Hair transplant results In Lahore Pakistan

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Hair transplant results In Lahore Pakistan Hair transplant is considered one of the best solutions for hair loss because of its amazing results. Outcomes are permanent and can last long for a lifetime. Back in the 1990's hair plugs were used to cover the baldness of the head but not anymore. Thanks to advances in technology because now surgeons can relocate healthy follicles. In surgery, the surgeon takes grafts from your head and implants those on the bare spot. Each patch of hair has one or several hairs. Every now and then, a bigger strip of skin is taken which has multiple groupings. This technique is painful so tranquility might be given to a patient before surgery, but it does not entail hospitalization. The risk of this surgery takes in bleeding, or bruising. Multiple surgeries could be undertaken for finest results. Hair restoration surgeries are way better than any over the counter hair products. The patient must know that hair restoration surgery does not work like a magic wand hence change would not occur overnight. One needs to have the reserve of patience to see the results. Normally it would take six to nine months to see a visible outcome. The duration varies from patient to patient. For some people it could take 12 months to bear results. Don’t be afraid if you face fallout in the first few months. It is normal to lose hair in between three to eight weeks after the transplant. Hair may look thinner in the third month because this is also the part of the process. If you are concerned about the outcome of your relocation operation, then let me tell you that about 80 to 90% of the procedures are successful. Mostly all the transplanted grafts grow in the treated area hence reducing the danger of rejection. Patients might fear about the success of their operation but the high percentage shows that generally hair resettlements are efficacious. Patients often worried about the permanency of results too. The answer is hair transplants are permanent, provided the procedure is done on a healthy scalp. A patient should also not suffer from any diseases that cause any hair loss. The results of the transplant are affected by several factors. If a person's hair is thinning and he/ she is not ready for transplant, then he may bear wrong results. There are some types of alopecia (baldness) that cannot be treated with transplant. Pre-existing genetic and medical conditions like lupus can also not be solved with surgery. One must have a through session with his dermatologist to have his details. A dermatologist has information about nails; scalp and hair which can help you decide what is best for your hair.

If you want to have the best results, then all you need to do is to follow the advice of your surgeon. It is advised to avoid any heavy exercises or physical activity for at least two weeks. Strenuous exercises can delay the healing process. If you follow some daily exercise that leads to heavy sweating, then you need to refrain from those too. Shampooing your hair is completely okay after 48 hours. There is no harm in giving an extra day too. Hair grafts are not as sensitive as you think. If you want to be extra cautious then all you could do is mix a drop of shampoo with water and then apply on head. You need to avoid covering your head for at least three days to have good results. After five days you can wear whatever you want as on the sixth day the chances of pulling out your grafted hair are zero. One is asked to avoid direct sun to cause any sunburn. You may experience a little swelling that can be avoided by prescribed medicines. Itchiness is one of the side effects, but you need to stop scratching your head. A conditioner can help you avoid itchiness. Alcohol and smoking should be evaded especially in the first week as it can affect the supply of blood to head. You can dye your hair before the procedure, but any sort of dyes need to be dodged for at least four weeks. Harsh chemicals from dye can damage your grafted hair. Follow all the instructions given to you by your health care advisors. The best hair transplant results depend upon the surgeon. It is necessary to choose a person who deals with hair loss on a regular basis. Only an experienced surgeon knows how to make the most out of your remaining hair. A true physician can guarantee the outcome by considering all the necessary factors. Every patient cannot be treated in the same way as each person has different types of hair density, color; caliber and even curl. There are a lot of parts that a surgeon needs to consider like angle and directions of a patient’s face cut and part line. A transplant could not be effective if it overlooked the current features of the patient's appearance. A trained surgeon can also improve hairline which gives flawless outcome. Appearance matters a lot in the end after all what is the use of a plant that does not bear any fruit.

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