientist to write all the essential details on the vial. Even the cell bank gets lot of space to include all the details like date of expiry, manufacturing date and also storage details like temperature and humidity. The cap of this re-designed vial has a perforated seal with ratchet profile on inside which locks with the negative ratchet profile on the vial making it impossible to open the cap without breaking the perforated seal on the cap. This seal ensures that scientist get whatever they pay for. Heat sealing is not possible in this vial due to temperature constraints hence, this mechanical locking system was designed.

Inner vial Increased labeling space In the new design of vial the label space was increased. This gives scientists more space to write the details on the vial.

Inner vial Locking mechanism Special ratchet profile and perforated seal ensure tamper proof delivery


Inner cylinder Ribbed Aluminium cylinder To regulate temperature during cooling and thawing process

Inside the outer unit there is a ribbed aluminium cylinder which holds the vial in it. This cylinder provides better temperature regulation during the process of freezing and thawing. Freezing and thawing are very important stages in cell preservation. Both the processes need uniform cooling and heating. The ribs on the aluminium cylinder helps in faster heat transfer during these processes. Aluminium part is essential as aluminium is considered as good conductor of heat.

The blue button is part of pop a vial mechanism which ejects the vial out of the outer unit on sliding this blue button. To ensure further safety of the cells there is a red colored seal which prevents the blue button from sliding down. In order to remove the vial out of outer unit one has to break this red seal once the vial is inside the outer unit. A small downward arrow beneath the blue button is for informative indication.

bio.cell.pack comes with a pop a vial mechanism. With this mechanism the scientist can just slide the blue button to bottom and raise the vial out of outer unit. This pop a vial mechanism makes sure that vial is in its place and does not shake inside the outer unit. Pop a vial works on simple principle. As you slide the blue button the strip attached to button pushes the vial out of it’s aluminium chamber. This mechanism also adds on to the entire experience for scientists as pop a vial increases the perceived value of the product by making it look high technology product.

Pop a vial Cross section of bio.cell.pack Mechanism to pop a vial out of the outer packaging

Labeling is a very important part of packaging design. With bio.cell.pack label had to include mfg. date, storage temperature, warnings, cell line name, company name, and bar code. Hologram was also included to assure brand originality. This label changes with every packaging therefore it had to be a sticker which is printed and pasted over the packaging just before delivery.

Label Labeling space

Red over Blue Secondary seal 7

Seal that activates pop a vial mechanism

Labeling space for sticking a label on the outer packaging with all the necessary details. 8

Rajdoot might be called as ‘Indian Air Force One’. The president of India travels in this aircraft when ever traveling around world. This aircraft is the first interaction between India and any other nation during president’s visit. Hence the graphics on the plane had to be very Indian and yet it should also have certain elegance to it. The above design is a abstraction of peacock as peacock is national bird of India. The form is also very free and flowing to represent India as a free country. Peacock as a bird is not capable of long flight but including it on the aircraft also represents huge potential in India as a nation.

The face of peacock on the tail with beak towards the nose of plane is very abstract so as to generate curiosity in people and also once someone identifies the face they are excited to show it to others. This was one more intention to have abstraction of peacock and not to include literal peacock as graphic. Colors selected were blues as they are not related to any religion and blue has been representing India in many sports and other events.



de si gn is te d sh or tl

swash simple washing device

Swash is a short listed entry for Incheon International Design Awards, iida 2010 in the category of green design for humans. Swash was shot listed amongst the final designs from around 4000 design entries from all over the world.

These awards were in collaboration with Designboom web site. Swash basically focuses on washing clothes without use of electricity but yet with less effort than normal hand wash.

Swash is a simple washing device which washes all your clothes together. It is a textured silicone bag which is dotted on outside and ribbed on inside. This bag has a lid on top and also a leak proof zipper. The lid part is injection molded and then fit on a silicone bag and heat sealed. Swash is the sound made by liquid splashing on a solid surface but the name was basically derived from ‘Simple WASHing device’. The thought of swash was inspired from the water carriers made from sheep skin in mountain regions. Though one has to wash clothes manually in swash it reduces lot of effort that goes in washing individual clothes.

To wash clothes in swash all one needs to do is follow 10 steps. Start with putting the clothes and adding detergent to swash through zipper. Lock the zipper. Open lid and add sufficient water and close lid again. Let the clothes soak in swash. After sometime shake swash using lid or one can even use feet to shake the bag. This creates agitation which washes the clothes. Open the lid and drain all the soap water. Add fresh water through lid and close the lid. Shake the bag again to rinse the clothes. Open the lid and drain the water. Roll the bag to squeeze dry clothes to some extent. Later just put your clothes for sun drying.

finalist for put clothes + detergent

lock zipper

add water


shake for 5 minutes

add water



roll to squeeze dry


lid leak proof zipper


textured silicone bag

dotted outside

ribbed inside


swash advantage

No need for electricity gives freedom to wash clothes whenever you want. Operation with feet is also possible hence no need to get your hands wet to wash clothes. Wash wherever you want. You can wash clothes while eating, watching TV, chatting or even while blogging.

