Architectural design Acadamic / Non-Acadamic

Architectural design Acadamic / Non-Acadamic
I am Rohith. An ardent student from Tamilnadu, India. Who likes to be distinctive and envisioned, and good in analytical and problem-solving skills. I am open to exploring and learning new skills
Architecture, in its own definition, is a creative way of problem-solving that doesn’t have a predetermined constraint Approach and Solutions to a design vary with the architects. I, myself seek the route to a radical solution-making process. With the best team and mentors, I hope to achieve this feat during this period of internship.
Personal info .
Contacts .
+91 7550360953
Mud Workshop by Auroville ( Acadamic -Workshop )
Urban Design Lab Workshop ( ANC 2022 - Chirst engineering college, bangalore )
Rohith Dhanam
Education .
Higher Secondary & High School ( 2010 - 2018 ) Mohamed Sathak Dastagir Higher sec. School, Ramanathapuram.
Parametric Architecture Workshop - Rat labs ( ANC 2022 - Chirst engineering college, bangalore )
LOMOS Revit, Lumion, and photoshop Class ( 2022 - 3 month online class )
competitions .
ANDC 2020 ( Design Head - NASA )
language .
Bachelor of Architecture ( 2018 - 2023 ) Thiagarajar college of enginerring, Madurai. ENGLISH ( Full professioanl proficiency ) TAMIL ( primary proficiency )
Interest .
Architectural Design
3D visualization and Rendering Conceptual Design Model making Illustrations
Travel automobiles and, AI & Gadgets
DESTECH 2020 - QGIS MAPPING ( Coordinator - NASA )
The problem brief was to design a retreat and a therapy center, a long way from the city of Madurai to a sub-urban called Natham, a terrain topical region. the main focus of the brief is to design and implement a sustainable and ener gy-efficient building with a traditional value
Considering tradition, the project brief was so simple and direct which accom modated a therapy room, main lobby, ad ministration block, cottages for the visi tors, and amenities. the concept of bringing everything together and zoning the spaces with more functionality was challenging
the main concept of the design is to bring a focus and value to the space both physically and mentally, the main focus of the whole project is the meditation and the therapy hall which is designed in a peaceful Buddhist style thus giving the name Bankei- the lord of peace
the brief was to design a SPA in Chennai with a constrained plot area. the focus of this academic project is to gain knowledge of structures
My ideology in this design is to build an institution that changes the people's mentality of employing spaces and to increase the produc tivity of the user by presuming intimate breakout spaces.
After responding to the topographical condition of the site, with an interesting massing, each floor in the block represents each level of schooling and the central landscape ramp ensures connectivity through the block
The main objective of the project is to develop an industrial corridor, a small gated way industrial community as a trail to the further development of an area in a certain way and pat tern which helps the economic growth of the selected area.
Due to rapid urbanization and industrial development, the Government of Tamilnadu has some patterns to be followed for developing industries in a particular sector with all their requirements fulfilled. The thriving industries form a con nected network of a system which in terms called an indus trial corridor
An industrial corridor represents a whole set of networks, which is generally a closed gated community that can sustain itself on its own. It has one or many industries which are co-related or connected within the same compound, which includes housing for the workers, commercials, services, and daily basic needs
These are the first step toward developing an urban sprawl. these industrial corridors Further develop into a satellite city and a well-planned and organized urban city
the site analysis and zoning process for the overall site was an chal lenge , so the overlay and post impact analysis process was carried out through out the process of zoning .the error and fauls were reconsisted to create an efficient and sustainable master plan
stage 1: the site was into 12 grids of approximately 90 acres a grid to start the inital stage of separting the main segments like industrial zone , domestic traiff area zone, commerical, institutional, residencial, administration, information technology zone, services and etc
now the main parcel of land were seperated and the proximity between were well analysed and the process were carried out smaller grid the the process continues up to 10 acres a grid
stage 2: after the landuse zoning the road networkss and other services are planned according to the specified site
stage 3: allocation for each plot and industries, companies, no. of resi dencial units are planned and executed
stage 4 : after the site were alloted the residencial township was selected as the detail plan to proceed
out of 6 trails the last three were compared and analysed to achieve most reasonable site which is more suitable for the masterplan to maintain sustainability and efficiency
The hypothesis is that urban open spaces are the key for any balanced area of the city. The different design strategies of urban open spaces can affect its surrounding context. This can be applied by monitoring different projects which account for open spaces as they present the best indica tors of how seriously productivity is applied. By applying the sustainable characteristics on existing or reshaping urban open spaces, it will help it to be productive and liveable.
