Sponsored by the WOU Student Health & Counseling Center 2013-2014
Green Dot Programming Toolkit Issue no.1 Fall 2013 // Spring 2014
This issue: WELCOME NOTE
THANKS TO the following students : Travis Van Horn, Danielle Walker, Joe Hahn, Sarah Joyce, Krista Holloway, Travis M, Chelsea Beecroft, Beth Lord, Kaila Gibson, Mackenzie Donqua Brown, Rachel Martin, Adrianne Schneider,
We hold the power. To make small decisions that create massive change. To empower each other. To stand together. We hold the power to say that we won't stand by and let violence be a part of our culture.
Oh, hi there! Sometimes programming on campus can be hard. But no fear! Finding a way to integrate green dots into campus life just got easier with this handy toolkit. We understand your lives are tremendously busy and for that reason, among others, we appreciate your willingness to partner with the WOU Green Dot program to help reduce violence, improve safety, and thereby improve the quality of education available to all students attending WOU. In an attempt to minimize stress that can often be associated with pledging your time or effort to a worthy cause, we have compiled this toolkit for you. As professional or student staff, and members of the Residence Hall Association or Peer Mentors, you will find the tools you need to actively spread green dots throughout the residential community and across campus. While it certainly can, living the green dot doesn't necessarily require steadfast, overarching commitment or participation in activities that are involved and time-consuming. You can help live the green dot by creating opportunities for residential students to learn about or further explore how power-based violence affects our community. Thanks in advance for all the work that you do to make this campus a better place to live for all our students living in the residence halls! Your work is so valued, and we hope that this toolkit helps make your job just a little easier!
What exactly is the green dot? The green dot represents any moment, big or small, that either directly or indirectly helps reduce the prevalence of violence on WOU’s campus.
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Programming with Intention
Studies have shown that programs related to reducing sexual violence in communities are only effective if they are well-planned (who would have thought?). ven more important: The same studies also showed that when programs were not presented with intention (were purposeful, had an appropriate time length and good info), they actually DECREASED THE LIKELIHOOD of students wanting to help or get help. Here are some ways you can tell if you program is helping or hurting:
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Mapping your program Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices sem purus, id convallis turpis vulputate porta. Suspendisse lacinia nisi eu ante viverra malesuada. Morbi a pulvinar nibh, at eleifend ligula. Donec lacinia risus sed augue tempor pretium sit amet eget est. Integer imperdiet gravida neque, placerat lobortis augue lobortis vitae. Duis varius pulvinar massa, quis condimentum tortor aliquet sed. In malesuada mi sed dignissim sagittis. Ut non vehicula purus, id laoreet justo. Donec hendrerit commodo diam vitae dapibus. Integer eu mauris tempor, fermentum velit quis, pharetra massa. Morbi risus eros, varius sed condimentum ut, suscipit a diam. Pellentesque ultrices ipsum sit amet augue pellentesque, nec tempor sem porttitor. Ut eu massa et elit ultricies fringilla. Ut non erat eget felis dignissim sagittis ut sed urna. Vestibulum a magna at nisi aliquam semper eu vitae nulla. Sed a lacus tempus, bibendum eros et, cursus lectus. Nullam lacinia erat rhoncus ornare imperdiet. Cras at turpis in ipsum faucibus pretium. Quisque metus risus, dignissim a sapien ac, venenatis semper neque. Cras cursus eros eu tellus porta, id tincidunt quam volutpat. Integer lobortis ultrices orci, auctor facilisis mauris laoreet ut. Sed blandit, erat sed iaculis faucibus, diam magna gravida tortor, eu malesuada magna lorem eget sem. Sed quam neque, lobortis nec faucibus ut, tempus quis dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis euismod, leo at egestas tempor, urna nunc aliquet lectus, eu posuere justo orci eu dolor. Pellentesque lobortis ac metus ut fringilla. Donec turpis risus, egestas facilisis massa et, ultrices venenatis quam. Pellentesque sit amet scelerisque nulla. Maecenas rhoncus justo id leo elementum semper. In varius imperdiet mollis. Pellentesque eu viverra ante. Aenean vulputate est in gravida rhoncus. Sed sollicitudin, nisl id tempus tincidunt, nisi tortor tincidunt ante, quis gravida felis tortor ac nunc. Donec luctus eu massa quis dapibus. Phasellus lacinia diam at rhoncus imperdiet. Mauris vel cursus diam. Pellentesque interdum quis augue quis elementum.Mauris tristique fermentum
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STEAL THESE IDEAS Need a good place to start? Here are ideas and strategies used by past Green Dot/Res hall programs: Green Dot Club Attend a Green Dot club meeting or event on campus with some of your residents. Ask them if they’re interested in attending the official bystander training, and help them to get involved with the club. Ask a Green Dot club representative to come and present to your hall at a hall meeting, facilitate discussion and get your freshmen to start thinking about how they can incorporate green dots into their lives.
