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Dear Business Leader, As an admitted optimization addict, I saw an opportunity to create a different kind of agency, one solely focused on helping clients drive maximum growth and achieve extraordinary results. I’m passionate about helping companies evolve to their full potential, and then some. Everyone at ROI is focused on and committed to helping your business become greater. Each company has a set of building blocks that determine its strengths and character. These building blocks are the company’s DNA – the people, processes and technologies that make it tick. At ROI DNA, we dig deeper into our clients’ DNA, unearth key elements and elevate them with our expert services. The result? Organic evolution and powerful, sustainable, quantifiable growth. Our model works. We can prove it. Throughout this booklet, we will show you real world results that illustrate our prowess with both B2B and B2C markets. You get results, because our solutions are tailored precisely to your needs. We look forward to helping your business grow. Sincerely,

Matt Quirie CEO

What we have to offer A full range of services proven to drive optimal results

Creative and Design




Multi-platform Design

Campaign Development

Display Ads

Outsourced Program Management

Identity Design

New Targets Development

UI/UX Design

Bid and Creative Management



Email Marketing


Organic Traffic Acquisition

List Development and Management

New Market Identification

Client Management

Code Analysis and Optimization

Campaign and Editorial Calendar

Complete Service Management

Creative Development

Display Advertising


Affiliate Marketing

Real-Time Bidding

Program Development

Comprehensive Data

Affiliate Acquisition

Inventory Flexibility

Creative Development

Multi-Layer Optimization

Campaign Management




Back-end Architecture and Systems Software and Web Development Growth Platforms Multi-platform Coding



Business Assessment Brand Development Engagement Strategy Go-To-Market Strategy

Social Media Campaign Development Community Management Facebook Presence Brand Enhancement


Creative and Design More than meets the eye

Creative and Design More than meets the eye

First impressions matter. More than ever, prospects and consumers are demanding better marketing experiences that help them make the right decisions. ROI DNA offers best-in-class experiences that excite, guide, and deliver value. We create designs that draw people in and drive results. How we’re different | Beauty that works Creative work can be powerful or confusing, effective or selfindulgent. ROI DNA hires creatives who love the intersection of form and function. We understand how to create visuals integrated with copy to inspire action. Our team consistently delivers elevated results by using its extensive knowledge of best practices coupled with rich, intuitive experiential design. Further, we’ve demonstrated this ability across virtually every medium and platform.


Multi-platform Design

Identity Design


Logo development

Mobile and mobile apps

Brand evolution


Portfolio brand design

Print mediums

Family branding

Display Ads

UI/UX Design




Commerce sites


Landing pages and microsites


Multi-platform design


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Natural search shouldn’t be a “black box”

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Natural search shouldn’t be a “black box”

Many SEO practitioners keep their clients in the dark about what exactly it is they’re doing. It’s no wonder that marketers can be skeptical of SEO practitioners selling these “mysterious processes.” SEO is constantly changing and evolving to reflect new algorithms and market dynamics. ROI DNA understands this and believes that every client deserves to be kept in the loop. How we’re different | Speed and transparency matter The building blocks of a powerful SEO program remain a constant even though the precise characteristics rewarded by search engines may be in constant flux. We’re experts at understanding what sorts of characteristics and changes drive the greatest benefits. We are relentless in our dedication to continuous improvement. We keep you constantly informed of what we are doing and why it matters. Plus, our team works in collaboration with the leading search providers to ensure that our clients are ready for algorithm changes even before they occur.


Organic Traffic Acquisition

Code Analysis and Optimization

Strategy to grow relevance of content

Existing site and presence assessment

Traffic quality analysis

Code and content development

Page design

Text, photo, and video optimization

Site redesign

Page and word level analysis

New Market Identification

Complete Services Management

Multi-target content development

Turnkey solutions

Buy path analysis

Staff “loans�

Cross-platform optimization

Full reporting

Page rank analysis by target and word

Continuous improvement modeling


Display Advertising Delivering timely messaging that always hits the mark

Display Advertising Delivering timely messaging that always hits the mark

Our display team harnesses one of the industry’s best real time bidding (RTB) advertising technology programs, ensuring that your brand messaging is on-target and delivered efficiently. We double up on demand side platform (DSP) technology, capitalizing on the best opportunities the market has to offer. How we’re different | Greater Access, Greater Flexibility Two DSPs – dynamic and manual – ensure that our data is upto-the-second and ready to be aligned precisely with your brand messaging. We’re in the accounts alongside our algorithm, tweaking placements manually for optimal results. Our team works directly with data exchanges, providing us with access to far more inventory than other networks have. Another plus is our technology-agnostic platform – our work translates seamlessly across desktop, mobile or tablet interfaces. Analytics are customizable to client data and needs.