The past generations have been ominous for many cities as urban sprawl, prompted by easier transportation and cheaper land outside of cities, has caused an increased population migration from urban to suburban areas. In the past decade, however, cities have seen a divergence from this trend. The younger generation, spurred by the idea of urban walkability, is eager to re-inhabit cities. Urban areas are gearing up for this wave of population by emphasizing multifamily property, considering highest and best use, and developing mass transit.
The inferenced activities provides the project with the insights that the activities of the optimum benefits that has evolved over time through incidentals should be left unscathed, the activities of partial boon and bane should be ammoliearated according tothe ilkeects and beneffcials of the spaces and the activities with little to no benefit to the stakeholders should be scraped off to ensure the sustainability of the open spaces.
Lively urban areas are created by popular open spaces or civic spaces. No town plan will be completed without its open space system. Parks shapes the extent and patterns of development in the community as well as city or town. Popular open spaces are those which cater for the needs of the communities and the urbanites. As the social, physical and psychological need of people varies from place to place, the character of public open spaces or image of an urban area also vary from region to region. There is also a great variation of the quality of open spaces between the third world cities or towns. Consideration of such variation and an understanding of local context are therefore essential for an urban designer in a developing town or municipality. The planning and management of open spaces face a number of challenges and increasing pressure.
There is a rapid growth of town and cities which leads to a clear deteriora tion in urban open spaces. In this regard, urban open spaces in Egypt generally, and in Alexandria particularly are in a rapid decline. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development and creation of new produc tive urban open spaces.The project thereby focuses on understanding an intense urban sprawl through behavioural study of both spaces and people and designating the design inferences through optimal synthesis of such behaviour.
This dissertation analyses the impacts of rapid urbanization and global ization, its take on the housing sector, and developments allied to it. Cities are growing at a rapid phase while ignoring basic human needs, the opportunity to socialize. Present-day housing demand is increasing with population growth and the need for shelter. The construction of high-den sity low-rise housing apartments was an attractive option for lower and middle-income buyers- as the cost of construction is less for such devel opments making the purchase affordable for them. In such dense living environments, it is important to know whether the social and psychologi cal needs of people are fulfilled to achieve a healthy physical environ ment.
Housing is a composite commodity that fulfills several human needs. The major need is dwelling, but one can argue that having a social space to interact and socialize with family and friends, or to be able to reach a desired social status, might be some reasons for which individuals demand some housing services. Thus, from a social point of view, housing is more than a dwelling unit and its objective characteristics, since it also provides security. privacy,neighborhood and social relations, status, community facilities and services, and control over the environment.
The study focuses on the characteristics of spaces in low-rise housing schemes that influence the social behavior of the residents. It brings clarity to the issue of how people feel. perceive. sense and interact with their surrounding built environment. The findings from the study will have the potential to inform design guidelines that will enhance social engage ment in future living facilities.
it is a piolet proposal for an children's park at Madurai, the main focus of the design is to attract more users than usual.
every bench is just a block or slap of material to rest but this innovative design brings every people to think of their childhood playing in the swing its a block of concrete with swings in between which is both suitable for kids and senior citizens to enjoy a small ride in a swing for a minimum resting time.