Emerald-The Stone For Strengthening Your Relationships
Presented By: GemLab Laboratories
Emerald is the excellent green gemstone which has been the Stone For Strengthening Your Relationships. Man lead a cheerful and satisfying life with the help of Emerald Gemstone.
Emerald symbolizes the planet Mercury, which brings mental quality, setting him up to sustain his associations with persistence and trust.
Emerald Gemstone upgraded the relation between husband and wife. To overcome such issues, the powerful gemstone emerald can be truly useful. GEMLAB.CO.IN
Emerald Gemstone brings love, dedication and responsibility in their relationship. Emerald Gemstone represents your affection with kin, cousins and neighbors. GEMLAB.CO.IN
Emerald Gemstone helps to overcome negative feelings and makes strong connection between family members. GEMLAB.CO.IN
In Greek mythology, this gemstone was connected with Venus, the Goddess of Adoration and was known to bring the security of affection.
The emerald gemstone is connected with the Heart Chakra. Emerald Gemstone creates confidence, sympathy and inspiration between people.
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