Global mindset

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Rohit Wadhwani |

The imporTance of a Global mindseT

The economic Landscape of the world is changing rapidly and becoming increasing global.

Rohit Wadhwani |

The economic Landscape of the world is changing rapidly and becoming increasing global.

Rohit Wadhwani |

The economic Landscape of the world is changing rapidly and becoming increasing global.

-The process of globalization forces companies and individuals to develop Global Mindset

Rohit Wadhwani |


Rohit Wadhwani |

Mindset A “mindset� is the way we, whether as individuals or organizations, observe and make sense of the world around us.

Rohit Wadhwani |

Mindset We are: 



Rohit Wadhwani |

Mindset We are: ď ˝


ď ˝

Biased what we observe and how we interpret it, usually as a result of our experience.

Rohit Wadhwani |

Global Mindset


Rohit Wadhwani |

Global Mindset ď ˝

A firm that wants global presence must develop a global mindset if it is to recognize and capitalize on opportunities for expanding its market

Rohit Wadhwani |

Firm Mindset A firm mindset shapes perception in virtually every area:     

How nature & opportunity space is ? Who the customer is ? How consumer needs are changing ? Who the firm really competes with ? What technologies are central to the industry ? .....

Rohit Wadhwani |

Global Mindset

It is useful to examine its opposite: ď ˝

Ethnocentric mindset

Rohit Wadhwani |

Global Mindset Operating Organization  

Rest on a foundation of openess Operates on the premise that cultures can be different wthout being better or worse than one another Such an organization dedicates itself to becomin well informe about different value systems, different norm of behavior, and different norms of behaviour, and different assumption regarding reality It accepts diversity and heterogenity as natural and as sources of opportunity and strength rather than as necessary evils.

Rohit Wadhwani |

Global managers   

Exceptionally open mind Respect how different countries do things Have an imagination to appriciate why they do them that way

......But they are also incisive; they push the limits of the culture.

Rohit Wadhwani |

Does the organization have a global mindset ? 

a leader in discovering new world market opputunities

İs the employee pool diverse?

national identity or does it have a universal İdentity?

Compeate worldwide?

İs it nationality selective?

Rohit Wadhwani |

Rohit Wadhwani |

Coca cola-Does this company have a global mindset?  

    

Coca cola company example ivolved in investing in China, Mexico, İndia and Brazil which are high growth markets . employees come from over the world. Over 86% of employees foreign. identity is now global . Coca cola compeates worldwıde 80 % of the operating income comes from international operations. Muthar kent is Turkish and has risen through the ranks to become CEO of Coca Cola.

Rohit Wadhwani |

How to foster a global mindset 

Career Ladders should reward international experience

Chief executives background to be international and diverse

Diversify meeting locations.

Diversify employee pool.

Memebrs of board of directors to have international experience and linguistic skills other than their own. Rohit Wadhwani |

Contribution of a global mindset 

Change in the economic landscape of the world or Globalization.

Medium to large sized companies can benefit most by having a global mindset.

New oppurtunities not just in home markets but abroad.

Abillty to seek out and capitalize on these oppurtunıtıes

Global mındset one of the maın components in the intelligence required to capitalize on the oppurtunities.

Rohit Wadhwani |

Thank you

Rohit Wadhwani |

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