You can even make washing clothes a joint venture with others. The dotted texture on bag also provides with nice massage while you wash clothes. Now even maids can carry their own washing device wherever they go to wash clothes. With swash, washing clothes is now a secondary activity.

-Saves water -Electricity free -Simple design -Less components -Textured bag for efficient wash -Space efficient -No need to get your hands wet -Wash wherever you want -Portable -Great for travel and hostels

complete new experience

no need to get hands wet, now wash clothes wherever you want 13


EX-ZIP-IT zipper inspired joinery for exhibition panels

Zippers are widely used all around the world. Ex-zip-it is a zipper inspired joinery for exhibition panels. Ex-zip-it works on the same principle of zippers. It has teeth profile in which one tooth lock with the other due to its form. Available zippers lock at 180 degrees that is forming a flat plane one locking. Ex-zip-it was designed to lock at angles.

It consist of two identical silicone parts which on locking with each other not just gain rigidity but also retain certain flexibility thereby reducing the wear and tear of the panels. Ex-zip-it comes in fixed sizes and slides through negative T shaped slots in the panels. Multiple ex-zip-its can be used for taller panels. Individual ex-zip-it units can become stand for the panel. This is to extend the joinery to other details. Ex-zip-it also comes in various bright colors which makes joinery a visible element thereby celebrating the detail.


even stand for panel can be same profile

Vibrant colors

to celebrate the joinery



pr oj ec t liv e


Anti Theft Parking Device

interface for the anti theft device

vehicle tracking system


BLUEPAC is a vehicle tracking system by deepblue technologies based in Pune and is developed by Science and Technology Park in University of Pune. The project included development of layout for their web site, interface for anti theft parking device and a vehicle tracking device with its interface.


For web site layout all the settings and account details were separated from the other actual tracking tabs. The data was divided into tabs after making flow charts and setting priorities.

Anti theft parking device goes in lighter/charger socket of the car dashboard and sends text alerts to your cell phone if car goes out of parking lot when in parking mode The vehicle tracking device is a dedicated device which connects through GPRS and Wi-Fi to your BLUEPAC account so you can track your vehicles.

web site

website layout for vehicle tracking


vehicle tracking device


interface for vehicle tracking device 17


BEAT nature inspired design

Beat is all about getting inspired from nature. Project that started with selection of human heart as inspiration which turns into a product. Taking form of human heart and abstracting it till it relates to things associated with heart was primary stage and later convert that form into a product which represents function or feature of heart.


parent form for human hear


abstracted form after about 200 different variations


music is always associated to heart


bird represents freedom which is also related to expression and feelings associated to heart


emotions are also associated to heart



BEAT THE woofer

graphic use

the form being very graphic can be used as logo for blood donation campaign


refrigerator magnets to spread awareness

Beat is a woofer which has side walls of fabric. As the air gushes out of speaker with every some air is diverted to the walls which causes fabric to vibrate/expand. This gives a changing form with every beat. This woofer was made with inspiration not only from the form derived out of heart but also the heartbeat as a feature.


possible posters for donate blood campaign


the woofer that changes form with every beat





how beat would look while song is playing


pr oj ec t liv e

cumulonimbus solar powered LED lighting solution for playgrounds


Cumulonimbus is a cloud shaped lighting for playgrounds where kids play in evening. It works with solar powered LED lights.The brief taken for this project was to come up with concept which is a solar powered LED lighting where lighting is part of playing experience.

different versions of cumulonimbus before the actual cumulonimbus concept

The solar panel is on top of the cloud and cloud is actually a tensile structure which holds batteries and circuits. There is an optional interactive panel which fits on the pole for cumulonimbus adding on to the entire playing experience.


RGB LED panels for cumulonimbus 25

Cumulonimbus is a cloud as kids love to see shapes in clouds and they love rain. The final form of cumulonimbus was developed after lot of changes from its initial concept. Cumulonimbus is a waterproof textile structure which reduces the cost of production as compared to rotomolded components. The additional interactive panels are fit on the pole of cumulonimbus. These panels are made of RGB LED matrix and are fit with sound sensors. The animation on the panels change according to the noise level around the lighting. 26

pr oj ec t liv e This project was undertaken as a part of 6 week internship at ONIDA (MIRC electronics) in Mumbai, India. The design brief was to come up with concept for a low cost semi-automatic washing machine. But target customers were not only low income groups but also residents of dry regions where water supply is a problem. Bucket concept is a design for such low cost semi-automatic washing machine. This machine washes up to 4Kg of clothes which was found to be average weight of clothes washed daily in most of the families on weekdays. This machine is small and compact.