Real-Time Bidding

Comprehensive Data

Two DSP efficiency

First Party Data

All leading exchanges

Third Party Data

Standard inventory

Multiple Sources

Specialty units

Data Interactions

Multilayer Optimization

Inventory Flexibility

Real-time dynamic optimization

Portal-based units

Continuous testing of new targets & sites

Leading sites

Comprehensive analytics

Mid tail and long tail sites

Expert manual optimization

Vertical specialty sites


Paid Search (SEM) It’s time to leverage science and art

Paid Search (SEM) It’s time to leverage science and art

Virtually every company’s search efforts see immediate benefits from SEM. But maximizing success requires much more than a “set it and forget it” SEM program – the marketplace changes literally by the second. In this environment, optimal SEM results require artful expertise combined with the most advanced bid and yield management technology available. How we’re different | People + Platform + Cross Industry Best Practices ROI DNA is highly familiar with every major bid management platform, and adds its own layer of proprietary technology to deliver optimal results. Our team has decades of experience in maximizing performance to any measurable KPI. We apply experience from within your industry plus learning gathered across commerce to ensure that you receive the best return on investment. Finally, copy and campaign development are led by experienced practitioners who understand that technology efforts are maximized by getting the right message to the right person at the right time.


Campaign Development

New Targets Development

Keyword list development

Segmented messaging

Message testing programs

Attribution modeling

Macro and micro level optimization

Dynamic testing of new words and targets

Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other major search engines

“Longtail� yield management

Program Management

Bid and Creative Management

Program audits

Optimization to any measurable KPI

Turnkey search management

International bid management

Marin Software, Kenshoo, Atlas, DoubleClick

Real-time optimization

Proprietary search platforms

Monthly and quarterly key learnings reports


Email CRM can work even harder for you

Email CRM can work even harder for you

In the case of nearly every brand, email is the most cost-efficient sales channel. But it takes focused attention and expertise to improve upon a winner. Every aspect of your program needs to be made greater, and then greater still, in order to extract maximum benefit from this critical, under leveraged medium. How we’re different | We make email enticing We consider, results and sales to be one of email’s most attractive aspects of email. Our email experts are relentlessly focused on driving stronger return on email investments. We’ve proven again and again that email can be both a workhorse and a growth channel through more effective prospect acquisition, list optimization, content innovation and proactive editorial calendaring. We apply sequential learning and best practices to improve results every time you field messages.


List Development/Management

Campaign and Editorial Calendar

Prospect acquisition

Complete program development

List testing and segmentation

Themes identification

Deliverability optimization

Message testing

Database standardization

Dynamic messaging

Client Management

Creative Development

Complete outsourcing service

Content and copy

Contract negotiation

Offer development

Rates renegotiation

Template development

Full reporting and key learnings analysis

Dynamic template design


Affiliate Marketing Deploy your sales army

Affiliate Marketing Deploy your sales army

Affiliate marketing has been a part of digital almost from the inception of the web. Mastering this complex channel has grown increasingly difficult because so many brands and programs compete for affiliate attention. Many marketers suffer from the misconception that the job is “done” after the recruitment stage. The reality is that sustained sales and growth from this channel require constant attention and focus. How we’re different | Real affiliate partnership ROI DNA fields and develops dozens of affiliate programs with an approach that emphasizes the strongest possible recruitment, proactive relationship management and continuous offer optimization. We start by leveraging our deep partnerships with generalist and specialist “super affiliates”, and work with them regularly to maximize results. By keeping your program consistently on the minds of these leading affiliate properties, we ensure ongoing sales growth.


