Which are most expensive and rarest gemstone in

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Which Are Most expensive And rArest GeMstone in the World

presented By: GeMlAB lABortAries WWW.GeMlAB.co.in

list of expensive GeMstone • • • • •

Blue GArnet tAAffeite MusGrAvite eMerAld ruBy

Blue GArnet • this stone is supposed to Be the rArest GeMstone in the World. the current price of the Blue GArnet stone is supposed to Be Around $2000 dollAr per cArAt.

tAAffeite stone •

it is Also considered to exist in A liMited nuMBer. the inestiMABle GeMstone is nAMed After e.c.r tAffe, the GeMoloGist of duBlin, irelAnd. the price per cArAt of the stone is $2000/ per cArAt.

MusGrAvite stone • this stone WAs found in 1967 in the MusGrAve MountAins cAteGoricAlly in AustrAliA.it is found in A very feW nuMBer. this stone coMes in A preMiuM price of $6000/ per cArAt.

eMerAld stone • An eye cleAn Green color eMerAld stone rArely exist in the World of GeMstone. so A nAturAl eMerAld stone cost Around $8000/ per cArAt.

ruBy stone • spottinG A reAl ruBy stone is hArd tAsk. so do the price of per cArAt ruBy stone is on skyrocket $15000/per cArAt. the fAMous ruBy stone coMes in dArk red color.

• cAll-us: 91+9216116688 • eMAil id:info@9GeM.coM • WeBsite:WWW.GeMlAB.co.in

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