This machine operates on single motor unlike other semi-automatic machines. It has single drum wash and spin like fully automatic machine which increases the perceived value of this machine to a great extent. The single motor can be switched manually between spin mode and wash mode. This machine has only one switch to set as a timer which is designed to be operated with hand as well as foot making this machine both, hand and foot operated. The outer drum of machine holds water during wash cycle. The profile of inner drum helps in better washing with ‘multiscoop’ wash.

The direction of spin cycle is different to that of the wash cycle hence non perpendicular holes on the inner drum scoops in water from the exterior bucket. This was named multi-scoop washing. The multiple scoops create greater agitation inside the inner drum there by cleaning the clothes even better. Also the form of inner drum initiates the motion in clothes and further adds on to agitation. The same form cross section also provide strength to the drum. Outer bucket also has ribs on it to provide strength to entire structure.

multi-scoop wash Inner drum profile


Low cost semi-automatic washing machine for ONIDA

Platform and floor

Designed to operate with both hand and foot making it a both, platform or floor top machine.



pr oj ec t liv e

PETI box of herbs

Peti is a herb carrying box for traditional healers in tribal regions of India. Before peti traditional healers carried their herbs wrapped in plant leaf. Carrying multiple herbs was a major problem and storing herbs in house for emergencies was not possible. They have to walk long distances with herbs so peti was a solution to a device for traditional healers to carry and store herbs by honoring Ayurveda.


Peti is designed with mostly bamboo as bamboo is the material available in the tribal regions where the project was focusing. It has outer box of bamboo mat and inner compartments to store herbs made of bamboo cross sections. Peti has been user verified and is already spreading in the traditional healer community. Peti was designed for BAIF. BAIF is an N. G. O. which works for rural development across India



outer body of bamboo mat and inner compartments of bamboo cross sections


cane used in one of the bamboo cross section to grind herbs while using


lids of the compartment also made from bamboo


a latch to lock the box so they can also keep money in it while they go to heal patients


i cuboid Some of the many illustrations done for personal blog i cuboid. All the illustrations are on web at i-cuboid.blogspot.com



RENDER making things look real

sketch to ideate


2B, 0.5 mm mechanical pencil + eraser + paper


water colors + photo inks 35


digital paintings

Renders done using a Wacom Intuos 4. Softwares used Sketchbook Pro and Adobe Photoshop

rendering with graphic tablet





where work happens

making things with different materials



personal workspace where most of the projects happened. Workspace is modified every now and then according to projects


CURRICULUM VITAE name : date of birth : currently : course :

Rohan Anil Saraf

18 March 1986 4th year student, MIT Institute Of Design, Pune Under Graduate Diploma in Product Design

Contact Details e-mail : mobile : web : twitter :

rohansaraf@gmail.com +91 989 075 5246 i-cuboid.blogspot.com twitter.com/icuboid

Co-curricular Activities 2010 : 2010 : 2010 : 2010 : 2009 : 2009 : 2008 : 2008 : 2007 : 2004-2007 :

Skills Rhino 4 : Adobe Photoshop : Adobe Illustrator : AutoCAD : Autodesk Alias : Autodesk Sketchbook Pro :

Industrial Experience 2010 : 2010 : 2010 : 2009 : 2008 :

Academic Record 2010 : 2007 : 2004 : 2002 :


SWASH shortlisted in iida green heart 2010 Attended Kyoorius Designyatra in Mumbai Hospitality head for college festival Quasar 2010 Winner of ‘Dibbe De Bahar’ one hour design challenge in Quasar 2010 Member of Core team for Quasar 2009 Winner of ‘car-o-gated’ in Quasar 2009 Class Representative for 2nd year Product Design Member of Core team for Quasar 2008 Volunteer for Pune Design Festival 2007 DJ at awesomeradio an international internet radio

UG semester 7 Product Design, MIT ID, Pune Mechanical Engineering 2nd year, AISSMS, Pune 10+2 HSC board S.V. Union, Pune 10 SSC board Somalwar High School, Nagpur

6 Week internship at ONIDA Project Peti for BAIF Development and Research Foundation Project Cumulonimbus for JAIN Industries, Jalgaon Project BLUEPAC for Deep Blue Technologies Posters for SUNGARD, Bangalore

picture taken by Tanya Bhandari

Rohan Saraf portfolio



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