Program Development

Creative Development

Existing program assessment

Offer messaging

Program design and redesign

Creative unit development

Competitive offer and program analysis

Affiliate promotions

Program action plans

Static or dynamic creative

Affiliate Acquisition

Outsourced Program Management

Recruit generalist super affiliates

Complete outsourced solutions

Recruit category specialist super affiliates

Proprietary or third party affiliate platforms

Affiliate approval programs

Program calendaring

Offer development

Reporting, analytics, and optimization


Engineering Good enough simply isn’t anymore

Engineering Good enough simply isn’t anymore

Every day, hundreds of thousands of programmers and coders build the backbones of companies. While these systems may be functional, they aren’t always scalable. Engineering for growth begins with a profound understanding of your business. Additionally, it requires unparalleled expertise at driving results and empowering leaders with the mission critical information they need. Every part counts. How we’re different | Geared toward success The founders of ROI DNA understood from the beginning that technology and information are the most critical components to running a business at full potential. Every member of our team has vast experience building and adapting solutions to drive growth. We’re constantly studying new developments to better understand the practices that maximize results. We don’t focus on a single set of technologies and platforms, every business is different and calls for technology that perfectly dovetails with its needs. For the same reasons, we work with any and every platform. And we never forget the importance of creating scalability. You’re going to need it. We promise.


Back-end Architecture

Growth Platforms

Overhauls of existing systems

New systems development

Custom implementation

Scalability solutions


Legacy systems re-engineering

Data integrity solutions

Web services implementation

Software and Web Development

Multi-platform Coding

Websites, pages, applications


Multi-platform development

Python, Django, Pylons

Full-service testing and QA

Ruby and Rails, C#,

New standards compliance

Java, JSP, Node JS, PHP


Branding The core of businesses that thrive and grow

Branding The core of businesses that thrive and grow

Sound research and efficient planning form the foundation of any effective marketing effort. To achieve the greatest benefits, the research, planning and brand evolution should have business growth as their core objective. Every aspect of what you do should originate from your company’s intent and goals. How we’re different | What works and what matters ROI DNA takes a strategic approach to all client engagements, ensuring that each brand is poised to grow greater. Our unique process ensures that your marketing efforts have the perfect factors to become incredibly successful. Our branding strategy team is driven by an expert understanding of “what works” and a collaborative approach to unearthing what matters in your category, for your brand. We offer a full range of strategic services, from creating and evolving brand identity to defining robust growth platforms and action plans.


Business Assessment

Engagement Strategy

Brand audit and competitive assessment

Target behavior assessment

Target segmentation

Connection planning

Buyer insights

Communications strategy

Brand success factors

Reputation management

Brand Development

Go-To-Market Strategy

Naming and tagline creation

Priorities planning

Visual positioning

Marketing plans

Verbal positioning

Strategic media

Brand standards and guidelines

Full service planning and buying


Social Media It’s time to unleash social’s true business potential

Social Media It’s time to unleash social’s true business potential

The possibilities for social as a business driver are enormous. Study after study demonstrates that prospects are spending more and more time in social environments, and are looking to these channels for ideas and recommendations. But these same studies show that most companies are dissatisfied with their current social efforts, believing that the channel should be contributing more to business growth. How we’re different | Social that delivers remarkable results ROI DNA is a first mover in delivering strong results from social media. We marry the desires and needs of people to the sales and business objectives of brands using a combination of best practices and innovative spirit. We partner with both the largest social communities and the most radical solutions providers to create programs wholly focused on meeting business goals. For many of our clients, this combination of expertise and creativity has made social a key growth channel with tremendous potential.


Campaign Development

Facebook Presence

Social planning

Development and management of profile

Partner and technology identification

Tool and content development

Participation mapping

Performance measurement and reporting

Creative presence development

Continuous optimization

Community Management

Brand Enhancement

End-to-end group management

Recruitment of brand advocates

Prospect acquisition


Consumer dialogue

Brand amplification

Reputation management

Advocate relationship management


Case Studies

Norton Mobile Security Case Study Helping Norton become the leading mobile security provider

Symantec’s Norton brand has long been an industry-leading provider of internet security and antivirus products – when it comes to computers. Prior to hiring ROI DNA, they were virtually unheard of in the world of mobile security. Looking to drive Norton to the top of organic search results, we developed and recommended a strategy. We brokered the domain purchase, generated interactive widgets, guided content strategy and delivered that content across desktop sites, mobile sites, and social media.

