Hair Transplant in Lahore with best results

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Hair Transplant in Lahore with best results Hair fall is becoming a nightmare these days. More and more people are suffering from hair fall. There are many reasons for hair fall and a lot of people are falling for those reasons and getting hair fall. A most common form of hair fall is pattern loss in which a whole pattern of hair falls off. This is mainly seen in males and it is believed that these are caused by genetics and is mostly inherited. The other causes are infections like fungal infections and others. These are mainly skin infection which causes the hair to fall. Drugs can also cause hair loss. In females, the hair loss is mainly seen while they are pregnant. Other causes may include stress and over thinking. When it comes to Lahore, according to a survey after the age of 30, every third person suffers from hair loss. Hair transplant in Lahore is gaining importance day by day. There are many doctors who claim to be the best in business but the most popular clinic is hair transplant clinic in Lahore. They have done over a thousand surgeries and the results are amazing. People from surrounding areas come to visit the clinic. The hair transplant clinic Lahore is the best in their business with all the latest techniques and equipment. Best hair transplant doctor Lahore follows mainly two methods of hair transplant; one is FUE follicular unit transplant and FUT follicular unit extraction. Both the methods are tested and reliable. In FUE method of hair transplant, follicular cells are extracted from one part of the body and are inserted on the other which needs the treatment. FUE can be done in a single session or it may take several days which depends upon the number of follicular cells to extracted and then inserted on the bald spot. The whole process is done by giving anesthesia to the patient. And one or two days after the transplant the patient can carry on his routine work. The other method is the FUT method which means follicular unit transplant. In this method, a linear strip of hair is extracted from the back of the head and put on the area which suffers baldness. This was the traditional method and used mostly before FUE was popular. In this method, a scar always remains on the head as the part of the head is first extracted and then put back. Precautions are described by the doctors in this case as well. Both methods are good and people choose both of the methods according to their needs. When it comes to doctors, the best doctor in this field in Lahore is Dr. Ahmad Chaudhary. He is in the field for about 18 years and his excellence is defined by his work. He is one of the best doctors in Lahore. Being in the field for so has gained him a lot of experience and people trust him a lot. The most important thing regarding hair transplant is that if you go for cheaper services or the clinics who provide unbelievably fewer prices then you might end up in suffering compromised results. For more details click

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