Hair restoration for alopecia in Lahore Pakistan

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Hair Restoration for Alopecia Alopecia is a sort of autoimmune disease where a malfunction in the immune system makes the white blood cells attack the body’s own tissue. In this condition, the follicles are attacked by the immune system that cease the hair growth cycle. In this condition, the hairs fall in round patches of quarter size on any part of the body. Initially, these patches are unnoticeable, but in some cases these patches eventually connect and then become visible. 

Can hairs grow back if a person has alopecia?

If the patient has a few, small patches of hair loss on the head, it’s likely that the hair will grow back within a few months. The doctor may not prescribe treatment in those cases. For larger areas, the doctor may prescribe steroid injections under the scalp of the patient. People should know that this attack cause’s hair loss, the attack rarely destroys the follicles. This means that the patient’s hair can regrow. The less hair loss one has, the more likely it is that the hair will regrow on its own. 

How can I restore my hair?

There are different treatments being used to tackle this problem, including minoxidil and steroid injection. Minoxidil is one of the topical solutions of hair fall problems which are already being used for male pattern baldness. It is directly applied into the scalps. Areata can also be treated with steroids. Steroids are applicable in the form or cream, lotion, tablets and injections. Steroid injections are used to prevent the immune system from attacking. Platelets rich plasma is also recommended treatment. If the balding gets worse and unable to continue the growth cycle, the surgical treatments are applicable to replace scalps with limited or absent growth to the new scalps. 

What is the best treatment for alopecia?

The main purpose of the treatment is to cease the attack of the immune system. Over the counter drugs are the best to treat areata. Minoxidil is also known as Rogaine. It can help to keep the hair growth stimulated by another treatment. Corticosteroid is also an effective drug. The patient is directed to apply this medication to the bald spots once or twice a day as instructed by your dermatologist. 

What triggers the disease?

It is an autoimmune disease. It means that the immune system mistakenly attacks a part of the patient’s body. When one has areata, cells in the immune system surround and attack the patient’s follicles. This attack on follicles causes the healthy hair to fall out. The more follicles that the immune system attacks, the more alopecia patients will have. 

How do you prevent alopecia from getting worse?

There are many preventive measures that a patient is supposed to take in order to prevent his problem from getting worse. Avoiding unnecessary trauma is one of the simplest ways to manage your areata. This trauma can result from things like washing too often, extensive use of chemicals or dyes, or even using heat styling tools. Moreover, everyone should try to avoid

hairstyles that pull too hard on your scalp. Try to reduce stress and maintain a balanced diet. Mostly, baldness is linked to nutrient deficiency. 

Does stress cause alopecia?

There are a variety of factors that can cause this disease possibly including severe stress. With aerate, the body's immune system attacks the follicles causing hair loss. Stress and hair loss are not permanent. If a person gets his stress under control, his hair might grow back. Conclusion Areata is not a life threatening disease. It can occur due to a number of factors like psychological stress and it can also come down to genetics. It is not an incurable disease; patients do not need to worry. If they follow the recommended treatment by the doctor, they can get their precious locks back. If you are facing a similar situation then our clinic is offering hair restoration for alopecia in Lahore Pakistan under the supervision of a foreign trained specialist.

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