Hair transplant scar repair in pakistan

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The best hair transplant scar repair in Pakistan The repair of scars from hair transplants is an increasingly requested procedure. The method of transplantation known as strip method leaves a long linear scar on the back of the patient's head. This mark can be thin and covered by the hair but, in some cases, it can stretch and widen, making it more difficult to hide it. Opt for the hair transplant scar repair in Pakistan. The reasons for a scar to be extended include the use of a poorly treated technique by the surgeon, factors related to the patient's own skin characteristics or failure to adequately follow the instructions during the post-operative period. Options that allow improving the appearance of the scars left by hair transplants: Insertion of FUE in the scar This form of scar repair has gained much in popularity lately. It involves removing hair from the body or head and implanting it in the scar tissue on the back of the head. Normally, between 50 and 90% of the grafts take root and grow in the scars, making them much less visible. The FUE Technique The fact is that this FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is deemed to be the best technique if one is looking for the hair getting. The micro-transplant by the FUE technique is a very complicated and laborious procedure for the surgeon and without doubt requires a high degree of specialization, experience, and skill in the management of the follicular units. For the direct extraction of Follicular Units, the entire donor area and the entire head should be shaved, because we need the donor hair to be between 1 and 3 mm long in order to introduce the micro punch through the hair that serves as a guide to carry out the Filing of Follicular Units. When extracting the follicles from the donor area, the patient can undergo three types of shaved hair flaps/curtains, partial or total. The shaving of the hair in curtains (which then cover or disguise the shaved area) involves cutting the hair of the donor area into fragments, so that the upper - and long - sections of the hair 'fall' over the cut. Other shaving modalities for the FUE technique are partial or total; the partial shaving supposes the shaving -exclusive- of the area of donation (keeping intact the rest of the hair of the patient); while the total shaving (or integral) involves cutting the entire scalp of the patient. Get the hair transplant surgery Pakistan if you are looking for some hair growth.

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