RAMP Utilize programs with your Resident Assistant/Mentor Partnership as ways to communicate living the green dot. Come up with new and creative ways to engage residents in becoming green dots in their halls. Co-program with other halls that your Peer Mentor also works with to reach other students and allow students to mingle!
Hall Traditionals Does your hall host an annual traditional? Brainstorm ways that you can incorporate green dots and Green Dot education during this time. Yearly traditionals are often the most attended programs of the year, if you’re interested in reaching a high volume of residents, this could be a great opportunity.
Knowledge is Power Use resources at the Student Health and Counseling Center to educate your residents about resources both on campus and in the community. Empower them to seek help if they need it, and to educate their friends and family on power-based personal violence
STEAL THESE IDEAS (CONTINUED) Door Tags What if students who reported a green dot could get a green dot door tag to hang on their door? Include general information on the tag and a personalized “thank you� note acknowledging their contribution to a safer community The door tag recognizes the individual for their intervention and support, but it also sends a message that the room is a green dot room that won’t tolerate violence on campus.
Mural Painting See if your campus residence halls have policies that allow your hall to paint a Green Dot mural together. Encourage them to paint murals promoting a safe campus community using green dot symbols!
Giveaways At community development events, giveaways are very popular. Try handing out magnets, trinkets, etc. that show appreciation for making our community safer, or create Green Dot-oriented arts and crafts.
Intramurals Use intramural sports as an opportunity to promote a healthy balance between competitiveness and good sportsmanship. Enhance a sense of community by encouraging residents to cheer for their team in a way that acknowledges their skills and avoids degrading opponents.
Facts & Stats 2006 Crime Clock calculations indicate that in the United States there is one forcible rape every 5.7 minutes.
According to a study conducted by the National Victim Center, 1.3 women (age 18 and over) in the United States are forcibly raped each minute. That translates to 78 per hour, 1,871 per day, or 683,000 per year.
An estimated 302,100 women and 92,700 men are forcibly raped each year in the United States.
Around the world at least 1 woman in every 3 has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. Most often the abuser is a member of her own family.
The closer the relationship between the female victim and the offender, the greater the likelihood that the police would not be told about the assault. When the offender was a current or former husband, 75% of all victimizations were not reported.
Rape, childhood sexual abuse, and domestic violence are among the most common causes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in women. The chances that a woman will develop PTSD after being raped are between 50% and 95%. Sexual assault is also closely associated with depression and anxiety disorders.
In a study surveying more than 3,000 women at 32 colleges and universities in the U.S., 30% of the women who identified in the study as rape victims contemplated suicide after the incident, 82% said the experience had permanently changed them.
Women were more likely to be injured in violent incidents committed by intimates than in incidents committed by strangers.
Researchers in Rhode Island found that men who had experienced childhood sexual abuse were twice as likely to be HIV positive as men who did not, independent of a history of intravenous drug use or prostitution.