Major Tips to Follow When Screen Printing on T-shirts or Jersey Clothing Screen printing is a term which is also known as silk screening. It is although an old art of printing in which the ink is applied on the material by the use of stencil or mesh. With the stencil, the ink will pass through and reach the screen where the artwork has to be performed. It leaves behind a nice and clean design on your Dallas jersey material. Screen printing is one such simple process that won’t be hard on your pocket at all. It has been commonly used by the DIY experts of the crafty hobbyists to perform printing neatly. But to perform screen printing like an expert, there are few basic and important tips that a beginner needs to follow. A few of them are discussed below: 1. Prepare the ink properly To give your final image a perfect outlook, you must pay heed attention to the ink quality. If the ink is too much thick or thin, then it becomes rather complex to fully regulate it. To give the ink a thinner or thicker effect, you should add some products to it. If you want to give your ink a thicker texture, you have to make sure that the reducer adds up is clear and is of a soft hand. It is the product with which the ink will be spread out easily and you will be left with lesser work to perform. But if the ink is thin, you can store it at room temperature for a maximum of 36 hours. 2. Collect all tools and materials first Once the ink and artwork have been prepared, you should collect all the tools and materials for performing screen printing Texas United States. This is an important tip to consider. This includes clothing material, poster board, Screen frame made out of wood, Squeegee, activator, and Black-colored layer. You will place this later on top of the screen. 3. Keep the whole screen tight Always remember to keep the screen loose otherwise it won’t bring the desired results. If your screen is not loose, then the final output of the printed image may show some drawbacks. This might even possible that the image will start to bleed because it is moving away from the target. So make sure that the screen is tight enough to display supreme results. This is an important tip to consider. 5. Watch the mesh count Many of you do not know the fact that each screen is having its mesh count. If the mesh count is high, it will release less ink through the screen from the print. But the lower mesh will work oppositely on Dallas t-shirts United States. The overall mesh count will be depending on the complexity of the print design which you are about to print. You should be careful about the
colors which you are about to use. For the bold appearance, you should opt for the lower mesh count screen. And for the complex designs, you can look for the higher mesh count screen.