Norton – once

unranked in this realm – became first in search for Symantec’s targeted terms, within the target timeframe. Project Highlights | ROI DNA employed SEO strategy, content and asset development, desktop and mobile site design, and more to boost awareness of Norton’s mobile security platform.


delivered social media content, managed a community of followers and ran related ads. We also designed and developed a number of interactive widgets based on live feeds of proprietary Symantec data.

The Results? 1

Norton became the #1 Google ranked website for the search term “mobile security”


Norton Mobile Security Norton went from off the map to the #1 Google ranked listing for the term “mobile security�. ROI DNA deployed a full combination of category strategy, SEO strategy, content implementation, engineering and design to achieve these results.


Ning Case Study Emails reinforce brand and recapture customers

Ning, a social platform [acquired by Glam Media in 2011], enlisted ROI DNA to redesign their homepage. Learnings from the multivariate testing for their homepage redesign enabled ROI DNA to swiftly create an email campaign series. The fresh campaign reinforced brand identification and performed extremely well. This retention email series was designed to capture customers who fell out of the buy flow and turn them back into purchasers. Project Highlights | ROI DNA redesigned and restored Ning’s email web presence. We designed a retention email campaign series to leverage learnings from multivariate testing of their previous web design project. We then trained the client to successfully implement the series on Silverpop.

The Results?


increase in conversions 44


Ning Email campaigns increased conversions by 20%, recaptured customers, clarified the brand and expanded overall reach.


BrowserMob Case Study Strategic user-centered design

Founded in 2008, BrowserMob introduced its first website monitoring and load testing product in November of that year. Since then, BrowserMob grew to profitability and was acquired by Neustar Inc. (NYSE: NSR) in July of 2010. Project Highlights | ROI DNA performed a full homepage and logo redesign to better represent BrowserMob and improve user experience. A full site reorganization promoted more intuitive navigation and significantly improved site comprehension and conversions.

The Results? increase in B2B sales



BrowserMob (Neustar) Strategic user-centered design transformed the learning and buying experience of BrowserMob, instantly lifting conversion rates by more than 30%.


Malwarebytes Case Study Growing SEM while maintaining ROI

Leading anti-malware software provider Malwarebytes has removed an estimated five billion pieces of malware from customers’ computers.

Malwarebytes harnesses powerful technology to

detect and remove worms, trojans, rootkits, rogues and more while simultaneously scanning for and preventing future attacks. When Malwarebytes needed help growing their SEM program, they turned to ROI DNA. Project Highlights | ROI DNA engages in ongoing SEM and AdWords display work on behalf of Malwarebytes. Additionally, we reworked landing pages and built campaigns in English-speaking countries and EMEA countries. Our SEM work on behalf of Malwarebytes resulted in a 216% increase in conversions and lowered the cost per acquisition. As a result of lower CPA, Malwarebytes saw a 603% increase in profits from SEM between 2011 and 2012.

The Results?


216% increase

603% increase

in conversions and revenue

in profit

Malwarebytes Ongoing SEM and AdWords display work led to 216% increase in conversions and revenue, and 603% increase in overall profits


DBVis Case Study Rethinking strategy to drive site traffic organically

Database visualization and management tool DBVis approached ROI DNA for an overhaul of their search engine optimization tactics. Although the site’s organic traffic was consistently increasing, DBVis was unsatisfied with the rate of growth. They enlisted ROI DNA to revise their SEO strategy. Project Highlights | ROI DNA developed a new, in-depth SEO strategy document backed by intensive research and assessments of strengths and weaknesses of DBVis and their competitors. We worked tightly with DBVis’ own SEO team to easily communicate strategy and smoothly implement changes. DBVis was fortunate to have well-written content as a jumping-off point, but it was neither optimized nor organized in a way that search engines could understand. Since implementing ROI DNA’s proposed strategies and tactics, DBVis saw organic search volume jump over 24% in the following year.

The Results? Organic search grew



DBVis Optimized existing content, organized content to be decipherable to search engines, and saw organic search grow by 24% over the next year


Norton Internet Security Case Study Driving positive ROI from improved DSPs

Symantec’s sophisticated, highly effective internet and antivirus protection halts most threats in their tracks. But Norton Internet Security’s Mac solution wasn’t getting the exposure it deserved. NIS wanted to increase ROI in this area via display ads and landing pages. They reached out to us to drive brand awareness while targeting several specific audiences. Project Highlights | ROI DNA created direct response online display ads, as well as several landing pages centered on key benefits and price discounts for an array of products. We defined and optimized for three distinct audience funnels, utilizing both algorithm-based and manual optimization and localizing for seven countries and two product lines.

The Results? Into the project’s second month, we’d




ROI range by 30%. With ongoing optimization, it grew to over 50%. We’ve helped NIS achieve greater control, transparency and quality of media placement compared to previous ad buys executed through blind networks.


50% ROI growth

Norton Internet Security NIS saw 30% ROI growth into the project’s second month, with an ultimate 50% increase from expected range.


Stitch Fix Case Study A complete back-end overhaul and development system

A totally new way to shop, Stitch Fix is a pioneer of online shopping. Stitch Fix determines customers’ size and style preferences, then delivers a package of boutique-worthy clothes, customized to their taste, striaght to their doors each month. ROI DNA developed a scalable foundation for rapid, strategic growth in Stitch Fix’s online sales marketing. Project Highlights | ROI DNA developed Stitch Fix’s website from the ground up. We performed back-end application development, database creation, front-end engineering and more for a highly functional website ready to support exponential growth. You might say we “tailored” their website perfectly to their brand.

The Results?


product shipments


Stitch Fix We took Stitch Fix’s entire site from first code to production in under two months, transferred their spreadsheet-based system into a flexible, modern web application, and enabled the client to quadruple shipments in an efficient startup timeframe.


SOS Online Backup Case Study Evolving brand to drive amazing conversions

SOS Online Backup is a 10 year veteran of the online backup market. With many industry accolades and years of creating advanced, secure online backup, they were looking for a way to evolve their brand in a way that appealed to both consumer and business markets. ROI’s engagement with SOS Online Backup enabled them to build one cohesive brand that spoke directly to each in a unique way. Project Highlights | A 110% increase in B2B sales and a whopping 352% increase in B2C sales. By taking separate yet cohesive approaches to each market, ROI was able to achieve distinct communication channels that not only clarified the brand’s value proposition to each, but also drove revenues to new heights beyond expectations.

The Results?


SOS Online Backup Created two completely different brand communication approaches that successfully increased both business lines. Worked within existing brand constraints while still delivering a focused and impactful ROI.


Apsalar Case Study Driving social conversation to the next level

Apsalar is a leading analytics and behavioral targeting startup in the mobile industry. Early on in the growth process, Apsalar chose to use social networking to maximize their market presence. A cohesive communications strategy developed with ROI DNA helped Apsalar become a well-known and respected name in mobile analytics. Project Highlights | When Apsalar sought their latest round of funding – an impressive Series A $5M – the content of the company’s tweets contributed to the venture firm’s interest in Apsalar, proving that social content not only connects you to your customers but to potential investors, partners, and collaborators as well.

The Results?

+ team and client collaboration


= brain storming

one successful campaign launch

Apsalar Worked closely with founders and team to ensure a successful launch and introduce the company as an industry-leading thinker.


Ready to get in touch?


Matt Quirie - CEO 1.855.4ROIDNA 1.855.476.4362


333 Bryant Street, Suite LL120 San Francisco, CA 94107


Here’s why you should.

“The team at ROI DNA delivers! The creative team created stunning website and email designs that are true to the Ning brand. With their unique combination of creativity and analytical skills, the new designs increased conversion rate by 20%.” Christina Lee, Ning

“ROI has been a great partner for us – they stepped up to fill in technological gaps when we desperately needed it. We couldn’t have built our business so quickly without their help and guidance. They are responsive, flexible, and above all, great people.” Katrina Lake, Stitch Fix

“All six of our key product and marketing metrics have improved consistently because of ROI DNA’s insight and execution. More to the point, we simply would not have been able to build this product and company as quickly and effectively without them. And it’s been fun, the support and enthusiasm is unparalleled.” Antony Brydon, Insidr


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